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기계학습을 이용한 수출신용보증 사고예측 (The Prediction of Export Credit Guarantee Accident using Machine Learning)

  • 조재영;주지환;한인구
    • 지능정보연구
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.83-102
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    • 2021
  • 2020년 8월 정부는 한국판 뉴딜을 뒷받침하기 위한 공공기관의 역할 강화방안으로서 각 공공기관별 역량을 바탕으로 5대 분야에 걸쳐 총 20가지 과제를 선정하였다. 빅데이터(Big Data), 인공지능 등을 활용하여 대국민 서비스를 제고하고 공공기관이 보유한 양질의 데이터를 개방하는 등의 다양한 정책을 통해 한국판 뉴딜(New Deal)의 성과를 조기에 창출하고 이를 극대화하기 위한 다양한 노력을 기울이고 있다. 그중에서 한국무역보험공사(KSURE)는 정책금융 공공기관으로 국내 수출기업들을 지원하기 위해 여러 제도를 운영하고 있는데 아직까지는 본 기관이 가지고 있는 빅데이터를 적극적으로 활용하지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 본 연구는 한국무역보험공사의 수출신용보증 사고 발생을 사전에 예측하고자 공사가 보유한 내부 데이터에 기계학습 모형을 적용하였고 해당 모형 간에 예측성과를 비교하였다. 예측 모형으로는 로지스틱(Logit) 회귀모형, 랜덤 포레스트(Random Forest), XGBoost, LightGBM, 심층신경망을 사용하였고, 평가 기준으로는 전체 표본의 예측 정확도 이외에도 표본별 사고 확률을 구간으로 나누어 높은 확률로 예측된 표본과 낮은 확률로 예측된 경우의 정확도를 서로 비교하였다. 각 모형별 전체 표본의 예측 정확도는 70% 내외로 나타났고 개별 표본을 사고 확률 구간별로 세부 분석한 결과 양 극단의 확률구간(0~20%, 80~100%)에서 90~100%의 예측 정확도를 보여 모형의 현실적 활용 가능성을 보여주었다. 제2종 오류의 중요성 및 전체적 예측 정확도를 종합적으로 고려할 경우, XGBoost와 심층신경망이 가장 우수한 모형으로 평가되었다. 랜덤포레스트와 LightGBM은 그 다음으로 우수하며, 로지스틱 회귀모형은 가장 낮은 성과를 보였다. 본 연구는 한국무역보험공사의 빅데이터를 기계학습모형으로 분석해 업무의 효율성을 높이는 사례로서 향후 기계학습 등을 활용하여 실무 현장에서 빅데이터 분석 및 활용이 활발해지기를 기대한다.

화엄사 목조비로자나삼신불좌상의 조성기 「시주질(施主秩)」 분석 (Analysis of the Shijujils(施主秩), the records on the creation of Buddha statues, of wooden seated Vairocana Buddha Triad of Hwaeomsa Temple)

  • 유근자
    • 미술자료
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    • 제100권
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    • pp.112-138
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    • 2021
  • 본 논문은 화엄사 목조비로자나삼신불좌상 가운데 좌존(左尊) 노사나불상과 우존(右尊) 석가불상의 복장에서 수습한 2점의 불상 조성기인 「시주질(施主秩)」을 분석한 것으로, 두 자료는 2015년 9월과 2020년 7월의 복장조사를 통해 나온 것이다. 2015년 9월에 수습한 석가불상의 「시주질(施主秩)」은 한동안 미공개로 화엄사 성보박물관에 소장되다가 2020년 7월 노사나불상의 「시주질(施主秩)」이 발견되면서, 2021년 9월 '지리산 대화엄사' 특별전을 통해 함께 처음으로 공개되었다. 화엄사 두 불상의 「시주질(施主秩)」은 17세기에 조성된 불상에 관한 기존 조성기의 일반적인 낱장 또는 두루마리 형식과 다르게, 선장(線裝) 방식으로 가철(假綴)된 책자 형식으로 되어 있다. 노사나불상의 「시주질(施主秩)」은 1책 19장 38면으로, 석가불상의 「시주질(施主秩)」은 1책 11장 22면으로 구성되어 있다. 「시주질(施主秩)」의 내용은 불상 조성의 목적, 제작 시기, 봉안(奉安) 연도 및 봉안처(奉安處), 존명(尊名), 소임자(所任者), 조각승(彫刻僧), 시주(施主) 물목(物目), 시주자(施主者) 등을 담고 있다. 이밖에도 당시 화엄사에 주석하고 있던 승려들까지 수록하고 있는 점에서 「시주질(施主秩)」은 약 400여 년 전 화엄사의 중창 불사 당시의 상황을 오늘날에 소상하게 알려주는 타임캡슐(time capsule) 같은 것이다. 노사나불상과 석가불상의 「시주질(施主秩)」 및 노사나불상의 대좌 기록에 의하면, 1634년(인조 12) 3월에 화엄사 비로자나삼신불상을 조성하기 시작해 8월에 완성한 후, 1635년(인조 13) 가을에 대웅전에 봉안한 사실을 확인할 수 있다. 화엄사 비로자나삼신불상의 제작 시기를 1634년으로 특정할 수 있게된 점은 매우 중요한 의미를 갖는다. 그동안은 중관(中觀) 해안(海眼)이 1636년(인조 14)에 저술한 『호남도구례현지리산대화엄사사적(湖南道求禮縣智異山大華嚴寺事蹟)』에 의존해 비로자나삼신불상의 조성 시기를 1636년으로 추정해 왔는데, 이제는 화엄사 비로자나삼신불상의 제작 시기를 1634년으로 특정할 수 있게 되었기 때문이다. 화엄사 노사나불상과 석가불상의 「시주질(施主秩)」은 벽암(碧巖) 각성(覺性)의 역할을 잘 알 수 있는 자료이기도 하다. 벽암 각성은 1630년에 화엄사 동오층석탑을 중수할 때는 '대공덕주(大功德主)'였고, 1634년 삼신불상을 조성할 때도 '판거사(辦擧事)' 또는 '대공덕주(大功德主)'였으며, 1653년 영산회 괘불탱을 조성할 때 역시 주도적인 역할을 맡는 등 17세기 화엄사 중창 불사에 가장 중추적인 역할을 한 인물이다. 화엄사 노사나불상과 석가불상의 「시주질(施主秩)」은 벽암 각성과 왕실과의 관계를 밝힐 수 있는 자료라는 점에서도 매우 중요하다. 노사나불상과 석가불상의 「시주질(施主秩)」은 불상의 조성과 관련하여 왕실 인물인 선조의 아들 의창군(義昌君) 이광(李珖)과 사위 신익성(申翊聖), 인조의 아들 소현세자(昭顯世子) 등이 구체적으로 기록된 최초의 자료이기 때문이다. 화엄사 노사나불상과 석가불상의 「시주질(施主秩)」은 비로자나삼신불상의 조성 연도, 벽암 각성과 왕실의 관계 및 벽암 각성의 역할 등, 17세기 비로자나삼신불상의 조성에 관한 구체적 정보를 담고 있어 미술사뿐만 아니라 향후 화엄사의 역사 연구에도 중요한 자료적 가치가 있다.

CRM구축과정에서 마케팅요인이 관계품질과 CRM성과에 미치는 영향 (The Effects on CRM Performance and Relationship Quality of Successful Elements in the Establishment of Customer Relationship Management: Focused on Marketing Approach)

  • 장형유
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.119-155
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    • 2008
  • 최근 많은 기업들이 치열한 경쟁에서 생존하기 위해 개별 고객들에게 초점을 맞춘 전사적이고 체계적인 고객관계관리에 전력을 기울이고 있다. 수익성 높은 대부분 기업들의 성공비결은 복합적이겠지만, 고객지향적 사고에의 신속한 적응이 중요한 부분을 차지하고 있다. 고객관계관리 기법 및 운용철학은 고객을 올바르게 이해하는데서 그치지 않고 고객행동을 사전적으로 예측하여 고객요구에 부응한 제품과 서비스를 제공하는 것만이 치열한 경쟁환경에서 생존함과 동시에 거듭된 성장을 이루는 유일한 해결책임을 강조한다. 고객관계관리는 데이터베이스마케팅과 같은 조직내 실무자 중심의 관점과 접근이 아니라 최고경영자의 마케팅 관점의 경영철학 구현을 통한 전사적이고 조직적인 참여가 이루어져야 한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 많은 기업들이 고객관계관리 기법을 도입하고 구축하는 과정에서 이러한 점을 간과해 왔으며 그 결과, 고객관계관리를 통해 수익성을 높인 기업이 있는 반면에 고객관계관리에 엄청난 비용만을 투입하고 별다른 성과를 거두지 못한 기업들도 다수이다. 본 연구는 CRM구축 및 실행과정에서의 성공요인을 기존 연구와 달리 마케팅적 관점에서 발견해 내고 있다. 시장지향성과 고객지향성이라는 마케팅 철학에서부터 고객정 보지향성과 핵심고객지향이라는 실무적 개념까지 포함해서 마케팅적인 관점에서의 성공적 CRM구축을 위한 선행요인을 발견하고, 이러한 요인들이 마케팅관점의 관계품질과 실무적인 CRM성과에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 분석함과 동시에 관계품질과 CRM성과 간의 관계의 강도까지 실증적으로 분석해 보았다. 경험적 분석 결과 본 연구에서 구축한 마케팅관점의 CRM선행요인들 중에서 일부 요인을 제외하고는 대체적으로 관계품질 및 CRM성과를 높이는데 상당한 기여를 하고 있음이 확인되었으며, 영향관계의 정도에는 어느 정도 차이가 있음이 확인되었다. 또한 관계품질과 CRM성과 및 세부적 개념구성요인들 간에 매우 높은 정(+)의 관계가 존재함을 확인했다. 이는 CRM의 최종 성과를 달성하기 위해서 CRM구축 및 실행이후에 고객만족과 고객신뢰라는 개념적 연결고리를 강화함과 동시에 이러한 관계품질이 고객유지와 고객점유 정도의 향상으로 이어지도록 하는 창조적 전술개발이 요구됨을 의미한다. CRM을 구축 및 실행하는 대부분의 기업들이 조급하게 재무적인 성과를 기대하는 경향이 있는데, CRM은 마케팅철학을 포함하는 장기적인 경영활동임을 주지해야 한다. 기존의 많은 연구들이 취하고 있는 연구맥락에 근거해서 기술적인 시스템만을 갖추었다고 하여 단기적인 성과를 바라는 것은 오히려 비용의 낭비만을 초래 할 수 있음에 주목해야 한다. 본 연구결과를 바탕으로 CRM의 성공적 구축을 통해 관계품질을 강화하는 것에 대한 전략적 통찰을 제공함과 동시에 실질적인 CRM성과를 달성하기 위한 마케팅 관점의 연결구조를 어떻게 효율적으로 강화할 수 있을 것인가에 대한 학술적이고 실무적인 시사점을 도출했다.

  • PDF

빅데이터 도입의도에 미치는 영향요인에 관한 연구: 전략적 가치인식과 TOE(Technology Organizational Environment) Framework을 중심으로 (An Empirical Study on the Influencing Factors for Big Data Intented Adoption: Focusing on the Strategic Value Recognition and TOE Framework)

  • 가회광;김진수
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.443-472
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    • 2014
  • To survive in the global competitive environment, enterprise should be able to solve various problems and find the optimal solution effectively. The big-data is being perceived as a tool for solving enterprise problems effectively and improve competitiveness with its' various problem solving and advanced predictive capabilities. Due to its remarkable performance, the implementation of big data systems has been increased through many enterprises around the world. Currently the big-data is called the 'crude oil' of the 21st century and is expected to provide competitive superiority. The reason why the big data is in the limelight is because while the conventional IT technology has been falling behind much in its possibility level, the big data has gone beyond the technological possibility and has the advantage of being utilized to create new values such as business optimization and new business creation through analysis of big data. Since the big data has been introduced too hastily without considering the strategic value deduction and achievement obtained through the big data, however, there are difficulties in the strategic value deduction and data utilization that can be gained through big data. According to the survey result of 1,800 IT professionals from 18 countries world wide, the percentage of the corporation where the big data is being utilized well was only 28%, and many of them responded that they are having difficulties in strategic value deduction and operation through big data. The strategic value should be deducted and environment phases like corporate internal and external related regulations and systems should be considered in order to introduce big data, but these factors were not well being reflected. The cause of the failure turned out to be that the big data was introduced by way of the IT trend and surrounding environment, but it was introduced hastily in the situation where the introduction condition was not well arranged. The strategic value which can be obtained through big data should be clearly comprehended and systematic environment analysis is very important about applicability in order to introduce successful big data, but since the corporations are considering only partial achievements and technological phases that can be obtained through big data, the successful introduction is not being made. Previous study shows that most of big data researches are focused on big data concept, cases, and practical suggestions without empirical study. The purpose of this study is provide the theoretically and practically useful implementation framework and strategies of big data systems with conducting comprehensive literature review, finding influencing factors for successful big data systems implementation, and analysing empirical models. To do this, the elements which can affect the introduction intention of big data were deducted by reviewing the information system's successful factors, strategic value perception factors, considering factors for the information system introduction environment and big data related literature in order to comprehend the effect factors when the corporations introduce big data and structured questionnaire was developed. After that, the questionnaire and the statistical analysis were performed with the people in charge of the big data inside the corporations as objects. According to the statistical analysis, it was shown that the strategic value perception factor and the inside-industry environmental factors affected positively the introduction intention of big data. The theoretical, practical and political implications deducted from the study result is as follows. The frist theoretical implication is that this study has proposed theoretically effect factors which affect the introduction intention of big data by reviewing the strategic value perception and environmental factors and big data related precedent studies and proposed the variables and measurement items which were analyzed empirically and verified. This study has meaning in that it has measured the influence of each variable on the introduction intention by verifying the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variables through structural equation model. Second, this study has defined the independent variable(strategic value perception, environment), dependent variable(introduction intention) and regulatory variable(type of business and corporate size) about big data introduction intention and has arranged theoretical base in studying big data related field empirically afterwards by developing measurement items which has obtained credibility and validity. Third, by verifying the strategic value perception factors and the significance about environmental factors proposed in the conventional precedent studies, this study will be able to give aid to the afterwards empirical study about effect factors on big data introduction. The operational implications are as follows. First, this study has arranged the empirical study base about big data field by investigating the cause and effect relationship about the influence of the strategic value perception factor and environmental factor on the introduction intention and proposing the measurement items which has obtained the justice, credibility and validity etc. Second, this study has proposed the study result that the strategic value perception factor affects positively the big data introduction intention and it has meaning in that the importance of the strategic value perception has been presented. Third, the study has proposed that the corporation which introduces big data should consider the big data introduction through precise analysis about industry's internal environment. Fourth, this study has proposed the point that the size and type of business of the corresponding corporation should be considered in introducing the big data by presenting the difference of the effect factors of big data introduction depending on the size and type of business of the corporation. The political implications are as follows. First, variety of utilization of big data is needed. The strategic value that big data has can be accessed in various ways in the product, service field, productivity field, decision making field etc and can be utilized in all the business fields based on that, but the parts that main domestic corporations are considering are limited to some parts of the products and service fields. Accordingly, in introducing big data, reviewing the phase about utilization in detail and design the big data system in a form which can maximize the utilization rate will be necessary. Second, the study is proposing the burden of the cost of the system introduction, difficulty in utilization in the system and lack of credibility in the supply corporations etc in the big data introduction phase by corporations. Since the world IT corporations are predominating the big data market, the big data introduction of domestic corporations can not but to be dependent on the foreign corporations. When considering that fact, that our country does not have global IT corporations even though it is world powerful IT country, the big data can be thought to be the chance to rear world level corporations. Accordingly, the government shall need to rear star corporations through active political support. Third, the corporations' internal and external professional manpower for the big data introduction and operation lacks. Big data is a system where how valuable data can be deducted utilizing data is more important than the system construction itself. For this, talent who are equipped with academic knowledge and experience in various fields like IT, statistics, strategy and management etc and manpower training should be implemented through systematic education for these talents. This study has arranged theoretical base for empirical studies about big data related fields by comprehending the main variables which affect the big data introduction intention and verifying them and is expected to be able to propose useful guidelines for the corporations and policy developers who are considering big data implementationby analyzing empirically that theoretical base.

Hierarchical Attention Network를 이용한 복합 장애 발생 예측 시스템 개발 (Development of a complex failure prediction system using Hierarchical Attention Network)

  • 박영찬;안상준;김민태;김우주
    • 지능정보연구
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.127-148
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    • 2020
  • 데이터 센터는 컴퓨터 시스템과 관련 구성요소를 수용하기 위한 물리적 환경시설로, 빅데이터, 인공지능 스마트 공장, 웨어러블, 스마트 홈 등 차세대 핵심 산업의 필수 기반기술이다. 특히, 클라우드 컴퓨팅의 성장으로 데이터 센터 인프라의 비례적 확장은 불가피하다. 이러한 데이터 센터 설비의 상태를 모니터링하는 것은 시스템을 유지, 관리하고 장애를 예방하기 위한 방법이다. 설비를 구성하는 일부 요소에 장애가 발생하는 경우 해당 장비뿐 아니라 연결된 다른 장비에도 영향을 미칠 수 있으며, 막대한 손해를 초래할 수 있다. 특히, IT 시설은 상호의존성에 의해 불규칙하고 원인을 알기 어렵다. 데이터 센터 내 장애를 예측하는 선행연구에서는, 장치들이 혼재된 상황임을 가정하지 않고 단일 서버를 단일 상태로 보고 장애를 예측했다. 이에 본 연구에서는, 서버 내부에서 발생하는 장애(Outage A)와 서버 외부에서 발생하는 장애(Outage B)로 데이터 센터 장애를 구분하고, 서버 내에서 발생하는 복합적인 장애 분석에 중점을 두었다. 서버 외부 장애는 전력, 냉각, 사용자 실수 등인데, 이와 같은 장애는 데이터 센터 설비 구축 초기 단계에서 예방이 가능했기 때문에 다양한 솔루션이 개발되고 있는 상황이다. 반면 서버 내 발생하는 장애는 원인 규명이 어려워 아직까지 적절한 예방이 이뤄지지 못하고 있다. 특히 서버 장애가 단일적으로 발생하지 않고, 다른 서버 장애의 원인이 되기도 하고, 다른 서버부터 장애의 원인이 되는 무언가를 받기도 하는 이유다. 즉, 기존 연구들은 서버들 간 영향을 주지 않는 단일 서버인 상태로 가정하고 장애를 분석했다면, 본 연구에서는 서버들 간 영향을 준다고 가정하고 장애 발생 상태를 분석했다. 데이터 센터 내 복합 장애 상황을 정의하기 위해, 데이터 센터 내 존재하는 각 장비별로 장애가 발생한 장애 이력 데이터를 활용했다. 본 연구에서 고려되는 장애는 Network Node Down, Server Down, Windows Activation Services Down, Database Management System Service Down으로 크게 4가지이다. 각 장비별로 발생되는 장애들을 시간 순으로 정렬하고, 특정 장비에서 장애가 발생하였을 때, 발생 시점으로부터 5분 내 특정 장비에서 장애가 발생하였다면 이를 동시에 장애가 발생하였다고 정의하였다. 이렇게 동시에 장애가 발생한 장비들에 대해서 Sequence를 구성한 후, 구성한 Sequence 내에서 동시에 자주 발생하는 장비 5개를 선정하였고, 선정된 장비들이 동시에 장애가 발생된 경우를 시각화를 통해 확인하였다. 장애 분석을 위해 수집된 서버 리소스 정보는 시계열 단위이며 흐름성을 가진다는 점에서 이전 상태를 통해 다음 상태를 예측할 수 있는 딥러닝 알고리즘인 LSTM(Long Short-term Memory)을 사용했다. 또한 단일 서버와 달리 복합장애는 서버별로 장애 발생에 끼치는 수준이 다르다는 점을 감안하여 Hierarchical Attention Network 딥러닝 모델 구조를 활용했다. 본 알고리즘은 장애에 끼치는 영향이 클 수록 해당 서버에 가중치를 주어 예측 정확도를 높이는 방법이다. 연구는 장애유형을 정의하고 분석 대상을 선정하는 것으로 시작하여, 첫 번째 실험에서는 동일한 수집 데이터에 대해 단일 서버 상태와 복합 서버 상태로 가정하고 비교분석하였다. 두 번째 실험은 서버의 임계치를 각각 최적화 하여 복합 서버 상태일 때의 예측 정확도를 향상시켰다. 단일 서버와 다중 서버로 각각 가정한 첫 번째 실험에서 단일 서버로 가정한 경우 실제 장애가 발생했음에도 불구하고 5개 서버 중 3개의 서버에서는 장애가 발생하지 않은것으로 예측했다. 그러나 다중 서버로 가정했을때에는 5개 서버 모두 장애가 발생한 것으로 예측했다. 실험 결과 서버 간 영향이 있을 것이라고 추측한 가설이 입증된 것이다. 연구결과 단일 서버로 가정했을 때 보다 다중 서버로 가정했을 때 예측 성능이 우수함을 확인했다. 특히 서버별 영향이 다를것으로 가정하고 Hierarchical Attention Network 알고리즘을 적용한 것이 분석 효과를 향상시키는 역할을 했다. 또한 각 서버마다 다른 임계치를 적용함으로써 예측 정확도를 향상시킬 수 있었다. 본 연구는 원인 규명이 어려운 장애를 과거 데이터를 통해 예측 가능하게 함을 보였고, 데이터 센터의 서버 내에서 발생하는 장애를 예측할 수 있는 모델을 제시했다. 본 연구결과를 활용하여 장애 발생을 사전에 방지할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

불확실성하(不確實性下)의 동태적(動態的) 진입제한(進入制限) 및 약탈가격(掠奪價格) 책정(策定) (Dynamic Limit and Predatory Pricing Under Uncertainty)

  • 유윤하
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.151-166
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    • 1991
  • 본고에서는 기존 독점생산자(獨占生産者)와 잠재적(潛在的) 신규참입자(新規參入者)간에 존재할 수 있는 진입제한(進入制限) 및 약탈가격(掠奪價格) 책정전략(策定戰略)을 간단한 복점(複占)게임모형(模型)을 통하여 분석한다. 분석(分析)으로부터 유도되는 대표적 결론(結論)은 생산여건(生産與件)에 관한 정보(情報)가 비대칭적(非對稱的)으로 분포되어 있을 경우 그 중 정보면에서 우월한 위치를 점하고 있는 생산자(生産者)가 잠재적(潛在的) 경쟁자(競爭者)를 불확실성하에 잡아 두려는 노력의 일환으로 진입제한가격(進入制限價格)이나 약탈가격(掠奪價格)을 책정할 수 있다는 점이다. 또 하나 본(本) 모형(模型)으로부터 얻을 수 있는 결론(結論)은 어느 독점생산자(獨占生産者)가 그의 독점적 위치를 지속적으로 지켜 나가기 위해 약탈가격(掠奪價格)을 책정하는 것만으로는 부족하다는 점이다. 그가 시장(市場)의 독점(獨占)을 효과적으로 유지해 나가기 위해서는 신규참입(新規參入)이 없는 경우에도 진입제한가격(進入制限價格)을 통하여 시장가격(市場價格)을 지속적으로 낮게 유지해야 한다. 이같은 결론은 진입제한가격(進入制限價格)과 약탈가격(掠奪價格)을 각각 분리해서 분석한 기존의 논의(論議)에는 결여되어 있는 것으로 약탈가격(掠奪價格)으로부터의 장기적 이익을 퇴출(退出) 이후의 독점이윤(獨占利潤)과 동일시하는 많은 분석들이 수정되어야 함을 의미한다. 진입제한(進入制限) 및 약탈가격(掠奪價格) 책정전략(策定戰略)이 합리적 이윤극대화전략(利潤極大化戰略)으로 성립할 수 있다고 하더라도 이것이 곧 이러한 기업행태(企業行態)에 관한 정부의 전면적인 금지조치(禁止措置)를 정당화하는 것은 아니다. 본고에서 일어나는 두가지 전략(戰略)은 오히려 복지증진적(福祉增進的)인 성격을 지니고 있으며 따라서 진입제한(進入制限) 및 약탈가격책정행위(掠奪價格策定行爲)의 규제(規制)는 사안별(事案別)로 신중히 다루어져야 함을 시사하고 있다.

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농촌(農村)에 있어서 분만개조요원(分娩介助要員)의 봉사(奉仕)에 의(依)한 모자보건(母子保健)rhk 가족계획(家族計劃)에 관(關) 연구(硏究) (A Study on Maternity Aids Utilization in the Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning)

  • 예민해;이성관
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.57-95
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    • 1972
  • This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of service by maternity aids concerning maternal and child health in improving simultaneously infant mortality, contraception and vital registration among expectant mothers in rural Korea, where there is less apportunity for maternal and child health care. It is unrealistic to expect to solve this problem in rural Korea through professional persons considering the situation of medical facilities and the socioeconomic condition of residents. So, we intended to adopt a system of services by maternity aids who were educated formally among indigenous women. After the women were trained in maternal and child health, contraception, and registration for a short period, they were assigned as a maternity aids to each village to help with various activities concerning maternal and child health, for example, registration of pregnant women, home visiting to check for complications, supplying of delivery kits, attendance at delivery, persuasion of contraception, and invitation for registration and so on. Mean-while, four researchers called on the maternity aids to collect materials concerning vital events, maternal child health, contraception and registration, and to give further instruction and supervision as the program proceeded. A. Changes of women's attitude by services of maternity aid. Now, we examined to what extent' such a service system to expectant mothers affected a change in attitude of women residing in the study area as compared to women of the control area. 1) In the birth and death places, there were no changes between last and present infants, in study or control area. 2) In regard to attendants at delivery, there were no changes except for a small percentage of attendance (8%) by maternity aid in study area. But, I expect that more maternity sids could be used as attendants at delivery if they would be trained further and if there was more explanation to the residents about such a service. 3) Considering the rate of utilization of sterilized delivery kit, I am sure that more than 90 percent would be used if the delivery kit were supplied in the proper time. There were significant differences in rates between the study and the control areas. 4) Taking into consideration the utilization rate of the clinic for prenatal care and well baby care, if suck facilities were installed, it would probably be well utilized. 5) In the contraception, the rate of approval was as high as 89 percent in study area as compared to 82 percent in the control area. 6) Considering the rate of pre-and post-partum acceptance on contraception were as much as 70 percent or more, if motivation to use contraception was given to them adequately, the government could reach the goals for family planning as planned. 7) In the vital registration, the rate of birth registration in the study area was some what improved compared to that of the control area, while the rate of death registration was not changed at all. Taking into account the fact that the rate of confirmation of vital events by maternity aids was remarkably high, if the registration system changed to a 'notification' system instead of formal registration ststem, it would be improved significantly compared to present system. B. Effect of the project Thus, with changes in the residents' attitude, was there a reduction in the infant death rate? 1) It is very difficult problem to compare the mortality of infants between last and present infants, because many women don't want to answer accurately about their dead children especially the infants that died within a few days after birth. In this study the data of present death comes from the maternity aides who followed up every pregnancy they had recorded to see what had happened. They seem to have very reliable information on what happened in first few weeks with follow up visitits to check out later changes. From these calculaton, when we compared the rate of infant death between last and present infant, there was remarkable reduction of death rate for present infant compare to that of last children, namely, the former was 30, while the latter 42. The figure is the lowest rate that I have ever heard. As the quality of data we could assess by comparing the causes of death. In the current death rate by communicable disease was much lower compare to the last child especially, tetanus cases and pneumonia. 2) Next, how many respondents used contraception after birth because of frequent contact with the maternity aid. In the registered cases, the respondents showed a tendency to practice contraception at an earlier age and with a small number of children. In a comparison of the rate of contraception between the study and the control area, the rate in the former was significantly higher than that of the latter. What is more, the proportion favoring smaller numbers of children and younger women rose in the study area as compared to the control area. 3) Regarding vital registration, though the rate of registration was gradually improved by efforts of maternity aid, it would be better to change the registration system. 4) In the crude birth rate, the rate in the study area was 22.2 while in the control area was 26.5. Natural increase rate showed 15.4 in the study area, while control area was 19.1. 5) In assessment of the efficiency of the maternity aids judging by the cost-effect viewpoint, the workers in the Medium area seemed to be more efficiency than those of other areas.

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간호원의 환자교육 활동에 관한 연구 (Study of Patient Teaching in The Clinical Area)

  • 강규숙
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.3-33
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    • 1971
  • Nursing of today has as one of its objectives the solving of problems related to human needs arising from the demands of a rapidly changing society. This nursing objective, I believe, can he attained by the appropriate application of scientific principles in the giving of comprehensive nursing care. Comprehensive nursing care may be defined as nursing care which meets all of the patient's needs. the needs of patients are said to fall into five broad categories: physical needs, psychological needs, environmental needs, socio-economic needs, and teaching needs. Most people who become ill have adjustment problems related to their new situation. Because patient teaching is one of the most important functions of professional nursing, the success of this teaching may be used as a gauge for evaluating comprehensive nursing care. This represents a challenge foe the future. A questionnaire consisting of 67 items was distributed to 200 professional nurses working ill direct patient care at Yonsei University Medical Center in Seoul, Korea. 160 (80,0%) nurses of the total sample returned completed questionnaires 81 (50.6%) nurses were graduates of 3 fear diploma courser 79 (49.4%) nurses were graduates of 4 year collegiate nursing schools in Korea 141 (88,1%) nurses had under 5 years of clinical experience in a medical center, while 19 (11.9%) nurses had more than 5years of clinical experience. Three hypotheses were tested: 1. “Nurses had high levels of concept and knowledge toward patient teaching”-This was demonstrated by the use of a statistical method, the mean average. 2. “Nurses graduating from collegiate programs and diploma school programs of nursing show differences in concepts and knowledge toward patient teaching”-This was demonstrated by a statistical method, the mean average, although the results showed little difference between the two groups. 3. “Nurses having different amounts of clinical experience showed differences in concepts and knowledge toward patient teaching”-This was demonstrated by the use of a statistical method, the mean average. 2. “Nurses graduating from collegiate programs and diploma school programs of nursing show differences in concepts and knowledge toward patient teaching”-This was demonstrated by a statistical method, the mean average, although the results showed little difference between the two groups. 3. “Nurses having different amounts of clinical experience showed differences in concepts and knowledge toward patient teaching”-This was demonstrated by the use of the T-test. Conclusions of this study are as follow: Before attempting the explanation, of the results, the questionnaire will he explained. The questionnaire contained 67 questions divided into 9 sections. These sections were: concept, content, time, prior preparation, method, purpose, condition, evaluation, and recommendations for patient teaching. 1. The nurse's concept of patient teaching: Most of the nurses had high levels of concepts and knowledge toward patient teaching. Though nursing service was task-centered at the turn of the century, the emphasis today is put on patient-centered nursing. But we find some of the nurses (39.4%) still are task-centered. After, patient teaching, only a few of the nurses (14.4%) checked this as “normal teaching.”It seems therefore that patient teaching is often done unconsciously. Accordingly it would he desirable to have correct concepts and knowledge of teaching taught in schools of nursing. 2. Contents of patient teaching: Most nurses (97.5%) had good information about content of patient teaching. They teach their patients during admission about their diseases, tests, treatments, and before discharge give nurses instruction about simple nursing care, personal hygiene, special diets, rest and sleep, elimination etc. 3. Time of patient teaching: Teaching can be accomplished even if there is no time set aside specifically for it. -a large part of the nurse's teaching can be done while she is giving nursing care. If she believes she has to wait for time free from other activities, she may miss many teaching opportunities. But generally proper time for patient teaching is in the midmorning or midafternoon since one and a half or two hours required. Nurses meet their patients in all stages of health: often tile patient is in a condition in which learning is impossible-pain, mental confusion, debilitation, loss of sensory perception, fear and anxiety-any of these conditions may preclude the possibility of successful teaching. 4. Prior preparation for patient teaching: The teaching aids, nurses use are charts (53.1%), periodicals (23.8%), and books (7.0%) Some of the respondents (28.1%) reported that they had had good preparation for the teaching which they were doing, others (27.5%) reported adequate preparation, and others (43.8%) reported that their preparation for teaching was inadequate. If nurses have advance preparation for normal teaching and are aware of their objectives in teaching patients, they can do effective teaching. 5. Method of patient teaching: The methods of individual patient teaching, the nurses in this study used, were conversation (55.6%) and individual discussion (19.2%) . And the methods of group patient teaching they used were demonstration (42.3%) and lecture (26.2%) They should also he prepared to use pamphlet and simple audio-visual aids for their teaching. 6. Purposes of patient teaching: The purposes of patient teaching is to help the patient recover completely, but the majority of the respondents (40.6%) don't know this. So it is necessary for them to understand correctly the purpose of patient teaching and nursing care. 7. Condition of patient teaching: The majority of respondents (75.0%) reported there were some troubles in teaching uncooperative patients. It would seem that the nurse's leaching would be improved if, in her preparation, she was given a better understanding of the patient and communication skills. The majority of respondents in the total group, felt teaching is their responsibility and they should teach their patient's family as well as the patient. The place for teaching is most often at the patient's bedside (95.6%) but the conference room (3.1%) is also used. It is important that privacy be provided in learning situations with involve personal matters. 8. Evaluation of patient teaching: The majority of respondents (76.3%,) felt leaching is a highly systematic and organized function requiring special preparation in a college or university, they have the idea that teaching is a continuous and ever-present activity of all people throughout their lives. The suggestion mentioned the most frequently for improving preparation was a course in patient teaching included in the basic nursing program. 9. Recommendations: 1) It is recommended, that in clinical nursing, patient teaching be emphasized. 2) It is recommended, that insertive education the concepts and purposes of patient teaching he renewed for all nurses. In addition to this new knowledge, methods and materials which can be applied to patient teaching should be given also. 3) It is recommended, in group patient teaching, we try to embark on team teaching.

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국가지정 문화재 민속마을의 외래식물 식재 및 발생현황 - 하회.양동.한개마을을 대상으로 - (The Planting and Occurrence Status of Exotic Plants of the Folk Village as National Cultural Heritage - Focus in Hahoe.Yangdong.Hangae Villages -)

  • 노재현;오현경;한윤희;박경욱;변무섭;허준;최영현;신상섭;이현우;김효정
    • 한국전통조경학회지
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    • 제31권2호
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2013
  • 역사공간의 진정성 제고와 보존관리에 활용될 기초자료 제공을 목적으로 국가지정 문화재인 경상북도 소재 안동 하회마을, 경주 양동마을, 성주 한개마을 등 3개 민속마을의 외래식물 분포현황을 조사 분석한 결과는 아래와 같다. 1. 민속마을의 전체식물상은 127과 430속 614종 5아종 100변종 33품종으로 총 752분류군이 확인되었으며, 그 중에 목본식물은 263분류군(35.0%), 초본식물은 489분류군(65.0%)으로 나타났다. 하회 양동 한개마을의 전체 식물상은 각각 총 534 479 408분류군이 확인되었고, 외래식물률은 30.1 38.2 37.0%로 나타났다. 유형별로는 관상외래식물이 135분류군, 풍치외래식물이 21분류군, 경작외래식물이 64분류군 그리고 귀화외래식물이 80분류군 으로 나타나, 관상외래식물의 비율이 탁월하게 높았다. 마을별로는 하회마을 161분류군(30.1%), 양동마을 183분류군(38.2%), 한개마을 151분류군(37.0%)으로 양동마을에서 가장 높은 비율의 외래식물이 확인되었다. 2. 하회마을내 단위문화재로 지정된 고택 정원에 식재된 관상외래식물은 총 30분류군이고, 옥연정사(8분류군) 양 진당(7) 하동고택(6) 충효당(5) 등의 순으로 외래식물수가 높았으며, 백목련 능소화의 식재율이 탁월하였다. 양동마을에서는 총 51분류군이 관찰되었는데, 두곡고택(16분류군) 수졸당(14) 무첨당(13) 상춘헌고택(12) 등의 순으로 나타났으며, 수국 불두화 상사화 등의 출현율이 높았다. 그리고 한개마을의 관상외래식물은 총 62분류군으 로 진사댁(35분류군), 교리댁(25) 한주종택(20) 하회댁(16) 등의 순이었으며, 골담초 뚝향나무 백목련 불두화 산당화 등의 출현률이 높았다. 3. 정원 외부를 살펴보면 하회마을에서는 만송정 숲 하부에는 환경부 지정 생태계교란식물인 돼지풀이 높은 우점도로 생육하고 있어, 겸암정사 인근의 가시박과 함께 제거대책의 마련이 시급하다. 또한 만송정숲 주변 낙동강 하상으로는 아까시나무림과 양버들군락 등의 풍치외래식물이 하안식생으로 띠숲을 이루고 있다. 양동마을에서는 마을 안길에 자연 발생한 가죽나무군락과 아까시나무와 족제비싸리가 비향토식생경관으로 인지된다. 또한 한개마을 외곽에 산발적으로 분포하는 가죽나무와 아까시나무의 세력 확산이 문제점으로 드러났다. 민속마을 간 발생 외래식물의 유사도는 47.0~48.6%로 이와 같은 이유는 연구대상지가 모두 경상북도에 위치하여 있는 관계로 식물의 생육조건이 유사하며, 관상용으로 판매되는 외래식물이 제한적이기 때문으로 판단됨에 따라 외래식물에 대한 마을별 관리대책과 공통 관리대책의 병행이 요구됨을 암시하였다.

한강하류지형면의 분류와 지형발달에 대한 연구 (양수리에서 능곡까지)

  • 박노식
    • 동굴
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    • 제68호
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    • pp.23-73
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    • 2005
  • Purpose of study; The purpose of this study is specifically classified as two parts. The one is to attempt the chronological annals of Quaternary topographic surface through the study over the formation process of alluvial surfaces in our country, setting forth the alluvial surfaces lower-parts of Han River area, as the basic deposit, and comparing it to the marginal landform surfaces. The other is to attempt the classification of micro morphology based on the and condition premising the land use as a link for the regional development in the lower-parts of Han river area. Reasons why selected the Lower-parts of Han river area as study objects: 1. The change of river course in this area is very serve both in vertical and horizontal sides. With a situation it is very easy to know about the old geography related to the formation process of topography. 2. The component materials of gravel, sand, silt and clay are deposited in this area. Making it the available data, it is possible to consider about not oかy the formation process of topography but alsoon the development history to some extent. 3. The earthen vessel, a fossil shell fish, bone, cnarcoal and sea-weed are included in the alluvial deposition in this area. These can be also valuable data related to the chronological annals. 4. The bottom set conglometate beds is also included in the alluvial deposits. This can be also valuable data related to the research of geomorphological development. 5. Around of this area the medium landform surface, lower landform surface, pediment and basin, are existed, and these enable the comparison between the erosion surfaces and the alluvial surfaces. Approach : 1. Referring to the change of river beds, I have calculated the vertical and horizontal differences comparing the topographic map published in 1916 with that published in 1966 and through the field work 2. In classifying the landform, I have applied the method of micro morphological classification in accordance with the synthetic index based upon the land conditions, and furthermore used the classification method comparing the topographic map published in 1916 and in that of 1966. 3. I have accorded this classification with the classification by mapping through appliying the method of classification in the development history for the field work making the component materials as the available data. 4. I have used the component materials, which were picked up form the outcrop of 10 places and bored at 5 places, as the available data. 5. I have referred to Hydrological survey data of the ministry of Construction (since 1916) on the overflow of Han-river, and used geologic map of Seoul metropolitan area. Survey Data, and general map published in 1916 by the Japanese Army Survbey Dept., and map published in 1966 by the Construction Research Laboratory and ROK Army Survey Dept., respectively. Conclusion: 1. Classification of Morphology: I have added the historical consideration for development, making the component materials and fossil as the data, to the typical consideration in accordance with the map of summit level, reliefe and slope distribution. In connection with the erosion surface, I have divided into three classification such as high, medium and low-,level landform surfaces which were classified as high and low level landform surfaces in past. furthermore I have divided the low level landform surface two parts, namely upper-parts(200-300m) and bellow-parts(${\pm}100m$). Accordingly, we can recognize the three-parts of erosion surface including the medium level landform surface (500-600m) in this area. (see table 22). In condition with the alluvial surfaces I have classified as two landform surfaces (old and new) which was regarded as one face in past. Meamwhile, under the premise of land use, the synthetic, micro morphological classification based upon the land condition is as per the draw No. 19-1. This is the quite new method of classification which was at first attempted in this country. 2. I have learned that the change of river was most severe at seeing the river meandering rate from Dangjung-ni to Nanjido. As you seee the table and the vertical and horizontal change of river beds is justly proportionable to the river meandering rate. 3. It can be learned at seeing the analysis of component materials of alluvial deposits that the component from each other by areas, however, in the deposits relationship upper stream, and between upper parts and below parts I couldn't always find out the regular ones. 4. Having earthern vessel, shell bone, fossil charcoal and and seaweeds includen in the component materials such as gravel, clay, sand and silt in Dukso and Songpa deposits area. I have become to attempt the compilation of chronicle as yon see in the table 22. 5. In according to hearing of basemen excavation, the bottom set conglomerate beds of Dukso beds of Dukso-beds is 7m and Songpa-beds is 10m. In according to information of dredger it is approx. 20m in the down stream. 6. Making these two beds as the standard beds, I have compared it to other beds. 7 The coarse sand beds which is covering the clay-beds of Dukso-beds and Nanjidobeds is shown the existence of so-called erosion period which formed the gap among the alluvial deposits of stratum. The former has been proved by the sorting, bedding and roundness which was supplied by the main stream and later by the branch stream, respectively. 8. If the clay-beds of Dukeo-bed and Songpa-bed is called as being transgressive overlap, by the Eustatic movement after glacial age, the bottom set conglomerate beds shall be called as being regressive overlap at the holocene. This has the closest relationship with the basin formation movement of Seoul besides the Eustatic movement. 9. The silt-beds which is the main component of deposits of flood plain, is regarded as being deposited at the Holocene in the comb ceramic and plain pottery ages. This has the closest relationship with the change of river course and river beds.