• Title/Summary/Keyword: single camera

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Automatic Extraction of Particle Streaks for 3D Flow Measurement

  • Kawasue, Kikuhito;Ohya, Yuichiro
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.270-273
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    • 1999
  • Circular dynamic stereo has special advantages as it enables a 3-D measurement using a single TV camera and also enables a high accurate measurement without a cumbersome calibration. Annular particle streaks are recorded using this system and the size of annular streaks directly concerns to the depth from TV camera. That is, the size of annular streaks is inversely proportional to the depth from the TV camera and the depth can be measured automatically by image processing technique. Overlapped streaks can be processed also by our method. The flow measurement in a water tank is one of the applications of our system. Tracer particles are introduced into the water in a flow measurement. Since the tracer particles flow with water, three-dimensional velocity distributions in the water tank can be obtained by measuring the all movement of tracer particles. Experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of our method.

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Foreground Motion Tracking and Compression/Transmission of Based Dynamic Mosaic (동적 모자이크 기반의 전경 움직임 추적 및 압축전송)

  • 박동진;윤인모;김찬수;현웅근;김남호;정영기
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.741-744
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    • 2003
  • in this paper, we propose a dynamic-based compression system by creating mosaic background and transmitting the change information. A dynamic mosaic of the background is progressively integrated in a single image using the camera motion information. For the camera motion estimation, we calculate perspective projection parameters for each frame sequentially with respect to its previous frame. The camera motion is robustly estimated on the background by discriminating between background and foreground regions. The modified block-based motion estimation is used to separate the background region.

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Measurement of GMAW Bead Geometry Using Biprism Stereo Vision Sensor (바이프리즘 스테레오 시각 센서를 이용한 GMA 용접 비드의 3차원 형상 측정)

  • 이지혜;이두현;유중돈
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.200-207
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    • 2001
  • Three-diemnsional bead profile was measured using the biprism stereo vision sensor in GMAW, which consists of an optical filter, biprism and CCD camera. Since single CCD camera is used, this system has various advantages over the conventional stereo vision system using two cameras such as finding the corresponding points along the horizontal scanline. In this wort, the biprism stereo vision sensor was designed for the GMAW, and the linear calibration method was proposed to determine the prism and camera parameters. Image processing techniques were employed to find the corresponding point along the pool boundary. The ism-intensity contour corresponding to the pool boundary was found in the pixel order and the filter-based matching algorithm was used to refine the corresponding points in the subpixel order. Predicted bead dimensions were in broad agreements with the measured results under the conditions of spray mode and humping bead.

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Object Recognition using 3D Depth Measurement System. (3차원 거리 측정 장치를 이용한 물체 인식)

  • Gim, Seong-Chan;Ko, Su-Hong;Kim, Hyong-Suk
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.941-942
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    • 2006
  • A depth measurement system to recognize 3D shape of objects using single camera, line laser and a rotating mirror has been investigated. The camera and the light source are fixed, facing the rotating mirror. The laser light is reflected by the mirror and projected to the scene objects whose locations are to be determined. The camera detects the laser light location on object surfaces through the same mirror. The scan over the area to be measured is done by mirror rotation. The Segmentation process of object recognition is performed using the depth data of restored 3D data. The Object recognition domain can be reduced by separating area of interest objects from complex background.

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Demosaicing Method for Digital Cameras with White-RGB Color Filter Array

  • Park, Jongjoo;Jang, Euee Seon;Chong, Jong-Wha
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.164-173
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    • 2016
  • Demosaicing, or color filter array (CFA) interpolation, estimates missing color channels of raw mosaiced images from a CFA to reproduce full-color images. It is an essential process for single-sensor digital cameras with CFAs. In this paper, a new demosaicing method for digital cameras with Bayer-like W-RGB CFAs is proposed. To preserve the edge structure when reproducing full-color images, we propose an edge direction-adaptive method using color difference estimation between different channels, which can be applied to practical digital camera use. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method in terms of CPSNR, FSIM, and S-CIELAB color distance measures, we perform simulations on sets of mosaiced images captured by an actual prototype digital camera with a Bayer-like W-RGB CFA. The simulation results show that the proposed method demosaics better than a conventional one by approximately +22.4% CPSNR, +0.9% FSIM, and +36.7% S-CIELAB distance.


  • Choi, Young-Soo;Jeong, Kyung-Min;Lee, Sung-Uk;Jung, Seung-Ho
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.419-428
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    • 2008
  • During the overhaul period of nuclear power plants in Korea, an ROV(Remotely Operated Vehicle) enters the cold-leg pipes connected with the reactor to examine the state of the thermal sleeves and their positions in the safety injection nozzles. To measure the positions of the thermal sleeves or scratches with video images recorded during the examination, time-varying camera parameters should be known, such as the focal length and principal points used for the capturing each video image. In this paper, we propose a camera calibration and measurement scheme by using a single image containing two circular grooves of a cylindrical nozzle whose radius and distance are known.

Controller for Single Line Tracking Autonomous Guidance Vehicle Using Machine Vision

  • Shin, Beom-Soo;Choi, Young-Dae;Ying, Yibin
    • Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2005
  • AMachine vision is a promising tool for the autonomous guidance of farm machinery. Conventional CCD camera for the machine vision needs a desktop PC to install a frame grabber, however, a web camera is ready to use when plugged in the USB port. A web camera with a notebook PC can replace existing camera system. Autonomous steering control system of this research was intended to be used for combine harvester. If the web camera can recognize cut/uncut edge of crop, which will be the reference for steering control, then the position of the machine can be determined in terms of lateral offset and heading angle. In this research, a white line was used as a cut/uncut edge of crop for steering control. Image processing algorithm including capturing image in the web camera was developed to determine the desired travel path. An experimental vehicle was constructed to evaluate the system performance. Since the vehicle adopted differential drive steering mechanism, it is steered by the difference of rotation speed between left and right wheels. According to the position of vehicle, the steering algorithm was developed as well. Evaluation tests showed that the experimental vehicle could travel within an RMS error of 0.8cm along the desired path at the ground speed of $9\sim41cm/s$. Even when the vehicle started with initial offsets or tilted heading angle, it could move quickly to track the desired path after traveling $1.52\sim3.5m$. For turning section, i.e., the curved path with curvature of 3 m, the vehicle completed its turning securely.

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MTF measuring method of TDI camera electronics

  • Kim, Young-Sun;Kong, Jong-Pil;Heo, Haeng-Pal;Park, Jong-Euk;Yong, Sang-Soon;Choi, Hae-Jin
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.540-543
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    • 2007
  • The modulation transfer function (MTF) in a camera system is a measurement of how well the system will faithfully reproduce the original scene. The electro-optical camera system consists of optics, an array of pixels, and an electronics which is related to the image signal chain. The system MTF can be cascaded with each element's MTF in the frequency domain. That is to say, the electronics MTF including the detector MTF can be recalculated easily by the acquired system MTF if the well-known test optics is used in the measuring process. A Time-Delay and Integration (TDI) detector can make a signal increase by taking multiple exposures of the same object and adding them. It can be considered the various methods to measure the MTF of the TDI camera system. This paper shows the actual and practical MTF measuring methods for the detector and electronics in the TDI camera. The several methods are described according to the scan direction as well as the TDI stages such as the single line mode and the multiple-lines mode. The measuring is performed in the in the static condition or dynamic condition to get the point spread function (PSF) or the line spread function (LSF). Especially, the dynamic test bench is used to simulate on track velocity to synchronize with TDI read out frequency for the dynamic movement.

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Experiment on Camera Platform Calibration of a Multi-Looking Camera System using single Non-Metric Camera (비측정용 카메라를 이용한 Multi-Looking 카메라의 플랫폼 캘리브레이션 실험 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-No;Lee, Byoung-Kil;Eo, Yang-Dam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.351-357
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    • 2008
  • An aerial multi-looking camera system equips itself with five separate cameras which enables acquiring one vertical image and four oblique images at the same time. This provides diverse information about the site compared to aerial photographs vertically. The geometric relationship of oblique cameras and a vertical camera can be modelled by 6 exterior orientation parameters. Once the relationship between the vertical camera and each oblique camera is determined, the exterior orientation parameters of the oblique images can be calculated by the exterior orientation parameters of the vertical image. In order to examine the exterior orientation of both a vertical camera and each oblique cameras in the multi-looking camera relatively, calibration targets were installed in a lab and 14 images were taken from three image stations by tilting and rotating a non-metric digital camera. The interior orientation parameters of the camera and the exterior orientation parameters of the images were estimated. The exterior orientation parameters of the oblique image with respect to the vertical image were calculated relatively by the exterior orientation parameters of the images and error propagation of the orientation angles and the position of the projection center was examined.

Color Filter Array Interpolation Method Using Neural Networks (신경망을 이용한 Color Filter Array 보간 기법)

  • 고진욱;이철희
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2000.06d
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    • pp.242-245
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, we present a color interpolation technique based on artificial neural networks for a single-chip CCD (charge-coupled device) camera with a Bayer color filter array (CFA). Single-chip digital cameras use a color filter array and an interpolation method in order to regenerate high quality color images from sparsely sampled images. We applied 3-layer feedforward neural networks in order to interpolate missing pixel from surrounding pixels. And we compared the proposed method with conventional interpolation methods such as the proposed interpolation algorithm based on neural networks provides a better performance than the conventional interpolation algorithms.

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