• Title/Summary/Keyword: single Nature

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Structural, Optical, and Electrical Characterization of p-type Graphene for Various AuCl3 Doping Concentrations (AuCl3를 도핑하여 제작한 p형 그래핀의 도핑농도에 따른 구조적, 광학적, 및 전기적 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Sung;Shin, Dong Hee;Choi, Suk-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.270-275
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    • 2013
  • Single-layer graphene layers have been synthesized by using chemical vapor deposition, subsequently transferred on 300 nm $SiO_2/Si$ and quartz substrates, and doped with $AuCl_3$ by spin coating for various doping concentrations ($n_D$) from 1 to 10 mM. Based on the $n_D$-dependent variations of Raman frequencies/peak-intensity ratios, sheet resistance, work function, and Dirac point, measured by structural, optical, and electrical analysis techniques, the p-type nature of graphene is shown to be strengthened with increasing $n_D$. Especially, as estimated from the drain current-gate voltage curves of graphene field effect transistors, the hole mobility is very little varied with increasing $n_D$, in strong contrast with the $n_D$-dependent large variation of electron mobility. These results suggest that $AuCl_3$ is one of the best p-type dopants for graphene and is promising for device applications of the doped graphene.

문헌정보학과 WWW홈페이지의 필요성과 준비에 관한 연구- 한국과 북미주 지역 대학을 중심으로 -

  • 박일종
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.24
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    • pp.413-448
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    • 1996
  • Nowadays, the World Wide Web (WWW) has become an important resource of timely information for the information-related people such as information scientists, librarians, and students in Library and Information Sciences area. They are information professionals who navigate the information on the internet. Also, they need to be information providers who build a WWW homepage. This paper is a study of the necessity, preparation, and building WWW Homepage files for school of Library and Information Sciences in the age of competition among disciplines. It is particularly focused on the colleges and universities in Republic of Korea (ROK) and North America area. The purpose of this study is to provide various kinds of reference information to prepare a homepage in the future as utilizing information on the internet effectively. Even though a Web page was necessary for a school of Library and Information Sciences to show news, and introduce the purpose of the disciplines and the curriculum of the school, and the professors of a class etc., it was not well-prepared yet in ROK. However, a web page was used well enough and prosperous in North America area (Canada, the United States, and Puerto Rico) comparatively. Those web pages were analyzed and studied to prepare for a good designing of homepages for school of Library and Information Sciences in Korea and for the age of competition among disciplines in this paper. Suggestions for designing a good homepage and guidelines for preparing a best one were studied after both reviewing literature and utilizing experiences by the author who currently serves in the School of Library and Information Sciences in Keimyung University and builds homepage for the school. As a result, the major suggestions are ; premiered, and they are as follows: (1) English version of a homepage is necessary, (2) Provide a multimedia presentation about the nature of a school (3) Incorporate a place to let people make suggestions on the contents (of a homepage), (4) Bear in mind that potential users must be familiar with abbreviations you used, (5) Absolutely do not use abbreviations that may make the content more difficult to understand, (6) Add a feature on the every single page that will take the user back to the main page, (7) Use clear, short and well-structured sentences and remember to divide text into paragraphs, (8) Date with a creation or modification date in the homepage to indicate the updated date, (9) Being a multimedia environment, use colors effectively (the guidelines were also suggested), and (10) Put colleges' name into the title of bookmarks to find out them easily.

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Bilayer Segmentation of Consistent Scene Images by Propagation of Multi-level Cues with Adaptive Confidence (다중 단계 신호의 적응적 전파를 통한 동일 장면 영상의 이원 영역화)

  • Lee, Soo-Chahn;Yun, Il-Dong;Lee, Sang-Uk
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.450-462
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    • 2009
  • So far, many methods for segmenting single images or video have been proposed, but few methods have dealt with multiple images with analogous content. These images, which we term consistent scene images, include concurrent images of a scene and gathered images of a similar foreground, and may be collectively utilized to describe a scene or as input images for multi-view stereo. In this paper, we present a method to segment these images with minimum user input, specifically, manual segmentation of one image, by iteratively propagating information via multi-level cues with adaptive confidence depending on the nature of the images. Propagated cues are used as the bases to compute multi-level potentials in an MRF framework, and segmentation is done by energy minimization. Both cues and potentials are classified as low-, mid-, and high- levels based on whether they pertain to pixels, patches, and shapes. A major aspect of our approach is utilizing mid-level cues to compute low- and mid- level potentials, and high-level cues to compute low-, mid-, and high- level potentials, thereby making use of inherent information. Through this process, the proposed method attempts to maximize the amount of both extracted and utilized information in order to maximize the consistency of the segmentation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on several sets of consistent scene images and provide a comparison with results based only on mid-level cues [1].

Analysis of Articles Published in the Korean Journal of Oriental Medical Prescription (대한한의학방제학회지에 게재된 논문 동향 분석)

  • Kim, An-Na;Song, Mi-Young;Bae, Sun-Hee;Kim, Chul;Kim, Ha-Young;Kim, Young-Sik;Park, Kyoung-Bum;Kim, Hong-Jun
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.57-77
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    • 2010
  • Objective : This study reviews the recent trend of oriental medical prescription research. The data examined are the articles published in the Korean Journal of Oriental Medical Prescription from 1990 to 2009. Method : The data are retrieved through the internet database Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System (OASIS) and the collection of the Korean Journal of Oriental Medical Prescription. The number of articles examined is 385, published in 25 volumes of the journal. This study examines the nature of the articles, research methods, subjects, and author information. Research subjects are sorted out by the OASIS key words for the articles published before 1999, and by key word indexes cited in the abstracts for the articles published sinceafter. Results : Among the 385 articles collected, 206 are research articles, 143 philological articles, 35 case studies, and 1 special contribution. A majority of research articles are experimental studies (199 articles or 96.6%), while clinical reports (5 articles or 2.43%), and others studies (2 articles) occupy a small portion. Most of experimental studies (183 articles or 91%) examine the effectiveness of certain prescriptions or treatments. Among the effectiveness studies, 114 articles (62.3%) employ in vivo experiment design, 52 articles (28.42%) in vitro experiments, and 17 articles (9.29%) both in vivo and in vitro experiments. In terms of research subject, the most frequently indexed key words are hepatotoxicity among diseases (9 articles), Bojungikgitang (Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang) among prescriptions (10 articles), Buja (Acontii Tuber) among meteria medica (4 articles), immunity and anti-oxidation among efficacy terminology (6 articles each), and Donguibogam(東醫寶鑑) among references in the key words (25 articles). Universities are the main affiliation of authors (76.42%), followed by university hospitals (6.71%), non-academic research institutes (5.55%), local clinics (4.67), academic research institutes (2.81%), hospitals (2.38%), and others (1.44%). The most affiliated institute of the first and correspondent authors is Wonkwang University. In terms of authorship, co-authorship outnumbers sole-authorship by 82.08% to 17.92%. The proportion of authors of a single article is 63.54% which is near the author productivity distribution described by Lotka's law.

Testicular Cancer and Testicular Self-Examination; Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice in Final Year Medical Students in Nigeria

  • Ugwumba, Fred O;Ekwueme, Osa Eloka C;Okoh, Agharighom D
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.4999-5003
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    • 2016
  • The testicular cancer (TCa) incidence is increasing in many countries, with age-standardized incidence rates up to 7.8/100,000 men in the Western world, although reductions in mortality and increasingly high cure rates are being witnessed at the same time. In Africa, where rates are lower, presentation is often late and morbidity and mortality high. Given this scenario, awareness of testicular cancer and practice of testicular self-examination among future first response doctors is very important. This study was conducted to determine knowledge and attitude to testicular cancer, and practice of testicular self-examination (TSE) among final (6th) year medical students. In addition, the effect of an intervention in the form of a single PowerPoint(R) lecture, lasting 40 minutes with image content on testicular cancer and testicular self examination was assessed. Pre and post intervention administration of a self-administered structured pre tested questionnaire was performed on 151 medical students, 101 of whom returned answers (response rate of 66.8%). In the TC domain, there was a high level of awareness of testicular cancer, but poor knowledge of the age group most affected, with significant improvement post intervention (p<0.001). Notable also was the poor awareness of the potential curability of TC, this also being improved following the intervention (p<0.001). A poor level of awareness and practice of testicular self-examination pre-intervention was found considering the nature of the study group..Respondents had surprisingly weak/poor responses to the question "How important to men's health is regular testicular self-examination?" Answers to the questions "Do you think it is worthwhile to examine your testis regularly?" and "Would you be interested in more information on testicular cancer and testicular self-examination?" were also suboptimal, but improved post intervention p<0.001, p<0.001 and p=0.037. Age, gender and marital status were without specific influence. In conclusion, this study showed poor levels of knowledge regarding epidemiology of TCa and its potential curability when detected early. There was also a poor awareness of, practice of, and poor attitudes to TSE. The significant improvement in these parameters post intervention indicates value in educational intervention. We recommend inclusion of TCa coverage and TSE teaching in the secondary school curriculum (targeting adolescents). Greater emphasis should also be given to testicular cancer in the curricula of medical schools and other training institutions for health care personnel.

Embryology of Jeffersonia dubia Baker et S. Moore (Berberidaceae) and comparison with allied genera (깽깽이풀의 발생과 근연속간 비교)

  • Ghimire, Balkrishna;Heo, Kweon
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.260-266
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    • 2012
  • Because the embryological features of Jeffersonia dubia are poorly understood, we conducted the first embryological study comparing it to other related genera of Berberidaceae. Important embryological features of J. dubia are as follows: the anther is tetrasporangiate, anther wall formation confirms basic type, glandular tapetum cells are two nucleate, the epidermis persistent, and the endothecium develops fibrous thickenings, anther dehiscence by two valves, meiosis in a microspore mother cell is accompanied by simultaneous cytokinesis, microspore tetrads are usually tetrahedral, pollen grains two cells at the time of anthesis. The ovule is bitegmic, anatropous and crassinucellate, archesporium single celled, development of the embryo sac Polygonum type, a mature embryo sac is ellipsoidal in shape. Endosperm formation is of Nuclear type and embryogeny Onagrad type. Seeds are arillate and seed coat exotestal type. Embryological comparisons showed that Jeffersonia resemble to Epimedium and Vancouveria rather than Berberis and Mahonia in some features, like as number of tapetal cells, cytokinesis in meiosis, and thickness of exotesta. It also resembles to Gymnospermium in mode of anther wall formation, number of tapetal cells, formation of nucellar cap, and nature of antipodal cells. Nevertheless, Jeffersonia and Gymnospermium differ from several other embryological features and molecular data too. Therefore, embryological evidences support that Jeffersonia is closely related with Epimedium and Vancouveria.

Analysis of the Characteristics of the River Bed Variation by Flow Direction Changes at a Channel Junction (합류부내에서 유로 흐름방향 변경에 따른 하상변화 특성 분석)

  • Choi, Gye-Woon;Ahn, Kyung-Hoon;Jung, Jae-Kawng
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2010
  • Most of the rivers which exist in nature are not a single river but the network that is composed of several branches and mainstreams. The river network are more complicated than other sigle rivers and streams. Therefore the hydraulic characteristics are sensitively changed by reduction and expansion of the width in the confluence or the variation of the flux. In this paper, the hydraulic characteristics were calculated by the change of the width and length in the confluence and the hydraulic model test. The deposit of confluence emerged at the left bank, right bank and the stagnation sector. As the total flow in the branch have increased, stagnation of the left bank and right bank have decreased. When the width of the downstream have been get smaller from 3 m to 2 m, the deposit of the left bank and right bank and stagnation sector have decreased. But as the eddy flow in the center of the confluence is occurred, the erosion has been increased. The result of this paper can be used as a basic data of water management around the junction and for maintenance on the ground of development of the river.

A Phenomenological Study on Pregnancy Experience of Unmarried Korean Mothers (한국 미혼모의 임신 체험 연구)

  • Han, Jin-Sook;Moon, Young-Sook
    • Korean Parent-Child Health Journal
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.206-223
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to discuss the nature of pregnancy experience among unwed Korean mothers and to figure out what it meant for them, by asking some of them to reflect on themselves in a written form from interpretative and phenomenological perspective, based on van Manen's research method of the same approach. The subjects in this study were seven unmarried mothers in Korea. The data were collected from July through December 2000 through in- depth interview and observation. The statements of the participants were taped, recorded, analyzed and select essential themes. To have a phenomenological understanding of the pregnancy unmarried mothers, literary works, including essays and novels, were reviewed. The findings of this study were as below: The selected substantial themes about the pregnancy and birth experiences of the single mothers included 'hatred for boy friend,' 'hatred for the fetus,' and 'hatred for myself.' The unmarried mothers met their boy friends through the introduction of friends. At first, they were good friends, but they soon went on a date and had sexual relation with no common knowledge about sex. Most of them were aware of their pregnancy after they felt fetal movement, but they put off taking the test because they didn't want to accept the fact and feared it. Such an attitude was rare among married pregnant women, and being pregnant with no prior preparation or sexual knowledge is not common in Western countries. They felt guilty and informed their boy friends of the fact, but the boy friends didn't admit their responsibility and rejected the babies. This made the poor girls hate them, and it turned into severe abhorrence. They thought their lives were ruined by the babies, and wished they would disappear. They reproached the babies, hitting their own bellies or making a kick. They considered themselves to be abandoned and didn't want to live any more. Giving themselves up to despair, some attempted to commit a suicide. They hoped to die, thinking their death would solve the problem. When they lost a chance of abortion and were about to have the babies adopted, they felt sorry for them. The unwanted pregnancy gave them a pain, but they keenly felt they were loved by their mothers, and learned the value of family. It's attempted in this study to clearly show how much unmarried Korean mothers suffered from pregnancy, and this effort paved the way for seeing unwed mothers in a new light and having a better understanding of them, instead of sticking to general perception.

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A Study on the Utilization of 4K/UHD Camera with 2/3" Sensor : Focused on Application of HD Lens (2/3" 센서를 활용한 4K/UHD 카메라 활용방안 연구 : HD 렌즈 활용을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sang-il;Park, Sung-chul;Kwon, Soon-chul;Lee, Seung-hyun;Hamacher, Alaric
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.227-234
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    • 2015
  • Recently, there is more and more demand on broadcasting display environment that provides a sense of realism basically with high quality and high definition as in UHDTV, so various kinds of 4K cameras have been released. Super 35mm sensor 4K/UHD cameras being generally used can be usefully applied to the single camera-based system such as advertisements, dramas, nature documentaries, and culture programs. However, in the multicamera-based system such as entertaining programs, sports, and concerts, relay broadcasting may face limitations as there are restrictions of close-up or tight shots according to the distance. Besides, 4K lenses are not enough compared with the previous HD lenses' group, so there are limitations in camera photographing shots that have been realized in HD filming. Therefore, to complement this, the use of 2/3 inch sensor 4K/UHD cameras is being demanded, and it is also needed to use various lenses' groups to produce UHD image contents. Accordingly, this study used Grass Valley's LDX 4K/UHD camera to analyze its applicability based on the picture quality test at the use of HD lenses in 2/3 sensors and also the possibility of its efficient application.

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia (이트리아를 첨가한 저코니아의 합성과 결정구조)

  • Kim, Won-Sa;Suh, Il-Hwan;Bak, Ro-Hak;Kim, Moon-Jib;Kim, Huhn-Jun;Lee, Chang-Hee;Kim, Yong-Che;Seong, Baek-Seok;Lee, Jeong-Soo;Shim, Hae-Seop;Kim, Yi-Kyung;Lee, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.553-558
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    • 1997
  • Colorless and transparent cubic zirconia($Zr_{0.73}Y_{0.27}O_{1.87}$) crystal has been synthesized by the Bridgman-Stock-bager method(also called Skull melting method). $Y_2O_3$ is used as stabilizer. The crystal shows a vitreous luster with a slight oily appearance. Under a polarizing microscope, it shows isotropic nature with no appreciable anisotropism. Mohs hardness value is measured to be $8{\sim}8\frac{1}{2}$ and specific gravity 5.85. Under ultraviolet light it shows a faint white glow. The crystal structure of yttria stabilized zirconia was determined, using single crystal X-ray diffraction techniques to be a cubic symmetry, space group $Fm\overline{3}m({O^5}_h)$ with $a=5.1552(5){\AA}$, $V=136.99(5){\AA}^3$, Z=4, and R=0.0488 for 29 unique reflections. Each zirconium atom is at the center of eight oxygen atoms situated at the corners of a surrounding cube and each oxygen atom is at the center of a tetrahedron of zirconium atoms. So a coordination of 8:4 holds in the structure.

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