• Title/Summary/Keyword: similar theory

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A Study on Frequency Controlled Bandwidth adjustable Bandpass Filter (주파수제어 대역폭조정 대역통과 여파기에 관한 연구)

  • 최갑석
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.18-26
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    • 1975
  • In this paper, a frequency controlled bandwidth adjustable bandpass filter consisting of 4-path system is precented. It is shown that this system has characteristics similar to ihose of the magneticuly coupled double tuned amplifier and the center frequency of the passband is able to be shifted contineolisly. The adjustable range of the bartdwidth of the filter system is anslyzed for she case of the double and single tuned characteristics. The experiment has been conducted to verify the theory of this system and the experimental resulis are in good agreement with the theoretically calculated values.

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A Study on the Formative Relationship of between Artistic Eye-Makeup and Clothing - Focus on Fashion Magazine From the 2000's to 2010 - (조형적 측면에서 본 예술로서의 아이메이크업과 의복과의 상관성 연구 - 2000년부터 2010년까지 패션잡지를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Eun-Sil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.62 no.3
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    • pp.120-136
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    • 2012
  • The purposes of this study is to analyze the formative relationship between artistic eye-makeup and clothes design by focusing on the period from 2000 to 2010 and to find out the development direction of the next makeup design. This study considered formative theory to analyze the formative relationship between artistic eye-makeup and clothes design of $Marian$ $L.$ $Davis$ and $Marilyn$ $R.$ $Delong's$ theory, and analyzed the formative relationship between artistic eye-makeup and clothes design in an aspect of line and form, color and material, The results are as follows: First, the shapes of the artistic eye-makeup such as tear drops, and rectangular paisleys were similar with the form of clothes such as the hourglass, cylinders and mix-types. Second, monotonic color coordination mainly appeared and sometimes contrast color coordination that induced complex contrast coordination were apparent as well. Third, the objects of the artistic eye-makeup such as glitter papers, spangles and beads had similar features as the material of clothes such as silk and spangle, and contrast was partially used like colors. The results suggest that artistic eye-makeup and clothes have an organic relationship, and artistic eye-makeup is changed with formative elements of clothes.

Investigation on the Meridian-Muscle Therapy for Myogenic Nerve Entrapment Syndrome (경근요법(經筋療法)을 통한 근원성 신경 포착 증후군의 치료)

  • Heo, Su-Young;Choi, Jin-Man;Seo, Hae-Kyung
    • The Journal of Korea CHUNA Manual Medicine
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2001
  • Objectives : Scalenus anticus syndrome and Piriformis syndrome is representative of myogenic Nerve entrapment syndrome, and their clinical symptoms are similar to HIVD(herniated Intervertebral disc) of cervical or lumbar spine. But, distinguished by muscle test, these syndrome apply to Meridian-muscle therapy. Methods : Meridian-muscle therapy consists of Ashi(阿是)-point therapy, taping therapy, myofascial release technique, manipulation, their based on the traditional meridian-muscle theory. This theory is similar to myofascial pain syndrome in western medicine. The study population consisted of 9 patients who were already diagnosed as Nerve entrapment syndrome with radiological examination & physical examination and muscle test. The evaluation of clinical outcome was done by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and Pain Assesment Questionnaire(PAQ). Results and Conclusions : After treatment, All patient's VAS is decreased as $2.11{\pm}1.59$ and the evaluation of clinical effect was excellent(6 cases) or good(3 cases) according to PAQ. Conclusively, Meridian muscle therapy is efficacious against Nerve entrapment syndrome.

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A study on muscular system of Foot yangmyung meridian-muscle (족양명경근(足陽明經筋)의 근육학적(筋肉學的) 고찰(考察))

  • Song, Jong-Keun;Yim, Yun-Kyoung
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2006
  • Objective & Methods: This study is performed to understand the interrelation between 'Foot yangmyung meridian-muscle' and 'muscular system'. We studied the literatures on Meridian-muscle theory, anatomical muscular system, myofascial pain syndrome and the theory of anatomy trains. Results & Conclusion: 1. It is considered that Foot yangmyung meridian-muscle includes extensor digitorum longus m., tibialis anterior m., quadriceps femoris m., rectus abdominis m., pectoralis major m., sternocleidomastoid m., platysma m., orbicular oris m., zygomaticus major m., zygomaticus minor m., masseter m., Gluteus medius m., and Obliquus externus abdominis m. 2. The symptoms of Foot yangmyung meridian-muscle are similar to the myofascial pain syndrome with referred pain of extensor digitorum longus m., tibialis anterior m., quadriceps femoris m., rectus abdominis m., obliquus abdominis m., masseter m. 3. Superficial frontal line in anatomy trains is similar to the pathway of Foot yangmyung meridian-muscle, and more studies are needed in anatomy and physiology to support the continuity of muscular system of Foot yangmyung meridian-muscle in aspect of anatomy trains.

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The study of muscular system about Large Intestine Channel of Hand Yangmyung Muscle. (수양명대장경근(手陽明大腸經筋)에 대(對)한 근육학적(筋肉學的) 고찰(考察))

  • Kim, Tae-Young;Oh, Min-Seok
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 2008
  • We have conclusions after the study of muscular system about large intestine channel of hand yangmyung muscle. 1. Judging from many studies of interrelation between Meridian muscle and muscle. it is considered that Meridian muscle theory has some similarities with modern anatomical muscular system. 2. There is a wide defference betwean myofacial pain syndrome and meridian muscle theory in that the former explains each muscle individually, while the latter classifies muscles systematically in the view of organism. 3. It is considered that large intestine channel of hand yangmyung muscle contains extensor digitorum muscle, extensor muscle of index finger, brachioradialis muscle, triceps brachii muscle, Rhomboid major muscle, trapezius muscle, sternocleidomastoid muscle and muscle levator labii. 4. The symptoms of large intestine channel of hand yangmyung muscle is similar to referred pain of modern Myofacial pain syndrome, and the medical treatment of "I-Tong-Wi-Su" is similar to that of Myofacial pain syndrome.

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An Applicability of Teager Energy Operator and Energy Separation Algorithm for Waveform Distortion Analysis : Harmonics, Inter-harmonics and Frequency Variation

  • Cho, Soo-Hwan;Hur, Jin;Chung, Il-Yop
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.1210-1216
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    • 2014
  • This paper deals with an application of Teager Energy Operator (TEO) and Energy Separation Algorithm(ESA) to detect and determine various voltage waveform distortions like harmonics, inter-harmonics and frequency variation. Because the TEO and DESA algorithm was initially proposed for speech or communication analysis, its applications are limited to some types of waveform in the power quality analysis area. For example, an undistorted voltage signal is similar with a pure sinusoid. A voltage fluctuation is very similar with an amplitude-modulated signal, from the viewpoint of signal theory. And a continuous frequency variation is similar with a frequency-modulated signal, which is also known as a chirp signal. This paper is written to show that the TEO and DESA algorithm can be used for detecting occurrences of the representative waveform distortions and determining their instantaneous information of amplitude and frequency.

Stream of Confucianism and a Study of Dongmu Lee Jema's Formation of Sasang through Hado and Nock-seo, along with Four Character and Seven Feeling Theory (유학의 흐름과 하도낙서(河圖洛書) 및 사단칠정을 통한 동무(東武) 이제마(李濟馬)의 사상인 형성에 대한 연구)

  • Song, See-Won;Kang, Jung-Soo
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2005
  • According to Confucianism, the world before Confucius focused on respecting the heaven which meant that everything could be done by the heaven. After the period of Confucianism, Joo-Ja asserted that everything could be done by nature. During the Chosun Dynasty, philosophers such as Seo Kyung-duck, Lee Hwang, and Lee Yi talked about four characters and seven passions of human being. They started to focus more on the inside of human nature. During the later period of the Chosun Dynasty, a philosopher by the name of Dongmugong Lee Jema analyzed that one's nature and feelings can change his or her external matter and the function of internal organs by purity or impurity of one's mind. Based on these analysis, Dongmugong discovered 'sasangin' which puts more emphasis on one's state of mind compared to the outside the world. Also, Dongmugong tried to figure out the connections between Confucianism and medical science. If you use change fire and stone theory which is difference between hado and nock-seo to expain four seven theory one's mind could be define as four natural characters and seven feelings. From four seven theory four is ying and seven is yang. This is the method of cure and understand the structure of human body. And also, four natural characters and seven feelings can be divided into heaven and earth. You can see Four natural characters is far more similar to heaven and seven feelings are similar to earth. According to four-seven theory hado is permanent and you can find out 'sasangin' is permanent also. Since seven feelings are influenced by sam-jae, you can analogize there are 21 different types in 'sasangin'. An underlying principle should there be 28 different types of sasangin instead of 21 different types of sasangin but one quater of sasangin is hidden according to samhyuniljang theory. All creations in the world are organized by unification of the great absolute and symmetry distinction of yingyang. With these facts identity of the heaven, earth and man which is named samjae generates symbols of independent sasang. And also, sasang generates relations between five element, six energy and the six family relation. From six family relation comes seven feelings of man which creates a category of the eight trigrams for divination and unification of nine palace. All these process are united.

Adaptation UNGI Theory To Oriental Medicine (운기이론(運氣理論)의 한의학적(韓醫學的) 적용(適用)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察))

  • Park, Yong-Ho;Jo, Hak-Jun
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.19 no.1 s.32
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2006
  • UNGI(運氣) theory is one of the most important theory in Oriental medicine. But it's so difficult to adapt to real medic. Long time ago many Oriental Physicians disscussed this with other physicians, UNGI to Oriental Medicine, and so still now. Remarkably, it is important as a basic theory itself, UNGI exist as a special medic. We can see that in the book of ‘五運六氣韓醫學寶鑑’, ‘運氣演繹方藥篇’ and other such kind of books. The special thing is we can predict each man's disease through the date of his birth. And more, we can make out prescription for each person's health. In addition, by knowing his date of birth, we can calculate his date of pregnancy, and with the same way, we can also predict and prescript that he can be protected from his fateful disease. But, the way like this can make Oriental medic an astrology and a superstition. So I studied on this and concluded as follow, 1. UNGI theory is important in the Oriental Medicine not only in basic but on diagnosis and attendance. 2. Mechanical abuse in the past, make UNGI theory unbelievable. But Liu Ha-gan(劉河間) studied so deeply, and knew the right way to applicate UNGI theory on Oriental medic. 3. It is not logical the pregnant day counted thru birthday, so we have to percept this an abstract idea. And it founded detail way to count the pregnant day. 'UNGI' as a medical system, by knowing his birthday we can predict and prevent his fateful disease. Of course, I cannot find such substances in Neijing, and classic books on Oriental medicine. So queer at a glance, but clinically it has some valuable meanings. However, There's little to prove its foundation. It is similar to astrology, we cannot define its base. The problems we have to trace and find out.

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The Comparison of Workfare in UK and Australia from the View Point of Social Contract Theory (사회계약론적 관점에서 본 영국과 호주의 근로연계복지 비교연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Ha
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.169-193
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    • 2006
  • The Purpose of this paper is to compare workfare system in UK with in Australia from the view point of social contract theory. There are two kinds of social contract theory - Hobbesian and Kantian theory. In view of these two types, this paper makes a comparative study of New Deal in UK and Mutual Obligation in Australia. The results of analysis can be summarized as follows. Firstly, in this respect of compulsive program formation background, Mutual Obligation and New Deal is all similar with Hobbesian social contract theory. Secondly, With regard to concern for the disadvantaged, Mutual Obligation is among Hobbesian social contract but New Deal is among Kantian social contract. Lastly, concerning orientation of compulsion, Mutual Obligation is close to Hobbesian social contract but New Deal is close to Kantian social contract.

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Study on the Development of Theory of the Deficiency of Yin-yang in Spleen-stomach (비위(脾胃) 음양허손병기론(陰陽虛損病機論)의 발전에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Jee-Youn;Kim, Yeong-Mok
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2011
  • The aim of the present study was to investigate the development of theory of the deficiency of yin-yang in the spleen-stomach(脾胃). The spleen-stomach theory is a very valuable composition of the oriental medicine. Its first theoretical basis was established by Li Dong Yuan(李東垣) who wrote Piweilun("脾胃論"). He insisted the importance of spleen yang(脾陽) which is the "postnatal base of life" by transforming and transporting of food essence and fluids and raises the clear. After him, his theory had influenced many descendant medical men. one of them, Ye Tian Shi(葉天士) found out the differences of between stomach and spleen. Especially he focused on the stomach yin(胃陰) which is easy to be exhausted by dry-fire(燥火). And he also made another remedy, "the stomach yang should be moved well(宣通胃陽)", which emphasize on that cold and stagnant cause the deficiency of the stomach yang. After that, spleen yin(脾陰) theory was set up by Tang Zong Hai(唐宗海). His spleen yin(脾陰) was deeply related with digestive enzymes and pancreas, because his theory was established by comparing oriental and western medicine. These four theories became the theoretical basis of the deficiency of yin-yang in the spleen-stomach(脾胃), and similar symptom of the spleen-stomach(脾胃) could be categorized according to the pattern identification(辨證) which was developed from these four theory.