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Development of simple HPLC-UV method for discrimination of Adenophorae Radix

  • Vu, Thi Phuong Duyen;Kim, Kyung Tae;Pham, Yen;Bao, Haiying;Kang, Jong Seong
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.82-88
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    • 2017
  • Adenophorae Radix (AR) is a frequently used medicinal herb; because of its popularity, products containing similar herbal products are often sold as substitutes, especially if their morphology is similar. However, any analytical method to identify AR based on quantitative analysis is not registered in Korea, Japan and China Pharmacopoeias. This study developed a simple HPLC method to discriminate between authentic AR and substitutes. Linoleic acid was used as a marker compound of AR. Our optimized HPLC-UV conditions included a mobile phase of 90 % acetonitrile under isocratic condition, and a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min at room temperature. Detection wavelength was set at 205 nm. Linoleic acid was detected at 13.5 minutes for a total analysis time of 20 minutes. The standard herb of AR contained 0.025 % of linoleic acid, while four authentic AR samples and eight substitutes contained 0.040~0.071 % and 0.004~0.014 %, respectively. Comparison of the linoleic acid concentrations of the sample types to reference AR showed that among 12 samples, only the four samples were authentic. Thus, our HPLC-UV method, along with our suggested content criterion for linoleic acid concentration, can be used for the quick and accurate determination whether the herbal products are authentic AR or substitute.

Mortar Characteristics for Reinforcement of Ancient Tomb Murals Using Oyster Shells

  • Lee, Hwa Soo;Yu, Yeong Gyeong;Han, Kyeong Soon
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.295-303
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    • 2018
  • The application of reinforcing agents with hydraulic property and strength development characteristics was studied under conditions similar to those of mural-painting mortar made with oyster shell powder. Reinforcement mortar made with oyster shell powder showed hydraulic properties and strength to supplement the weaknesses of natural hydraulic lime(NHL); this confirmed its possibility as a wall-reinforcing material with enough strength for preserving mural paintings. Reinforcement mortar 1 showed hydraulic property and general characteristics of lime mortar, such as consistency and viscosity, as well as lower strength and higher whiteness compared to an NHL product. For Reinforcement mortar 2, the original wall sample characteristics were reflected by mixing more shell produced through calcination; and it showed similar strength to that of Reinforcement mortar 1 as well as high whiteness. In measuring the contraction ratio of reinforcement mortar samples, Reinforcement mortar 1 and 2 showed more stability in property change compared to the NHL Group.

Flexural strength of circular concrete-filled tubes

  • Lee, Minsun;Kang, Thomas H.-K.
    • Advances in Computational Design
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.297-313
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    • 2016
  • The flexural strength of circular concrete-filled tubes (CCFT) can be estimated by several codes such as ACI, AISC, and Eurocode 4. In AISC and Eurocode, two methods are recommended, which are the strain compatibility method (SCM) and the plastic stress distribution method (PSDM). The SCM of AISC is almost the same as the SCM of the ACI method, while the SCM of Eurocode is similar to the ACI method. Only the assumption of the compressive stress of concrete is different. The PSDM of Eurocode approach is also similar to the PSDM of AISC, but they have different definitions of material strength. The PSDM of AISC is relatively easier to use, because AISC provides closed-form equations for calculating the flexural strength. However, due to the complexity of calculation of circular shapes, it is quite difficult to determine the flexural strength of CCFT following other methods. Furthermore, all these methods give different estimations. In this study, an effort is made to review and compare the codes to identify their differences. The study also develops a computing program for the flexural strength of circular concrete filled tubes under pure bending that is in accordance with the codes. Finally, the developed computing algorithm, which is programmed in MATLAB, is used to generate design aid graphs for various steel grades and a variety of strengths of steel and concrete. These design aid graphs for CCFT beams can be used as a preliminary design tool.

Flow Visualization in Realistic Arterial Bypass Graft Model

  • Singh, Megha;Shin, Se-Hyun
    • International Journal of Vascular Biomedical Engineering
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2005
  • Background: Coronary atherosclerosis artery disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) which utilizes the saphenous vein graft, has helped in alleviating the suffering of these patients. Newer techniques are being developed to improve upon the techniques. Still there is significant number of failures, leading to re-grafting or re-vascularization. Some studies have helped in identifying the high and low shear stress regions. Further studies based on their realistic models are required. Material, methods and results: we developed the realistic model of fully blocked right coronary with bypass graft placed at angle of $5^0$ with curvature similar to that of artery. Pulsatile flow of birefringent solution through this model by polarized light was visualized. The images of complete flow field in the model were recorded and analyzed. Regions of high flow disturbances which are prone to further changes are identified. Existence of recirculation in the blocked coronary may initiate new blood-tissue interactions deleterious to bypass graft. Conclusion: Our study shows that by selecting the procedure to place bypass graft at minimum angle with curvature similar to that of artery and smooth sutures may improve the life span of the graft. This study also identified that coronary blocked regions contributing by recirculation flow at the proximal and distal regions of bypass which may require further studies.

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A Study on the Textile Terminologies of the Chosun Period (朝鮮時代 服飾用語 硏究II-織物關聯用語를 中心으로-)

  • 김진구
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.532-536
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    • 2001
  • This study is concerned with the textile related terminologies of the Chosun period. The purpose of this study was to trace and to examine some textile related terms such as goro, mooruwi, modan, shiok, jal, gaam, and chien. These words were examined and analyzed in terms of the origins, meanings, and neighbouring languages. The results of this research can be summarized as follows: The results of this study revealed that the word goro of the Chosun period was derived from the Chinese ku lo 羅 or (Equations. See Full-text). Korean goro or goroi is a transliteration of the Chinese moolo 霧羅. The word modan 帽緞 was a kind of rich silk fabric. Manchurian kamku 帽緞 was derived from Arabic word kamkha. The word shiok, shiok, shiuk, shiurk, or shiu 시으 means felt in Korean. Similar words to Korean shiok was found in Afro-Asiatic family such as Egyptian, Hebrew, and Assyrians. Egyptian shiu means a seep or a goat. The word jal meaning black sable was found was originated in the Chinese tzuerl 子兒皮, black sable. The word Korean gaam 가암, 가음, was similar to Mongorian k∂m meaning a material. Also Iraq-Arabian xaam meaning raw, unworked, unprocessed, had the same meaning as the Korean gaam. Xaam and gaam have almost the same phonetical sounds. The Korean gaam was derived from the xaam of Iraq-Arabian. Korean chien meaning cloth was derived from the Chinese chyan or chien (Equations. See Full-text).

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Residual stresses measurement in the butt joint welded metals using FSW and TIG methods

  • Taheri-Behrooz, Fathollah;Aliha, Mohammad R.M.;Maroofi, Mahmood;Hadizadeh, Vahid
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.759-766
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    • 2018
  • Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is a solid-state process, where the objects are joined together without reaching their melting point. It has been shown that this method is a suitable way to join dissimilar aluminium alloys. The current article employed hole drilling technique to measure the residual stress distribution experimentally in different zones of dissimilar aluminium alloys AA6061-T6 and AA7075-T6 Butt welded using FSW. Results are compared with those of similar AA6061-T6 plates joined using a conventional fusion welding method called tungsten inert gas (TIG). Also, the evolution of the residual stresses in the thickness direction was investigated, and it was found that the maximum residual stresses are below the yield strength of the material in the shoulder region. It was also revealed that the longitudinal residual stresses in the joint were much larger than the transverse residual stresses. Meanwhile, Vickers micro hardness measurements were performed in the cross-section of the samples. The largest hardness values were observed in the stir zone (SZ) adjacent to the advancing side whereas low hardness values were measured at the HAZ of both alloys and the SZ adjacent to the retreating side.

Two newly recorded species of the genus Medinilla from Cambodia (캄보디아 미기록 식물 Medinilla속 2종)

  • Cho, Seong-Hyun;Kim, Bo-Yun;Lee, Jung-Hoon;Phourin, Chhang
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.301-305
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    • 2016
  • Two newly recorded species of Melastomataceae, Medinilla rubicunda and M. septentrionalis, were found from the Phnom Bokor National Park and the Central Cardamom Protected Forest in Cambodia. Medinilla rubicunda is similar to M. laurifolia from Indonesia (Sumatra and Java) and Thailand, but is readily distinguished from the latter by its shorter petiole and a cyme bearing fewer than six flowers. Medinilla septentrionalis is similar to M. nana from China (Yunnan) and Vietnam, but is clearly distinguished from the latter by its terete branchlets, which have a thin and not a corky bark. Descriptions, photographs, and a diagnostic key of the three species of Cambodian Medinilla are provided for species identification.

Coin Drop Simulation based on Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics

  • Kang, Han-bin;Pack, In-seok;Song, Ju-han;Lee, Dong-ug;Park, Min-hyeok;Lee, Seok-soon
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2013
  • Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics(SPH) method uses a grid of historical analysis and is not Lagrangian particles using the grid method. The Navier-Stokes equations were used to solve the viscous flow of the non-compressed. In this study, the numerical analysis of the three-dimensional Coin Drop Simulation using SPH method was performed, and the analysis results are compared with experimental results, and a similar behavior can be seen. The commercial program used was Abaqus/Explicit. SPH method to reduce the error by comparing the existing flow analysis or interpretation of the continuing research is needed in the future. That will enable real-time analysis of material obtained as a result of these numerical simulations similar to the actual flow phenomena, depending on the development of computer graphics technology to show visually. As a result, this method can be applied to the analysis fluid - structure interaction problems in a variety of fields.

A study on the Kazakh, Kirgiz, Tajik tribe Costume and Textile (카자흐, 키르키즈, 타지크족의 민속복과 직물에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, In-Soo;Je, Yoon
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2001
  • The result of this study is on textile expressed in the costume of the Kazakh tribe, Kirgiz tribe, Tajik tribe. Basically the material of costume is fur, cotton flannel, felt, silk, cotton outwear, velvet cloth and beads, silver, earing, bracelet is used frequently. The tribes did embroider on the shoes, made of sheepskin or calfskin and collar, belt, button, pocket with the sketch of national trait. Eventually their cultures of costume seem to be very similar because of the resemblances in circumstance of nature, religion, custom of life but definitely they show conservatism in itself and independent culture. In the basic structure of traditional costume by races, there is no big difference. Then, in men, the trousers and the shirts of tunic type become the basic with the style which is convenient to act. And, to wear vest, or jacket, or chaban, over it makes a little difference. In women also, same structure shows with the form to wear vest or outwear, on the basis of one piece. But, in a small hat, head wear, color contrast, and decoration element etc., strict difference is showing. After all, they show very similar clothing life culture basically in natural environment, religion, and life habit etc., But, the discrimination is made in the detailed side. So, it can be said that they show the conservative nature of nationalities, and have preserved the unique identity of their own culture.

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Landscape Characteristic and Its Background of the Fallingwater Design by Frank Lloyd Wright (프랭크 로이드 라이트의 낙수장 디자인에 내재하는 조경적 특성과 그 형성 배경)

    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.90-100
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    • 1999
  • The Fallingwater, one of Wright's best designs, is known as a good example of "Organic Architecture". Its landscape characteristics are harmonious relationship between architecture and landscape, adaptable siting, composition of spatial and visual structure, floating spaceness, interlocking of water and house, dramatic approach, and vernacular material use. This characteristics had begun from the Prairie architecture, but also had influenced by the culture and art of the Far East. He was open to foreign cultures. Staying in Japan for years, he had travelled China, too. In this process, he might be exposed to Korean art and culture which were under Japan at that time. Comparing the front image of the Songkwang Temple to that of the Fallingwater, their compositions between architecture, water, and landscape are so similar to each other. They are also close to each other in terms of spatial structure. Therefore the landscape characteristics found in the Fallingwater design are more similar to Korean landscape architectural characteristics than Japanese ones. Therefore we are going to suggest the hypothesis that Wright is influenced by Korean landscape design in the design of the Fallingwater. Considering his impact upon the design world, it will be significant if the concept of Korean traditional landscape design is placed behind his design of the great architecture.hitecture.

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