• Title/Summary/Keyword: shift maps

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Boundary-preserving Stereo Matching based on Confidence Region Detection and Disparity Map Refinement (신뢰 영역 검출 및 시차 지도 재생성 기반 경계 보존 스테레오 매칭)

  • Yun, In Yong;Kim, Joong Kyu
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.132-140
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we propose boundary-preserving stereo matching method based on adaptive disparity adjustment using confidence region detection. To find the initial disparity map, we compute data cost using the color space (CIE Lab) combined with the gradient space and apply double cost aggregation. We perform left/right consistency checking to sort out the mismatched region. This consistency check typically fails for occluded and mismatched pixels. We mark a pixel in the left disparity map as "inconsistent", if the disparity value of its counterpart pixel differs by a value larger than one pixel. In order to distinguish errors caused by the disparity discontinuity, we first detect the confidence map using the Mean-shift segmentation in the initial disparity map. Using this confidence map, we then adjust the disparity map to reduce the errors in initial disparity map. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method produces higher quality disparity maps by successfully preserving disparity discontinuities compared to existing methods.

The shape measurement of 3D object by using the method of interference pattern projection. (간섭무늬 투영 방식의 3차원 형상 측정)

  • 이연태;강영준;박낙규;황용선;백성훈
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.271-274
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    • 2002
  • The 3-D measurement using interference pattern projection is very attractive because of its high measuring speed and high sensitivity. When a sinusoidal amplitude grating was projected on an object, the surface-height distribution of the object is translated into a phase distribution of the deformed grating image. The patters was generated by a interferometer, and a PZT was used to shift the fringes on the target surface. The phase-acquisition algorithms are so sufficiently simple that high-resolution phase maps using a CCD camera can be generated in a short time. A working system requires a interferometer, a PZT, and a detector array interfaced to a microcomputer. Results of measurements on the diffused test objects are described.

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Stress Estimation of a Drain Current in Sub-threshold regime of amorphous Si:H

  • Lee, Do-Young;Lee, Kyung-Ho
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.08b
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    • pp.1172-1175
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    • 2007
  • We have investigated the threshold voltage shifts(${\Delta}Vth$) and drain current level shift (${\Delta}Ids$) in subthreshold region of a-Si:H TFTs induced by DC Bias (Vgs and Vds) - Temperature stress (BTS) condition. We plotted the transfer curves and the ${\Delta}Vth$ contour maps as Vds-Vds stress bias and Temperature to examine the severe damage cases on TFTs. Also, by drawing out the time-dependent transfer curve (Ids-Vgs) in the region of $10^{-8}\;{\sim}\;10^{-13}$ (A) current level, we can estimate the failure time of TFTs in a operating condition.

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Improving streamflow and flood predictions through computational simulations, machine learning and uncertainty quantification

  • Venkatesh Merwade;Siddharth Saksena;Pin-ChingLi;TaoHuang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.29-29
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    • 2023
  • To mitigate the damaging impacts of floods, accurate prediction of runoff, streamflow and flood inundation is needed. Conventional approach of simulating hydrology and hydraulics using loosely coupled models cannot capture the complex dynamics of surface and sub-surface processes. Additionally, the scarcity of data in ungauged basins and quality of data in gauged basins add uncertainty to model predictions, which need to be quantified. In this presentation, first the role of integrated modeling on creating accurate flood simulations and inundation maps will be presented with specific focus on urban environments. Next, the use of machine learning in producing streamflow predictions will be presented with specific focus on incorporating covariate shift and the application of theory guided machine learning. Finally, a framework to quantify the uncertainty in flood models using Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling Averaging will be presented. Overall, this presentation will highlight that creating accurate information on flood magnitude and extent requires innovation and advancement in different aspects related to hydrologic predictions.

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    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 1998
  • To understand the basic physics underlying large spatial fluctuations of intensity and Doppler shift, we have investigated the dynamical charctersitics of the transition region of the quiet sun by analyzing a raster scan of high resolution UV spectral band containing H Lyman lines and a S VI line. The spectra were taken from a quiet area of $100'\times100'$ located near the disk center by SUMER on board SOHO. The spectral band ranges from 906 A to 950 A with spatial and spectral resolution of 1v and $0.044 {\AA}$, respectively. The parameters of individual spectral lines were determined from a single Gaussian fit to each spectral line. Then, spatial correlation analyses have been made among the line parameters. Important findings emerged from the present analysis are as follows. (1) The integrated intensity maps of the observed area of H I 931 line $(1\times10^4 K)$ and S VI 933 line $(2\times10^5 K)$ look very smilar to each other with the same characterstic size of 5". An important difference, however, is that the intensity ratio of brighter network regions to darker cell regions is much larger in S VI 933 line than that in H I 931 line. (2) Dynamical features represented by Doppler shifts and line widths are smaller than those features seen in intensity maps. The features are found to be changing rapidly with time within a time scale shorter than the integration time, 110 seconds, while the intensity structure remains nearly unchanged during the same time interval. (3) The line intensity of S VI is quite strongly correlated with that of H I lines, but the Doppler shift correlation between the two lines is not as strong as the intensity correlation. The correlation length of the intensity structure is found to be about 5.7' (4100 km), which is at least 3 times larger than that of the velocity structure. These findings support the notion that the basic unit of the transition region of the quiet sun is a loop-like structure with a size of a few $10^3 km$, within which a number of unresolved smaller velocity structures are present.

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A Cartographic Study on the Earthly Paradise Represented in the Medieval Mappaemundi (서양 중세 세계지도에 표현된 지상낙원의 지도학적 연구)

  • Chul, Jung-In
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.412-431
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    • 2008
  • The achievements of the medieval mappaemundi should be evaluated on their own terms and in the context of their purpose. Medieval mappaemundi expressed christian world view which reflected Augustinian theology. These Christian world view and Greek and Roman classical geography were combined to form the cultural barkground of the medieval mappaemundi. These maps had a function to organize physical space according to religious principles. The Christian concept of the world as a temporal phenomenon, derived from the simultaneous creation of time and space as described in St. Augustin's theology was represented in these maps. The purpose of this paper is to consider geographic characteristics of earthly paradise expressed in medieval mappaemundi and their cartographic characteristics. For this, firstly, we reviewed medieval Christian scholars' opinions on earthly paradise. Secondly, centered on geographic location and representation method, we examined cartographic characteristics of medieval paradise mapping, Thirdly, we considered the shift of paradise according to chronological change. Fourthly, we examined the reason why earthly paradise disappeared from world map after fourteenth century.

A Fine-scale Half Ring-like Structure around a Pore

  • Song, Donguk;Chae, Jongchul
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.87.2-87.2
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    • 2013
  • We studied a fine-scale half ring-like structure around a pore seen from the high spectral and the high spatial resolution data. Our observations were carried out using the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) and the InfraRed Imaging Magnetograph (IRIM) installed at the 1.6 meter New Solar Telescope of Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) on 2012 July 19. During the observations, we found a fine-scale half ring-like structure located very close to a pore (~0.4 arcsec apart from the pore). It was seen in the far wing images of the $H{\alpha}$ and Ca II $8542{\AA}$ lines, but it was not seen in the line center images of two lines. The length of the structure is about 4200 km and the width is about 350 km. We determined its line-of-sight velocity using the Doppler shift of the centroid of the Ti II line ($6559.6{\AA}$, close to the $H{\alpha}$ line) and determined horizontal velocity using the NAVE method. we also investigated the magnetic configurations using the Stokes I, Q, U, and V maps of the IRIM. As a results, we found that it has a high blue-shift velocity (~2km) faster than the photospheric features and has a strong horizontal component of the magnetic field. Based on our findings, we suggest that it is associated with small flux emergence, which occurs very close to the pore. Even though it is very small structure, this kind of magnetic configuration can be in chare of the upper chromosphere heating, especially above the pore.

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A design of Space Compactor for low overhead in Built-In Self-Test (내장 자체 테스트의 low overhead를 위한 공간 압축기 설계)

  • Jung, Jun-Mo
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.5 no.9
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    • pp.2378-2387
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    • 1998
  • This thesis proposes a design algorithm of an efficient space response compactor for Built-In Self-Testing of VLSI circuits. The proposed design algorithm of space compactors can be applied independently from the structure of Circuit Cnder Test. There are high hardware overhead cost in conventional space response compactors and the fault coverage is reduced by aliasing which maps faulty circuit's response to fault-free one. However, the proposed method designs space response compactors with reduced hardware overheads and does not reduce the fault coverage comparing to conventional method. Also, the proposed method can be extended to general N -input logic gate and design the most efficient space response L'Ompactors according to the characteristies of output sequence from CUT. The prolxlsed design algorithm is implemented by C language on a SUN SPARC Workstation, and some experiment results of the simulation applied to ISCAS'85 benchmark circuits with pseudo random patterns generated bv LFSR( Linear Feedback Shift Register) show the efficiency and validity of the proposed design algorithm.

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Homogeneous Mixing of Si3N4 with Sintering Additives by Coprecipitation Method (질화규소의 소결첨가제의 공침법에 의한 균일혼합)

  • 김지순
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.30 no.10
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    • pp.829-837
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    • 1993
  • Chemically and geometrically homogeneous mixing of Si3N4 powders with sintering additives(YAG, 3Y2O3$.$5Al2O3) was attempted via coprecipitation method. X-ray dot maps for the additive elements(Al and Y) showed that the additives are evenly distributed in the powder mixture prepared by coprecipitation method(CP). TEM observation of the coprecipittion-treated Si3N4 powders revealed that they are covered with extremely fine crystallites of additive. The shift in isoelectric point(IEP) of Si3N4 powders from pH 6.7 to pH 7.9 after coprecipitation mixing gave another evidence for coating of Si3N4 powders with YAG additives. SIMS analysis for composition on the surface and in the matrix of mixed powders showed that the YAG additives are highly enriched on the surface of coprecipitation-treated Si3N4 powders. Especially when a small amount of additive was used, the effect of homogeneous additive distribution on densification was preceptible: After pressureless-sintering of powder compacts containing 5 mol% YAG at 1800$^{\circ}C$ for 0.5h, a sintered density of 96.5% theoretical was obtained from the specimens prepared bycoprecipitation in comparison with 93.8% from the mechanically-mixed one.

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Improvement of Contour Fringes by using Addition of Incremental Images (화상 증분 축적법을 이용한 등고선 간섭무늬의 개선)

  • Kang, Young-June;Kim, Gye-Sung;Ryu, Weon-Jae;Kwon, Yong-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.190-197
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    • 1999
  • Electronic speckle contouring(ESC) is the optical method for measuring shape by using fringe-projection techniques in electronic speckle pattern interferometry. It has the advantage of being non-contacting and can also give a field view of the surface under investigation. Fringes in ESC represent the difference in depth along the view direction between the master wavefront and the test component. The contour maps of three-dimensional diffuse objects are obtained by small shifts of optical fiber carrying the dual-object-beams and 4-frame phase shift. We proposed the contouring method by shifting the collimated illumination beams through optical fiber in order to obtain the contour fringe patterns. And also, we performed addition of incremental addition of images and experiments based on it. we obtained both quantitative increment without decorrelation effect and qualitative improvement by reducing the noise of contour fringes.

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