• Title/Summary/Keyword: shape of the earth

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Aspect Ratio Behavior of Grinding Particles with Variation of Particle Size by Wet Grinding (습식분쇄에 의한 입자크기 변화에 따른 분쇄입자의 종횡비 거동)

  • Choi, Jin Sam
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.223-230
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    • 2020
  • As a case study on aspect ratio behavior, Kaolin, zeolite, TiO2, pozzolan and diatomaceous earth minerals are investigated using wet milling with 0.3 mm media. The grinding process using small media of 0.3 pai is suitable for current work processing applications. Primary particles with average particle size distribution D50, ~6 ㎛ are shifted to submicron size, D50 ~0.6 ㎛ after grinding. Grinding of particles is characterized by various size parameters such as sphericity as geometric shape, equivalent diameter, and average particle size distribution. Herein, we systematically provide an overview of factors affecting the primary particle size reduction. Energy consumption for grinding is determined using classical grinding laws, including Rittinger's and Kick's laws. Submicron size is obtained at maximum frictional shear stress. Alterations in properties of wettability, heat resistance, thermal conductivity, and adhesion increase with increasing particle surface area. In the comparison of the aspect ratio of the submicron powder, the air heat conductivity and the total heat release amount increase 68 % and 2 times, respectively.

The Coordinate Conversion for Flight Dynamics Simulation (비행 운동 시뮬레이션을 위한 좌표계 변환)

  • Baek, Joong-Hwan;Hwang, Soo-Chan;Kim, Chil-Yong
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.139-146
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    • 1999
  • A flight simulator is composed of engine, navigation systems and instrument modules. However, two problems exist here. First, the coordinate of each independent module is not same. To solve this problem, we design a method that mutual coordinates are capable of transformation each other. Second, the distance and bearing between two points on the earth are computed in a sphere shape using the spherical trigonometry. However, the computing time is very severe. In this paper, we project the sphere into the planar to reduce the computing time. An experimental result shows that the performance of the proposed method is excellent to both distance and bearing calculations in close region. Also, the computing time is reduced from $4.95{\times}10^{-4}$ seconds to $1.648{\times}10^{-4}$ seconds.

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An Open Standard-based Terrain Tile Production Chain for Geo-referenced Simulation

  • Yoo, Byoung-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.497-506
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    • 2008
  • The needs for digital models of real environment such as 3D terrain or cyber city model are increasing. Most of applications related with modeling and simulation require virtual environment constructed from geospatial information of real world in order to guarantee reliability and accuracy of the simulation. The most fundamental data for building virtual environment, terrain elevation and orthogonal imagery is acquired from optical sensor of satellite or airplane. Providing interoperable and reusable digital model is important to promote practical application of high-resolution satellite imagery. This paper presents the new research regarding representation of geospatial information, especially for 3D shape and appearance of virtual terrain. and describe framework for constructing real-time 3D model of large terrain based on high-resolution satellite imagery. It provides infrastructure of 3D simulation with geographical context. Web architecture, XML language and open protocols to build a standard based 3D terrain are presented. Details of standard-based approach for providing infrastructure of real-time 3D simulation using high-resolution satellite imagery are also presented. This work would facilitate interchange and interoperability across diverse systems and be usable by governments, industry scientists and general public.

Electrical Responses on the Auriferous Mineralized Bone in Sambo Mine (삼보광산 금 광화대에 대한 전기탐사 반응)

  • You Youngjune;Yoo In-Kol;Kim Jung-Ho
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.217-224
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    • 2004
  • Self-potential and electrical resistivity methods were conducted for locating the auriferous mineralized zone, called Jija Vein, of Sambo mine, Limsu-ri, Haeje-myeon, Muahn-gun, Jeollanam-do. The host rocks of the mineralization include gneiss, rhyolite and felsic dyke. Ore vein is mainly fissured-filling type and sulfide minerals, such as pyrite, are disseminated in country rock. By the electrical responses from SP and surface resistivity methods., the mineralized zone is supposed to extend about 360 m directed N5W with the width of 20 m to 30 m. From resistivity tomograms using inclined borehole to surface, the ore body shape is interpreted as the width of 20 m in depth 40 m to 50 m.

Mass curve Calculation of Constructed Section using GIS (지형공간정보시스템을 활용한 기시공 단면의 토적계산)

  • Lee, Yang-Kyoo;Bae, Sang-Ho;Han, Jung-Geun;Kang, Leen-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.739-742
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    • 2007
  • For the mass evaluation on the earth cutting volume, Geographic information system(GIS) based on digital topographical map executed on the ground condition in presents states and after installing utilities, and making visual decision. This study presents that the general reviews considering economical, technological efficiency as well as natural factors was carried. To the rational examines about plan and procedure of development was approved, the geographical analysis was performed that was based on the topographical shape before construction and the field states after construction, which will be utilized more useful data for mass curve calculation.

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Effect of Growth light and Planting Density on Yield and Quality of Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer (재식밀도와 재배광도가 인삼의 수량과 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • 박훈;윤종혁;변정수;조병구
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.386-391
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    • 1987
  • Effect of growth light intensity (5% and 20%) and planting density (40, 56, 90/33㎡) on yield and red ginseng quality was investigated in a sandy loam field of ginseng plantation. High growth light intensity had no effect on yield and quality but decreased stem length, leaf area and chlorophyll content and increased specific leaf weight. The optimum planting density was 64/3.3㎡ for both yield and Heaven + Earth grade (HE grade) of red ginseng. HE-shape ginseng rate showed significant positive correlation (P=0.0l) with HE grade rate.

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Model Test for the Behavior of Retaining Walls Under Surcharge Load (상재하중을 받는 토류벽체의 거동에 관한 모형실험 연구)

  • Jung, On-Su;Huh, Kyung-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.5 no.4 s.19
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to closely examine the influence of the surcharge load applied to the retaining wall through some model tests, in which wall stiffness in each stage of excavation, horizontal displacement of the retaining wall and surface displacement of the backfill according to wall stiffness and ground conditions, and change and distribution of the earth pressure applied to it were measured and their values were produced, then these values were mutually compared with their theoretical values and their values after analysis of the data obtained at the field, and they were analytically studied, in order to closely examine the influence of the surcharge load applied to the retaining wall. Findings from this study are as follows: The shape of ground surface settlement curve on the model ground under surcharge load, different from the distribution curve of regular probabilities which is of a shape of ground surface settlement under no surcharge load, appears in that settlement in an arching shape shows where the center part of surcharge load shows the maximum settlement. In examining the maximum horizontal displacement with the surcharge load applied to each stage of excavation, it occured at the point of 0.8H(excavation depth) when finally excavated. Regarding the range in which the displacement of the retaining wall increases according to application of surcharge load, the increment of displacement showed till the point of depth which is of two times of the distance of load from the upper part of the wall. Also since each displacement of the foundation plate caused by the ground surface settlement according to each stage of excavation occured most significantly at the final stage. Also since regarding wall stiffness, the wall of its thickness of 4mm(flexible coefficient $p:480m^3/t$), produced maximum 3 times of wall stiffness than its thickness of 9mm(flexible coefficient $p: 40m^3/t$), it was found out that influence of wall stiffness is so significant.

Rare Earth Elements (REE)-bearing Coal Deposits: Potential of Coal Beds as an Unconventional REE Source (함희토류 탄층: 비전통적 희토류 광체로서의 가능성에 대한 고찰)

  • Choi, Woohyun;Park, Changyun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.241-259
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    • 2022
  • In general, the REE were produced by mining conventional deposits, such as the carbonatite or the clay-hosted REE deposits. However, because of the recent demand increase for REE in modern industries, unconventional REE deposits emerged as a necessary research topic. Among the unconventional REE recovery methods, the REE-bearing coal deposits are recently receiving attentions. R-types generally have detrital originations from the bauxite deposits, and show LREE enriched REE patterns. Tuffaceous-types are formed by syngenetic volcanic activities and following input of volcanic ash into the basin. This type shows specific occurrence of the detrital volcanic ash-driven minerals and the authigenic phosphorous minerals focused at narrow horizon between coal seams and tonstein layers. REE patterns of tuffaceous-types show flat shape in general. Hydrothermal-types can be formed by epigenetic inflow of REE originated from granitic intrusions. Occurrence of the authigenic halogen-bearing phosphorous minerals and the water-bearing minerals are the specific characteristics of this type. They generally show HREE enriched REE patterns. Each type of REE-bearing coal deposits may occur by independent genesis, but most of REE-bearing coal deposits with high REE concentrations have multiple genesis. For the case of the US, the rare earth oxides (REO) with high purity has been produced from REE-bearing coals and their byproducts in pilot plants from 2018. Their goal is to supply about 7% of national REE demand. For the coal deposits in Korea, lignite layers found in Gyungju-Yeongil coal fields shows coexistence of tuff layers and coal seams. They are also based in Tertiary basins, and low affection from compaction and coalification might resulted into high-REE tuffaceous-type coal deposits. Thus, detailed geologic researches and explorations for domestic coal deposits are required.

Numerical Analysis on Development of Nozzle Shape for NOVEC Gas Extinguishing System (NOVEC가스 소화설비용 노즐 형상 설계에 대한 수치해석)

  • Yun, Jeong In;Jung, Kyung Kuk;Kim, Ji Sung;Kim, Sung Yoon;Rho, Beom-Seok;Choi, Jae-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.939-944
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    • 2018
  • Clean fire extinguishing agents refer to chemical that can replace Halon 1211 and Halon 1310 according to the Montreal Protocol fermented to protect the Earth's ozone layer. In Korea and abroad, system standardization and performance evaluation of clean fire extinguishing agents are being carried out. This paper proposes an optimal nozzle shape by modeling and numerical analysis of various nozzle shapes based on general clean fire extinguishing system. The ejection speed of the nozzle can be improved by studying three - dimensional modeling of the nozzle for two shapes, Type A and B. Flow analysis was performed on the two types of nozzles and the gas velocity and pressure distribution were measured with different nozzle diameters. It was confirmed that the jetting speed was changed at the nozzle outlet according to the number and diameter of the nozzle holes. The flow rate increased with increasing the pressure regardless of the nozzle hole diameter. Based on the results obtained from the experiment, the K-factor value was deduced. Finally, a nozzle with a 12-hole structure with a 5-mm nozzle hole was proposed.

Application technique on thrust jacking pressure of shield TBM in the sharp curved tunnel alignment by model tests (축소모형실험을 통한 급곡선 터널에서의 Shield TBM 추진 압력 적용 기술에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Si-on;Kim, Hyeob;Kim, Yong-Min;Kim, Sang-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.335-353
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    • 2017
  • This paper presents the application technique on thrust jacking pressuring of shield TBM in the sharp curved tunnel alignment by model tests. Recently, the application of shield TBM method as mechanized tunnelling is increasing to prevent the vibration and noise problems, which can be occurred in the NATM in the urban area in Korea. However, it is necessary to plan the sharp curved tunnel alignment in order to avoid the building foundation and underground structures, to develop the shield TBM operation technique in the shape curved tunnel alignment. Therefore, the main operation parameters of shield TBM in the curved tunnel alignment are reviewed and analyzed based on the case study and analytical study. The results show that the operation of shield jacking force system is the most important technique in the shape curved tunnel alignment. The simplified scaled model tests are also carried out in order to examine the ground-shield TBM head behaviour. The earth pressures acting on the head of shield TBM are investigated according to two different shield jacking force systems (uniform and un-uniform pressure) and several articulation angles. The results obtained from the model tests are analysed. These results will be very useful to understand the shield TBM head interaction behaviour due to the shield jacking operation technique in the shape curved tunnel alignment, and to develop the operation technique.