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Logosphère de G. Bachelard et les rêveries de langue (바슐라르의 Logosphère와 언어적 몽상)

  • HONG, Myung-Hee
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.25
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    • pp.679-694
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    • 2011
  • La langue est un des ${\acute{e}}l{\acute{e}}ments$ $privil{\acute{e}}gi{\acute{e}}s$ de la $r{\hat{e}}verie$ chez Bachelard. La langue est une force fondamentale de l'imagination. D'une part, elle garde son propre valeur dans le processus de l'imagination, et d'autre part elle forme sa propre image. La $priorit{\acute{e}}$ de langue chez Bachelard a, en effet, quelque liaison avec la notion de Logos qui avait ${\acute{e}}t{\acute{e}}$ $trait{\acute{e}}$ depuis longtemps comme $v{\acute{e}}rit{\acute{e}}$ ${\acute{e}}ternelle$ dans la $m{\acute{e}}taphysique$ occidentale. Cependant, la notion de logos de Bachelard se $diff{\grave{e}}re$ de celle de $m{\acute{e}}taphysique$ occidentale. Tandis que la $m{\acute{e}}taphysique$ traditionnelle traite le logos comme un but ${\acute{e}}ternel$ de sa $m{\acute{e}}ditation$, Bachelard donne l'importance sur la $capacit{\acute{e}}$ linguistique et imaginaire du logos. Le $logosph{\grave{e}}re$ est un des exemples qui montre bien la $diff{\acute{e}}rence$ entre la notion de logos de Bachelard et celle de $m{\acute{e}}taphysique$ traditionnelle. Le $logosph{\grave{e}}re$ est un $n{\acute{e}}ologisme$ de Bachelard qui est fait pour $d{\acute{e}}signer$ $l^{\prime}atmosph{\grave{e}}re$ verbal de la $soci{\acute{e}}t{\acute{e}}$ contemporaine $gr{\hat{a}}ce$ ${\grave{a}}$ l'emission de radio. Bachelard comprend le $ph{\acute{e}}nom{\grave{e}}ne$ de radio en tant que $r{\acute{e}}alisation$ de $Psych{\acute{e}}$ dans la vie quotidienne. C'est $gr{\hat{a}}ce$ ${\grave{a}}$ la technologie moderne que nous pouvons avoir l'univers de langue plus facilement par rapport aux $si{\grave{e}}cles$ $pr{\acute{e}}c{\acute{e}}dents$. Selon Bachelard, la radio n'est pas un simple instrument de communication. C'est une porte pour entrer dans la $r{\hat{e}}verie$ universelle. La radio est une voix du monde qui exprime notre inconscient. Quand un $r{\hat{e}}veur$ $r{\hat{e}}ve$, son $r{\hat{e}}verie$ se $d{\acute{e}}veloppe$ en se discutant avec le monde. Alors, quand nous $r{\hat{e}}vons$, nous parlons au monde et nous ${\acute{e}}coutons$ du monde, de sorte que nous devenons les citoyens du $logosph{\grave{e}}re$. Dans son oeuvre Sur la Grammatologie, J. Derrida critique la $m{\acute{e}}taphysique$ occidentale en la intitulant logocentrisme. Derrida pense que la philosophie occidentale a comme le but final la $pr{\acute{e}}sence$ de logos. Cette $pr{\acute{e}}sence$ de logos ne peut ${\hat{e}}tre$ $r{\acute{e}}alis{\acute{e}}e$ que par la langue de la voix, non pas par la langue de $caract{\grave{e}}re$. $D^{\prime}o{\grave{u}}$ vient le logocentrisme ou le phonocentrisme de $m{\acute{e}}taphysique$ occidental. Mais Derrida pense que le logocentrisme n'est qu'un autre aspect de l'ethnocentrisme ${\acute{e}}troit$ de l'occident. La notion de $logosph{\grave{e}}re$ de Bachelard a quelques ressemblances avec logocentrisme par ses apparences. Cependant, elles ont une $diff{\acute{e}}rence$ fondamentale depuis leur $d{\acute{e}}part$. Tandis que logocentrisme $tra{\hat{i}}te$ la parole en tant que $mani{\grave{e}}re$ d'expression de raison qui est une puissance fondamentale de l'homme, Bachelard pense que la parole est un $r{\acute{e}}sultat$ d'une opposition et fusion de notre raisons et parole. Bachelard pense que la parole est une $r{\acute{e}}alisation$ de l'image qui est l'essence de notre $psych{\acute{e}}$. Pour lui, la parole, la quintessence de $logosph{\grave{e}}re$, est le champ de l'imagination $d^{\prime}o{\grave{u}}$ jaillissent les images. C'est pour cela que $logosph{\grave{e}}re$ se situe ${\grave{a}}$ l'antipode de logocentrisme. $Logosph{\grave{e}}re$ nous fournit un espace de $r{\hat{e}}verie$ de langue. Notre $soci{\acute{e}}t{\acute{e}}$ contemporaine $fourr{\acute{e}}e$ des images visuelles creuses est $d{\acute{e}}pouill{\acute{e}}e$ de plus en plus des espaces de $r{\hat{e}}veries$. C'est une des raisons que le $logosph{\grave{e}}re$ de Bachelard doit ${\hat{e}}tre$ $r{\acute{e}}activ{\acute{e}}$ aujourd'hui.

Une étude pour la critique de théâtre avec la sémiotique ouverte -avec par Jean Genet- (열린 기호학을 활용한 연극비평 연구 -장 주네의 <하녀들> 공연을 중심으로-)

  • LIM, Seon-Ok
    • Journal of Korean Theatre Studies Association
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    • no.40
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    • pp.239-275
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    • 2010
  • Cette ${\acute{e}}tude$ a pour but de proposer une $m{\acute{e}}thodologie$ de critique avec la $s{\acute{e}}miotique$ ouverte. La critique de $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tre$ commence ${\grave{a}}$ lire le $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tre$, l'analyse et juge son valeur. Il arrive souvent qu'on juge avec intutition. On dit que c'est une critique d'impressionnisme. Cette critique est subjective, mais pas objective. La $s{\acute{e}}miotique$ de Saussure offre la $m{\acute{e}}thodologie$ scientifique ${\grave{a}}$ la critique. A $c{\hat{o}}t{\acute{e}}$ de la critique d'impressionnisme qui est subjective, la $s{\acute{e}}miotique$ peut expliciter la raison objective. On ${\acute{e}}tait$ admiratif devant sa scientisme, pourtant $apr{\grave{e}}s$ quoi on critique sa non-$subjectivit{\acute{e}}$ et sa non-$historicit{\acute{e}}$. Dans l'opposition de $l^{\prime}objectivit{\acute{e}}$ et de la $subjectivit{\acute{e}}$, on tente de rechercher un model $int{\acute{e}}gr{\acute{e}}$ dialectiquement entre l'impressionisme(subjective) et la scientisme(objective). Pour cela, on doit aux Ecrits de linguistique $g{\acute{e}}n{\acute{e}}rale$ ($publi{\acute{e}}$ en 2002 chez Gallimard). Ces Ecrits nous aident ${\grave{a}}$ amener la $s{\acute{e}}miotique$ $ferm{\acute{e}}e$ sur la $s{\acute{e}}miotique$ ouverte et ${\grave{a}}$ $red{\acute{e}}couvrir$ la $pens{\acute{e}}e$ de Saussure. Ils nous font ouvrir un nouveau champ de recherche pour la $s{\acute{e}}miotique$ ouverte. L'essentiel de la $th{\acute{e}}orie$ saussurienne du signe $d{\acute{e}}pend$ de l'arbitraire et du circulaire du signe. On $red{\acute{e}}couvre$ la notion ${\acute{e}}largie$ du signe, dans Ecrits de linguistique $g{\acute{e}}n{\acute{e}}rale$, contre le courant majeur de linguistique et de structuralisme. Cette notion s'y focalise, ${\grave{a}}$ la valeur, ${\grave{a}}$ la $relativit{\acute{e}}$, ${\grave{a}}$ la $diff{\acute{e}}rence$ et au $syst{\grave{e}}me$. Avec elle, on tente d'adopter la $s{\acute{e}}miotique$ ouverte pour rechercher une $m{\acute{e}}thodologie$ de critique qui se veut objective et ${\grave{a}}$ la fois subjective. Il s'agit d'une difficile combinaison de l'impressionisme et de la scienticisme. Pour cela, la $m{\acute{e}}thodologie$ se $d{\acute{e}}veloppera$ en trois ${\acute{e}}tapes$. $1{\grave{e}}re$ ${\acute{e}}tape$: c'est lire le $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tre$ comme un signe total pour 1er jugement d'impressionnisme. $2{\grave{e}}me$ ${\acute{e}}tape$: c'est retrouver sa structure invisible dans la $relativit{\acute{e}}$ des signes. $3{\grave{e}}me$ ${\acute{e}}tape$: c'est juger, dans leur $relativit{\acute{e}}$, comment les $d{\acute{e}}tails$ de signes se fonctionnent. C'est lire les $d{\acute{e}}tails$ de signes et puis $r{\acute{e}}affirmer$ le jugement en $1{\grave{e}}re$ ${\acute{e}}tape$. Selon les $derni{\grave{e}}res$ deux ${\acute{e}}tapes$, on pourra comparer le premier jugement (impressif) et le dernier jugement (objectif), et enfin s'assumer comme critique. Selon la $m{\acute{e}}thodologie$ $propos{\acute{e}}e$, on pratique la critique sur ${\acute{e}}crit$ par Jean Genet, et mise en $sc{\grave{e}}ne$ par Lee Youn-Taek et par Park Jung-Hee. Pour la critique intertextuelle, on la fera en comparant les deux spectacles avec la $pi{\grave{e}}ce$ de Jean Genet. $D^{\prime}apr{\grave{e}}s$ la comparaison, Lee Youn-Taek met en $sc{\grave{e}}ne$ avec $fid{\acute{e}}lit{\acute{e}}$ la structre et les signes de $d{\acute{e}}tail$ de l'auteur, Park Jung-Hee change sa structre et ses signes pour mettre en $sc{\grave{e}}ne$ la $pi{\grave{e}}ce$ de Genet. Ils se $diff{\grave{e}}rent$ l'un et l'autre: Lee incite le discours de la classe sociale dans le spectacle, et Park y incite le discours du $d{\acute{e}}sir$. La $diff{\acute{e}}rence$ des signes dans la $relativit{\acute{e}}$ apporte la $diff{\acute{e}}rence$ de la signification de discours $th{\acute{e}}{\hat{a}}tral$, et enfin se font changer les significations de deux spectacles.

Comparison of dietary behavior and consumption of processed beverage depend on food insecurity status of adolescents in vientiane, Lao PDR (라오스 비엔티안 지역 청소년의 식품 불안정 상태에 따른 식행동 및 가공 음료 섭취 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Yena;Kim, Ji-Myung;Yi, Kyungock;Hansana, Visanou;Kim, Yuri
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.580-589
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the food insecurity status and dietary behavior and examine the association between the food insecurity status and consumption of processed beverage for secondary school students in Vientiane, capital city of Lao PDR. Methods: The study subjects are 714 students (boys = 307 and girls = 407) in four secondary schools (Chao_Anouvong, Phiavat, Saysetha, and Chansavang) of Vientiane, Lao PDR. Data on study subject's demographic characteristics, dietary behavior, food insecurity, and Mini Dietary Assessment (MDA) index were collected. A "Self-Administered Food Security Survey Module for Children Aged 12 Years and Older" developed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) was used for the food insecurity assessment. Results: As a result, 72.7% of the subjects were in a state of food insecurity, and food security was associated with higher socioeconomic status (higher life satisfaction, higher parent's education attainment, higher item ownership, fewer number of siblings, and having more lunches at the school restaurant than at home). Compared to the food insecurity group, the frequency of breakfast, self-rated diet, and the total score of MDA index were higher in the food security group. On the other hand, multiple logistic regression analysis showed that 'food security' was also associated with a higher consumption of processed beverages (OR 1.544; 95% CI 1.078-2.213; p = 0.018). Conclusion: Improving the quality of the diet is essential for adolescents in both the food insecurity and food security groups in Lao PDR. Therefore, it is necessary to provide well organized nutrition education and establish adequate nutrition policy for adolescents in Lao PDR.


  • Hwang, Jun-Wan;Cho, Soo-Churl;Kim, Boong-Nyun
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.160-167
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    • 2004
  • Objectives : There have been very few studies on the compliance of methylphenidate-immediate releasing form(MPH-IR), which is the most frequently used drug in Korea, in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD). This study was conducted to investigate the compliance rate and the related factors in the one year pharmacotherapy process via OPD for children with ADHD. Method : Total 100 ADHD patients were selected randomly among patients who have been treated with MPH-IR from September in 2002 to December in 2002. All the selected patients were diagnosed with DSM-IV-ADHD criteria and fulfilled the inclusion criteria. In March, 2003(at the time of 6 month treatment), all the patients and parents received the questionnaire for the compliance and satisfaction for MPH-IR treatment. In October 2003(at time of 1 year treatment), we, investigators evaluated the socio-demographic variables, developmental data, medical data, family data, comorbid disorders, treatment variables, and compliance rate. Through these very comprehensive data, The compliance rate at the time of mean 1 year treatment and the related factors were investigated. Result : 1) In the questionnaire for compliance and satisfaction for MPND treatment, the 60% of respondents(parents) reported more than moderate degree of satisfaction in the effectiveness of MPND. Their compliance rate for the morning prescription was 81%, but the rate of afternoon prescription was 43%. 2) In the evaluation at the time of 1 year treatment(October 2003), the 38% of parents were dropped out from the OPD treatment. The mean compliance rate for the 1 year treatment was 62%. the 38% of parents were dropped out from the OPD treatment. The mean compliance rate for the 1year treatment was 62%. 3) Compared with the noncompliant group(drop-out group), compliant group showed higher total, verbal and performance IQ scores. In the treatment variables, higher reposponder rate(clinician rating), higher medication dosage and more compliance rate in afternoon prescription were found in the compliant group compared with the noncompliant group. There were no statistical differences in the demographic variables(age, sex, SES, parental education level), medical data, developmental profiles and academic function. Conclusion : To our knowledge, this is the first report about the compliance rate of the MPH-IR treatment for the children with ADHD. The compliance rate at the time of mean 1year treatment was 62%, which was comparable with other studies performed in foreign countries, especially States. In this study, the compliance related factors were IQ score, clinical treatment response, dosage of MPH-IR, and early compliance for the afternoon prescription. These results suggest that clinician plan the strategies for the promotion of the early compliance for the after prescription and enhancement of overall treatment response.

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Mechanical and Operational Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Rice Polishing Machines (정미기의 능률에 미치는 기계적 요인및 작동조건에 관한 연구)

  • No, Sang-Ha
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.15-15
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    • 1976
  • In analyzing the operational characteristics of a rice whitening machine, the internal radial pressure of the machine was measured using strain gage equipment. Changes in cylinder and feed screw configurations, screen type, cylinder speed and counter-pressure levels were examined to determine their impact on the quality and quantity of milled rice and the performance of the machine. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The internal radial pressure in the whitening chamber varied with the surface condition of the grain being processed. During the first or second pass through the machine, pressure was relatively low, reached a maximum after two to three passes with combinations I and II, three to six with combination III and then began to fall. 2. The pitch of the feed screw and the size of the feed gate opening which determine the rate of entry of grain into the whitening chamber, appeared to be the most important factor aff-::cting the degree of radial pressure, quality and quantity of milled rice and the efficiency of the machine. Using a feed screw with a wide pitch (4.8cm), radial pressure was relatively high and head rice recovery ratio \vere quite low. In this case capacity and machine effic?iency were much higher than obtained when using a feed screw with a narrow pitch (2.3cm). Very significant responses in radial pressure, head rice recovery rates and machine capacity were observed with changes in cylinder speed and counter-pressure levels when using the wide pitch feed screw. 3. The characteristics of the screen which surrounds the whitening chamber had an important effect on whitening efficiency. The existence of small protuberances on the original screen resulted in significant increases in both machine capacity and efficiency but without a significant decrease in head rice recovery or development of excessive radial pressure. Further work is required to determine the effects of screen surface conditions and the shape of the cylinderical steel roller on the rate of bran removal, machine efficiency and recovery rates. The size of the slotted perforations 0:1 the screen affects total milled rice recovery. The opening size on the original screen was fabricated to accommodate the round shape of Japonica rice varieties but was not suitable for the more slender Indica type. Milling Indica varieties with this screen resulted in a reduction in total milled rice recovery. 4. An increase in cylinder speed from 380 to 820 rpm produced a positive effect on head rice recovery for all machine combinations at every level of counter-pressure used in the tests. Head rice recovery was considerably lower at 380rpm using a wide screw pitch when compared to the results obtained at speeds from 600 to 820 r.p.m. The effects of cylinder speed On radial pressure, capacity and machine efficiency showed contrasting results, depending on the width of the feed screw pitch. With a narrow feed screw pitch (2.3cm), a direct proportional relationship was observed bet?ween cylinder speed and both radial pressure and machine efficiency. In contrast, using a 4.8 centimeter pitch feed roller produced a series of inverse relationships between the above variables. Based on the results of this study it is recommended when milling Indica type long grain rice varieties that the cylinder speed of the original machine be increased from 500-600 rmp up to a minimum of 800 rpm to obtain a greater abrasive effect between the grain and the screen. The pitch of the feed screw should be also reduced to decr?ease the level of internal radial pressure and to obtain higher machine efficiency and increased quality of milled rice with increased cylinder speeds. Further study on the interaction between cylinder speed and feed screw pitch is recommended. 5. An increase in the counter pressure level produced a negative effect On the head rice recovery with an increase in radial pressure, capacity, and machine efficiency over all combinations and at every level of cylinder speed. 6. Head rice recovery rates were conditioned primarily by the pressure inside the whitening chamber. According to the empirical cha racteristics curve developed in this study, the relationships of head rice recovery ($Y_h$) and machine capacity ($Y_c$/TEX>) to internal radial pressure ($X_p$) followed an inverse quadratic function and a linear function respectively: $$Y_h^\Delta=\frac{1}{{1.4383-0.2951X_p^\ast+0.1425X_p^{\ast\ast}}^2} , (R^2=0.98)$$$$Y_c^\Delta=-305.83+374.37X_p^{\ast\ast}, (R^2=0.88)$$The correlation between capacity and power consumption per unit of brown rice expressed in the following exponential function: $$Y_c^\Delta=1.63Y_c^{-0.7786^\{\ast\ast}, (R^2=0.94)$$These relationships indicate that when radial pressure increases above a certain range (1. 6 to 2.0 kg/$cm^2$ based On the results of the experiment) head ricerecovery decrea?ses in a quadratic relation with a inear increase in capacity but without any decrease in power consump tion per unit of brown rice. On the other hand, if radial pressure is below the range shown above, power consumption increases dramatically with a lin?ear decrease in capacity but without significant increases in head rice recovery. During the operation of a given whitening machine, the optimum radial pressure range or the correct capacity range should be selected by controlling the feed rate and/or counter-pressure keeping in mind the condition of the grain, particulary the hardness. It was observed that the total number of passes is related to radial pessure level, feed rate and counter-pressure level. The higher theradial pressure the fewer num?ber of pass required but with decreased head rice recovery. In particular, when using high feed rates, the total number of passes should be increased to more than three by reducing the counter-pressure level to avoid decreaseases in head rice recovery (less than 65 percent head rice recovery on the basis of brown rice) at every cylinder speed. 7. A rapid rise in grain temperature seemed to have a close relationship with the pressure generated inside the whitening chamber and, subsequently with head rice reco?very rates. The higher the rate of increase, the lower were the resulting head rice recoveries.

Target-Aspect-Sentiment Joint Detection with CNN Auxiliary Loss for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis (CNN 보조 손실을 이용한 차원 기반 감성 분석)

  • Jeon, Min Jin;Hwang, Ji Won;Kim, Jong Woo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2021
  • Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA), which analyzes sentiment based on aspects that appear in the text, is drawing attention because it can be used in various business industries. ABSA is a study that analyzes sentiment by aspects for multiple aspects that a text has. It is being studied in various forms depending on the purpose, such as analyzing all targets or just aspects and sentiments. Here, the aspect refers to the property of a target, and the target refers to the text that causes the sentiment. For example, for restaurant reviews, you could set the aspect into food taste, food price, quality of service, mood of the restaurant, etc. Also, if there is a review that says, "The pasta was delicious, but the salad was not," the words "steak" and "salad," which are directly mentioned in the sentence, become the "target." So far, in ABSA, most studies have analyzed sentiment only based on aspects or targets. However, even with the same aspects or targets, sentiment analysis may be inaccurate. Instances would be when aspects or sentiment are divided or when sentiment exists without a target. For example, sentences like, "Pizza and the salad were good, but the steak was disappointing." Although the aspect of this sentence is limited to "food," conflicting sentiments coexist. In addition, in the case of sentences such as "Shrimp was delicious, but the price was extravagant," although the target here is "shrimp," there are opposite sentiments coexisting that are dependent on the aspect. Finally, in sentences like "The food arrived too late and is cold now." there is no target (NULL), but it transmits a negative sentiment toward the aspect "service." Like this, failure to consider both aspects and targets - when sentiment or aspect is divided or when sentiment exists without a target - creates a dual dependency problem. To address this problem, this research analyzes sentiment by considering both aspects and targets (Target-Aspect-Sentiment Detection, hereby TASD). This study detected the limitations of existing research in the field of TASD: local contexts are not fully captured, and the number of epochs and batch size dramatically lowers the F1-score. The current model excels in spotting overall context and relations between each word. However, it struggles with phrases in the local context and is relatively slow when learning. Therefore, this study tries to improve the model's performance. To achieve the objective of this research, we additionally used auxiliary loss in aspect-sentiment classification by constructing CNN(Convolutional Neural Network) layers parallel to existing models. If existing models have analyzed aspect-sentiment through BERT encoding, Pooler, and Linear layers, this research added CNN layer-adaptive average pooling to existing models, and learning was progressed by adding additional loss values for aspect-sentiment to existing loss. In other words, when learning, the auxiliary loss, computed through CNN layers, allowed the local context to be captured more fitted. After learning, the model is designed to do aspect-sentiment analysis through the existing method. To evaluate the performance of this model, two datasets, SemEval-2015 task 12 and SemEval-2016 task 5, were used and the f1-score increased compared to the existing models. When the batch was 8 and epoch was 5, the difference was largest between the F1-score of existing models and this study with 29 and 45, respectively. Even when batch and epoch were adjusted, the F1-scores were higher than the existing models. It can be said that even when the batch and epoch numbers were small, they can be learned effectively compared to the existing models. Therefore, it can be useful in situations where resources are limited. Through this study, aspect-based sentiments can be more accurately analyzed. Through various uses in business, such as development or establishing marketing strategies, both consumers and sellers will be able to make efficient decisions. In addition, it is believed that the model can be fully learned and utilized by small businesses, those that do not have much data, given that they use a pre-training model and recorded a relatively high F1-score even with limited resources.