• Title/Summary/Keyword: serpentinite soil

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Heavy Metal Contents of Gypsophila oldhamiana Growing on Soil Derived from Serpentine (사문암 지역에서 생육하는 대나물(Gypsophila oldhamiana)의 중금속 함량)

  • 김명희;민일식;송석환
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.385-391
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    • 1997
  • To investigate the degrees of toxification in the serpentine areas, serpentinites and adjacent metamorphic rocks and soils from the serpentinite, metamorphic area and transitional area(mixed soil) between serpentinite and metamorphic rocks are collected from the Hongseong-Gun, Chungnam. A plant, Geochemically, the serpentinites are high in the nickel, chromium and cobalt content whereas the metamorphic rocks show high zinc, scandium, molybdenum and iron contents. The serpentine soils are high in the nickel, chromium and cobalt contents whereas the non-serpentine soils show high zinc and iron contents. Heavy metal contents in the G. oldhamiana are high in the serpentine soil relative to the mixed soil. Ratio of the iron to nickel contents for the G. oldhamiana are low in the serpentine soil(49) relative to the mixed soil(216). Of the G. oldhamiana, most of the heavy metal contents except zinc and molybdenum are high in the root relative to the aboveground vegetation. Comparing with rocks, the G. oldhamiana is low in the all of heavy metal contents relative to the serpentinite. Uptake of zinc by the G. oldhamiana is high in the serpentinites and metamorphic rocks whereas uptake of scandium and iron by the G. oldhamiana is very high in the serpentinite area.

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홍성 인접 사문암 지역 내 토양성분차이

  • 민일식;송석환
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.200-202
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    • 2002
  • This study was for comparisons of transitional element concentrations from the two different soil, serpentinite(SP) and granite area(GR), Kwangcheon and Hongseong area. Soils were collected by soil depths (10, 20 and 30cm) from the sites selected In the plant species(coniferous and deciduous species). In the soils, the SP was high in the Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Zn concentrations, while the GR was high in the Cu, As, Sc and V. With the soil depths, the elements had high solubility, such as Cr, Co and Ni concentrations, were high in the SP, while the other elements were not clear. For the both species, the SP was high in the root and bolebark, while in the GR, not clear. Coniferous species in the same soil types, was higher than the deciduous In most elements. The more with increasing ages, the more with element accumulation in most plant parts except leaves. Comparisons between the soils and plant species, in the case of the element contents within the soils, the plant species in the same sites was similar trend. especially, clear in the SP

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Phylogenetic Characteristics of Bacterial Populations Found in Serpentinite Soil (초염기성 사문암 토양 중 세균군집의 계통학적 특성)

  • ;Tomoyoshi Hashimoto
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.16-20
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    • 2003
  • A phylogenetic analysis of bacterial populations inhabiting soil derived from serpentine was conducted. The samples were collected from adjacent metamorphic rocks and serpentinite soil at Kwangcheon. The pH of the serpentine areas ranged from 8.5 to 9.2. The number of bacteria on the DAL medium which was diluted with $10^{-2}$ of AL medium was 10~100 fold higher than that from the full strength of AL medium, and which indicates that oligotrophs are distributed in the serpentinite soil. Of a total of 76 isolates, 42 isolates were oligotrophic bacteria, which grew only on the DAL medium. Based on a phylogenetic analysis using 16S rDNA sequences, these isolates are found to fall within five major phylogenetic groups: proteobacteria $\alpha$-subdivision (3 strains), $\alpha$-subdivision (7 strains), $\gamma$-subdivision (2 trains); high G+C gram-positive bacteria (19 strains); low G+C grampositive bacteria (14 strains). Bacteria of the genus Streptomyces (high G+C division) and Bacillus (low G+C division) have been considered to form a numerically important fraction of serpentinite soil. Oligotrophic strains categorized as Afipia ($\alpha$-subdivision), Ralstonia, Variovorax ($\beta$-subdivision), Pseudomonas ($\gamma$ -subdivision), Arthrobacter (high G+C division), and Streptomyces (low G+C division).

Occurrence types of asbestos within the serpentinite mines of the western part of Chungnam (충남 서부 사문석 광산 내 석면의 산출유형)

  • Song, Suckhwan;Hwang, Junghwan;Hwang, Byumgoo;Son, Haeyoung;Kim, Hyunwook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2009
  • This study is for the occurrence types of asbestos within 2 serpentinite mines, Baekdong and Kwangsi, Chungnam. They were exploited as serpentinite mines for several decades and closed in the 1980's. Asbestos with associated minerals were collected from the serpentinite bodies. They were examined with microscopes and FESEM, and analysed with EPMA, XRD and EDX to confirm for the types and/or compositions of the minerals. The serpentinites contain asbestos and nonasbestos minerals. Asbestos include chrysotile, tremolite and actinolite. The chrysotiles occur as veins of several mm to cm thickness with random directions. The tremolite and actinolite occur along cracks and fractures of several cm to ten cm thickness. They show mineralogical characteristics showing common asbestos under the microscope. Non-asbestos including chrysotile, lizardite, antigorite, tremolite and actinolite were also found within the serpentinite. The serpentines form pseudomorphic mesh textures, and also show hourglass or ribbon textures. The tremolite and actinolite were formed from the alterations of the pyroxenes and amphiboles, and plot between tremolite and magnesio hornblende. Tremolitic grains are colorless and occur as commonly elongated grains whereas the magnesio hornblende grains mainly show light green and occur as subhedral to euhedral grains. Overall results suggest that three types of asbestos are found in the Baekdong and Kwangsi serpentinite mines with varieties of the occurrences. Based on the occurrence types for the asbestos, additional studies are required for the asbestos of the top soil and the air.

Differences of Rare Earth Element Concentrations of Plants in Top Soils of Gapyeong Serpentine Area: Based on the M. sinensis, A. vulgaris and R. crataegitolius (가평 사문암 지역의 토양 별 식물체내 희토류 원소 함량 차이: 억세, 쑥, 산딸기를 근거로)

  • Song, Suck-Hwan;Shin, Byung-Cheol
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.621-632
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    • 2009
  • Rare earth contents(REE) were analysed for the plants, M. sinensis. A. vulgaris and R. crataegitolius, from two different soils serpentine area consisting of serpentinite(SP) and non-serpentine area, containing amphibole schist(AS) of Gapyeong area, and were compared with soils and host rocks. The AS were high with the differences of several times in the top soils, and with the differences of several to ten times in the host rocks relative to the SP. In the same area, the SP were high in the soil, but the rocks for the AS. In the plants, the A. vulgaris were high, but low in the R. crataegitolius. Root parts were higher than the upper parts. Differences between the upper and root parts were big in the SP rather than the AS, and were big in the R. crataegitolius, but small in the M. sinensis. Among the parts of the plants, high elements were shown in the R. crataegitolius of the SP, and the A. vulgaris and M. sinensis of the AS. In the correlation coefficients, most of the REE showed positive relationships among the element pairs, especially high positive correlation coefficients in the upper parts of the SP.Differences of the soils and plants(average) were smalle in the M. sinensis and big in the R. crataegitolius. In the upper parts. contents of the A. vulgaris were close to the soils while the R. crataegitolius showed large discrepancies with the soils. In the root parts, contents of the A. vulgaris showed discrepancies with the soils regardless of soil types, but close in the R. crataegitolius of the SP and M. sinensis of the AS.

Heavy Metal Concentration of Soils and Plants in Baekdong Serpentinite Area, Chungnam - A Case of Pinus densiflora and Pinus rigida - (충남 백동 사문암지역의 토양 및 식물체내 중금속 함량 - 소나무 및 리기다소나무를 중심으로 -)

  • 민일식;송석환;김명희;장관순
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.271-278
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    • 1998
  • Heavy metal concentrations in rocks and soils from serpentinite(SP) and in plants (Pinus densiflora: PD and Pinus rigida: PR) were examined at Baekdong mine in Hongsung, Chungnam. Parent rocks were compared with amphibole schist(AS) and gneiss(GN) and plants divided the above grounds and roots were examined, respectively. In rocks, Ni, Cr, Co, Fe concentrations in SP were higher than those in AS and GN. The concentrations of top soils had the similar differences to their rocks; especially Ni, Cr, Co, Fe concentrations were the highest in SP, Zn and Sc concentrations, however, were the highest in AS. Average Ni, Cr, Co, Au, As, Sb, W concentrations of PD were the highest in SP and especially Ni, Cr, Co concentrations were accorded with changes of rocks and top soils. Zn and Sc concentrations in AS were higher and Fe and Mo concentrations in GN were higher than those in SP. Compared with two plants in the same serpentinite sites, most elements of PR were higher than those of PD. Therefore, these suggested PR absorbed much heavy metal than PD. Most element concentrations of roots in two plants and three rocks were higher than those of the above ground. Relative ratios (average plant concentration/soil concentration) of Ni, Cr, Co, Zn, Sc, Fe in AS and GN were higher than those of SP. Especially, relative ratios of most elements except Zn in GN were the highest.

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Soil buffer capacities from the differrent host rocks by the treatment of artificial acid precipitation

  • Min, Ell-Sik;Kim, Myung-Hee;Song, Suck-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Zoological Society Korea Conference
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    • 1999.10b
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    • pp.150.2-150
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    • 1999
  • To investigate the weathering soil buffering capacities of the artificial acidic precipitation, the weathering soils and their leachate solutions were sampled from the host rocks(granite;GR, rhyolite;RH, gabbro;GA, basalt;BA, two serpentinite;SE1, SE2 and limestone;LI) and analyzed for pH and chemical properties. 1n the soil pH of the GR and RH ,the acidic rocks, were 5.02 and 5.95, respectively. And the GA and BA, basic rocks, were 6.52 and 7.57. The SE1 and SE2 were 8.90 and 8.89. While the LI was 7.84. These results means the typical soil pH properties by host rocks. After the artificial acidic precipitation input 5OOml, the average changes of soil leachate solutions treated by pH levels(pH 5.0, 4.0 and 3.0), were pH 5.73, 5.00 and 4.40. in GR soil, and pH 6.19, 5.99 and 5.57 in RH. GA were pH 6.31, 6.04 and 5.86, BA were pH 7.05, 6.85 and 6.56 and SE1 were pH 8.31, 8.26 and 7.71. SE2 were pH 8.29, 8.24 and 7.96. LI were pH 7.55, 7.46 and 6.79. The soil leachate pHs from volcanic rocks were higher than those from the plutonic rocks and GR soils showed greater response than other soils. With increasing 100ml input-solution, the soil leachate pHs were mainly decreased. Cation concentrations, CEC, EC and total nitrogen concentrations of RH and BA soils, the volcanic rocks, were higher than those of GR and GA soil, the plutonic rocks. On the contrary, Al concentrations of the GR and GA soils were higher than those of RH and BA soils, partly because of high quartz content in GR and Al content in the biotite and plagioclase in GA.

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Heavy Metal Pollutions of the Top Soil Plants and Stream Water from the Serpentinite Area Chungnam (충남 사문암 지역 토양 식물체 및 계류의 중금속 오염)

  • 김명희
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2000
  • 충남 사문암 지역인 광천, 홍성, 백동, 대흥 및 유구지역의 토양, 식물체(참억새, 쑥, 리기다소나무) 및 지표수, 갱내수의 중금속 함량을 분석한 결과 사문암 토양의 Ni, Cr 및 Co 원소가 변성암 토양에 비하여 10~13배높았으며 이 원소들이 serpentine factor로 생각된다 사문암 지역간에는 이들원소의 차이가 뚜렷하지 않았다 변성암 토양식물에서보다 사문암 토양 식물에서 Ni, Cr, Co등이 높았다 리기다소나무의 원소 흡수량은 비교적 낮았고 3종 식물에서 대체로 뿌리의 원소 함량이 지상부 함량보다 높았으며 사문암 토양에서는 Ni, Cr, Co, Mo, Sc, As 및 Fe 원소들이 쑥보다 참억새에서 높았다 사문암 토양에서 생육하는 식물체 지상부의 생물학적 흡수계수는 Ni, Cr, Co, Zn, Sc, As 및 Fe 원소는 참억새에 높고Zn은 쑥에서 높았다,. 사문암 토양에서 뿌리로부터 지상부로의 원소 전이는 Ni, Cr, Co, Zn As 및 Fe 원소에 대해 쑥에서 높았고 Mo와 Sc 원소는 리기다소나무에서 높았다. 따라서 사문암 토양에서 참억새가 중금속의 흡수율은 높고 중금속에 대한 내성은 강할 것으로 사료된다 대흥지역에서 광산의 오염이 지표수 및 갱내수의 Ni. Cr, Co, Zn 및 Fe 등의 원소 농도를 높게 하였으며 비오염 계류는 오염계류의 원소 농도를 희석시켰다.

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Heavy metal concentration of plants in Baekdong serpentine area, western part of chungnam (충남 서부 백동 사문암지역 식물체의 중금속 함량)

  • 송석환;김명희;민일식;장인수
    • Journal of Korea Soil Environment Society
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 1999
  • Heavy metal elements were analysed to assess degrees of heavy metal contents for the plants, M. sinensis, A. vulgaris and G. oldhamiana, from the Baekdong serpentine area within the western part of Chungnam. The area was divided into two sites ; serpentine area (SP, consisting of serpentinite, SP) and non-serpentine area (NSP, containing amphibole schist, AS and gneiss, GN). Their host rocks(R) and top soils(S) were also collected from the each site. As the results of the study, the plants contain high concentration of Ni Cr, Co in the SP and Fe, Zn in the AS and GN. Plants from the AS of the NSP contain mainly high content in the most of elements. Averages of Ni, Co and Cr for the plants decreased in the order of SP, AS and GN. In the total element contents, M. sinensis and A. vulgaris decreased in the order of Fe > Ni or Cr > Zn > Co > As > Sc within the SP and in the order of Fe > Zn > Cr > Ni, within the GN. Comparing among the parts of plants, root parts were higher in the most of elements than the above grounds. In the relative element ratios of plants collected from the SP and GN (SP/GN) M. sinensis was lower than A. vulgaris in the most of elements, suggesting that the M. sinenis shows low absorption within the infertile serpentine soil and high absorption within the fertile gneiss soil. In the element contents of the top soils and their host rocks, the SP shows higher Ni, Co and Cr contents than the others. Their total contents decreased from SP to AS and GN, suggesting that the soils reflect the composition of their host rocks. Total element contents of the SP decreased in the order of Fe> Cr or Ni> Co> Zn> As> Sc and, for the GN, in the order of Fe> Zn> Cr> Ni> Co or Sc, respectively. In the relative element ratios, R/S of the SP decreased in the order of Cr> As> Fe> Sc> Co> Ni> Zn and for the GN, in the order of Sc> Fe> Ni> Zn> Cr> Co. Comparing with plants within the each site, their top soils were higher than the plants in the most of elements. and their increase and decrease trends for each element are similar. Differences of element contents between the top soils and plants decreased in the order of SP, AS and GN. Plants of the GN were moi-e similar to their soils than those of the others, suggesting that each plant species show different absorptions within the different soils. Comparing with the plants of GN, higher Ni, Co, Cr contents within those of the SP and their survival within the infertile serpentine soil suggest that the M. sinensis, A vulgaris and G. oldhamiana may be the tolerance species in the serpentine soil. Comparisons with the upper crust show that M. sinensis, and A. vulgaris within the SP show high Hi and Cr contents. suggestive of hyperaccumulation. Upper results with the previous studies for the contaminated soils developed as parent materials with the serpentinites suggest additional studies for ecological behaviors for the plant and degrees of accumulations for the elements need to know phytoextraction of the heavy metal elements within the soils.

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