• Title/Summary/Keyword: sensorial property

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Physico-chemical and Sensory Characteristics of Pork Cutlet Containing Ginseng Saponin (인삼사포닌이 첨가된 돈가스 제품의 이화학적 및 관능적 특성)

  • Cho, S.H.;Park, B.Y.;Wyi, J.J.;Hwang, I.H.;Kim, J.H.;Chae, H.S.;Lee, J.M.;Kim, Y.K.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.633-640
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    • 2003
  • The pork cutlets containing different concentrations of dried ginseng powder (1%, 2% and 3%) were manufactured and compared the physico-chemical and sensorial properties with control containing no dried ginseng powder. The color(CIE, L, a, b) values were not significantly different between the treatments and control. The TBA values were lower for pork cutlet containing dried ginseng powder than those for control at the beginning stage (5 days) when they were vacuum packaged and stored at 4$^{\circ}C$ or 15days, however, there were not significantly different after 5 days of storage. The TBA values were remained low level (<0.5mg malonaldehyde/kg sample) when the pork cutlets were vacuum packaged and stored at -20$^{\circ}C$ for 90 days. In fatty acid composition, pork cutlet containing dried ginseng powder contained higher ratios of PUFA/SFA and lower ratios of MUFA/SFA when compared to those of control. Sensory panels evaluated that pork cutlet containing 1% of dried ginseng powder had the highest preference scores in flavor and overall palatability.

Shelf-life of Prepacked Kimbab and Sandwiches Marketed in Convenience Stores at Refrigerated Condition (편의점에서 판매되는 김밥 및 샌드위치의 냉장조건에서의 유통기한)

  • Koo, Min-Seon;Kim, Yoon-Sook;Shin, Dong-Bin;Oh, Se-Wook;Chun, Hyang-Sook
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.323-331
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    • 2007
  • This study was designed to estimate self-life of Kimbab and sandwiches marketed in convenience store. While the 12 different type of Kimbab (n=6) and sandwiches (n=6) were kept at $10^{\circ}C$ for 72 hours, quality changes including volatile basic nitrogen, aerobic plate count, pathogens detection and sensorial property was monitored, and effective quality indicators were selected. Volatile basic nitrogen, indicator for protein deterioration was slightly increased during storage periods in all samples. E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp. and Vibrio parahaemolyticus were not detected from any of samples. Change of aerobic plate count of Kimbab and sandwiches were increased moderately but increased dramatically after 48 hours of storage. Overall acceptability were maintained over 5, purchasing power limit, for 40 hours in 4 general Kimbab, 48 hours in 2 samgak Kimbab and 42 hours in 2 sandwiches. Shelf-life of each item was calculated from regression equation between reference limit from effective quality indicators, aerobic plate count and sensory property, and storage period. Estimated shelf-lives of general Kimbab were $15{\sim}33$ hours, samgak Kimbab were 32 hours and sandwiches were $27{\sim}30$ hours at $10^{\circ}C$ refrigerated condition.