• Title/Summary/Keyword: sensitive period

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Effects of liposomal-curcumin on five opportunistic bacterial strains found in the equine hindgut - preliminary study

  • Bland, S.D.;Venable, E.B.;McPherson, J.L.;Atkinson, R.L.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.59 no.6
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    • pp.15.1-15.5
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    • 2017
  • Background: The horse intestinal tract is sensitive and contains a highly complex microbial population. A shift in the microbial population can lead to various issues such as inflammation and colic. The use of nutraceuticals in the equine industry is on the rise and curcumin is thought to possess antimicrobial properties that may help to minimize the proliferation of opportunistic bacteria. Methods: Four cecally-cannulated horses were utilized to determine the optimal dose of liposomal-curcumin (LIPC) on reducing Streptococcus bovis/equinus complex (SBEC), Escherichia coli K-12, Escherichia coli general, Clostridium difficile, and Clostridium perfringens in the equine hindgut without adversely affecting cecal characteristics. In the first study cecal fluid was collected from each horse and composited for an in vitro, 24 h batch culture to examine LIPC at four different dosages (15, 20, 25, and 30 g) in a completely randomized design. A subsequent in vivo $4{\times}4$ Latin square design study was conducted to evaluate no LIPC (control, CON) or LIPC dosed at 15, 25, and 35 g per day (dosages determined from in vitro results) for 9 days on the efficacy of LIPC on selected bacterial strains, pH, and volatile fatty acids. Each period was 14 days with 9 d for acclimation and 5 d withdrawal period. Results: In the in vitro study dosage had no effect ($P{\geq}0.42$) on Clostridium strains, but as the dose increased SBEC concentrations increased (P = 0.001). Concentrations of the E. coli strain varied with dose. In vivo, LIPC's antimicrobial properties, at 15 g, significantly decreased (P = 0.02) SBEC when compared to 25 and 35 g dosages. C. perfringens decreased linearly (P = 0.03) as LIPC dose increased. Butyrate decreased linearly (P = 0.01) as LIPC dose increased. Conclusion: Further studies should be conducted with a longer dosing period to examine the antimicrobial properties of curcumin without adversely affecting cecal characteristics.

The Comparison of the Behavior between Miniature Pigs and Conventional Sows during Gestation to Lactation Period (미니돼지 및 일반 돼지의 임신기, 분만 및 포유기 중의 모돈의 행동학적 특성 비교)

  • Kang, Kyung-Won;Choi, Young-Hwan;Kim, Kwang-Ho;Kim, Yoo-Yong
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to compare the aspects of behavior between miniature pigs and conventional sows during gestation and lactation periods. Miniature pigs and conventional sows at 3 parity were used in this experiment with 4 pigs per treatment. The behavioral patterns and stereotyped behaviors were observed on day 60 and 90 of gestation, at farrowing, and on day 10 of lactation before and after the feeding. On 60 and 90 days of pregnancy, both treatments showed the tendency of frequent lateral lying rather than other postures. On ventral lying, eating and drinking, miniature pigs spent more time than conventional pigs at day 90 of gestation (P<0.01, P=0.0539, P<0.05, respectively). The occurrence of stereotyped behaviors included bar biting and bar mouth chewing. At 90 day of pregnancy was observed, conventional pigs was higher than miniature pigs (P<0.05). At farrowing, miniature pigs spent more time on ventral lying, standing and walking than conventional sows (P<0.05), however, there were more frequency of drinking and eating. And on day 10 of lactation, there was no significant difference in stereotyped behaviors between miniature pigs and conventional sows. In conclusion, miniature pigs were generally more sensitive than conventional sows although sows were reared in stall during gestation and lactation period and the behavioral pattern during lactating period showed the similarity between miniature pigs and conventional sows for protection of nursing pigs. In consideration of the general reproductive performance of conventional sows, the high sensitivity and stress of miniature pigs did not affect the reproductive performance of miniature pigs.

How Does the Movie Affect Child Actors (Actresses) on Piaget's Cognitive Developmental Theory? (피아제의 인지발달학적 측면에서 영화가 아동 배우에게 어떠한 영향을 미치는가?)

  • Kim, Bongseog;Park, Jiung;Hwang, Jun-Won;Yoo, Hee-Jeong;Kwack, Young-Sook;Bahn, Geon Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2013
  • Many child actors have appeared in various movies as the Korean film industry continues to evolve. As more children appear in violent and raunchy scenes, there are more concerns about the movie's effect on child actors. In some Western countries, many strategies have been developed for child actors, but for the Korean movie industry, the conditions are still poor for them. Although children who enter the concrete operational period are able to think logically and systematically, they are yet limited by their experiences. Adolescents in the formal operational period try to deal with all of the possibilities and assumptions logically and systematically with freedom from realistic contents and experiences. This period is very important because adolescents become more sensitive to others' feelings and they should develop their ego identity. Several studies have reported the indirect experiences through media including how the movie affected children and adolescents negatively. Depending on the individual's morality, judgment and emotional status, these effects were variable and inconsistent and could be relieved by several interventions. We could anticipate much bigger emotional effect on child actors who are acting directly and then are confronting themselves in the scene. Therefore, we suggest that the emotional effects of the movies on child actors can be managed properly by considering children's cognitive ability and emotional status, and establishing protective strategies before they are exposed to problematic scenes. Of course, it should be followed by evaluating them after the exposure and with follow-up management, if necessary.

The Method of Extended Extreme Programming for Content Software Development Environment (콘텐츠 소프트웨어 개발 환경을 위해 확장된 익스트림 프로그래밍 방법)

  • Seo, Yeung-Su;Jung, Hun;Kang, Byung-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea society of information convergence
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2008
  • When performing a software development project, the most important thing is building a result with planned quality within development period. Particularly, if the project is delayed or has no good quality in the case of the content software development project which is sensitive to the release time and quality, it is immediately connected to the failure of the whole project. Extreme programming is a methodology that divides the development cycle into smaller units for reducing the risk factor of the project in which the development period is important. In this paper, we suggest the expanded extreme programming which can consider the development period and quality at the same time for content software development environment. The suggested methods are documentation mechanism that is upcoming during the development project and multiple role model which is extended from pair programming method.

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Variation and stability of agricultural characteristics in soybean landraces and cultivars

  • Seo, Min Jung;Park, Myoung Ryou;Yun, Hong Tae;Park, Chang Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2017.06a
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    • pp.221-221
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    • 2017
  • This experiment was performed to analyze variation of growth traits of soybean to determine the information of less sensitive traits under different environmental conditions. Sowing was carried out on June 2 each year and the experimental plot was laid out in three replicates by randomized complete block design with thirty soybean varieties which consisted of 19 cultivars for beancurd and soypaste, 8 cultivars for soy-sprout including 1 landrace, and 3 cultivars for cooking with rice including 1 landrace during the period 2014-2015. The weather conditions during the experimental period were quite different with extremely low precipitation and longer sunshine duration in 2015 than 2014. The variation of characteristics related to growth period such as days of growth, days of maturity, days of flowering and the 100-seed weight was less in spite of different environmental conditions. While the variation of the number of pods per plant was high. Considering growth and seed characteristics like the number of pods per plant, the number of seeds per pod and 100-seed weight which are linked directly to the yield, cultivars such as Shingi, Daewonkong, Danbaegkong, and Daepung for beancurd and soypaste, Pungwon, Haepum and Shingang for soy-sprout and Seoritae for cooking with rice were more stable and could be expected to have high yield in Suwon, the south-central part of South Korea. These results could be useful for the selection of breeding resources to develop cultivars with high stability under changeable weather condition.

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Effects of Chilling Injury in the Light on Chlorophyll Fluorescence and D1 Protein Turnover in Cucumber and Pea Leaves

  • Eu, Young-Jae;Ha, Suk-Bong;Lee, Choon-Hwan
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.398-404
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    • 1996
  • Light-chilling effects were investigated in chilling-sensitive cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Ilmichungjang) and chilling-resistant pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Giant) leaf discs in relation to possible damage in D1 protein. In both plants, dark-chilling did not cause any noticeable changes in (Fv)m/Fm and lincomycin did not affect the decrease in (Fv)m/Fm caused by light-chilling. This result suggests that the de novo synthesis of D1 protein did not occur actively during light-chilling. In pea light-chilled for 6 h. the decreased (Fv)m/Fm was partly recovered in the dark, and almost complete recovery was observed in the light. In cucumber light-chilled for 3 h. the reduced (Fv)m/Fm decreased further for the initial 2 h recovery process in the light regardless of the treatment of lincomycin and recovered very slowly. In both plant species, the treatment of lincomycin inhibited the recovery process in the light, but did not significantly inhibit the process in the dark. In cucumber leaves pulse-labeled with $[^{35}S]Met$, the labeled band intensities of isolated pigment-protein complexes were almost the same during the 6 h light-chilling, but significant decreases in band intensities were observed during the 3 h recovery period. This result suggests that the irreversibly damaged D1 protein was degraded during the recovery period. However, no noticeable changes were observed in the pea leaves during the 12 h chilling and 3 h recovery period. The polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the pigment-protein complexes showed that the principal lesion sites of light-chilling were different from those of room temperature photoinhibition.

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Optimization of Design Variables of Detection Algorithm for Loss of Balance Using a Linear Internal Model (균형상실의 검출 성능 향상을 위한 내부 모델의 설계변수 선정 및 민감도 평가)

  • Kim, Kwang-Hoon;Kim, In-Su;Son, Kwon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.34 no.9
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    • pp.1153-1160
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    • 2010
  • The detection algorithm for loss of balance had three main parts: one for processing data, another for constructing an internal model, and a third for detecting the loss of balance. The part related to the internal model is the most important part of the algorithm. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of variables associated with the internal model on the success rate of the algorithm. The internal model depends on the type of linearization adopted and the operating period of the algorithm. The design variables were evaluated by performing sensitivity analysis of the variables of the internal model in order to obtain the success rate of the algorithm. The results showed that the most sensitive variable was the period and the period of 0.3 s yielded the highest success rate of 97.1%. Further, the ranges of the design variables that can facilitate a success rate of over 95% are presented.

Analysis on User Sensitive Evaluations of Disposable and Reusable Sanitary Pads (일회용 및 다회용 생리대의 소비자 사용 평가)

  • Moon, Jeehyun;Jeon, Eunkyung
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2014
  • Menstruation being an inevitable phenomenon for every women, reducing the discomfort during the menstruation period is one of the important issues for women's well-being. This study was conducted through user evaluations on disposable pads and reusable pads to comprehend the discomfort factors of the sanitary pads and to provide basic information for improvement. Negative symptoms of the reponses on menstruation outnumbered the positive aspects, and the results suggested that menstruation period was perceived as a painful experience to women. There were difference between the negative and positive responses regarding the designs, functions, fittings, wearing sensations. and disposabilities of disposable pads and reusable pads. While disposable pads had the strength of convenient use, it had the weakness of wearing sensation, and while reusable pads had the strength of wearing sensation, it had the weakness of inconvenient keeping. When designs reflecting these results are made, it is expected to bring a synergy effect by bringing both a more pleasant menstruation period for the consumers and eventual profit to the manufacturers.

Safety Assessment on the Human Intrusion Scenarios of Near Surface Disposal Facility for Low and Very Low Level Radioactive Waste (저준위 및 극저준위 방사성폐기물 표층처분시설의 인간침입 시나리오 안전평가에 대한 고찰)

  • Hong, Sung-Wook;Park, Sangho;Park, Jin Beak
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2016
  • The second-stage near surface disposal facility for low and very low level radioactive waste's permanent disposal is to be built. During the institutional control period, the inadvertent intrusion of the general public is limited. But after the institutional control period, the access to the general public is not restricted. Therefore human who has purpose of residence and resource exploration can intrude the disposal facility. In this case, radioactive effects to the intruder should be limited within regulatory dose limits. This study conducted the safety assessment of human intrusion on the second-stage surface disposal facility through drilling and post drilling scenario. Results of drilling and post drilling scenario were satisfied with regulatory dose limits. The result showed that post-drilling scenario was more significant than drilling scenario. According to the human intrusion time and behavior after the closure of the facility, dominant radionuclide contributing to the intruder was different. Sensitivity analyses on the parameters about the human behavior were also satisfied with regulatory dose limits. Especially, manual redistribution factor was the most sensitive parameter on exposure dose. A loading plan of spent filter waste and dry active waste was more effective than a loading plan of spent filter waste and other wastes for the radiological point of view. These results can be expected to provide both robustness and defense in depth for the development of safety case further.


  • Park Chang Seo
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 1985
  • This study was undertaken to observe the histopathologic changes in salivary gland of the white rats when exposed to megavoltage fractionated dose of cobalt-60 irradiation and 78 female white rats, weighing approximately 180gm, were divided into control and 3 experimental groups. Irradiation on experimental groups was delivered by using 6000 curies MeV ALCYON cobalt-60 teletherapy unit with exposure rate 183 rads per minute, in source skin distance 80cm, 600 rads every 3 days. In experimental groups, Group Ⅰwas irradiated of total dose 1200 rads for a period of 6 days, Group Ⅱ was irradiated of total dose 2400 rads for a period of 12 days and Group Ⅲ was irradiated of total dose of 4800 rads for a period of 24 days. The animals were sacrificed serially at 3 hours, 6 hours, 10 hours, 1st day, 4th day, 7th day after each completion of irradiation exposure. At sacrifice, salivary glands were excised and examined microscopically and electromicroscopically. The results were as follows: 1. The acinar cells of parotid and submaxillary gland showed damage varied with dose, 1200 rads resulted in very mild injury while 4800 rads caused most extensive injury. 2. The acinar cells of parotid and submandibular gland showed similar ultrastructural alterations, appeared as pleomorphic nucleus, decreased numbers and pleomorphism of secretory granules, distention of rough endplasmic reticulum, expansion and pallor appearance of mitochondria, and hypertrophy of Golgi complex. 3. Parotid serous cells were the most sensitive components, displaying morphological alterations of radiation damage as early as 3 hours, followed by submandibular seromucinous cells and secretory tubular cells. 4. The mucous cells of sublingual gland, as well as the whole ductal lining cells of each salivary gland, displayed no significant alterations. No evidence of microvascular injury through whole experimental groups indicated that microvascular impairment does not contribute to early salivary gland injury.

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