• 제목/요약/키워드: segmental content

검색결과 11건 처리시간 0.024초

Segmental Motions and Associated Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Properties of a Series of Copolymers Based on Poly(hexamethylene terephthalate) and Poly(1,4-cyclohexylenedimethylene terephthalate)

  • Jeong Young-Gyu;Lee Sang-Cheol;Jo Won-Ho
    • Macromolecular Research
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.416-423
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    • 2006
  • The dynamic mechanical thermal properties of poly(hexamethylene terephthalate) (PHT), poly(1,4-cyclohexylenedimethylene terephthalate) (PCT) and their P(HT-co-CT) random copolymers in the amorphous state were examined as a function of temperature and frequency. All the samples exhibited two main relaxation processes in the plot of tan ${\delta}$ versus temperature: the primary ${\alpha}$-relaxation associated with the glass transition and the secondary ${\beta}$-relaxation attributed to the local segmental motions of mostly cyclohexylene rings for PCT and to cooperative motions of methylene, carboxyl, and phenylene groups for PHT. Both ${\alpha}$- and ${\beta}$-relaxation temperatures increased with increasing CT content. The activation energy of the ${\alpha}$-relaxation increased with increasing CT content, whereas that of the ${\beta}$-relaxation decreased. The sub-glassy secondary ${\beta}$-relaxation processes of PCT and PHT were investigated in terms of the cooperativity of main-chain segmental motions.

한국어 음운구 억양 유형의 변별적 특성과 변이 조건에 대한 연구: 음절 수와 분절음 종류의 영향을 중심으로 (Distinguishing features and variability of intonation patterns in Korean phonological phrases: The effects of syllable count and segmental content)

  • 오재혁
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 2022
  • 이 연구는 한국어 음운구 억양 유형의 변별적 특성과 변이 조건을 밝히기 위한 목적의 일환으로 음운론적인 조건인 음절 수와 분절음 종류가 음운구 억양에 미치는 영향에 대해서 살펴보았다. 4음절을 기준으로, 음운구 억양은 LHLH를 기본형으로 설정할 수 있으며, 음절 수와 분절음 종류가 변이를 만드는 조건으로 작용한다고 할 수 있다. 음절 수는 억양을 곡선에서 직선으로 바꾸는데, 그 기준은 3음절 이하이다. 분절음은 음높이 대역과 음높이 변동에 영향을 미치는데, 첫 번째 분절음은 음운구 억양이 형성되는 음높이 대역에 영향을 미치고, 그 이하의 분절음은 음높이 변동에 영향을 미친다. 첫 번째 분절음이 [+기식성], [+긴장성], [+지속성]을 지니면 높은 대역, 그렇지 않으면 낮은 대역에서 억양이 형성된다. 높은 대역에서 실현되는 억양에서 두 번째 이하의 분절음이 [-기식성], [-긴장성], [-지속성]을 지니게 되면 음높이를 낮은 대역의 최하위까지 하강시키고, 낮은 대역에서 실현되는 억양에서는 [+기식성], [+긴장성], [+지속성]을 지닌 분절음이 LHLH의 두 번째 하강을 저지한다.

Dyeing Study on DMF-Modified Polyesters for Morphology Characterization

  • Park, Myung-Ja
    • The International Journal of Costume Culture
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 2002
  • Morphology of polyester fiber was physically modified by solvent treatment. PET fiber was treated with N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) at 100, 120, $140^{circ}C$ for 10 minutes without tension. The structural changes in the morphology of DMF-induced modified PET fiber were FTIR and SEM analysis. Also dyeing behavior of DMF-treated polyester fibers with various disperse dyes was studied to detect changes of amorphous area in fine structure. DMF treatment resulted in increases in total void content, degree of crystallinity, trans isomer content, chain folding, segmental mobility and molecular packing, but it resulted in decreases in amorphous orientation, intermolecular forces and individual void size through longitudinal shrinkage, lateral welling and removal of oligomers. Void-size distribution could be estimated from the dye uptake with various sizes of disperse dyes. In contrast to the large increases in dye uptake with small dye molecules, there is no and little dye uptake with the bulkiest dye, which means that void size is bigger or smaller than the volume of each dye. Diffusion rates of dye molecules showed increases. This dyeing study revealed that the disperse dyeing is very effective method for characterizing the internal morphology of polyester fiber.

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Caroli's Disease로 인한 담관염 환자 치험 1례 (Treated One Case of Cholangitis Due to Caroli's Disease)

  • 문미현;이성균;정현애;이정섭;임은경;이윤재;문구;신선호;김동웅;조영기
    • 대한한방내과학회지
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.912-917
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    • 2005
  • Caroli's disease is a non-obstructive dilatation of the intrahepatic bile ducts. It is a rare congenital disorder that classically causes saccular ductal dilatation, which usually it segmental dilatation. Caroli's disease is associated with recurrent bacterial cholangitis and stone formation. A 57 years-old female inpatient suffering from cholangitis due to Caroli's disease was admitted at Wonkwang University Jeonju Oriental Medicine Hospital. The patient was treated with herbal medicine such as Yongdamsagan-tang and acupuncture. As result, there was improvement of symptoms. The process and content of treatment and the patient's recovery over general symptoms is described.

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Preparation of poly(methyl methacrylate)/clay nanocomposites by microwaveassisted in-situ radical polymerization

  • Jeong, Ji-Won;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Jang, Jae-Ho;Lee, Jung-Taek;Yoo, Kyung-Hyeon;Yoon, Seog-Young
    • 한국결정성장학회지
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.19-23
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    • 2019
  • The PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate)/clay nanocomposites were synthesized by in situ radical polymerizations with different clay contents (3 and 7 wt%) using microwave heating. The nanostructure, optical, and thermal properties of the synthesized PMMA/clay nanocomposites were measured by XRD, TEM, AFM, UV-vis, and TGA. It was found that the intercalated- or exfoliated structure of PMMA/clay nanocomposites was strongly dependent on the content of clay. Thus, the imposition of microwave-assisted polymerization facilitated a delamination process of layered silicates to achieve exfoliation state of interlayer distance. The PMMA/3 wt% C10A nanocomposite with well-dispersed and exfoliated clay nano-layers showed the good optical transparency similar to pure PMMA in this study. The thermal decomposition rates of the PMMA/clay nanocomposites become to be lower compared to that of the pure PMMA, indicating the intercalated- or exfoliated inorganic silicate has high thermal stability. A possible reason is that the thermally segmental motion of PMMA polymer into inorganic silicate interlayer spacing has increased the thermal stability of the PMMA/clay nanocomposites.

Percolation Approach to the Morphology of Rigid-Flexible Block Copolymer on Gas Permeability

  • 박호범;하성룡;이영무
    • 한국막학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국막학회 1997년도 추계 총회 및 학술발표회
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    • pp.69-70
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    • 1997
  • Polyimides and related polymers, when synthesized from aromatic monomers, have generally rigid chain structures resulting in a low gas permeability. The rigidity of polymer chains reduces the segmental motion of chains and works as a good barrier against gas transport. To overcome the limit of use as materials of gas separation membranes due to low gas permeability, block copolymers with the incorporation of flexible segments like siloxane linkage and ether linkage have been studied. These block copolymers have microphase-separated structures composed of microdomains of flexible poly(dimethylsiloxane) or polyether segments and of rigid polyimides segments. In case of rigid-flexible block copolymers, the characteristics of both phases for gas permeation are of great difference. The permeation of gas molecules occurs favorably through microdomains of flexible segments, whereas those of rigid segments hinder the permeation of gas molecules. Accordingly the increase of content of flexible segments in a rigid polymer matrix will increase the gas permeability of the membrane linearly. However, this prediction does not satisfy enough many experimental results and in particular the drastic increase of the permeability is observed in a certain volume fraction. It was proposed that the gas transport mechanism is dominated by diffusion rather than gas solubility in a certain content of flexible phase if solution-diffusion mechanism is adopted. However, the transition from solubility-dependent to diffusion-dependent cannot be explained by the understanding of mechanism itself. Therefore, we consider an effective chemical path which permeable phase can form in a microheterogenous medium, and percolation concept is introduced to describe the permeability transition at near threshold where for the first time a percolation path occurs. The volume fraction of both phases is defined as V$_{\alpha}$ and V$_{\beta}$ in block copolymers, and the volume of $\beta$ phase in the threshold forming geometrically a traversing channel is defined as V$_{\betac}$. The formation mechanism of shortest chemical channel is schematically depicted in Fig. 1.

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한우 뼈 부위별 국물의 품질 특성 및 이화학적 특성 비교연구 (A Comparative Study on Quality and Physicochemical Characteristics of Segmental Bone Korean Beef Broth)

  • 윤지영;최순영;정희선;박영일;김다솔;주나미
    • 한국식품영양학회지
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.470-477
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to perform a functional component analysis to optimize the recipes for Korean beef main bone area. To optimize the recipes for beef leg bone broth, beef feet broth and tail broth, the quality and physiochemical properties of the dishes were comparatived and investigated. Crude protein, crude fat and moisture showed significant differences among the beef leg bone broth, Beef feet broth and tail broth (p<0.001). All free amino acids showed significant differences, with the exception of cystine and tryptophan (p<0.05). All minerals showed significant differences (p<0.01). Na content was highest in the beef leg bone broth (211.77 mg/kg), followed by beef feet broth (254.40 mg/kg), and tail broth (134.93 mg/kg). Collagen was significantly different each dish (p<0.001), but chondroitin sulfate was not. And all nucleic acids showed significant differences.

2016년에 공표한 일본의 학습지도요령과 2015 개정 교육과정 총론의 구성 분석 (An analysis of the 2016 government guidelines for teaching of Japan and the outline of the 2015 revised curriculum of Korea)

  • 김자미;이원규
    • 컴퓨터교육학회논문지
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 2016년 공표한 일본의 학습지도요령과 2015 개정 교육과정 총론의 구성 방식을 비교하기 위한 목적이 있다. 양국의 국가 수준 교육과정 구성을 비교하기 위해 구성 체계, 구체적인 내용과 더불어 정보과 교육의 중요성에 대한 흐름을 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 일본은 학습지도요령의 개정 원인, 목적, 목표 달성 방법 등을 제시함으로써, 해당 문서에 대한 당위성이 강조되었다. 한국은 총론과 각론의 분절적 개발에서 비롯된 괴리가 문서상에서도 파악되었고, 시대적 흐름이나 교과의 변화를 고려하지 않은 교육과정의 구성 및 방향설정의 오류를 발견할 수 있었다. 교육과정이 내용에 대한 충분성과 시대적 상황을 반영한 교육을 지원하기 위해서는 전체 프레임에 대한 개선이 필요함을 제언하였다. 내용에 대한 인식 없이 프레임을 구성하는 것은 교육에 대한 목적과 방향을 제대로 설정할 수 없음에 대한 성찰을 제공했다는 데 본 연구의 의의가 있다.

Spectral and Thermal Studies of Transition Metal PSSA Ionomers

  • Shim, Il-Wun;Risen, William M. Jr.
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제9권6호
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    • pp.368-376
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    • 1988
  • Transition metal PSSA ionomers containing Co(II), Ni(II), Cr(III), Ru(III), and Rh(III) are investigated by IR, Far-IR, UV-Vis and DSC. Reliable IR Spectroscopic criteria are established for assessing the degree of ion-exchange of PSSA ionomers and the local structures around metal cations in them. In the hydrated transition metal PSSA ionomers, the ionic groups are solvated by water molecules and there is no significant interactions between sulfonate group and metal cations. The visible spectra indicated that metal cations are present as [M$(H_2O)_6$]$^{n+}$ with Oh symmetry. Their $T_g$ values increase as the extent of ionic site concentration increases, but there is no direct dependence of $T_g$ on the nature of metal cations or their oxidation states. Thus, the water content in PSSA ionomer is found to have dominant influence on $T_g$ of hydrated transition metal PSSA ionomers. Dehydration of the hydrated transition metal PSSA ionomers results in direct interaction between ionic groups and significant color changes of the ionomers due to the changes of the local structures around metal cations. On the base of spectral data, their local structures are discussed. In case of dehydrated 12.8 and 15.8 mol % transition metal PSSA ionomers, no glass transition is observed in 25-$250^{\circ}C$ region and this is believed to arise from the formation of highly crosslinked structures caused by direct coordination of sulfonate groups of metal cations. In the 6.9 mol % transition metal PSSA ionomers, the glass transition is always observed whether they are hydrated or dehydrated and this is though to be caused by the sufficient segmental mobility of the polymer backbone.