• Title/Summary/Keyword: sediment grain size

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Settling Characteristics of Saemankeum fine-Cohesiv Sediments : Effects of Physico-Chemical Properties (새만금 미세점착성 퇴적물의 침강특성 : 퇴적물의 물리.화학적 특성의 영향)

  • Hwang, Gyu-Nam;Jo, Yong-Sik
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.475-484
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    • 2002
  • A series of settling tests and physico-chemical property tests on Saemankeum fine-cohesive sediments has been conducted in order to investigate the correlation between settling properties and their physico-chemical properties which are represented as grain size distribution, mineralogical composition, and percentage of organic contents. Experimental results of physico-chemical property tests show that Saemankeum sediments are relatively large in average grain size(52${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$), and contain very small organic materials(2%), and are dominantly composed of Quarts in mineralogical aspect which has relatively low cohesion. Thus, Saemankeum sediments might be specified as the sediments whose settling properties are more influenced by the gravity than the cohesion. This characteristics of Saemankeum sediments are found to lead to relatively small settling velocity in flocculated settling region in which increasing cohesion results in increasing settling velocity, while relatively large settling velocity in hindered settling region in which settling velocity decreases with increasing cohesion.

Heavy Metals in Surface Sediments from Kwangyang Bay, South Coast of Korea (광양만 표층퇴적물의 중금속 함량 및 분포)

  • Lee, Chang-Bok;Koh, Chul-Hwan;Cho, Yeong-Gil
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2000
  • Heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cr, Co, Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb) were determined in ninety-one surface sediments collected from Kwangyang Bay, south coast of Korea. The data show that the Fe, Cr, Ni, and Zn distribution in the bay can be described by metal vs. grain size relationship. However, the distribution pattern of Mn, Co, Cu and Pb were found to be changed because they are anthropogenically enriched to sediment. Correlation matrix and R-mode factor analyses revealed that two important factors controlling the distribution of metals in the bay are grain size and anthropogenic input.

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Determination of Characteristics of Laboratory Test and Proper Specification of Reformed Dredging Soil for Applying Pipe Mixing Method (관중혼합공법의 적용을 위한 개질처리 준설토의 실내실험 특성 및 적정 규격 결정)

  • Jeon, Sangok;Kang, Byungyoon;Baek, Seungcheol
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2022
  • In order to improve dredged area, long time and high cost is needed because of bad engineering and physical conditions. And there is no suitable example of pipe mixing method at domestic site. Moreover, applicability and effectiveness of this method is uncertain and shows different results between site and laboratory test. In order to solve these problems, we determined proper grain size distribution and water content range using dredged soil and reformed material (standard sand & material controlling grain size distribution) in the laboratory test. As a result, we confirmed that coefficient of sediment consolidation is increased and there is an improvement about separation sedimentation. Undrained shear strength was derived by water content of reformed dredging soil through regression analysis of test results. We suggest the correlation equation for determining mixing ratio.

Contents of Inorganic Elements in Shellfish and Geochemical Characteristics of Surface sediments on the West Coast of Korea (서해연안 패류의 성분원소 함량 및 퇴적물의 지화학적 특성)

  • Choi, Yoon Seok;Park, Kwang Jae;Song, Jae Hee;Yoon, Sang Pil;Chung, Sang Ok;An, Kyoung Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.225-232
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    • 2012
  • In order to evaluate the relationship of between the contents of inorganic elements in shellfish and surface sediments, we measured the concentration of inorganic elements (As, Ca, Cd, Cr, Fe, Hg, Li, Mn, Ni, P, Pb, Zn) in various shellfish and surface sediments of research area. The enrichment factor (EF) and the index of accumulation rate (Igeo) of the metals showed that the research areas can be classified as moderately polluted, or unpolluted. And also we measured the geochemical characteristics of surface sediments(grain size, chemical oxygen demand (COD), ignition loss (IL) and acid volatile sulfide (AVS). The grain sizes for research areas of surface sediment were similar the ratio of silt and clay in comparison with other sites. The COD and IL in surface sediment ranged from 5.41 to 14.06 mg/g. d.w. (mean $8.78{\pm}3.16$ mg/g d.w.) and from 0.92 to 3.17% (mean $2.08{\pm}0.86%$), respectively. Siginificant differences in metal concentrations also were determinated in the shellfish tissue among the different sites. However, except for metals(Mn, Zn), which showed some elevation of concentrations, the variations in the shellfish tissue were not related to variations in the sediment.

Geoacoustic Model of Surface Sediments in the East of Geoje Island, the South Sea of Korea (거제도 동쪽 해역 표층 퇴적물의 지음향모델)

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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2005
  • Sediment texture, physical (porosity, water content, bulk density, grain density, and shear strength), and geoacoustic properties (compressional wave velocity and attenuation) were measured on eighteen core samples collected from the shelf off eastern Geoje Island, the South Sea of Korea. Based on these properties, the study area is divided into three different sub-areas: (1) Area I affected directly by the Nakdong River discharge; (2) Area II covered by the southern branch of the Nakdong River discharge; and (3) Area III dominated by relict sediment. Mean grain size, velocity, and bulk density decrease from Area $I(7.4\Phi,\;1528m/s,\;1.6g/cm^3,\;respectively)$ to Area $II(8.1\Phi,\;1485m/s,\;and\;1.5g/cm^3)$, and then increase rather rapidly in Area $III(1.4\Phi,\;1664m/s,\;and\;2.2g/cm^3)$. Porosity, on the other hand, exhibits an opposite trend, increasing from Area $I(64.5\%)$ to Area$II(73.9\%)$ and then decreasing significantly in Area $III(32.9\%)$ From the results measured and calculated, we suggest a specified geoacoustic model in the study area.

Monitoring of Moisture Content and Sediment Fineness as Predictors of Shoal Breaching in an Estuary

  • Lee, Seulki;Park, Sungjae;Lee, Chang-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2018
  • Namdae-cheon in Gangwon-do Province, Korea, is a valuable well-preserved lagoon. The estuary of Namdae-cheon Stream is closed because of the surrounding natural sand shoal. Thus, during the dry season, river water cannot easily flow to the ocean and therefore stagnates. River water congestion causes environmental deterioration of estuaries, often by eutrophication. In this study, we examined wall disintegration in the estuary area and used it to determine appropriate measures for the conservation of estuary water quality in the future. A total of 24 sites were selected, with 13 sites on the west side and 11 sites on the east side of the estuary study area. Samples were collected and analyzed for particle size and moisture content both vertically and horizontally. Sedimentary deposition rate was measured, and subsidence analysis was performed. Particle size, water content, sedimentary deposition, and subsidence analyses indicated that flow shifted to the west during the study period. In conjunction with other variables that may affect changes in flow, these parameters can be used in future research to predict shoal breaches and associated changes in water flow direction.

Hydrogeological Characteristics of a Riverine Wetland in the Nakdong River Delta, Korea

  • Jeon, Hang-Tak;Cha, Eun-Ji;Lim, Woo-Ri;Yoon, Sul-Min;Hamm, Se-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.425-444
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    • 2021
  • Investigating the physical and chemical properties of riverine wetlands is necessary to understand their distribution characteristics and depositional environment. This study investigated the physical (particle size, color, and type) and chemical properties (organic, inorganic, and moisture contents) of sediments in Samrak wetland, located in the Nakdong River estuary area in Busan, South Korea. The particle size analysis indicated that the hydraulic conductivity values for the coarse grain and the mixture of coarse and fine grains ranged from 2.03 to 3.49×10-1 cm s-1 and 7.18×10-3 to 1.24×10-7 cm s-1, respectively. In-situ water quality and laboratory-based chemical analyses and radon-222 measurement were performed on groundwater and surface water in the wetland and water from the nearby Nakdong River. The physical and chemical properties of Samrak wetland was characterized by the sediments in the vertical and lateral direction. The concentrations of chemical components in the wetland groundwater were distinctly higher than those in the Nakdong River water though the wetland groundwater and Nakdong River water equally belonged to the Ca-HCO3 type.

Spatial and Temporal Changes in Sediments of Major Tidal Flats in the Western and Southern Korean Coasts: Grain Size, Organic Matter, Trace Metals (한반도 서·남해 주요 갯벌 퇴적물의 시·공간적 변화: 입도, 유기물, 중금속)

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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.54-63
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    • 2019
  • As a part of the national marine ecosystem monitoring program, the temporal and spatial variation of sedimentary environment and pollution of organic matters and trace metals from four major tidal flats, i.e., Ganghwa Is., Garolim bay, Jeung Is., Suncheon bay, was investigated for 3 yerars from 2015 to 2017. The mean grain size of the sediment was $5.0-5.3{\varnothing}$ at Ganghwa Is, $4.5-4.8{\varnothing}$ at Garolim bay, $6.1-6.5{\varnothing}$ at Jeung Is, and $8.6-8.7{\varnothing}$ at Suncheon bay. The mean grain size (Mz) tended to decrease from the north (Ganghwa Is.) to the south (Suncheon bay). The ignition loss (IL) was 15.5% in Suncheon bay in 2015, which was relatively high compared to other sites, but gradually decreased over time from 8.3% in 2016 to 7.0% in 2017. In Jeung Is. and Suncheon bay, the concentration of Zn and As exceeded the threshold effect level (TEL) at some stations, but the range of trace metals in the other sites was below the level. In Jeung Is., the Mz and concentration of trace metals except Hg was positively correlated (r= 0.40-0.88, P<0.05). On the other hand, Mz was negatively correlated with trace metals (P<0.05) in Suncheon bay. The geoaccumulation index ($I_{geo}$) to evaluate contamination status of sediments for trace metal was less than 1(not contaminated) for Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd and Hg, and 2-3 (moderately to strongly polluted) for As at several stations in Suncheon bay and Jeung Is.

Effect of Sediment Size On Air Injection and Flowing Aspect of Groundwater Saturated Zone (대수층 토양입자크기에 따른 공기분사 흐름 양상)

  • 이준호;박갑성
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2003
  • Laboratory scale study for an air injection and flowing aspect of groundwater saturated zone was conducted for three sediment grains (AMG 0.34, 1.38, 3.89 mm diameter). Air flow for AMG (Average Modal diameter Grains) 0.34 mm diameter grain size provides indication of pattern of channelized air flow in saturated zone and expansion state in above saturated zone. Maximum area of influence is approximately l5.2%/$\textrm{m}^2$for AMG of 0.34 mm diameter. For AMG of 1.38 mm and 3.89 mm modal diameter grains, air flow are pervasive air flow, forming a symmetrical cone of influence around the injection point. Maximum areas affected are 37%/$\textrm{m}^2$for AMG 1.38 mm diameter and 30%/$\textrm{m}^2$for AMG 3.89 mm diameter. AMG 1.38 mm and 3.89 mm diameter grains show onset of collapse and approach to steady state in above saturated zone, respectively. In this study, optimal sites for in situ air sparging, may be grain diameters between about AMG 1.5-2.5 mm diameter.

Variations of Grain Textural Parameters of Beaches by Coast Development at East Coast Korea Peninsula (연안 개발에 의한 동해 해빈 퇴적물의 입자 조직 특성의 변화)

  • Oh, Jea-Kyung;Jeong, Sun-Mi;Cho, Yong-Goo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.28 no.7
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    • pp.914-924
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    • 2007
  • This study is to compare differences in the depositional environments of natural beaches with those of beaches developed with artificial structures in the East Coast of Korea. Naksan-Osan beaches were selected for the examination of natural beaches and Anmok-Yumjun beaches for that of developed beaches. The study was performed on the foreshores and backshores of the selected beaches, and was based on the field research during the flood period of year 2004 and the dry period of year 2005. In Naksan-Osan beaches, pain size is fuel and sorting is better from northern coast to southern coast. Furthermore, sediment undergoes changes regularly and seasonal variations are small. But in Anmok-Yumjun beaches, grain size is coarser and sorting is worse than in Naksan-Osan beaches, showing irregular tendencies. The characteristic features of the two beaches would be effected by longshore currents which change along the type of coast line and have an effect on sediment. Especially, long shore currents interrupted by artificial structures in Anmok-Yumjun beaches may cause sedimental environment changes. In Anmok-Yumjun beaches, harbor expansions will be continued, and thus more changes are expected to occur in the beaches.