• Title/Summary/Keyword: search result

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Edge Feature Extract CBIRS for Car Retrieval : CBIRS/EFI (차량 검색을 위한 측면 에지 특징 추출 내용기반 검색 : CBIRS/EFI)

  • Koo, Gun-Seo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2010
  • The paper proposed CBIRS/EFI with contents based search technique using edge feature information of the object from image information of the object which is uncertain. In order to search specially efficiently case of partial image information of the object, we used the search technique which extracts outline information and color information in feature information of object. In order to experiment this, we extracted side edge feature information of the vehicle for feature information of the object after capture the car image of the underground garage. This is the system which applies a contents base search by the result which analyzes the image which extracts a feature, an original image to search and a last similar measurement result. This system compared in FE-CBIRS systems which are an existing feature extraction contents base image retrieval system and the function which improves the accuracy and an effectiveness of search rate was complemented. The performance appraisal of CBIRS/EFI systems applied edge extraction feature information and color information of the cars. And we compared a color feature search time, a shape characteristic search time and a search rate from the process which searches area feature information. We extracted the case 91.84% of car edge feature extraction rate. And a average search time of CBIRS/EFI is showing a difference of average 0.4-0.9 seconds than FE-CBIRS from vehicle. color search time, shape characteristic search time and similar search time. So, it was proven with the fact that is excellent.

Design Blockchain as a Service and Smart Contract with Secure Top-k Search that Improved Accuracy (정확도가 향상된 안전한 Top-k 검색 기반 서비스형 블록체인과 스마트 컨트랙트 설계)

  • Hobin Jang;Ji Young Chun;Ik Rae Jeong;Geontae Noh
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2023
  • With advance of cloud computing technology, Blockchain as a Service of Cloud Service Provider has been utilized in various areas such as e-Commerce and financial companies to manage customer history and distribution history. However, if users' search history, purchase history, etc. are to be utilized in a BaaS in areas such as recommendation algorithms and search engine development, the users' search queries will be exposed to the company operating the BaaS, and privacy issues will be occured. Z. Guan et al. ensure the unlinkability between users' search query and search result using searchable encryption, and based on the inner product similarity, they select Top-k results that are highly relevant to the users' search query. However, there is a problem that the Top-k results selection may be not possible due to ties of inner product similarity, and BaaS over cloud is not considered. Therefore, this paper solve the problem of Z. Guan et al. using cosine similarity, so we improve accuracy of search result. And based on this, we design a BaaS with secure Top-k search that improved accuracy. Furthermore, we design a smart contracts that preserve privacy of users' search and obtain Top-k search results that are highly relevant to the users' search.

A Study on the Information Searching Behavior of MEDLINE Retrieval in Medical Librarian (의학전문사서의 정보이용행위에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Jin-Young;Jeong Sang-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.123-153
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    • 1999
  • This article aims at finding the ways, on the basis of the studies about the behaviors to search the existing CD-ROM databases, so that the searchers who retrieve the on-line MEDLINE used in the medical libraries can use the data more efficiently than now. We gave the questionnaires to the librarians in 60 medical libraries and searched the literatures and realities on the behaviors of the data uses to examine the search behaviors of the MEDLINE in the medical libraries. The result is as follows: 1) The medical data system rate for single users was $53\%$ and the ons for multi users $43\%$. As for the time which users retrieve for a week, under two hours was $75\%$, between 3 and 8 hours $18.3\%$, and eve. 9 hours $6.7\%$. 2) The increasing factors of the search result are (1) an enough discussion and interview between librarians and users, and (2) the use of the correct indexing terms, Thesaurus, and Keyword. In principle users must search directly. However, the librarians searched instead in case that the retrieval result was under two hours a week$(75\%)$. 3) As for the search fee, $91\%$ was free and $9\%$ was charged. Also search effectiveness was enhanced by the means of Inter-Library Loan Service & Information Network. 4) The medical librarians answered the questionnaire that they need the application education of professional knowledge, medical terms(thesaurus) and electronic medium, and also they need the computer education, interview technique and reeducation to give a satisfactory service. 5) As for the satisfactory degree of MEDLINE application, they answered $44.6\%$ for economy, $38.2\%$ for the conveniency of the time required, and $58.9\%$ for the users' search satisfaction answered respectively. 6) The application of MEDLINE system enhanced the medical libraries' image and had an effect on the users' satisfaction of using the data and search, the data activities and the research achievement. 7) In the past MeSH was used but as the time passes CD-ROM MEDLINE search behavior was preferred to On-line one.

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PDM Based Design Knowledge Management System (PDM기반의 설계지식 관리 시스템)

  • 박성범;박홍석;여승훈;이규봉
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.1394-1397
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    • 2004
  • Company perform a lot process to produce products. If company try to satisfy for customer and improve technological competition, they must be changed to new system. As a result, we developed knowledge based smart search system and customized it to PDM system on commercial use. In this smart search system, wherever process designer can seek to result quickly. This will be upgraded for be applied to some company.

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An Improved Combined Content-similarity Approach for Optimizing Web Query Disambiguation

  • Kamal, Shahid;Ibrahim, Roliana;Ghani, Imran
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2015
  • The web search engines are exposed to the issue of uncertainty because of ambiguous queries, being input for retrieving the accurate results. Ambiguous queries constitute a significant fraction of such instances and pose real challenges to web search engines. Moreover, web search has created an interest for the researchers to deal with search by considering context in terms of location perspective. Our proposed disambiguation approach is designed to improve user experience by using context in terms of location relevance with the document relevance. The aim is that providing the user a comprehensive location perspective of a topic is informative than retrieving a result that only contains temporal or context information. The capacity to use this information in a location manner can be, from a user perspective, potentially useful for several tasks, including user query understanding or clustering based on location. In order to carry out the approach, we developed a Java based prototype to derive the contextual information from the web results based on the queries from the well-known datasets. Among those results, queries are further classified in order to perform search in a broad way. After the result provision to users and the selection made by them, feedback is recorded implicitly to improve the web search based on contextual information. The experiment results demonstrate the outstanding performance of our approach in terms of precision 75%, accuracy 73%; recall 81% and f-measure 78% when compared with generic temporal evaluation approach and furthermore achieved precision 86%, accuracy 71%; recall 67% and f-measure 75% when compared with web document clustering approach.

Enhanced Method for Person Name Retrieval in Academic Information Service (학술정보서비스에서 인명검색 고도화 방법)

  • Han, Hee-Jun;Yae, Yong-Hee;You, Beom-Jong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.490-498
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    • 2010
  • In the web or not, all academic information have the creator which produces that information. The creator can be individual, organization, institution, or country. Most information consist of the title, author and content. The article among academic information is described by title, author, keywords, abstract, publisher, ISSN(International Standard Serial Number) and etc., and the patent information is consisted some metadata such as invention title, applicant, inventors, agents, application number, claim items etc. Most web-based academic information services provide search functions to user by processing and handling these metadata, and the search function using the author field is important. In this paper, we propose an effective indexing management for person name search, and search techniques using boosting factor and near operation based on phrase search to improve precision rate of search result. And we describe person name retrieval result with another expression name, co-authors and persons in same research field. The approach presented in this paper provides accurate data and additional search results to user efficiently.

A Fast Search Algorithm for Sub-Pixel Motion Estimation (부화소 움직임 추정을 위한 고속 탐색 기법)

  • Park, Dong-Kyun;Jo, Seong-Hyeon;Cho, Hyo-Moon;Lee, Jong-Hwa
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.26-28
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    • 2007
  • The motion estimation is the most important technique in the image compression of the video standards. In the case of next generation standards in the video codec as H.264, a high compression-efficiency can be also obtained by using a motion compensation. To obtain the accurate motion search, a motion estimation should be achieved up to 1/2 pixel and 1/4 pixel uiuts. To do this, the computational complexity is increased although the image compression rate is increased. Therefore, in this paper, we propose the advanced sub-pixel block matching algorithm to reduce the computational complexity by using a statistical characteristics of SAD(Sum of Absolute Difference). Generally, the probability of the minimum SAD values is high when searching point is in the distance 1 from the reference point. Thus, we reduced the searching area and then we can overcome the computational complexity problem. The main concept of proposed algorithm, which based on TSS(Three Step Search) method, first we find three minimum SAD points which is in integer distance unit, and then, in second step, the optimal point is in 1/2 pixel unit either between the most minimum SAD value point and the second minimum SAD point or between the most minimum SAD value point and the third minimum SAD point In third step, after finding the smallest SAD value between two SAD values on 1/2 pixel unit, the final optimized point is between the most minimum SAD value and the result value of the third step, in 1/2 pixel unit i.e., 1/4 pixel unit in totally. The conventional TSS method needs an eight.. search points in the sub-pixel steps in 1/2 pixel unit and also an eight search points in 1/4 pixel, to detect the optimal point. However, in proposed algorithm, only total five search points are needed. In the result. 23 % improvement of processing speed is obtained.

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The Effect of Calling on Career Adaptability among Undergraduate Students: The Mediating Effects of Search for and Presence of Meaning (대학생의 소명과 진로적응성의 관계: 의미추구와 의미발견의 매개효과)

  • Chin, Hyunjoon;Lee, Ki-Hak
    • Korean Journal of School Psychology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.125-144
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    • 2020
  • Only a few studies have investigated the influence of career calling on career adaptability and the mechanisms behind this relationship, so this investigated how the search for and presence of meaning, the two elements of meaning in life, affect this relationship. 247 Participants completed a survey on career calling, career adaptability, the search for meaning and the presence of meaning. Correlational analysis was conducted to examine the relationships between the research variables. A serial multiple mdediating effects test was conducted to test the proposed mediating effects. Finally, a bootstrapping procedure was used with SPSS Macro to test the significance of the indirect effects. The results were as follows: First, career calling was positively related with career adaptability. Second, the search for and presence of meaning both partially mediated the relationship between career calling and career adaptability. This result implies that the search for meaning alone can lead to positive outcomes, such as increasing career adaptability, a result not found in previous studies. Third, the relationship between career calling and career adaptability was sequentially mediated by the search for meaning and the presence of meaning. This paper ends with a discussion of implications of this study's results in clinical practice and this study's limitations.

Comparative Evaluation of Popular Search Websites on Search Results and Reliability of Health Information between Korea and United States (한국과 미국의 대중적인 검색 사이트 간 건강정보 검색결과 및 신뢰성 비교 평가)

  • Yoojung Choi;Kwanghyeon Jung;Jonghyun Jeong;Hyunwoo Chae;Ju-Yeun Lee;Jaekyu Shin
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.164-174
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    • 2024
  • Background: Health information should be accurate and of high quality. While search websites are widely used to obtain health information, search results can vary depending on the availability of information in each language and the algorithms of search websites. We compared the search results and their reliability on popular search websites in Korea and the United States. Methods: Using the most popular search websites in Korea (A) and the US (B), with B divided into KR and US domains, we evaluated the search results for three diseases (hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis) and two medications (Lipitor, Norvasc). We compared the proportion of paid ads and website categories, as well as quality and accuracy using a validated scoring tool. Results: Search website A had a high proportion of paid ads (40.3%), compared to B KR (4.3%) and B US (0%). B US had the highest proportion of reliable websites (58.1%), followed by B KR (52.9%) and A (14.6%). B US had the highest median quality score (25) while A had the lowest (14). Additionally, B US had the highest accuracy (95%), followed by B KR (87.7%) and A (52.2%). Conclusions: Our data suggest that health information provided by popular search website in Korea is inaccurate and of low quality compared with that provided by its counterpart in the US. Users should prioritize credible websites, be cautious of ads, and seek professional advice. In addition, joint efforts from the government, search websites, and healthcare professionals are needed to provide accurate online health information.

Preference-based search technology for the user query semantic interpretation (사용자 질의 의미 해석을 위한 선호도 기반 검색 기술)

  • Jeong, Hoon;Lee, Moo-Hun;Do, Hana;Choi, Eui-In
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.271-277
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    • 2013
  • Typical semantic search query for Semantic search promises to provide more accurate result than present-day keyword matching-based search by using the knowledge base represented logically. Existing keyword-based retrieval system is Preference for the semantic interpretation of a user's query is not the meaning of the user keywords of interconnect, you can not search. In this paper, we propose a method that can provide accurate results to meet the user's search intent to user preference based evaluation by ranking search. The proposed scheme is Integrated ontology-based knowledge base built on the formal structure of the semantic interpretation process based on ontology knowledge base system.