• 제목/요약/키워드: science history

검색결과 3,946건 처리시간 0.039초

테러리즘의 대응관리체제에 관한 고찰 - "9. 11 테러"를 중심으로 - (A Study Consequence Management System of the Terrorism)

  • 김이수;안병수;한남수
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제7호
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    • pp.95-124
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    • 2004
  • It can be said that 'the September 11th Terrorist Attacks' in 2001 were not only the indiscriminate attacks on innocent people but also the whole - political, economical and military - attacks on human life. Also, 'the September 11th Terrorist Attacks' can be regarded as the significant events in the history of world, which were on the peak of the super-terrorism or new-terrorism that had emerged from the 1980s. However, if one would have analysed the developments of terrorism from the 1970s, they could have been foreknown without difficulty. The finding from this study can be summarized as the followings, First, in spite that the USA responsive system against terrorism had been assessed as perfect before 'the September 11th Terrorist Attacks', the fragilities were found in the aspects of the response on the new-terrorism or super-terrorism. The previous responsive system before 'the September 11th Terrorist Attacks' had the following defects as the followings: (1) it was impossible to establish the integrated strategy, because the organizations related to the response against terrorism had not integrated; (2) there were some weakness to collect and diffuse the informations related to terrorism; (3) the security system for the domestic airline service in USA and the responsive system of air defense against terrors on aircraft were very fragile. For these reasons, USA government established the 'Department of Homeland Security' of which the President is the head so that the many organizations related to terrorism were integrated into a single management system. And, it legislated a new act to protect security from terrors, which legalized of the wiretapping in spite of the risk of encroachment upon personal rights, increased the jail terms upon terrorists, froze the bank related to terrorist organization, and could censor e-mails. Second, it seem that Korean responsive system against terrors more fragile than that of USA. One of the reasons is that people have some perception that Korea is a safe zone from terrors, because there were little attacks from international terrorists in Korea. This can be found from the fact that the legal arrangement against terrorism is only the President's instruction No. 47. Under this responsive system against terrorism dependent on only the President's instruction, it is expected that there would be a poor response against terrors due to the lack of unified and integrated responsive agency as like the case of USA before 'the September 11th Terrorist Attacks'. And, where there is no legal countermeasure, it is impossible to expect the binding force on the outside of administrative agencies and the performances to prevent and hinder the terrorist actions can not but be limited. That is to say, the current responsive system can not counteract effectively against the new-terrorism and super-terrorism. Third, although there were some changes in Korean government's policies against terrorism. there still are problems. One of the most important problems is that the new responsive system against terrorism in Korea, different from that of USA, is not a permanent agency but a meeting body that is organized by a commission. This commission is controled by the Prime Minister and the substantial tasks are under the National Intelligence Service. Under this configuration, there can be the lack of strong leadership and control. Additionally, because there is no statute to response against terrorism, it is impossible to prevent and counteract effectively against terrorism. The above summarized suggests that, because the contemporary super-terrorism or new-terrorism makes numerous casualties of unspecified persons and enormous nationwide damages, the thorough prevention against terrorism is the most important challenge, and that the full range of legal and institutional arrangements for the ex post counteraction should be established. In order to do so, it is necessary for the government to make legal and institutional arrangements such as the permanent agency for protection from terrorism in which the related departments cooperates with together and the development of efficient anti-terror programs, and to show its willingness and ability that it can counteract upon any type of domestic and foreign terrorism so that obtain the active supports and confidence from citizens.

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우리나라 보안산업의 역사적 기원에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Historical Origin of Private Security Industry in Korea)

  • 이창무
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제22호
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    • pp.91-111
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    • 2010
  • 보안산업은 급속한 성장을 지속하고 있고 보안산업관련 연구 역시 최근 크게 늘고 있다. 그러나 보안산업에 대한 역사적 연구는 아직까지 미흡한 실정이다. 특히 국내 보안산업의 역사적 기원에 대한 연구는 매우 드물다고 할 수 있다. 역사적인 사료(史料)를 통해 볼 때 국내 보안산업은 그 기원을 장보고의 활동에서 찾을 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 우리나라의 삼국사기와 삼국유사는 물론이고 중국과 일본의 사서(史書)에 장보고의 청해진 설치와 해적 소탕 등의 활약상이 기록되어 있으며, 장보고가 청해진을 설치해 해적소탕과 해상무역 보호라는 보안서비스를 제공한 대가로 해상무역권이라는 이권을 취하고 막대한 경제적 부(富)를 축적했다는 점에서 보안산업 활동을 했다고 여겨지는 것이다. 즉, 장보고가 당시의 고질적인 사회경제적 문제였던 해적을 퇴치하고 해상무역을 보호하면서 경제 수익을 창출하는 기업 활동을 벌였다는 점에서 장보고의 활동은 보안산업의 영역으로 분류할 수 있는 것이다. 이와 함께 장보고의 활동과 비슷한 역사적 기록이 장보고 이전에는 발견되지 않는다는 점에서 우리나라 최초의 보안산업 활동으로 판단된다. 역사적 기록에 나타나는 장보고의 활동은 당시 중국은 물론 이슬람 문화권과 유럽에도 그 유례를 찾아보기 어려울 만큼 근대적 성격의 보안산업 형태와 기능을 수행했다고 여겨진다. 세계 보안산업의 역사에 있어서 장보고 활동의 의의를 찾아볼 수 있는 것이다. 다만, 안타깝게도 세계는 물론 우리나라에서도 이러한 장보고의 보안산업활동 및 세계 보안산업 역사에서 차지하는 위상에 대해 적절한 평가 작업이 이뤄지지 않고 있으며 향후 후속연구에서 지속적으로 추진해야 하는 과제가 아닐 수 없다.

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고려 무신집권기 호위제도의 경호학적 고찰 (History of Guard System during the Period of Military Rule in the Goryeo Dynasty)

  • 이성진;조성진
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제34호
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    • pp.233-258
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    • 2013
  • 고려전기의 궁중호위는 2군6위의 중앙 정규군으로 편성되어 궁궐안의 호위는 내순검군이 담당하였으나, 무신집권기에 이르러 군제는 문란해지고 왕실 호위는 무신들에게 의지하게 되었다. 무신들은 왕의 지척에 있는 중방을 중심으로 문신들을 억압하고 왕권을 무력화 시킨 후 국정을 좌지우지하였다. 무신의 3거두였던 정중부, 이의민, 이고 등의 집권이 단명으로 끝나고 경대승이 집권자의 지위에 올랐을 때, 그는 자신의 신변안전을 위하여 백 수십인의 결사대를 문하에 두었는데, 이 조직이 도방(都房)이었다. 경대승이 병사함에 따라 도방이 폐지되고, 최충헌 집권시대에 신변보호와 집권체제 강화를 위해 경대승의 도방을 부활시켜 보완한 6번(番)도방은 규모가 방대하고 더욱더 체계를 잘 갖추었다. 최충헌의 아들 최우의 집권기에 6번 도방은 내외도방(內外都房)으로 확장, 강화되었으며, 손자 최항의 집권기에는 한층 더 발전하여 도방 36번제도가 확립되었다. 초기의 도방은 무신 중심으로 도방 주인의 신변안전을 목표로 하였지만 후기에는 문신이 참여함으로써 정보 수집과 선발 경호의 활동을 하였고, 내도방에 해당되는 가병은 사후 위험 방지 역할까지 함으로써 개인의 호위에 만전을 기함은 물론 가문을 지키고 나아가 사회질서와 왕실과 조정을 장악하고 외적의 침략에 대비하는 포괄적인 임무를 담당하게 되었다. 최 씨 정권은 사적 친위조직으로서 도방 이외에 마별초(馬別抄)를 창설하였는데, 이는 도방과 함께 기병과 보병(步兵)의 양쪽 날개를 이루었다. 삼별초는 고종 때 최우가 조직한 야별초가 좌별초, 우별초로 나누어지고, 여기에 신의군이 합해져 만들어진 것이다. 삼별초가 조직된 이후에는 별초군이 군사와 경찰, 형옥에 이르기까지 그 기능을 발휘하였다. 무신집권기의 호위 조직이었던 도방과 별초군은 엄밀한 의미에서 사설경호기구로 출발하였으나 차츰 왕실 호위 기구를 무력화시키는 방향으로 발전하여 왕실이 도방의 보호를 받는 경지에 이르렀다. 사설경호경비에 해당되는 현대의 민간경호경비는 영리성을 목적으로 하는 것이 특성이지만 공적경호경비와 마찬가지로 범죄예방활동을 하고 있다는 점에서 무신 집권시기의 가병이나 도방 구성원들의 역할과 공통점이 있다고 볼 수 있다. 무신집권기의 경호조직은 처음에 개인의 신변 호위를 담당한 도방으로 출발하여 무신들의 참여와 확장으로 공공성을 띠어가게 되었고, 삼별초(三別抄)의 활약에 이르러서는 왕실 호위기구가 담당했던 역할에 근접하는 국가 사회 치안구조의 중추적 역할을 담당하게 되었다.

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디지털미디어 환경(環境)에서 디자인 특성(特性)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 실내제품(室內製品) 디자인을 중심으로 - (A Destructive Method in the Connection of the Algorithm and Design in the Digital media - Centered on the Rapid Prototyping Systems of Product Design -)

  • 김석화
    • 조형예술학연구
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    • 제5권
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    • pp.87-129
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this thesis is to propose a new concept of design of the 21st century, on the basis of the study on the general signification of the structures and the signs of industrial product design, by examining the difference between modern and post-modern design, which is expected to lead the users to different design practice and interpretation of it. The starting point of this study is the different styles and patterns of 'Gestalt' in the post-modern design of the late 20th century from modern design - the factor of determination in industrial product design. That is to say, unlike functional and rational styles of modern product design, the late 20th century is based upon the pluralism characterized by complexity, synthetic and decorativeness. So far, most of the previous studies on design seem to have excluded visual aspects and usability, focused only on effective communication of design phenomena. These partial studies on design, blinded by phenomenal aspects, have resulted in failure to discover a principle of fundamental system. However, design varies according to the times; and the transformation of design is reflected in Design Pragnanz to constitute a new text of design. Therefore, it can be argued that Design Pragnanz serves as an essential factor under influence of the significance of text. In this thesis, therefore, I delve into analysis of the 20th century product design, in the light of Gestalt theory and Design Pragnanz, which have been functioning as the principle of the past design. For this study, I attempted to discover the fundamental elements in modern and post-modern designs, and to examine the formal structure of product design, the users' aesthetic preference and its semantics, from the integrative viewpoint. Also, with reference to history and theory of design my emphasis is more on fundamental visual phenomena than on structural analysis or process of visualization in product design, in order to examine the formal properties of modern and post-modern designs. Firstly, In Chapter 1, 'Issues and Background of the Study', I investigated the Gestalt theory and Design Pragnanz, on the premise of formal distinction between modern and post-modern designs. These theories are founded upon the discussion on visual perception of Gestalt in Germany in 1910's, in pursuit of the principle of perception centered around visual perception of human beings. In Chapter 2, I dealt with functionalism of modern design, as an advance preparation for the further study on the product design of the late 20th century. First of all, in Chapter 2-1, I examined the tendency of modern design focused on functionalism, which can be exemplified by the famous statement 'Form follows function'. Excluding all unessential elements in design - for example, decoration, this tendency has attained the position of the international style based on the spirit of Bauhause - universality and regularity - in search of geometric order, standardization and rationalization. In Chapter 2-2, I investigated the anthropological viewpoint that modern design started representing culture in a symbolic way including overall aspects of the society - politics, economics and ethics, and its criticism on functionalist design that aesthetic value is missing in exchange of excessive simplicity in style. Moreover, I examined the pluralist phenomena in post-modern design such as kitsch, eclecticism, reactionism, hi-tech and digital design, breaking away from functionalist purism of modern design. In Chapter 3, I analyzed Gestalt Pragnanz in design in a practical way, against the background of design trends. To begin with, I selected mass product design among those for the 20th century products as a target of analysis, highlighting representative styles in each category of the products. For this analysis, I adopted the theory of J. M Lehnhardt, who gradated in percentage the aesthetic and semantic levels of Pragnantz in design expression, and that of J. K. Grutter, who expressed it in a formula of M = O : C. I also employed eight units of dichotomies, according to the G. D. Birkhoff's aesthetic criteria, for the purpose of scientific classification of the degree of order and complexity in design; and I analyzed phenomenal aspects of design form represented in each unit. For Chapter 4, I executed a questionnaire about semiological phenomena of Design Pragnanz with 28 units of antonymous adjectives, based upon the research in the previous chapter. Then, I analyzed the process of signification of Design Pragnanz, founded on this research. Furthermore, the interpretation of the analysis served as an explanation to preference, through systematic analysis of Gestalt and Design Pragnanz in product design of the late 20th century. In Chapter 5, I determined the position of Design Pragnanz by integrating the analyses of Gestalt and Pragnanz in modern and post-modern designs In this process, 1 revealed the difference of each Design Pragnanz in formal respect, in order to suggest a vision of the future as a result, which will provide systemic and structural stimulation to current design.

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간호의 질 평가도구 개발에 관한 일 연구 (A Study on the Development of an Instrument for Evaluating the Quality of Nursing Care)

  • 유지수
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 1977
  • Many in nursing look back on Nursing Research history and proudly point to the fact that emphasis in nursing research has changed from studying the nurse to studying nursing practice. In recent years, much emphasis has been placed on seeking a method of evaluating the quality of nursing care. In spite of these attempts, however, an instrument for evaluating the quality of nursing care that is actually applicable in the clinical area has not been found. The Purposes of this study are as follows: 1) To develop the instrument to be used in evaluating the quality of nursing care provided in the Neuro - Surgery Constant Care Unit of Severance Hospital 2) To evaluate the quality of nursing care in the clinical area. 3) To provide the necessary information for improvement of quality of nursing care. The instrument for evaluating the quality of nursing care, developed by the investigator, was composed of 7 nursing goals and divided into 65 standards of nursing performance. The 7 nursing goal are as follows : 1) Maintenance of airway 2) Maintenance of fluid at electrolyte balance 3) Maintenance of elimination 4) Personal hygiene 5) Optimum activity 6) Prevention of accidents 7) Emotional care The study population defined was composed of all the case (51) who were admitted in the Neuro- Surgery Constant Care Unit of Severance Hospital from May 7-13, 1976. The observation method was used and the data was subjected to the %, X²-test, T-test, F-test and Correlation. The results of tile study were as follows : 1. Levels of nursing performance regarding nursing goals. Seven different nursing care indices were constructed in terms of nursing goals. The index scores were grouped arbitrarily into ,j categories such as "excellent", "good", "moderate", "incomplete", and "poor"based upon the investigator′s personal judgement. a. The nursing index of maintaining airway showed that 78% of the patients fell within the "excellent" and 22% of the patients, fell within the "good" category. b. The nursing index of maintaining fluid & electrolyte balance showed that 95% of the patients fell within the "excellent" and 5 % of the patients fell within the "good" category. c. The nursing index of maintaining elimination showed that 100% of the patients fell within the "excellent" category. d. The nursing index of personal hygiene revealed that 49% of the patients fell within the "excellent" and 51% of the patients fell within the "good" category. e. The nursing index of optimum activity showed that 63% of the patients fell within the "excellent" and 32% of the patients fell within tile "good" and 5% of patients fell within the "moderate" category. f. The nursing index of prevention of accidents showed that 100% of the patients foil within the "excellent" category. g. The nursing index of emotional cart revealed that 27% of the patients fell within the "excellent", 24 % of the patients fell within tile "good", 29 % of the patients fell within the "incomplete" category. From these findings it is disclosed that the quality of nursing care provided in the Neuro- Surgery Constant Care Unit of Severance Hospital was excellent. h. There were statistically significant differences between the nursing index of physical care and emotional care. (t=8.73, D. F. =100. p<0.01) It is revealed that more physical care then emotional care was carried out by nurses. 2. Levels of nursing performance regarding general characteristics of the patients. No significant differences were observed statistically with the nursing indices of nursing goals according to the sex (t=0.084, D. F. =12, p>0.05). Age (F=0.1251, D. F. : 3.18. p 〉0.05), absence or presence of operating experiences (t=0.6032, D. F. =12, p〉0.05, levels of consciousness (F=0.31, D. F. :3. 18, p >0.05) 3. Relationship between the levels of consciousness and the nursing index of each nursing goal. There was negative correlation between the levels of consciousness and the nursing index of maintaining airway (r=-0. 5449, p<0.01) and personal hygiene (r= -0.4075, p<0.01) There was positive correlation between the levels of consciousness and the nursing index of optimum activity (r=0.3936, p <0.01) and emotional care (r=0.7819, p〈0.01). There was slight correlation between the levels of consciousness and the nursing index of maintaining fluid & electrolyte balance (r=-0.3418, 0.010.05) and preventing accidents (r=0.1441, p>0.05.

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측두하악관절 골관절염 진단에 있어 전산화 단층촬영의 유용성 (The Validity of Computed to Mography in Diagnosis of Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis)

  • 전영미;최종훈;김성택;권정승;안형준
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.195-204
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    • 2008
  • 골관절염은 관절 연골의 점진적인 소실, 연골하 골의 재형성 및 경화, 골증식체 형성을 포함하는 일련의 퇴행 과정에 의해 야기되는 질환으로, 측두하악관절의 과도한 사용이나 전신 질환에 의해서 야기될 수 있다. 측두하악관절 골관절염은 임상적으로는 통증으로 인한 하악운동제한, 염발음, 관절 촉진시 국소적 압통 등의 특징적 소견을 나타내며 방사선 사진 상으로 구조적 골변화가 포함되어야 확진을 내릴 수 있다. 일반적으로 측두하악관절의 평가를 위해 이용할 수 있는 기본적인 방사선 사진은 파노라마 방사선 사진, 횡두개 방사선 사진, 횡인두 방사선 사진 등의 단순 촬영이다. 그러나 이와 같은 단순 촬영은 측두하악관절의 골구조를 평가하는 데 있어 여러 한계점을 지니고 있다. 본 연구에서는 임상 검사 및 파노라마 방사선 사진을 통한 측두하악관절 퇴행성 관절질환의 진단과 전산화 단층촬영 상에 나타나는 퇴행성 골변화를 비교해보고, 하악과두의 골변화 유무를 파노라마 방사선 사진과 전산화 단층촬영을 비교하여 확인함으로써 측두하악관절 퇴행성 관절질환의 진단에 있어 임상 진단 및 파노라마 방사선 사진의 한계와 전산화 단층촬영의 유용성을 알아보았다. 측두하악관절 골관절염은 병인이 명확히 밝혀지지 않았으며 진단 및 치료에 어려움이 있다. 측두하악관절 골관절염의 확진을 위해서는 임상 검사 뿐 아니라 방사선 사진 촬영을 통해 골변화를 확인하는 것이 필요하며 단순 촬영은 여러 가지 제한점과 한계를 가지므로 측두하악관절의 골변화 유무를 확인하기 위해서는 전산화 단층촬영이 유용할 것으로 사료된다.

가정학교육과 취업방안연구 (A Study on Home Economist Education with Refrence to the Business Activities in Korea)

  • 한상순
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.163-185
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    • 1989
  • Korean home economics education has around 100 years history. The main aims of home economics education up 1950 had not been changed, they were mainly for the improvement of household-skill to raise both standard of living and life quality as well as womanhood. After 1960's the standard of living drastically improved and the industrialization of Korean society was quite rapidly proceeded from simple to complex one. Because of these changes, I considered that the aims and the contents of home economics education should be reexamined and reshaped. This study motivated me that especially home economics major should be trained to be competent enough to work in industrialized society as much as the input to her college education. As industialization was made progress, family member's diverse role differentiation also occurred from past simple role such as house wife or girl's high school teacher among by home economics major. In this current societal change, most of the home economics major have wish to have opportunities obtaining new kinds of employment rather than obtaining merely teaching work. With this in mind I made a study on college level home economics education of the new adjustment to current and future industrialized Korean society. (1) The full number of officially admissible home economics major in 169 Korean colleges, 70 junior colleges, and one open university were as follows, 7139, 6080, and 230 respectively. The percentages of employed of employed numbers of them for the college and junior college graduates were 26.5 and 39.0 respectively. (2) The certificate qualifications issued to college home economics major are nutritionist (1st grade and 2nd grade), clothes and textilist, home economics teacher (2nd grade for high school) and kindergartener (2nd grade), The qualifications are certified after majoring each field from major departments of college of home economics by Ministrys of Labour and Education of the Korean government. The percentages of their employment are low as mentioned earlier. (3) To find out new employment opportunity for home economics graduates in home economist in business (henceforce/HEIB) status quo of consumer division for mational enterprise was surveyed. According to govermment decree of general law of consumer protection (1980), enterprise should organize bureau (offics, subdivision) on liability to consumer's complaint. Of 89.6% of the enterprise established th subdivision in which 96.2% of employee was male (3.8% was female). Of the employee college graduate and high school graduate were 93.2% and 6.8% respectively. On the employee's major acadmic backgroud (%), economics and business administration, engineering and low-political science were 39.5, 26.2 and 11.2 respectively. (4) To study on the relation between home economics and home economist in business, the aspect of historical development of HEIB, group of HEIB employing enterprise and their nature of business were tried to find out as well as perception and evaluation by enterprise on HEIB. (a) In the united States of America employed home economics major to enterprise was organized autonomously HEIB subdivision within American Home Economics Association since 1920's and the membership of HEIB was 3,000 of the AHEA membership 50,000. (b) In Japan the Japanese founder HEIB had three times the bilateral congress with the U.S.HEIB and had 10th anniversary celebration in 1988. Japanese HEIB member are not necessary to be home economics graduates but should have certificate as consumer adviser effected by the Minister of Trade and Industry. Japanese subdivision of consumer affaire within Japanese enterprise employ the consumer adviser with the certificate. Because of this different system from the United Sates, Japanese HEIB call their title "HEEB" instead of HEIB. The Japanese consumer adviser certificate system had initiated since 1980 and it belongs to 2nd level national qualification certificate. Currently active membership of Japanese "HEEB" association had increased from 115 (in 1979) to 319 in 1988. (5) For the opening of the future new employment of home economics graduates to enterprise and qualification required for the HEIB by national enterprise in Korea, I studied on the courses which seem to be important and required by employee in the field of HEEB in the United States of America and preliminary curriculum for home economics related major student aimning to be the future "HEEB" by Japanese HEEB study group of Japanese Association of Home Economics. It is suggested that it is very important and urgent to realize as home economics educator to have common deep concern and endeavors on opening new employment for our home economics major student1), we should try to publicize strongly and let enterprise and consumer protection board realize that employee in the subdivision of consumer protection should be the one who well experienced home economics major graduates2), we, home economics educator, should try to develop actively new curriculum in line of the suggestion made earlier for our future home economics major student of open broadly their future employment opportunities3), we, home economics educators, should try to have consensus on whether we should have support from government in terms of receiving national qualification certificate on consumer pretection or not4), and I would appreciate if the Korean Home Economics Association and Korean Home Management Society paydeep and positive concern on this matter.

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지지간호가 군 요통환자의 우울ㆍ기분ㆍ만족에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Supportive Nursing Care on Depression, Mood and Satisfaction in Military Patients with Low Back Pain)

  • 김정아
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.324-340
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    • 1990
  • Support has always been considered an important nursing concept. However, there is no agreement among nurse researchers as to a conceptual definition of supportive nursing or meaningful supportive behaviors. Clarification of the concept, support in nursing, is necessary to promote communication among nurses on nursing behaviors that are effective in providing support and on understanding the relevant properties and charcteristics of the concept, supportive nursing care. The objectives of the study were : 1. to analyse the concept, support in nursing, in order to provide a definition of supportive nursing care, and 2. to operationalize the definition of supportive nursing care and use it as an experimental nursing intervention for patients with low back pain. The first part of the study used the concept analysis approach developed by Walker and Avant(1983) to define the concept of supportive nursing care. The properties of supportive nursing care, defined by this analysis, included perception of supportive need, reciprocal interaction(Transaction), listening, providing empathy and information related to health, and confirmation of the patient's verbal and non - verbal response. The second part, the experimental part of the study, was done using King's(1970) Interpersonal Theory for Nursing. The concept, supportive nursing care, as defined in the concept analysis was operationalized and used as the experimental intervention. The experiment tested the effectiveness of the independent variable, supportive nursing care on the dependent variables, depression, mood and patient satisfaction, in the patients with low back pain in army hospitals. The instruments used to measure the dependent variables were Zung's(1965) Self- Rating Depression Scale, Ryman and Colleagues'(1974) Mood Questionnaire and LaMonica and Colleagues'(1986) Patient Satisfaction Scale. The experimental design used for this study was a Solomon 4 group experimental design. This design has the strength of allowing for observation of the main effects of supportive nursing care and pretesting, and for observation of the interaction effects of pretesting and supportive nursing care. The design includes one experimental group and three control groups. The Subjects of this study were 150 young male patients with low back pain on Neuro - Surgical Wards in three general army hospitals. There were 35 in the experimental group, 39 in the pre - posttest control group, 36 in the treatment - posttest control group and 40 in the posttest only control group. Supportive nursing care, as operationalized by the researcher according to the concept analysis, was given to the patients in the experimental group and the treatment -posttest control group, individually for 30 minute sessions, every other day for 5 days. Data collection was done using a questionnaire. The data were collected in a pretest one week before the supportive nursing care sessions, a posttest immediately after the sessions and follow- up test one week later. Hypotheses testing was done using 2×2 factorial analysis of variance and Meta analysis(Stouffer's Z method). The results of this study are summarized as follows : 1. Hypothesis Ⅰ, “There will be a difference on depression level between the patients with low back pain who receive supportive nursing care and those who do not receive supportive nursing care”, was supported (F=8.49, p<.05). 2. Hypothesis Ⅱ, “There will be a difference on mood level between the patients with low back pain who receive supportive nursing care and those who to not receive supportive nursing care”, was supported (Z meta=2.17, p<.05). 3. Hypothesis Ⅲ, “There will be a difference on satisfaction level between the patients with low back pain who receive supportive nursing care and those who do not receive supportive nursing care”, was supported (F=13.67, p<.05). 4. ANOVA, done to examine the interaction effect of history and maturation, showed no significant difference on the dependent variables between the observations of the pretest scores of the experimental group, the pretest scores of the pre- posttest control group and the posttest score of the posttest only control group. 5. To test for continuing effect of supportive nursing care, paired t-test was done to compare the scores for the dependent variables at the posttest and at the one week later follow-up test. No significant difference on the scores for the dependent variables was found between the posttest scores and the follow-up test scores for the two groups that received supportive nursing care, the experimental group and the treatment-posttest control group. In conclusion, it was found that in the case of young soldiers with low back pain in army hospitals, their depression level was decreased, their mood state was changed positively and their satisfaction level was increased by receiving supportive nursing care. Further, the effectiveness of the supportive nursing care lasted for at least one week in this study. The significance of this study to nursing is in the analysis of the concept of supportive nursing care and the demonstration of the effectiveness of supportive nursing care as an intervention within the limits of the study.

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저학령기 아동의 감각통합 기능과 학업성취도간의 상관관계 (The Correlation Between Sensory Integration Function and Scholar Achievement in the Lower Classes Children)

  • 신중일;최영건;장우혁;김경미
    • 대한감각통합치료학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2008
  • 서론: 본 연구의 목적은 COMPS를 사용하여 저 학령기 아동의 감각통합 기능 수준을 제시하고 감각통합 기능과 학업성취도와의 관련성을 알아보는 것이다. 연구방법: 연구는 2005년 12월 19일부터 20일까지 김해 지역에 소재하고 있는 56개 초등학교 중에서 무작위로 J초등학교와 S초등학교를 선정하였으며 저학년 중 학업성취도를 위한 지필고사를 실시하지않는 1과 3학년을 제외한 2학년 중에서 무작위로 반을 선정하였다. 연구대상은 2학년에 재학 중인 아동으로 남아가 34명, 여아가 35명으로 총 69명이었다. 평가도구는 감각통합 기능을 평가하기 위한 도구로 COMPS와 학업성취도 평가를 위한 국어, 수학 지필고사를 사용하였다. 결과분석은 SPSS 10.0을 사용하였으며 t-검정과 F-검정 그리고 상관분석을 실시하였다. 결과: 저 학령기 아동의 COMPS 점수와 학업성취도간의 상관관계는 통계적으로 유의한 상관성이 없었으나 산점도 그래프로 볼 때, 전완교환반복운동, 비대칭성 경반사에서는 음의 상관관계를 보였으며, 배와위 굴곡위에서는 양의 상관관계를 나타냈다. 전체, 국어, 수학과목의 학업성취도가 높은군과 낮은 군 사이에서 COMPS 점수는 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없었다. 그러나 국어과목에서는 학업성취도가 높은 군이 학업성취도가 낮은 군보다 환산점수 총점과 변환환산점수가 높았으며, 하위항목에서도 COMPS 점수가 높았다. 수학과목에서는 배와위 굴곡위를 제외한 나머지 항목에서 학업성취도가 낮은 군이 학업성취도가 높은 군보다 COMPS 점수가 높았다. 일반적 특성 중 나이에 따른 COMPS 점수의 차이에 있어서는 통계적으로 유의하였는데, 슬로모션과 배와위 굴곡위 두 개 항목을 제외하고는 나이가 많을수록 COMPS 점수가 높다는 것으로 나타났다(p<0.05). 결론: 본 연구에서 감각통합기능과 학업성취도의 상관성이 통계적으로 유의하게 나타나지는 않았으나 산점도 그래프 상에서는 상관관계를 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 연구에 제시된 저 학령기 아동에 대한 COMPS 점수는 일반 아동의 감각통합 문제를 판별하여 학습과 관련된 문제의 조기판별 및 조기치료를 통해 학습능력 향상을 위한 기회를 제공하는데 도움이 될 것이다.

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경호탐지견의 운용실태 및 발전방안 (Examination of the Current Situations of Security Dogs and it's Development Plans)

  • 박형규;김두현
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제14호
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    • pp.215-234
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    • 2007
  • 현재 약 2,500여개가 넘는 경호업체들이 활동하고 있지만 이들 업체 중 상당수가 부실경영과 자본력의 압박, 인력관리 능력 부족 등으로 인하여 영세성을 면치 못하고 있다. 따라서 보다 과학적인 경호방법을 동원하고 경호대상자에 대한 양질의 서비스를 제공할 뿐만 아니라 사전 예방적인 수단을 강구하는 측면에서 경호탐지견 운용을 일반화 할 것이 요구되고 있다. 첫째, 경호탐지견으로 적합한 품종인 국내산 진도견, 삽살견 등을 경호탐지견으로 배양한다. 특히 우수한 품종의 진도견을 경호탐지견의 임무에 적합한 훈련을 통하여 적절히 운용한다면 우리 고유의 진도견을 산업화하고 보호육성하는 취지에도 맞아 떨어지는 효과를 얻을 수 있다. 둘째, 경호탐지견을 양성하고 훈련을 확대한다. 경호탐지견은 훈련방법에 따라서 2가지 이상의 임무를 수행할 수가 있다. 즉, 복종훈련을 마친 후 임무에 적합한 경계 또는 탐지 등 특수훈련을 실시하여 경호활동에 투입할 수가 있는 것이다. 셋째, 훈련된 경호탐지견을 임무에 맞게 운용한다. 경호탐지견은 대인경호, 시설경비, 폭발물 및 마약 탐지, 기타 맹인안내 등 다양한 경호대상자의 보호수단으로 운용할 수 있다. 넷째, 경호탐지견 운용 전문 인력을 양성하고 전문적인 경호탐지견 훈련센터를 운영하여야 한다. 경호탐지견 운용 요원을 양성하기 위해서는 대학(교)의 경호 관련학과에 "경호탐지견 운용론" 등의 교과목을 개설하고 경호탐지견의 품종을 개량하며, 경호탐지견훈련센터를 설치하여 임무에 적합한 훈련을 훈련지도사로 하여금 실시하게 하는 것이다.

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