• Title/Summary/Keyword: scheduling management

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A Comparison of Dispatching Rules for Auxiliary Resource Constrained Job Shop Scheduling (추가자원제약을 갖는 Job Shop 작업계획의 성능 비교)

  • Bae Sang-Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.140-146
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    • 2005
  • This study presents the new dispatching rules of job shop scheduling with auxiliary resource constraint to improve the schedule performance measures related to completion time and due dates. The proposed dispatching rules consider the information of total work remaining and machine utilization to decrease mean flowtime and mean tardiness. The results of computer experiments show that those schedule performances are significantly improved by using the new dispatching rules. The results provide guidance for the researchers and practitioners of auxiliary resource constrained job shop scheduling to decrease mean flowtime and mean tardiness.

Optimal Operational Schemes of Mailing Center based on Simulation (Simulation 기반 우편집중국 최적운영 방안)

  • Nam, Yoon-Seok;Lee, Hong-Chul
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.680-687
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    • 2000
  • The objectives of this research are to establish the operation scheduling and the preventive maintenance system in order to optimize the operation of mailing center. For the optimal operation scheduling of mailing process, the existing workflow of mailing process and that of required time are investigated prior to simulation modeling. The simulation experiments are conducted to increase the nextday delivery rate. The best alternative whose nextday delivery rate up to 100% is selected based the AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. The optimal work scheduling of all mailing centers are also presented. In addition, the CMMS(Computerized Maintenance Management System) for preventive maintenance is introduced for efficient operation of highly automated facilities of mailing center.

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A High Quality Solution Constructive Heuristic for No-Wait Flow Shop Scheduling Problem

  • Nagano, Marcelo Seido;Miyata, Hugo Hissashi
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.206-214
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    • 2016
  • This paper deals with the no-wait flow shop scheduling problem in order to minimize the total time to complete the schedule or makespan. It is introduced a constructive heuristic which builds the production schedule from job partial sequences by using an appropriate mechanism of insertion. An extensive computational experiment has been performed to evaluate the performance of proposed heuristic. Experimental results have clearly shown that the presented heuristic provides better solutions than those from the best heuristics existing.

An Assembly-Type Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Outsourcing Allowed (부품외주를 고려한 조립형 Flowshop 일정계획문제 연구)

  • Juhn, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.34-42
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    • 2006
  • This paper considers an assembly-type flowshop scheduling problem in which each job is assembled with two types of components. One type of the components is outsourced with positive lead time but the other type is fabricated in-house at the first stage. The two types of the components should be prepared at the first stage before starting the assembly operation for each job at the second stage. The objective is to schedule the jobs so that the makespan is minimized. Some solution properties and lower bounds are derived and incorporated into a branch and bound algorithm. Also, an efficient heuristic is developed. The performances of the proposed branch and bound algorithm and heuristic are evaluated through computational experiments.

The Information of Dispatching Rules for Improving Job Shop Performance (Job Shop 일정계획의 성능 향상을 위한 할당규칙의 정보)

  • Bae, Sang-Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.107-112
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    • 2006
  • This study presents the new dispatching rules for improving performance measures of job shop scheduling related to completion time and due dates. The proposed dispatching rule considers information, which includes the comparison value of job workload, work remaining, operation time, and operation due dates. Through computer experiments, the performance of the new dispatching rules is compared and analyzed with the existing rules. The results provide a guidance for the researchers to develop new dispatching rules and for practitioners to choose rules of job shop scheduling.

A Study on Spatial Scheduling in the P.E. Stage (선행 탑재장에서의 공간일정계획에 관안 연구)

  • Koo Chung-kon;Yoon Duck-Young;Bae Tae-Kyu;Cho Min-Ch
    • Proceedings of the Korea Committee for Ocean Resources and Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2004
  • In this paper an effort is made to develop an innovative spatial arrangement concept pertaining to ship building industry. The spatial scheduling is the problem that concentrates on effective planning of available space and arrangements of blocks and in a priority manner. In order to create an effective spatial scheduling. a database providing the priority has to be available to make the erection sequence. Such a system works hand in hand with erection sequence generator program The erection sequence program works on the conventional network analysis method which uses a typical parent-children idea for the calculation of the ENT(possible earliest network start time) and LNT(possible latest network start time). This program works in a cyclic manner taking turns by calculating the ENT in upward trace and LNT on the return trace thereby generating the entire erection sequence diagram for the requisite problem The generated database serves as an input data for spatial scheduling problem. When the system works it takes into consideration the entire system based on heuristic concepts as mentioned. There system uses the spatial aspects such as the available area of the P. E area and plan area of the corresponding blocks and its priority of erection from the erection sequence generator program develops the spatial scheduling arrangement. In this paper using all these concepts an innovative spatial schedule development system developed.

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Parallel task scheduling under multi-Clouds

  • Hao, Yongsheng;Xia, Mandan;Wen, Na;Hou, Rongtao;Deng, Hua;Wang, Lina;Wang, Qin
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.39-60
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    • 2017
  • In the Cloud, for the scheduling of parallel jobs, there are many tasks in a job and those tasks are executed concurrently on different VMs (Visual machines), where each task of the job will be executed synchronously. The goal of scheduling is to reduce the execution time and to keep the fairness between jobs to prevent some jobs from waiting more time than others. We propose a Cloud model which has multiple Clouds, and under this model, jobs are in different lists according to the waiting time of the jobs and every job has different parallelism. At the same time, a new method-ZOMT (the scheduling parallel tasks based on ZERO-ONE scheduling with multiple targets) is proposed to solve the problem of scheduling parallel jobs in the Cloud. Simulations of ZOMT, AFCFS (Adapted First Come First Served), LJFS (Largest Job First Served) and Fair are executed to test the performance of those methods. Metrics about the waiting time, and response time are used to test the performance of ZOMT. The simulation results have shown that ZOMT not only reduces waiting time and response time, but also provides fairness to jobs.

User Scheduling Algorithm for Cell Capacity Maximization in Full Duplexing Wireless Cellular Networks (전이중 무선 셀룰라 네트워크에서 셀 용량 최대화를 위한 사용자 스케쥴링 방식)

  • Choi, Hyun-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.2613-2620
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we consider a full duplexing (FD) wireless cellular network where a central base station (BS) works in the FD mode while the downlink (DL) and uplink (UL) users work in the time division duplexing (TDD) mode. Since this FD system induces the inter-user interference from UL user to DL user, the main challenge for maximizing the system performances is user scheduling that makes a pair of DL user and UL user to use the same radio resource simultaneously. We formulate an optimization problem for user pairing to maximize the cell capacity and propose a suboptimal user scheduling algorithm with low complexity. This scheduling algorithm is designed in a way where the DL user with a better signal quality has a higher priority to choose its UL user that causes less interference. Simulation results show that the FD system using the proposed user scheduling algorithm achieves the optimal performance and significantly outperforms the conventional TDD system in terms of the cell capacity.

A cell scheduling of a logically separated buffer in ATM switch (ATM 스위치에서 논리적으로 분할된 버퍼의 셀 스케쥴링)

  • 구창회;나지하;박권철;박광채
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.1755-1764
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, we proposed the mechanism for the buffer allocation and a cell scheduling method with logical separation a single buffer in the ATm switch, and analyzed the cell loss probability and the delay of each trafic (CBR/VBR/ABR) based on the weighted value and the dynamic cell service scheduling algorithm. The proposed switch buffering system classifies composite trafics incoming to the switch, according to the characteristic of traffic, then stores them in the logically separated buffers, and adopts the round-robin service with weighted value in order to transmit cells in buffers though one output port. We analyzed 4 cell service scheduling algorithms with dynamic round-robinfor each logically separated service line of a single buffer, in which buffers have the respective weighted values and 3 classes on mixed traffic which characteristized by traffic descriptor. In simulation, using SIMCRIPT II.5., we model the VBR and the ABR traffics as ON/OFF processes, and the CBR traffic as a Poisson processes. As the results of analysis according to the proposed buffer management mechanism and cell service algorithm, we have found that the required QoS of each VC can be quaranteed depends on a scale of weighted values allocated to buffers that changed the weighted values, and cell scheduling algorithm.

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Periodic Scheduling Problem on Parallel Machines (병렬설비를 위한 주기적 일정계획)

  • Joo, Un Gi
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.124-132
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    • 2019
  • Scheduling problems can be classified into offline and online ones. This paper considers an online scheduling problem to minimize makespan on the identical parallel machines. For dynamically arrived jobs with their ready times, we show that the sequencing order according to the ERD (Earliest Ready Date) rule is optimal to minimize makespan. This paper suggests an algorithm by using the MIP(Mixed Integer Programming) formulation periodically to find a good periodic schedule and evaluates the required computational time and resulted makespan of the algorithm. The comparition with an offline scheduling shows our algorithm makes the schedule very fast and the makespan can be reduced as the period time reduction, so we can conclude that our algorithm is useful for scheduling the jobs under online environment even though the number of jobs and machines is large. We expect that the algorithm is invaluable one to find good schedules for the smart factory and online scheduler using the blockchain mechanism.