• Title/Summary/Keyword: salt.

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Studies on the Processing of Frozen Seasoned Mackerel Meat 1. Processing of Frozen Seasoned Mackerel Meat and Changes in Its Taste Compounds during Storage (냉동고등어 조미육의 가공에 관한 연구 1. 냉동고등어 조미육의 가공 및 저장중 정미성분의 변화)

  • Lee, Eung-Ho;Kim, Myeong-Chan;Kim, Jin-Soo;Ahn, Chang-Bum;Joo, Dong-Sik;Kim, Se-Kweon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.355-362
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    • 1989
  • For the effective utilization of mackerel as a food sauce, the processing conditions of the frozen seasoned mackerel meat and the changes in taste compounds during its frozen storage were investigated. To prepare the frozen seasoned mackerel meat, the mackerel was headed, gutted manually, washed with tap water and deboned with the meat seperator. Then it was mixed with additives such as emulsion curd(32.1%, w/w), table salt(0.5%, w/w), sugar(2.0%, w/w), sodium bicarbonate(0.4%, w/w), polyphosphate(0.2%, w/w), monosodium glutamate(0.2%, w/w), onion powder(0.3%, w/w), garlic powder(0.1%, w/w), ginger powder(0.1%, w/w), soybean protein(3.0%, w/w) and sodium erythorbate(0.1%, w/w). This seasoned fish meat was frozen with contact freezer, packed In a carton box, and then stored at $-25^{\circ}C$. The moisture and lipid contents in the products were 70.8-71.7% and 10.9-11.3%, respectively. The taste compounds of the frozen seasoned mackerel meat were free amino acids(1625.0-1692.0mg/100g), nucleotides and their related compounds(316.6-366.8 mg/100g) as well as total creatinine(270.2-311.8 mg/100g), and small amount of betaine and TMAO. In free amino acids, the predominant ones were histidine, lysine, glutamic acid and arginine. It was supposed from the results that principal taste compounds of frozen seasoned mackerel meat were free amino acids, and that total creatinine, TMAO, TMA and betaine as well as nucleotides and their related compounds also played an assistant role.

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Lipid Oxidation and Proteolysis of Anchovy Pickle during Ripening (멸치젓갈 숙성중(熟成中) 지질(脂質)의 산화(酸化)와 단백질(蛋白質)의 분해(分解))

  • Song, Yeong-Ok;Byeun, Dae-Seok;Byeun, Jae-Hyeung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1982
  • Fermented anchovy pickle isone of the favorite sea food in Korea made from anchovy (Engraulis japonica) and salt. Lipid oxidation and proteolysis in the salted anchovy were rapidly occured at the early stage of ripening and the rate of proteolysis seemed to be sligtly delayed with the ripening. The major fatty acids in the raw anchovy were saturated of acids $C_{16:0}$, $C_{18:0}$ and $C_{14:0}$ while most of unsaturated acids were $C_{22:6}$, $C_{18:1}$and $C_{16:1}$ and they marked 30.8% ana 48.7% to the total fatty acids, respectiyely. When the pickle was ripened for 91 days, $C_{14:0}$$C_{16:0}$ acids were greatly increased, whereas $C_{22:6}$, $C_{20:5}$ and $C_{20:1}$acids were decreased. The main fatty acids of lipids of the anchovy pickle were $C_{16:1}$ and $C_{18:1}$ (30%). Amino acid composition of the HCl hydrolysates of raw anchovy showed big·her contents of glutamic acid, Iysine, aspartic acid, leucine and alanine while the contents of tryptophan, methionine, tyrosine, serine and phenylalanine were the lower. In free amino acid composition, the raw anchovy contained much of histidine, alanine, leucine, Iysine and arginine, and the anchovy pickle ripened for 91 days showed higher levels in the contents of lysine, leucine, glutamic acid, alanine and aspartic acid. In the ripened anchovf pickle aspartic acid, glycine, glutamic acid, isoleucine and valine incressed whereas thistidine decreased.

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Changes of Periodic Markets by Transportation Facilities Development in the Middle Stream Region of Han-River during the Late Chosun dynasty and Japanese Colony Period (구한말${\sim}$일제강점기 한강 중류지역에 있어서 교통기관의 발달에 따른 유통구조의 변화)

  • Kim, Jae-Wan;Lee, Ki-Bong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.1-36
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    • 2000
  • Periodic markets of the later Choson dynasty had undergone fundamental changes during the late Chosun dynasty and Japanese colony period. This paper aims to analyse the spatial distributions and changes of the periodic markets in the middle stream of Han-River in this era in the use of the survey of documentary records and fieldwork. Before the early 1910s, long distance transportation was made by riverboats, short distance transportation was done by porters and pack animals. Because goods such as rice, soybean and salt were very heavy and needed long distance transport, they were mainly transported by riverboats. Accordingly, riverports on the shore of river played important roles in exporting and importing goods as nodes of long distance transportation. The opening of railroad Seoul-Busan, the construction of new roads(Sinjakno) of 1910s and the use of oxcarts produced striking changes in the spatial distribution and hierarchy structure of periodic markets. These changes also had influence on the outflow and inflow of goods in the middle stream of Han-River. In the parr of outflow of goods, it seems that the line linking Icheon city-Yongin city-Anseong city played a role in making the boundaries of the marketing areas between goods trams ported by the rail road Seoul-Busan and goods done by Han River river boats. Anseong, Osan and Suwon periodic markets located around railroad stations occupied the higher positions than those of other regions in the hierarchial structure of periodic markets. Their marketing areas could nearly overwhelm those of riverports located in the middle stream region of Han River and extend to the middle stream region of Han River as a result of decrease of transport cost through using of oxcarts and railroads. the opening of railroad Suwon-Yeoju(Suryoson) and railroad Cheonan-Janghawon(Cheonjangson) brought about changes of the structure of long distance trade again. In a part of outflow of goods, it seems that as a result of the new opening of their railroads periodic markets around railroads seized a large portion of the marketing area of the southern part of Yoju and Ichon area and therefore made extreme change in rivershipping of Han River. In the inflow part of goods, goods transported by riverboats from the downstream of Han River before the opening of railroad were imported directly from railroad stations. Accordingly, rivershipping and riverports declined. And because goods were imported by way of great periodic markets and supplied to small periodic markets and consumers before the opening of railroad, but supplied from railroad stations to small periodic markets and consumers after the opening of railroad. The volume of turnover of such great periodic markets as Anseong, Osan and Suwon periodic markets therefore declined. On the other hand, because Yangpyong area had not been yet included within the sphere of influence of railroad until 1930s, it heavily depended on rivershipping of Han River as before. But the opening of railroad Seoul-Wonju(jungangson) brought about decline of rivershipping in Yangpyong and Wonju area.

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Optimum Rheological Mixed ratio of Jumbo Squid and Alaska Pollock Surimi for Gel Product Process (대형오징어와 명태혼합 어묵의 가열겔화시 물성에 영향을 미치는 최적 혼합비)

  • LEE Nahm-Gull;YOO Seung-Geun;CHO Young-Je
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.718-724
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    • 1999
  • This study was investigated the changes of the properties of matter such as the gel formation of the combined fish based on the mixed rate between the ocean jumbo squid and Alaska pollock surimi, and compared the relationships between the gel formation and water holding capacity. The changes of the gel formation based on 20 min fish grinding time and $2.5\%$ salt concentration according to the mixed rate was thought as the optimal addition limit. There was no significant function of gel product more than $20\%$ Jumbo squid meat. The more squid meat in the mixed meat could make the lower breaking stress but 7:3 rate of pollock : squid could retain breaking strain. The effect of the moisture content on mixed fish meat was studied and the drastic decrease of the gel formation and water holding capacity was indicated in $78\%$.

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Protein and Amino Acid Compositions in Echiurid and Sea Hare Muscles (개불과 군소육의 단백질 및 아미노산 조성)

  • CHOI Yeung-Joon;HAN Young-Sil
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.550-556
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    • 1985
  • In order to evaluate the marine mollusc muscle as foodstuff not only from the biochemical aspect but also from the view point of food science, we have analyzed the protein and amino acid compositions of the echiurid (Urechis unicinctus) and sea hare (Aplysia kurodai) muscle. The protein quality of the muscles was also investigated using in vitro methods based on in vitro digestibility, predicted digestibility, computed PER (C-PER) and discriminant computed PER(DC-PER). The remarkable feature of the protein compositions of the both muscles was that water soluble protein occupied a large amount of the muscle protein with fairly lower contents of the salt soluble protein. From the analysis of SDS-PAG electrophoresis, the sarcoplasmic proteins in the echiurid and the sea hare muscles were composed of 15 and 10 subunits, respectively. The free amino acid compositions of the total amino acids in the echiurid and sea hare muscle were characterized with $75\%$ of glycine and alanine, and with $78\%$ of taurine, respectively. The amino acid anaylsis of both muscle proteins showed that the echiurid muscle was rich in glycine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, arginine and lysine, but was poor in cysteine, while the sea hare muscle was rich in glycine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid and arginine, but was negligible in cysteine and tryptophan. In the total amino acid profiles of the freeze dried muscles in echiurid and sea hare, there was not found a significant difference compared to the amino acid compositions of the muscle proteins. Predicting the protein quality of the echiurid and sea hare muscles using the in vitro method, it was apparently low compared to the muscle protein of fishes.

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Preparation and Keeping Quality of Vacuum Packed Seasoned-Dried Sardine (진공포장 정어리 조미건제품의 제조 및 품질안정성)

  • LEE Eung-Ho;KIM Jin-Soo;KIM Han-Ho;LEE Jin-Kyung;OH Kwang-Soo;KWON Chil-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.52-59
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    • 1986
  • As one of trials to process instant sardine foods which can be preserved at room temperature, three kinds of products were prepared as seasoned-dried product (control, C), liquid smoked seasoned-dried product(S) and antioxidant treated seasoned-dried product(E), and their processing conditions and quality stability during storage were examined. Raw sardines were dressed, steamed and then filleted. The sardine fillets were seasoned with the mixed seasoning solution containing $28.0\%$ of sorbitol, $14.0%$ of sugar, $5.6\%$ of table salt, $1.8\%$ of monosodium glutamate, $0.6\%$ of garlic powder and $50.0\%$ of water at $5^{\circ}C$ for 15 hours, and dipped for 45 seconds in $10\%$ Smoke-EZ solution. After liquid smoking, the seasoned and liquid smoked sardine fillets were dried at $45^{\circ}C$ for 4 hours, vacuum packed in laminated plastic film bag(polyester/casted polypropylene= $12{\mu}m/70{\mu}m,\;15{\times}16cm$), and finally pasteurized in water at $95^{\circ}C$ for 30 minutes. The results obtained from chemical and microbial experiments during storage are as follows : the moisture contents, water activity and pH of the products showed little change, and VBN of them slightly increased during storage. The TBA value and POV of the products (E, S) were lower than those of control product(C) considerably. In color values, L value (linghtness) decreased while a and b value (red and yellow) revealed a tendency to increase during storage. The fatty acid composition of the products were similar to those of raw sardine, the predominant fatty acids were 16:0, 20:5, 18:1 and 22:6. The products (E, S) have a good preservative effect on highly unsturated fatty acids during storage. Viable cell counts of those products were negative and histamine contents were less than 2.0 mg/100 g. Among the texture profiles, hardness, elasticity and cohesiveness of the products slightly decreased during storage. Judging from the sensory evaluations, liquid smoked seasoned-dried product(S) was the most desirable, and the products could be preserved in good condition for 40 days at $25{\pm}3^{\circ}C$.

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STUDIES ON THE EXTRACTION OF SEAWEED PROTEINS 4. Precipitation Conditions and Nutritional Evaluation of Isolated Seaweed proteins (해조단백질 추출에 관한 연구 4. 추출단백질의 심전조건 및 영양적 평가)

  • WOO Soon-Im;RYU Hong-Soo;LEE Kang-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.225-234
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    • 1979
  • For the effective utilization of diverse and abundant resource of seaweeds in Korea as a food protein supplment, extraction conditions of water, salt, and alkali soluble proteins were investigated in previous work(Ryu and Lee, 1977: Lee et al., 1977: Lee et al., 1978). The present study as a part of the serial work was thus aimed to find the conditions of isolation and purification of extracted proteins, and to evaluate the nutritional quality of the isolated seaweed proteins in terms of amino acid composition, chemical score, protein score, modified essential amino acid index(MEAAI), and in vitro digestibility presented as pepsin-pancreatin digest residue index (PPDRI). As for the isolation of extracted proteins, TCA treatment was more effective for the proteins from rhodophyceae and Chlorophyceae while the precipitation at isoelectric point was more desirable for Phaeophyceae proteins. In amino acid composition, water soluble protein fraction was superior to the other fractions in Porphyra suborbiculata whereas both water and alkali soluble fractions seemed to bo more benefitial for Enteromorpha linza and Ulva pertusa; the extraction with alcohol-alkali mixed solvent for Undaria pinnatifida and Sargassum fulvellum. Glutamic acid and aspartic acid content was particularly high in all protein fractions examined. The total amino acid content of Porphyra suborbiculata and Enteromorpha linza was almost equivalent to that of dried whole egg although the essential amino acid content was lower. A comparative analysis was made on the inedexes between raw seaweed powder and isolated protein. Chemical score of Porphyra suborbiculata and Ulva pertusa was approximately 35 and 56 in cafes of raw powder and isolated protein respectively while only 10 to 16 for raw powder of Undaria pinnatifida and Sargassum fulvellum and 30 to 35 for their isolated proteins. Protein score of all isolated proteins was in the range of 63 to 73 which indicates that isolated protein would be mere valuable than the fern of raw seaweed powder. Digestibility by means of PPDRI was found to be extremely low in case of raw powder but it could be doubled in case of isolated protein yielding 67 to 70 for Porphyra suborbiculata and Ulva pertusa.

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Preparation and Keeping Quality of Seasoned Smoked-Dried and Vacuum-Packed Squid (훈액처리에 의한 조미오징어 훈제품의 가공 및 품질안정성)

  • LEE Eung-Ho;PARK Hyang-Suk;OH Kwang-Soo;CHA Yong-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.316-324
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    • 1985
  • Vacuum-packed and seasoned smoked-dried products of red squid, Ommastrephes bartrami, caught in the Northern Pacific Ocean, were prepared and stored at room temperature for 90 days to test their keeping quality. Defrosted squids were eviscerated, skinned, and cut. The mantle meats were flavored with seasoning powders prepared from sugar, sorbitol, salt, monosodium glutamate, or smoke flavor (Smoke-EZ, Alpha Foods Co., Ltd.). After seasoning, the mantle meats were dried at $45^{\circ}C$ for 7 hours, vacuum packed in plastic film bags, and pasteurized in water at $95^{\circ}C$ for 30 minutes. Three kinds of products were prepared : control products (seasoned-dried), solid smoked seasoned-dried and liquid smoked seasoned-dried. The moisture level, water activity, color value (L, a and b value), texture, and viable cell counts of bacteria in these products were determined during storage at room temperature, $5^{\circ}C\;and\;35^{\circ}C$, respectively. The results showed that the products could be preserved at good condition for 90 days though they developed pale brown color during storage. The contents of free amino acids, nucleotides and their related compounds, and the compositions of fatty acids of raw squid and smoked products were analysed. In the amino acids, arginine, taurine, glycine and proline were abundant in raw and smoked products. The contents of hypoxanthine of raw and smoked products were higher than the other nucleotides and their related compounds. In fatty acid compositions of raw and smoked products, the dominant fatty acids were docosahexaenoic acid (22:6), hexadecanoic acid(16:0) and eicosapentaenoic acid (22:5).

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Growth and Yield of Rice in Levels of Nitrogen and Water Management of Reclaimed Saline Soil in Southwestern Area (서남부간척지에서 벼 질소시비와 물관리 방법별 생육 및 수량)

  • Kim, Young-Doo;Choi, Min-Kyu;Lee, Kyung-Do;Baek, Man-Gee;Ku, Bon-Il;Kang, Shin-Gu;Park, Hong-Kyu;Kim, Bo-Kyong
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.203-208
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    • 2012
  • Field experiment was carried out to identify the proper water exchange interval for the rice cultivation on reclaimed saline soil with different nitrogen levels in southwestern area. The nitrogen fertilizer was applied 14, 17 and 20 kg per 10a by ingredient, and intervals of water exchange treated 3, 6 and 9-day periods from transplanting of rice(Oryza sativa var. Cheongho) to maturing stage in Munpo soil series. The salinity levels ranged 0.10~0.24% and 0.24~0.32% of 3-day and 6-day respectively, whileas it ranged 0.35~0.52% for 9-day interval of water exchange during vegetative stage. Water exchange and nitrogen level showed significant effects on the plant growth, yield, and quality. The yield of milled rice on 3-day and 6-day interval of water exchange showed 497 kg/10a and 492 kg/10a and that were significantly higher than that of 9-day interval in 2008 and 2009. Milled rice yield of 9-day interval of water exchange was lower than that of 3-day and 6-day interval of all nitrogen levels. Plant growth and yield components were not significantly different between 3-day and 6-day interval of water exchange of all nitrogen levels. The combination of nitrogen fertilizer level of 17 kg/10a and 6-day interval of water exchange after transplanting might be recommended for maximum yield realization and minimize salt injury at reclaimed medium saline soil in southwestern area.

Deterioration Diagnosis and Source Area of Rock Properties at the West Stone Pagoda, Gameunsaji Temple Site, Korea (감은사지 서탑의 풍화훼손도 진단 및 석재의 산지추정)

  • Lee Chan Hee;Lee Myeong Seong;Suh Mancheol;Choi Seok-Won;Kim Man Gap
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.569-583
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    • 2004
  • The rock properties of the West pagoda in the Gameunsaji temple site are composed mainly of dark grey porphyritic granodiorite with medium grained equigranular texture and developed with small numerous dioritic xenoliths. These xenoliths occurred with small holes due to different weathering processes. As a weathering results, the rock properties of this pagoda occur wholly softened to physical hardness because of a complex result of petrological, meteorological and biological causes. Southeastern part of the pagoda deteriorated seriously that the surface of rock blocks showed partially exfoliations, fractures, open cavities in course of granular decomposition of minerals, sea water spray and crystallization of salt from the eastern coast. The Joint between blocks has small or large fracture cross each other, contaminated and corrupted for inserting with concrete, cement mortar, rock fragments and iron plates, and partially accelerated coloration and fractures. There are serious contamination materials of algae, fungus, lichen and bryophytes on the margin and the surface on the roof stone of the pagoda, so it'll require conservation treatment biochemically for releasing vegetation inhabiting on the surface and the discontinuous plane of the blocks because of adding the weathering activity of stones and growing weeds naturally by soil processing on the fissure zone. Consisting rock for the conservation and restoration of the pagoda would be careful choice of new rock properties and epoxy to reinforce for the deterioration surfaces. For the attenuation of secondary contamination and surface humidity, the possible conservation treatments are needed.