• Title/Summary/Keyword: safety and convenience

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A Study on Data Integration for Railway Safety Management System (철도안전관리시스템을 위한 데이터통합 연구)

  • Hong, Soon-Heum;Noh, Hee-Min;Kim, Young-Hoon;Kim, Kyung-Hee
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.1215-1221
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    • 2010
  • Railway safety management information systems are now being developed by various railway related organizations. A large number of railway safety related data were gathered from railway operators, railway infrastructure manager and railway intendance, etc. The meaning of these data can easily be defined by each organization or developer with little regard for reusing of data by others. Until the present, the main efforts for data management focused on classifying the railway safety data by subject for the developer's convenience and how to combine these data each other is not interested in. In this study, data integration is considered from the viewpoint of combining them semantically in order to get more useful information from partially informed data of multi agencies.

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Design and Development of a Functional Safety Compliant Electric Power Steering System

  • Lee, Kyung-Jung;Lee, Ki-Ho;Moon, Chanwoo;Chang, Hyuk-Jun;Ahn, Hyun-Sik
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.1915-1920
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    • 2015
  • ISO 26262 is an international standard for the functional safety of electric and electronic systems in vehicles, and this standard has become a major issue in the automotive industry. In this paper, a functional safety compliant electronic control unit (ECU) for an electric power steering (EPS) system and a demonstration purposed EPS system are developed, and a software and hardware structure for a safety critical system is presented. EPS is the most recently introduced power steering technology for vehicles, and it can improve driver’s convenience and fuel efficiency. In conformity with the design process specified in ISO 26262, the Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) of an EPS system is evaluated, and hardware and software are designed based on an asymmetric dual processing unit architecture and an external watchdog. The developed EPS system effectively demonstrates the fault detection and diagnostic functions of a functional safety compliant ECU as well as the basic EPS functions.

Study on Importance-Performance Analysis Regarding Selection Attributes of Rice-Convenience Foods (쌀을 이용한 편의식품의 선택속성에 관한 중요도-수행도 분석(IPA))

  • Park, Hyojin;Oh, Narae;Jang, Jin-A;Yoon, Hei Ryeo;Cho, Mi Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.593-601
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    • 2016
  • This study was carried out to establish an effective marketing strategy based on Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) of rice-convenience foods. IPA is one of the most efficient and simple methods to evaluate product quality. Data were collected from 652 people (320 males and 332 females) and analyzed by SPSS 19.0. Subjects consumed rice-convenience foods as a snack substitute (19.3%), breakfast (20.7%), lunch (37.4%), dinner (15.2%), and late-night meal (7.4%). The purpose for consumption of rice-convenience foods were as follows: light meal (34.8%), lack of time to prepare meal (42.2%), favorite restaurant is not nearby (2.3%), save money (3.4%), and outdoor activities (9.7%). All attributes about rice-convenience foods were categorized into intrinsic property and extrinsic property. As a result of factor analysis, health, sensibility, and diversity factors were extracted from intrinsic property. In addition, dependence and appearance factors were drawn from extrinsic property. In analyzing the differences between importance and performance, there were significant differences; 16 items in the intrinsic property (P<0.01), and 10 items in the extrinsic property (P<0.001). The IPA matrix is composed of four quadrants, and each represents different strategies; the first, 'keep up the good work', the second, 'possible overkill', the third, 'low priority for management', and the fourth, 'concentrate management'. As a result, factors of rice-convenience foods positioned in the fourth quadrant were 'safety (from food additives, etc.)' and 'price' in the intrinsic property and 'nutrition label' and 'safety of packaging material' in the extrinsic property. They need to be improved immediately. In this study, rice-convenience food factors for continuous maintenance and concentrative improvement were compared by IPA. Based upon the results of this study, it is necessary to develop methods to make efficient use of limited resources and practical marketing strategies.

Effects of Team-based Simulation Training on Patient Safety Confidence and Nursing Competency among Nursing Students (팀 기반 시뮬레이션 실습교육이 간호학생의 환자안전 자신감과 간호역량에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Eun Jung;Nam, Kyoung A
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.130-138
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of team-based simulation training (TBST) on patient safety confidence and nursing competency among nursing students. Methods: This study used a one group pretest-posttest design. Among the senior nursing students enrolled in an academic course in one nursing school, the convenience sample of 114 students was recruited. Participants received 15-session TBST (2 hours per session) over 8 weeks and completed the patient safety confidence and nursing competency scales, and a questionnaire of participants' responses to TBST. Data were analyzed using a descriptive statistics test, a paired t-test, and Pearson correlation coefficients. Results: The results of this study showed that patient safety confidence and nursing competency significantly improved after TBST and there was a positive correlation between these variables. Conclusion: The findings indicate that TBST is effective for improving nursing students' patient safety confidence and nursing competency, and thus, team-based strategies can be useful to attain the goals of nursing education. Furthermore, the results of this study suggest further research to refine the relations between patient safety and nursing competency.

Characteristics of Ordinary Diets in Present - Problems and Solutions - (현대인의 일상 식생활 - 문제점과 해결방안 -)

  • Kim, Mee-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.44 no.8
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    • pp.151-160
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    • 2006
  • Consumers want to get healthful food which guarantee the aging control, anti-tumor, immunity-reinforcement, obesity prevention, beauty, prevention of adult disease and well-being. Because they want natural foods without food additives and environmental pollution which were used for convenience, we should develop the various food to guarantee the safety, wholesomeness and convenience. And so, we must study and identify basically the functionality and sanitation in foods to use practically. The companies should develop new products and corporate with universities and government. Because there are much more food informations, people believe unidentified information and continue wrong behavior such as food faddism. Consequently consumers should choose wisely their foods in consideration of their health, time, money and purpose.

A survey on Healthcare workers' perception of Patient Safety culture and medical error reporting (환자안전문화와 의료과오 보고에 대한 병원종사자들의 인식조사)

  • Yu, Jung Eun
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.57-70
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    • 2012
  • Background : The purpose of this study was to understand healthcare workers' perception of patient safety culture and medical error reporting to provide basic resources for the settlement of patient safety culture in medical institutions in Korea. Methods : For this purpose, convenience sampling by self-selection was applied to healthcare workers at a university hospital in Gyeonggi-do and a total of 482 people responded. The survey used the translated version of AHRQ in Korean and distributed through the Intranet system of the hospital. Result : The ratio of positive response was low overall. Among the responses, the response for 'Nonpunitive Response to Error' was the lowest at 17.7%, followed by the responses for 'Staffing' at 21.3%, 'Handoffs & Transitions' at 32.9%, and 'Communication Openness' at 44.3%. In result of surveying whether the responders have reported patient safety incidents during the past 12 months, 68.3% responded 'not once.' Conclusion : The perception of healthcare workers' patient safety culture and medical error reporting, when compared to AHRQ, was lower overall. It is important for healthcare workers to pay greater attention to patient safety to create a safe hospital culture where they do not punish or criticize related individuals or departments.

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SHE&Q 시스템의 통합 방안에 관한 연구

  • Gang In Seon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.515-519
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    • 2002
  • As the number of the company to acquire the certifications of ISO 9001/1400, OHSAS 18001(not official standard) is increasing, it is needed to construct a integrated business management system for the efficient application of the certifications. In this circumstances the integrated construction of the SHE & Q system so called, for Safety, Health, Environment and Qualify can take a part for the communication in the customer, the company convenience and the interested parties(the worker. the supplier and the provider). In case that each certification systems are integrated, the problems of the redundancy in the management processes and the conflicting demands are able to be solved and the efficiency of the restricted management resources fan be raised as the complexity of the redundancies in the certification management is simplified. This paper deals with the integrated strategies, its convenience and its expecting merit and demerit for the efficient application of the certification parties haying the various characters.

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Study on the Application of IT and Smart Sensors to the High-Speed EMU (동력분산형 고속전철에 IT 및 스마트센서의 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Duk-Jin;Kang, Song-Hee;Song, Dahl-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.1201-1208
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    • 2008
  • Ubiquotuous technology should be adopted in railroad business to provide passenger's security and convenience. In this project, IT and smart sensor technologies are reviewed, benchmarked, designed, and implemented. The target system is the next generation high speed train to be developed and operated in Korea with the maximum speed of 400km/h. Wireless sensor network with smart sensors is implemented around a train car. PC-like IT terminal will be designed and implemented so an individual passenger can use it to do information retrieval through the Internet, personal data processing, the e-learning, shopping on the railroad, and so on. These provision will give comfort, convenience, and safety of a passenger during his/her trip.

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The Users' Needs and Evaluation on the Rural Kitchen Space (농촌 부엌공간에 대한 거주자 평가 및 요구)

  • 유옥순;최병숙
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.38 no.10
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    • pp.215-225
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    • 2000
  • The objectives of this study were to prove that the rural kitchen style followed the urban's style and to find the different needs of rural western kitchen style from urban's through the evaluation of users. Interview data were collected by 100 residents in Chonbuk rural area and were analyzed qualitatively and Quantitatively. The results showed that the westernization of rural kitchen, as predicted about 12 years ago, ran after the urban's. In addition to the urban kitchen style, the users of the rural western kitchen desired 'the second kitchen' near to their Ma-dangs and main kitchens. The safety, convenience and comfort of it were satisfactorily evaluated, especially the convenience factor was very important in the rural kitchen design. They also wanted to arrange the refrigerator for Kim-chi or the larger refrigerator in it and to plan the L-DK type.

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Indirect PIN Entry Method for Mobile Banking Using Relative Location Information of Secret Code (비밀코드의 상대적 위치정보를 이용한 모바일 뱅킹용 간접 PIN 입력 기법)

  • Choi, Dongmin
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.738-746
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we propose an indirect PIN entry method that provides enhanced security against smudge, recording, and thermal attacks. Conventional mobile PIN entry methods use on-screen numeric keypad for both use of display and entry. Thus These methods are vulnerable to aforementioned attacks. In our method, passcode is same as that of the conventional PIN entry methods, and that is user-friendly way for mobile device users. Therefore, our method does not reduce user convenience which is one of the advantages of the conventional methods. In addition, our method is not a method of directly touching the on-screen numeric keypad for entering passcode like the conventional PIN methods. Unlike the conventional methods, our method uses an indirect passcode entry method that applied a passcode indicating key. According to the performance comparison result, proposed method provides user convenience similar to the conventional methods, and also provides a higher level of security and safety against recording, smudge, and thermal attacks than the conventional methods.