• Title/Summary/Keyword: safety and convenience

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An Investigation on the Eating Status and Expenditures of the Traditional Fermented foods for the Housewives in Jeonbuk Province (전북지역 주부들의 전통발효식품 섭취실태 및 소비현황 조사)

  • Choi, Na-Mi;Cha, Jin-A
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2008
  • The purposes of this study were to investigate the eating status and to analyze expenditures of the traditional fermented foods. A structured questionnaire survey was conducted from 370 housewives in Jeonbuk province and there were 300 usable samples(81.1%) valid for analysis. For the statistical analysis, the data was analyzed by $x^2$-test using SPSSIPC 12.0 for windows. The results of this study were as follows : 1. In the investigation on the eating status of the traditional fermented foods, Kimchi showed highest intake frequency(over once a day) and next Doenjang, Gochujang, Ganjang were consumed $2\;{\sim}\;3$ times per week. Jeotgal and Jangajji consumption showed the significant difference frequencies between the age groups(p < 0.001). The frequencies of using the home-made fermented foods were either similar or decreased, while the manufactured products were either similar or increased. The reasons behind the decreasing consumption were 'because of appetite change(47.0%)', 'the effect of western food(25.2%)' and 'dislike of salty food(17.4%)'. 90.7%(Kimchi), 54.9%(Doenjang), 54.8%(Gochujang), 53.2%(Cheongkukjang) of respondents knew the methods of preparation, while 62.5%(Ganjang), 41.1%(Jeotgal,) 31.2%(Jangajji) of respondents didn't know the methods of preparation. 2. In the analysis of the expenditure for the purchasing of the traditional fermented foods, most of the respondents procured Kimchi, Doenjang, Gochujang from their families or relatives, but they bought Ganjang, Jeotgal, Jangajji in the markets. And most of the respondents bought the fermented foods in the general merchandise stores or the department store except Kimchi. The places of buying Kimchi were specialty stores(34.6%), general merchandise stores or department stores(25.0%). Overall scores of satisfaction for the quality of manufactured fermented foods showed 3.29 of 5 - point scales. The average cost per month of Kimchi was 19,550won and Gochujang 7,878won, Doenjang 5,764won, Jeotgal 5,439won, Jangajji 5,412won, Ganjang(for soup) 4,714won, Cheongkukjang 4,677won, Ganjang(for seasoning) 4,464won, and total cost was 20,920won. The reasons behind purchasing the traditional fermented foods were 'because of convenience(58.4%)', 'no time to make by oneself(23.0%)' and 'for not knowing the making methods(12.8%)'. The problems of the manufactured traditional fermented foods were 'worry about safety of the raw materials or additives(71.2%)', 'lack of sanitation(12.0%)'. The most important thing considered in purchasing was 'materials and origins(86.6%)' and next 'quality(64.1%)' was another important thing.

A study on the wire reduction design and effect analysis for the train vehicle line (화물열차 분산제어시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kangmi;Lee, Jaeho;Yoon, Yong-Ki
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.778-784
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we propose wired and wireless distributed control systems designed to improve the freight logistics efficiency and verify wired distributed control systems. The verification condition required that 50 cargo vehicles be connected and operated to travel 21 km from Busan Sinhang station to Jinlye Station at an average speed of about 100km/h. The verification results show that the traction output and braking output of the control and controlled cars are dispersed by the wired distributed control system. The application is expected to more than double the efficiency of the logistics compared to the existing freight transportation system. However, in the case of the wired distributed control system, cable installation and maintenance are difficult, and it is impossible to change the combination of freight vehicles. Through the verification of the wired distributed control system, the applicability of distributed control systems to freight vehicles in Korea was confirmed and the system was further developed to produce a wireless distributed control system. In order to apply the wireless distributed control system, a propagation environment analysis for the ISM band was performed in the testbed and, as a result, it was confirmed that Wifi technology using the ISM band could be utilized. In order to use the WDP (Wireless Distributed Power) devices newly installed in the target vehicles, the transmission / reception control signals associated with the propulsion / braking / total control devices are defined. In the case of wireless distributed control systems, the convenience of their application and operation is guaranteed, but reliability and emergency safety measures should because of the dependence of the control of the vehicle on radio signals.

Clinical Review of Totally Implantable Venous Catheter (완전 거치형 정맥도관의 임상분석)

  • Kim, Jung-Tae;Oh, Tae-Yoon
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.40 no.10
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    • pp.691-695
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    • 2007
  • Background: The introduction of central venous catheters in 1979 has aided the administration of chemotherapy to oncologic patients. We analyzed the clinical reviews and complications of totally implantable venous catheters in an effort to achieve optimal management. Material and Method: We retrospectively studied 100 cases with totally implantable venous catheter at our hospital and we report the results. Result: 100 totally implantable venous catheters were placed in the right subclavian vein in 74 cases (74%), the left subclavian vein in 21 cases, the right jugular vein in 3 cases, the left jugular vein in 1 case and the right femoral vein in 1 case. The immediate complications were 5 cases in malposition of the catheter and 5 cases of arterial puncture. The late complications were 1 case of subclavian vein thrombosis, which was treated with anticoagulation, and 2 cases of pinch-of syndrome. There were no other early or late complications. Conclusion: The low rate of complications in this study confirms the safety and convenience of using totally implantable venous catheter in patients undergoing prolonged chemotherapy. Yet because Infection, thrombosis, and catheter fracture are the most common long term complications of totally implantable venous catheters, early diagnosis and management of these problems can prevent severe complications.

A Design of Secure Communication for Device Management Based on IoT (사물인터넷 기반 디바이스 관리를 위한 안전한 통신 프로토콜 설계)

  • Park, Jung-Oh;Choi, Do-Hyeon;Hong, Chan-Ki
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2020
  • The IoT technology is a field that applies and converges the technologies in the existing industrial environment, instead of new technologies. The IoT technology is releasing various application services converged with other industries such as smart home, healthcare, construction, and automobile, and it is also possible to secure the work efficiency and convenience of users of IoT-based technologies. However, the security threats occurring in the IoT-based technology environment are succeeding to the vulnerability of the existing wireless network environment. And the occurrence of new and variant attacks in the combination with the ICT convergence environment, is causing damages. Thus, in the IoT technology-based environment, it would be necessary to have researches on the safe transmission of messages in the communication environment between user and device, and device and device. This thesis aims to design a safe communication protocol in the IoT-based technology environment. Regarding the suggested communication protocol, this thesis performed the safety analysis on the attack techniques occurring in the IoT technology-based environment. And through the performance evaluation of the existing PKI-based certificate issuance system and the suggested communication protocol, this thesis verified the high efficiency(about 23%) of communication procedure. Also, this thesis verified the reduced figure(about 65%) of the issued quantity of certificate compared to the existing issuance system and the certificate management technique.

Analysis of Future Demand and Utilization of the Urban Meteorological Data for the Smart City (스마트시티를 위한 도시기상자료의 미래수요 및 활용가치 분석)

  • Kim, Seong-Gon;Kim, Seung Hee;Lim, Chul-Hee;Na, Seong-Kyun;Park, Sang Seo;Kim, Jaemin;Lee, Yun Gon
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.241-249
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    • 2021
  • A smart city utilizes data collected from various sensors through the internet of things (IoT) and improves city operations across the urban area. Recently substantial research is underway to examine all aspects of data that requires for the smart city operation. Atmospheric data are an essential component for successful smart city implementation, including Urban Air Mobility (UAM), infrastructure planning, safety and convenience, and traffic management. Unfortunately, the current level of conventional atmospheric data does not meet the needs of the new city concept. New and innovative approaches to developing high spatiotemporal resolution of observational and modeling data, resolving the complex urban structure, are expected to support the future needs. The geographic information system (GIS) integrates the atmospheric data with the urban structure and offers information system enhancement. In this study we proposed the necessity and applicability of the high resolution urban meteorological dataset based on heavy fog cases in the smart city region (e.g., Sejong and Pusan) in Korea.

A study on the digitalization of 3D Pen (3D펜의 디지털화에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Young;Jeon, Byung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.583-590
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    • 2021
  • This paper is a study on the digitization of an analog 3D pen. The term digital implies features such as homeostasis, transformability, combinability, reproducibility, and convenience of storage. One device that produces a combination of these digital characteristics is a 3D printer, but its industrial use is limited due to low productivity and limitations with materials and physical characteristics. In particular, improvements are required to use 3D printers, such as better user accessibility owing to expertise and skills in modeling software and printers. Complementing this fact is the 3D pen, which is excellent in portability and ease of use, but has a limitation in that it cannot be digitized. Therefore, in order to secure a digitalization capability and ease of use, and to secure the safety of printing materials that pose controversial hazards during the printing process, research problems and alternatives have been derived by combining food, and digitization was demonstrated with a newly developed 3D pen. In order to digitize the 3D pen, a sensor in a structured device detects the motion of an analog 3D pen, and this motion is converted into 3D data (X-Y-Z coordinate values) through a spatial analysis algorithm. To prove this method, the similarity was confirmed by visualization using MeshLab version 1.3.4. It is expected that this food pen can be used in youth education and senior healthcare programs in the future.

Indoor autonomous driving system based on Internet of Things (사물인터넷 기반의 실내 자율주행 시스템)

  • Seong-Hyeon Lee;Ah-Eun Kwak;Seung-Hye Lee;Tae-Kook Kim
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2024
  • This paper proposes an IoT-based indoor autonomous driving system that applies SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) and Navigation techniques in a ROS (Robot Operating System) environment based on TurtleBot3. The proposed autonomous driving system can be applied to indoor autonomous wheelchairs and robots. In this study, the operation was verified by applying it to an indoor self-driving wheelchair. The proposed autonomous driving system provides two functions. First, indoor environment information is collected and stored, which allows the wheelchair to recognize obstacles. By performing navigation using the map created through this, the rider can move to the desired location through autonomous driving of the wheelchair. Second, it provides the ability to track and move a specific logo through image recognition using OpenCV. Through this, information services can be received from guides wearing uniforms with the organization's unique logo. The proposed system is expected to provide convenience to passengers by improving mobility, safety, and usability over existing wheelchairs.

Study on the impact of satisfaction with convention destination on city image: Focusing on Cheonan 2009 Well-being Food Expo's case (컨벤션 개최지에 대한 만족도가 도시 이미지에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 2009천안웰빙식품 엑스포 중심으로 -)

  • Yu, Pyung-Yui;Jeon, In-Oh
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.253-291
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    • 2009
  • Expo, as one of the types of convention, is defined as the exhibition of which primary object is the public enlightenment. It displays lots of exhibits from countries around the world created or produced by advanced technologies, but its priority is actually on suggesting value of product, usability and creativity, not on seeking for purchasers of those products. Thus, the world's event Expo can be deemed as the place for educating visitors with various features in both current and future generation in terms of "experience". This study intends to grasp the attributes and elements of the host cities and to look into the formation of city image after being a spectator and the relation for suggesting systematic and rational measures on planning and promoting the Expo. For the foregoing measures, this study suggests effective management measures for Expo spectators by disclosing attributes of host cities, relationship with the formation of city images, and satisfactory relationship among Expo spectators. For achieving the purpose of this study, the relationship between spectators who visited the 'Cheonan 2009 Wellbeing Food Expo' and each element on the basis of the measuring devices deducted through a preparatory research. Based on the results deducted through positive analysis, it intends to expect qualitative improvement of 'Cheonan 2009 Wellbeing Food Expo' and to suggest measures for elevating satisfaction level of Expo spectators by displaying alternative elements for spectators' choice at the Expo and gives continuous suggestion on managing spectators.

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Analysis of the Influence Factors on Satisfaction of Returning to Farming in Farm-returning and Rural-returning : With Moderating Effect of Family Factor (귀농 귀촌에서 귀농만족에 미치는 영향요인 분석: 가족 지지도를 조절효과 중심으로)

  • Lee, Ji Heum;Ha, Kyu Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.39-53
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the rural migration factors, degree of preparation for migration, lifestyle conditions and support policies reflected against the family satisfaction of the migration. In this study family factors were used as control variables. Independent variables for this study will consist of the factors of rural migration, the degree of preparation for migration, living conditions of the farmers and the support policies, where as the dependent variable is the satisfaction of migration with an adjusting factor of the family satisfaction which will be further analysed to identify its effects on the dependent variable. For this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted for the residents and 237 valid questionnaires were collected. Multiple regression analysis was performed based on the collected data where demographic attributes being the controlling variable, and regression analysis was performed for the adjusting variable of the family. As the economic factor increases, the level of satisfaction generated to be higher in rural migration. As for the degree of preparation, living condition and support policies resulted, great quantity of green nature, safety and agriculture startup support, respectively, indicated a positive effect to the satisfaction level of migration. From the results, adjustment effect of the family factors on the economic, nature, convenience and satisfaction of the migration have appeared. The conclusion of this study is that policy support, regional stability, and economic gain are the most important factors to increase satisfaction and to reduce re-migration rate to city.

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A Study on Customer Satisfaction for Smart Trunk using the Kano Model (카노모델을 이용한 스마트 트렁크 기능의 고객 만족에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Yeon;Shin, Hoon-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2021
  • In recent years, the automobile industry has been facing a major change with the introduction of new technologies represented by autonomous driving, electrification, and digitalization. Major domestic and overseas automakers are trying to use a systematic approach to customer satisfaction through user interfaces to provide customers with a special experience and value beyond just making products with high performance. This study proposes the Kano model as a systematic and qualitative research method for satisfaction. As a case study, 17 functions of a product were sorted (3 operation functions, 7 safety functions, and 7 convenience functions). This was done by analyzing the use case and the customers' requirements for a smart trunk system. 18 new functions were derived via creative ideation codes. In addition, a scientific analysis method is proposed for product quality attributes and the strength of customer satisfaction. Using the Kano methodology, 25 functions were classified into quality attributes: 18 attractive qualities, 3 one-dimensional qualities, and 4 complex qualities, which are combinations of one-dimension qualities and must-have qualities. The functions that have one-dimensional quality and complex qualities were found to have higher customer ratings than the functions that have attractive qualities. Based on this, enterprises could effectively reduce customer complaints and enhance customer satisfaction.