• Title/Summary/Keyword: saddle

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Optimal Conditions of Reaction Flavor for Synthesis of Crab-like Flavorant from Snow Crab Cooker Effluent (홍게 자숙액으로부터 게향 제조를 위한 반응향의 최적화)

  • Ahn, Jun-Suck;Jeong, Eun-Jeong;Cho, Woo-Jin;Cha, Yong-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.128-134
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    • 2014
  • To develop a crab-like flavorant from snow crab cooker effluent (SCCE, $20^{\circ}Brix$), optimal reaction conditions were determined using response surface methodology (RSM) combined with reaction flavoring technology (RFT). Using five variables (proline, glycine, arginine, methionine, fructose), RSM based on a five-level central composite design was applied to evaluate sensory acceptance (odor, taste, and overall acceptance) as dependent variables. A model equation obtained from RSM showed 0.88 of R-square for odor, 0.90 for taste, and 0.95 for overall acceptance with 0.07 lack of fit in overall acceptance (P<0.05). Odor score (predicted value) was 7.21 in the saddle point. Optimal flavoring conditions for making a crab-like flavorant were as follows: addition of 0.29 g of proline, 0.63 g of glycine, 0.61 g of arginine, 0.02 g of methionine, and 1.07 g% (w/v) of fructose into SCCE with RFT (90 min at $130^{\circ}C$). Odor score obtained under optimal conditions was 7.56, which was higher than the predicted value.

Development of Patient-Immobilizing Device for Total Body Irradiation (TBI) (전신 방사선치료(Total Body Irradiation, TBI)를 위한 한국인에 맞는 환자 고정장치에 관한 연구)

  • 김명세
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.114-119
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    • 2002
  • A immobilizing device that is essential for correct lung and lens shielding with homogenous dose distribution in fractionated total body irradiation was developed and it's efficiency was evaluated. The main frame was made of stainless steel bar (5 cm in diameter) to withstand up to 230 cm in height and 100 kg in weight to prevent any injury even in unconsciousness condition. The saddle was designed to adjust the body weight and hight of standing patients. Chest and back supporter were made of 1 cm acryl which could fix the lung block and cassette holder. Leather and sponge pedding were used for head rest to keep patients comfortable. The device was strongly fixed by specially designed bolts on the bottom panel which was made of 1 cm stainless steel and 10 cm thick wooden board. Precise manipulation ($\pm$2 mm) was possible by upper two pulleys and side handles. Average four minutes twenty five seconds were needed for exact setting in fractionated TBI. No significant difference of lung block location on repeated verification films was confirmed and relatively homogeneous dose distribution was measured in rando phantom experiments and patient treatments ($\pm$5%). This immobilizing device was very efficient to keep correct position of patients, which is essential for better result and less complication in fractionated TBI.

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As 조성비에 따른 InAsSb alloy 유전함수와 전이점 연구

  • Hwang, Sun-Yong;Yun, Jae-Jin;Kim, Tae-Jung;Aspnes, D.E.;Kim, Yeong-Dong;Kim, Hye-Jeong;Chang, Y.C.;Song, Jin-Dong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2010.02a
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    • pp.161-161
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    • 2010
  • InAsSb alloy system 은 HgCdTe 를 대체하는 적외선 광소자 및 검출기 등에 응용이 가능한 유망한 물질이지만 정확한 유전함수 및 전이점의 연구는 미흡한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 타원 편광 분석법을 이용하여 1.5 ~ 6 eV 의 분광 영역에서 As 조성비를 각기 (x = 0, 0.127, 0.337, 0.491, 0.726 및 1.00) 다르게 한 $InAs_xSb_{1-x}$ alloy의 유전함수를 측정하였다. 또한 표면에 자연산화막을 제거하기 위하여 Methanol 과 DI Water 로 표면을 세척 한 후 $NH_4OH$, Br in Methanol, HCl 등으로 적절한 화학적 에칭을 하여 산화막을 제거함으로서 순수한 InAsSb 의 유전함수를 측정할 수 있었다. 측정된 InAsSb 유전함수를 Standard analytic critical point line shape 방법으로 As 조성비에 따른 에너지 전이점을 얻을 수 있었다. 또한 얻어진 에너지 전이점 값을 이용하여 linear augmented Slater-type orbital 방법으로 전자 밴드 구조 계산을 하였고, 이를 바탕으로 $E_0$, $E_1$, $E_2$ 전이점 지역의 여러 전이점 ($E_1$, $E_1+\Delta_1$, $E_0'$, $E_0'+\Delta_0'$, $E_2$, $E_2+\Delta_2$, $E_2'$, $E_2'+\Delta_2$, $E_1'$) 의 특성을 정확히 정의할 수 있었다. 또한 As 조성비가 증가하면서 $E_2$, $E_2+\Delta_2$, $E_2'$, $E_2'+\Delta_2$ 전이점들이 서로 교차 되는 것을 발견하였고, 저온에서만 관측이 가능하였던 InSb 의 두 saddle-point (${\Delta_5}^{cu}-{\Delta_5}^{vu}$, ${\Delta_5}^{cl}-{\Delta_5}^{vu}$)를 상온에서 찾아내었다. 타원 편광 분석법을 이용한 전이점 연구 및 물성 분석은 InAsSb alloy 의 광학적 데이터베이스를 확보하는 성과와 더불어 새로운 디바이스기술 및 광통신 산업에도 유용한 정보가 될 것이다.

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The origin of the dolomite of the Pungchon Formation near Taebaeg City, Kangwondo, Korea (강원도 태백시 일대에 분포하는 풍촌층 돌로마이트의 성인)

  • Lim Seong-Weon;Woo Kyung Sik
    • The Korean Journal of Petroleum Geology
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    • v.3 no.1 s.4
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    • pp.28-39
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    • 1995
  • The objective of this study is to investigate the origin of the dolomite in the Pungchon Formation of the Choseon Supergroup near Taebaeg City, Kangwondo, Korea. The Pungchon Formation is composed of limestone, dolomitic limestone, and dolomite with thin beds of flat pebble conglomerate (FPC) and mudrock. Texturally, the dolomite in the Pungchon Formation can be divided into four types; 1) coarse-sized, xenotopic dolomite in massive dolomite, 2) medium-siEed, idiotopic dolomite in flat pebble conglomerate, 3) xenotopic dolomite replacing ooids, algalnodules, and echinoderms, and 4) the dolomite in mottled fabric. The dolomite in mottled fabric can be subdivided into three types; a) coarse-sized, xenotopic saddle dolomite cement, b) medium-sized, idiotopic, cloudy-centered, clear-rimmed (CCCR) dolomite, and c) coarse-sized, idiotopic dolomite. The carbon isotopic composition of the Pungchon dolomite is in the range of $-2.8-1.4\%_{\circ}(PBD)$, suggesting that the carbon isotopic composition was buffered by the preexisting marine carbonates. Lighter oxygen isotopic values ($\delta^{18}O-15.7-8.7\%_{\circ}, PBD$) indicate that the Pungchon dolomite may have formed under high temperature in a burial diagenetic environment. The higher initial $^{87}Sr/^{86}Sr$ ratio of the Pungchon dolomite (0.7010-0.7161) than that of the coeval Cambrian seawater (0.7088-0.7092) indicates that dolomitizing fluids had been modified from the isotopic exchange with continental crust. Low Sr and Na contents(<200 ppm) of dolomite agree well with previously reported data for burial dolomite. Hifh Fe and Mn contents of the dolomite support the idea that the Pungchon dolomite may have formed in a deep burial diagenetic environment.

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A Case of Cauda Equina Syndrome Treated with Additional Carthami Semen Herbal Acupuncture Therapy (홍화자(紅花子) 약침요법(藥鍼療法)을 가미한 한방치료로 호전된 마미증후군(馬尾症候群) 환자(患者) 1례(例))

  • Seo, Bo-Myung;Lee, Yoon-Kyoung;Kim, Sung-Woong;Lee, Sea-Youn;Lim, Seong-Chul;Jung, Tae-Young;An, Hee-Duk;Han, Sang-Won;Seo, Jung-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2005
  • Objectives : This study was to investigate the effect of the Carthami Semen Herbal acupuncture therapy on a Cauda equina syndrome patient who has a complex of low back pain, bilateral sciatica, saddle anesthesia and motor weakness in the lower extremity and paraplegia with bladder and bowel incontinence. Methods : Oriental Medical Therapy was performed on the Cauda equina syndrome patient from July 15th 2004 to July 29th 2004. The patient was treated with Carthami Semen Herbal acupuncture at BL22, BL23, BL25, BL28 and GV3 in combination with herbal medicine and conventional body acupuncture. We evaluated The Visual Analog Scale(VAS), Improvement index, The Oswestry Diability Index(ODI), gaiting, dyschezia, bladder incontinence, duration of urination and area of anesthesia, Digital Infrared Thermographic Imaging(DITI) before and after treatment. Results : 1. After treatment, VAS, Improvement index, ODI were improved each from 10 to 2, from 21 to 73, from 333 to 166. 2. After treatment, gaiting, bladder incontinence, duration of urination and area of anesthesia and DITI were improved well, but dyschezia was remained. Conclusions : From this case it is thought Carthami Semen herbal acupuncture therapy is very effective to Cauda Equina Syndrome and further study is needed for the confirmation of the effect of Carthami Semen Herbal acupuncture.

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Three body problem in early 20th century (20세기초의 삼체문제에 관해서)

  • Lee, Ho Joong
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 2012
  • Today, it is necessary to calculate orbits with high accuracy in space flight. The key words of Poincar$\acute{e}$ in celestial mechanics are periodic solutions, invariant integrals, asymptotic solutions, characteristic exponents and the non existence of new single-valued integrals. Poincar$\acute{e}$ define an invariant integral of the system as the form which maintains a constant value at all time $t$, where the integration is taken over the arc of a curve and $Y_i$ are some functions of $x$, and extend 2 dimension and 3 dimension. Eigenvalues are classified as the form of trajectories, as corresponding to nodes, foci, saddle points and center. In periodic solutions, the stability of periodic solutions is dependent on the properties of their characteristic exponents. Poincar$\acute{e}$ called bifurcation that is the possibility of existence of chaotic orbit in planetary motion. Existence of near exceptional trajectories as Hadamard's accounts, says that there are probabilistic orbits. In this context we study the eigenvalue problem in early 20th century in three body problem by analyzing the works of Darwin, Bruns, Gyld$\acute{e}$n, Sundman, Hill, Lyapunov, Birkhoff, Painlev$\acute{e}$ and Hadamard.

Optimization of Soy Sauce Production Conditions with Black Garlic Extract by Response Surface Methodology (반응표면 분석법에 의한 흑마늘 추출물이 첨가된 간장의 제조 조건 설정)

  • Shim, Hye-Jin;Kang, Min-Jung;Kim, Gyeong-Min;Lee, Chang-Kwon;Kim, Jeong-Hwan;Shin, Jung-Hye
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.307-315
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The central composition design was used to optimize the mixture conditions of black garlic extract. Methods: The response surface methodology (RSM) was carried out from concentration of black garlic extract ($X_1$) and the amount of the black garlic extract ($X_2$) as independent variables, and salts ($Y_1$), reducing sugars ($Y_2$), the content of total phenolic compounds ($Y_3$) and ABTS radical scavenging activity ($Y_4$) as dependent variables. We confirmed the conditions that salinity was minimized and reducing sugar, total phenolic compounds and ABTS radical scavenging activity had maximum values through the response surface analysis. Results: All results had saddle points in originally set up conditions hence, ridge analysis was carried out for narrowing the experimental area. The minimum salt concentration was 16.03% at black garlic extract concentration of $14.84^{\circ}brix$ and contents of 9.26%. Reducing sugar content had maximum of value 7.30 g/mL at $24.58^{\circ}brix$ and contents of 8.08%. Total phenolic compounds contents and ABTS radical scavenging activity had maximum values at black garlic extract concentration of 20.33 and $25.02^{\circ}brix$. The results indicate that addition of black garlic extract contributed to increased reducing sugar, phenolic compounds contents and antioxidant activity of the soy sauce, but the salt concentration was not significantly affected. Conclusion: Based on the results of RSM, the optimum ranges of addition conditions for lowering the salt concentration and, increasing the sensory and functional ability of soy sauce were as follows: black garlic extract concentration of $15-25^{\circ}brix$ and content of 7.8-9.3%.

Comparative Evaluation of Behavior Analysis of Rectangular Jet and Two-dimensional Jet (사각형제트와 2차원제트의 거동해석의 비교 평가)

  • Kwon, Seok Jae;Cho, Hong Yeon;Seo, Il Won
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.6B
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    • pp.641-649
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    • 2006
  • The behavior of a three-dimensional pure rectangular water jet with aspect ratio of 10 was experimentally investigated based on the results of the mean velocity field obtained by PIV. The saddle back distribution was observed in the lateral distribution along the major axis. The theoretical centerline velocity equation derived from the point source concept using the spreading rate for the axisymmetric jet was in good agreement with the measured centerline velocity and gave the division of the potential core region, two-dimensional region, and axisymmetric region. The range of the two-dimensional region divided by the criterion of the theoretical centerline velocity decay for the aspect ratio of 10 was observed to be smaller than that of the transition region. The applicability of the two-dimensional model to the behavior of the rectangular jet with low aspect ratio or the wastewater discharged from a multiport diffuser in the deep water of real ocean may result in significant error in the transition and axisymmetric regions after the two-dimensional region. In the two-dimensional region, the Gaussian constant tended to be conserved, and the spreading rate slightly decreased at the end of the two-dimensional region. The normalized turbulent intensity along the centerline of the jet initially abruptly increased and showed relatively higher intensity for higher Reynolds number.

Exercise Posture Calibration System using Pressure and Acceleration Sensors (압력 및 가속도 센서를 활용한 운동 자세 교정 시스템 )

  • Won-Ki Cho;Ye-Ram Park;Sang-Hyeon Park;Young-Min Song;Boong-Joo Lee
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.781-790
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    • 2024
  • As modern people's interest in exercise and health increases, the demand for exercise-related information and devices is increasing, and exercising in the wrong posture can lead to body imbalance and injury. Therefore, in this study, the purpose of this study is to correct the posture for health promotion and injury prevention through the correct exercise posture of users. It was developed using Arduino Uno R3, a pressure sensor, and an acceleration sensor as the main memory device of the system. The pressure sensor was used to determine the squat posture, and the acceleration sensor was used to determine three types of gait: normal step, nasolabial step, and saddle step. Data is transmitted to a smartphone through a Bluetooth module and displayed on an app to guide the user in the correct exercise posture. The gait was determined based on the 20˚ angle at which the foot was opened, and the correct squat posture was compared with the ratio of the pressure sensor values of the forefoot and hindfoot based on the data of the skilled person. Therefore, based on an experiment with about 90% accuracy when determining gait and 95% accuracy based on a 7:3 ratio of pressure sensor values in squat posture, a system was established to guide users to exercise in the correct posture by checking in real time through a smartphone application and correcting exercise in the wrong posture.

Analysis of Characteristics and Optimization of Photo-degradation condition of Reactive Orange 16 Using a Box-Behnken Method (실험계획법 중 Box-Behnken(박스-벤켄)법을 이용한 반응성 염료의 광촉매 산화조건 특성 해석 및 최적화)

  • Cho, Il-Hyoung;Lee, Nae-Hyun;Chang, Soon-Woong;An, Sang-Woo;Yonn, Young-Han;Zoh, Kyung-Duk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.28 no.9
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    • pp.917-925
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    • 2006
  • The aim of our research was to apply experimental design methodology in the optimization of photocatalytic degradation of azo dye(Reactive orange 16). The reactions were mathematically described as a function of parameters amount of $TiO_2(x_1)$, and dye concentration($x_2$) being modeled by the use of the Box-Behnken method. The results show that the responses of color removal(%)($Y_1$) in photocatalysis of dyes were significantly affected by the synergistic effect of linear term of $TiO_2(x_1)$ and dye concentration($x_2$). Significant factors and synergistic effects for the $COD_{Cr}$, removal(%)($Y_2$) were the linear term of $TiO_2(x_1)$ and dye concentration($x_2$). However, the quadratic term of $TiO_2(x_1^2)$ and dye concentration($x_2^2$) had an antagonistic effect on $Y_1$ and $Y_2$ responses. Canonical analysis indicates that the stationary point was a saddle point for $Y_1$ and $Y_2$, respectively. The estimated ridge of maximum responses and optimal conditions for $Y_1:(X_1,\;X_2)$=(1.11 g/L, 51.2 mg/L) and $Y_2:(X_1,\;X_2)$=(1.42 g/L, 72.83 mg/L) using canonical analysis was 93% and 73%, respectively.