• Title/Summary/Keyword: saddle

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Flexural Behavior of Steel-Concrete Composite Beams Strengthened by Post Tension Method (포스트 텐션 공법으로 보강된 SC 합성보의 휨 거동)

  • Ryu, Soo-Hyun;Kim, Heui-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.186-195
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    • 2010
  • This study has attempted to suggest a proper reinforcement method by strengthening unbonded post -tensioning through height of an anchorage hole, form of a saddle, and loading time point as parameters and evaluating the reinforcement method through a bending experiment. The result of this experiment indicated effects of reinforcement since the maximum strength ratio(the ratio of an experimental value to theoretical value) of SC composite beams before prestressed was 0.97 and after prestress were 1.00~1.21. As a result of analysis on displacement and strain, irrespective of height of an anchorage hole and loading time point, the D120-series specimen where an anchorage hole was installed on the neutral axis after reinforcement showed that its deflection continuously increased without sudden load reduction after maximum load and it stably behaved with relatively low strain of each part. In terms of reinforcement effects, the maximum strength of SCR-UD120 specimen prestressed after pre-loading was increased 1.72 times comparing to SC composite beams so SCR-UD120 specimen prestressed after pre-loading was shown to be the best.

Analysis of Electrical Resistivity Change in Piping Simulation of a Fill Dam (필댐의 파이핑 재현시험시 전기비저항 변화 분석)

  • Ahn, Hee-Bok;Lim, Heui-Dae
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2010
  • Piping, a common form of internal embankment erosion, is caused by progressive movement of soil particles through an embankment. The phenomenon commonly occurs with precursory signs of development of fractures in dam structures, but also occurs without any noticeable signs in dams that showed satisfactory dam performance for several years, due to dissolution of soluble material in an embankment. While piping accounts for nearly 50% of the causes for dam failure, few studies have been made for systematic evaluation of the phenomenon. In this study, we attempted to monitor the changes in electrical resistivities of fill-dam material while a saddle dam is dismantled for the construction of emergency spillways of Daechung dam. Two artificial subhorizontal boreholes were drilled into the embankment structure to simulate piping along the two artificial flow channels. Monitoring of changes in electrical resistivity showed an increase in resistivity values during piping. Thus, the investigation of resistivity over time could be an effective method for piping prediction.

Rock cutting behavior of worn specially-shaped PDC cutter in crystalline rock

  • Liu, Weiji;Yang, Feilong;Zhu, Xiaohua;Zhang, Yipeng;Gong, Shuchun
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.249-263
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    • 2022
  • The specially-shaped Polycrystalline Diamond Compact (PDC) cutter is widely used in drill bit design due to its advantages of high rock cutting efficiency, strong impact resistance and long service life in hard and abrasive formation drilling. A detailed understanding of rock cutting behavior of worn specially-shaped PDC cutter is essential to improve the drilling efficiency and decrease the drilling costs. In this paper, the theoretical models of two new principles (loading performance (LP) and cutting performance (CP)) are derived for evaluating the cutting process of worn specially-shaped cutter, the theoretical models consider the factors, such as cutter geometry, aggressiveness, stress state, working life, and rock cutting efficiency. Besides, the numerical model of heterogeneous granite is developed using finite element method combined with Voronoi tessellation, the LP and CP of 12 kinds of worn specially-shaped PDC (SPDC) cutters are analyzed. The results found that the mechanical specific energy (MSE) of worn cutters first increase and then decrease with increasing the cutting depth, and the MSE increase with the increase of back rake angle except for Conical cutter and Wedge-shaped cutter. From the perspective of CP, the worn PDC cutters are more suitable for the smaller cutting depths, and the back rake angle has little effect on the CP of the specially-shaped worn PDC cutters. Conical cutter, Saddle-shaped cutter and Ellipse-shaped cutter have the highest CP value, while Rhombus-shaped cutter, Convex cutter and Wedge-shaped cutter have the lowest value in selecting cutters. This research leads to an enhanced understanding of rock-breaking mechanisms of worn SPDC cutters, and provides the basis to select of specially-shaped PDC cutters for the specific target formation.

Erection Sequence Analysis of Suspension Bridge Considering to Sliding of Main Cable (주케이블의 슬라이딩을 고려한 현수교의 시공단계 해석)

  • Yhim, Sung-Soon;Kong, Min-Sik;Kim, Byeong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.13 no.3 s.55
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    • pp.164-172
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    • 2009
  • Anchors and saddles are used to have sufficient geometrical rigidity and make target configuration of main cable of suspension bridge. Neglecting the sliding effect at saddles, points at them have been idealized as fixed nodes in lots of former studies. In general, sliding effects are reported to show significant structural behaviors of main cable and cause to the different responses of bridges. During early erection steps of the suspension bridge, especially, the sliding effect occurs easily because there is large difference of cable tension between main and side span in removing set-back ropes or not applying set-back. This study presents the finite element analysis considering to cable sliding effect and shows the comparison of differences between sliding and non-sliding at election sequence. The analysis of sliding between main cables and saddles needs to obtain more realistic responses because the analysis result can represent unfavorably different responses of bridges. Moreover, the sliding analysis method and results in this study can be used to basic criteria in engineering design and construction steps.

Surgical Treatment of Metastatic Tumor in Pelvis (골반부 전이성 종양의 수술적 치료)

  • Kim, Jae-Do;Park, Woong;Jo, Myung-Rae;Son, Jung-Whan;Lee, Young-Gu
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: We studied to decide the operative indication of the metastatic tumor in pelvis according to the oncologic results, the Eastern Cooperative Oncologic Group (ECOG) performance status and complication. Materials and methods: From May 1994 to May 2003, 9 patients who were performed on palliative treatment and 10 paitents on operative treatment due to metastatic tumor of pelvic bone were investigated. On palliative/operative group, the mean age of patients was 57.6/48.0 years old and the ratio of male to female was 5:4/7:3. Primary origins were 3 cases from kidney, 3 from cervix and 2 of lung, 2 of myeloma, 2 of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, and 1 from breast, bladder, testis, prostate, stomach, liver and retroperitoneal leimyosarcoma respectively. The palliative treatment was performed in 5 cases with radiotherapy, 1 with chemotherapy, 2 with combined chemo-radiotherapy and 1 with percutaneous cementation. The operative methods were 1 case of bone cement insertion after curettage, 2 of Girdlestone with internal hemipelvectomy and 7 of reconstruction after wide excision. Reconstructions were done.: 1 case of bone cementation, 5 of autograft prosthesis composite with irradiation or pastuerization and 1 of saddle prosthesis. We have observed the oncologic results, the ECOG performance status and complication. Results: The oncologic results of palliative/operative groups are NED 0/1, AWD 2/6, DOC 1/2 and DOD 6/1. The ECOG performance status was changed from 1.5 into 4.3 in palliative group and from 2.6 into 2.2 in operative group. The complications were 3 cases of the prosthesis failure and 2 of infection. Conclusion: The indication of operation of metastatic pelvic tumor is decided in consideration of the patient's condition, the grade of malignancy in primary tumor and the life expectancy.

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Embolectomy of Arteries of Extremities -Clinical analysis of 26 cases (사지동맥의 색전제거술 -26례의 분석-)

  • 강종렬;구본일
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.172-178
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    • 1997
  • We present a etrospective analysis of arterial embolectomies performed at the Inje University Seoul Paik Hospital. During the period of March 1987 Feburary 1996 twenty-six patients underwent embolectomies, eighteen patients were male and eight patients were female, mean age of patients was 56.8 years. Rest pain was the chief complaint in 24 patients, the remaining two patients complained of long term history of claudication after recovery of acute symtoms. But only 10 patients had sensBrylmotor symtoms. Heart was the most common source of embolization and frequent predisposing factor of embolism was ischemic heart disease in 8 cases and valvular heart disease in 11 cases. The sites of embolization were upper extremities artery in 6 cases, saddle embolism in 2 cases, lower extremities artery in 18 cases and the most common site of embolism was femoral artery in 1 1 cases. Preoperative angiography was taken in the diagnosis and planning of the embolectomy in 1) patients while in the other patient p eoperative angiography was not taken. Only two cases were operated within the golden period of 6 hours and other cases were operated in more than 6 hours after embolization. In all patients, the Fogarty embolectomy catheter was used without bypass surgery via bachial ateriotomy in the embolism of upper extremities artery, bilateral groin approaches in the saddle embolism and transfemoral approach in the embolism of lower extremities artery. However 3 patients were re-operated via transpopliteal approach in the distal poplitiotibial embolism. Eighteen patients received perioperative anticoagulation therapy by heparin or fraxiparine and wafarin was used in 17 patients at the time of discharge and the indication of anticogulation was patients of valvular heat disease andfor atrial fibrillation, peripheral artery atherosclerosis and recurrent embolism. Postoperative results of the embolectomy were as follows: fouteen pateints had excellent results, five cases had symtom improvement after re-operation, B. K. amputation in 1 case who had severe atherosclerosis of lower extremities, recurrent embolism in 1 case and death in 2 cases the cause of death were acute renal failure and cerebral artery embolism, respectively. The complications of the embolectomy were reperfusion syndrome, pseudoaneurysm and intimal dissection in one case each. Conclusively the problems of embolism is delayed diagnosis and increasing number of old aged patient who had suffered from ischemic heart diease. Preoperative angiography was not always needed for embol ectomy. Selective anticoagulation therapy can decrease incidence of re-embolism. In the distal poplitiotibial embolism, embolectomy of tibial artery was difficult.

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Effect of substrate bias voltage on a-C:H film (기판 bias 전압이 a-C:H 박막의 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • 유영조;김효근;장홍규;오재석;김근식
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.348-353
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    • 1997
  • Hydrogenated amorphous carbon(a-C:H) films were deposited on p-type Si(100) by DC saddle-field plasma enhanced CVD to investigate the effect of substrate bias on optical properties and structural changes. They were deposited using pure methane gas at a wide range of substrate bias at room temperature and 90 mtorr. The substrate bias voltage ($V_s$) was employed from $V_s=0 V$ to $V_s=400 V$. The information of optical properties was investigated by photoluminescence and transmitance. Chemical bondings of a-C:H have been explored from FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy. The thickness and relative hydrogen content of the films were measured by Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS) and elastic recoil detection (ERD) technigue. The growth rate of a-C:H film was decreased with the increase of $V_s$, but the hydrogen content of the film was increased with the increase of $V_s$. The a-C:H films deposited at the lowest $V_s$ contain the smallest amount of hydrogen with most of C-H bonds in the of $CH_2$ configuration, whereas the films produced at higher $V_s$ reveal dominant the $CH_3$ bonding structure. The emission of white photoluminescence from the films were observed even with naked eyes at room temperature and the PL intensity of the film has the maximum value at $V_s$=200 V. With $V_s$ lower than 200 V, the PL intensity of the film increased with V, but for V, higher than 200 V, the PL intensity decreased with the increase of $V_s$. The peak energy of the PL spectra slightly shifted to the higher energy with the increase of $V_s$. The optical bandgap of the film, determined by optical transmittance, was increased from 1.5 eV at $V_s$=0V to 2.3 eV at $V_s$=400 V. But there were no obvious relations between the PL peak and the optical gap which were measured by Tauc process.

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Optimization of the Addition of Garlic in Cheonggukjang using Response Surface Methodology (반응표면분석을 이용한 청국장 제조시 마늘의 첨가조건 최적화)

  • Hwang, Cho-Rong;Sim, Hye-Jin;Kim, Gyeong-Min;Cho, Kye-Man;Kim, Jeong-Hwan;Shin, Jung-Hye
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.661-669
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    • 2013
  • This study was performed to determine the optimal composition of Cheonggukjang added with garlic. The experiment utilized a central composite design (CCD). The evaluation was carried out by means of response surface methodology (RSM), which included 18 experimental points with three independent variables : the content of the garlic (1.3~9.7%, $X_1$), the steaming time of garlic (0~15.1 min, $X_2$), and the fermentation time of Cheonggukjang (48.2~71.8 h, $X_3$). The viscous substance ($Y_1$), acidity ($Y_2$), amino-type nitrogen ($Y_3$), ${\gamma}$-GTP activity ($Y_4$) and ABTS radical scavenging activity ($Y_5$). were assessed in four replicates with five dependent variables. The maximum content of the viscous substance was 13.02% at 6.53% ($X_1$), 6.81 min ($X_2$) and 55.18 h ($X_3$). The acidity was increased when the fermentation time was longer, and the minimum acidity point was 0.50% at 7.75% ($X_1$), 3.42 min ($X_2$) and 58.60 h ($X_3$), respectively. The content of the amino-type nitrogen at the experimental range studied was was 80.58~158.82 mg%, and the stationary point was at saddle point. Using ridge analysis, the maximum point was 156.97 mg% at 6.21% ($X_1$), 14.85 min ($X_2$) and 58.04 h($X_3$). The optimum conditions of ${\gamma}$-GTP activity was 5.73% ($X_1$), 6.99 min ($X_2$) and 57.96 h($X_3$), respectively, at the maximum point was 353.66 mU/mL. The maximum point of ABTS radical scavenging activity was 76.43% at 3.78% ($X_1$), 14.28 min ($X_2$) and 57.99 h($X_3$) at the saddle point, when the garlic steaming time was longer.

Improvement of existing drainage system for leakage treatment in exiting underground structures (운영중인 지하구조물의 누수처리를 위한 유도배수공법의 개선)

  • Kim, Dong-Gyou;Yim, Min-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.669-683
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    • 2017
  • The objective of this study is to propose a modification of the previously proposed drainage system for catching the partial leakage of underground concrete structures. Two techniques were proposed for applying the drainage system only to the leaking parts. One was for conveying leaking groundwater to the collection point in the drainage system and the other was for conveying the collected groundwater to the primary drainage system of the underground concrete structure. Four waterproofing materials for conveying leaking groundwater to the catchment point of the drainage system, Durkflex made of porous rubber material, KE-45 silicone adhesive with super strong adhesion, Hotty-gel made of polymeric materials and general silicone adhesive were evaluated for waterproofing performance. Hotty-gel only showed perfect waterproof performance and the other three waterproof materials leaked. The modified drainage system with Hotty-gel and drainage pipe with fixed saddle to convey the leaking groundwater from the catchment point to the primary drainage system were tested on the concrete retaining wall. The waterproof performance and the drainage performance were evaluated by injecting 1,000 ml of water in the back of the modified drainage system at the 7-day, 14-day, 21-day, 28-day, 2-month and 3-month. There was no problem in waterproof performance and drainage performance of the modified drainage system during 3 months. In order to evaluate the construction period and construction cost of the modified drainage system, it was compared with the existing leaching repair method in surface cleaning stage, leakage treatment stage, and protective barrier stage. Total construction period and construction cost were compared in considering the contents of work, repair material, construction equipment, working time, and total number of workers. As a result of comparing and analyzing in each construction stage, it was concluded that the modified drainage system could save construction period and construction cost compared to the existing leaching repair method.

Clinical Assessment, Panoramic and MRI Findings and Cephalometric Characteristics of Patients with Condylar Resorption (과두흡수환자의 자기공명영상 사진 평가 및 악안면 골격형태에 대한 연구)

  • Jang, Heon-Su;Hur, Yun-Kyung;Kim, Kyun-Yo;Ko, Yu-Jeong;Chae, Jong-Moon;Choi, Jae-Kap
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.409-420
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    • 2009
  • The aim of this study was to investigate clinical assessment, panorama & MRI findings and cephalometric characteristics in 42 patients with condylar resorption, who visited in the Department of Oral Medicine Kyungpook National University Hospital at 2006. The results were as follows; 1. Clinical assessment 1) Female was 34 and male was 8, females were predominant. Distribution of age showed as follows; 10s was 14, 20s was 13, 30s was 7, 40s was 3, 50s was 4 and 60s was 1 patient. 10s and 20s were predominant. 2) Most of the patients had parafunctional habit. 2. Findings of panorama & MRI 1) Most of the patients had degree of Grade II condylar resorption by panorama taking. 2) Most of the patients had disc dislocation and belonged to the degree of stage IV by MRI taking. 3. Cephalometric Characteristics 1) SN, SAr and saddle angle in female patients were significantly smaller and SN in male patients showed only significantly smaller than normal group. 2) SNA showed no difference from the normal group in both patients. SNB was smaller and ANB was lager in female patients than normal group. 3) SN-GoMe and FMA increased in patients. 4) Total posterior facial height & ramus height were significantly smaller. 5) Mandibular body length did not show any significant difference.