• Title/Summary/Keyword: s-transformed system

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Numerical flow computation around aeroelastic 3D square cylinder using inflow turbulence

  • Kataoka, Hiroto;Mizuno, Minoru
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.5 no.2_3_4
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    • pp.379-392
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    • 2002
  • Numerical flow computations around an aeroelastic 3D square cylinder immersed in the turbulent boundary layer are shown. Present computational code can be characterized by three numerical aspects which are 1) the method of artificial compressibility is adopted for the incompressible flow computations, 2) the domain decomposition technique is used to get better grid point distributions, and 3) to achieve the conservation law both in time and space when the flow is computed a with moving and transformed grid, the time derivatives of metrics are evaluated using the time-and-space volume. To provide time-dependant inflow boundary conditions satisfying prescribed time-averaged velocity profiles, a convenient way for generating inflow turbulence is proposed. The square cylinder is modeled as a 4-lumped-mass system and it vibrates with two-degree of freedom of heaving motion. Those blocks which surround the cylinder are deformed according to the cylinder's motion. Vigorous oscillations occur as the vortex shedding frequency approaches cylinder's natural frequencies.

A Study on the Drive Characteristic of the Power Supply System of 6 MeV Industrial Accelerator (6 MeV 산업용 가속기 전원 공급 장치의 구동특성에 관한 연구)

  • 임중열
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 1999.07a
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    • pp.415-418
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    • 1999
  • It is expected that industrial accelerator having been distributed fast in domestic these days will be widely used for various fields. In this study we deal with the basic consideration for the drive characteristic of power supply system in the system of industrial accelerator installed at Dongshin University. Beam energy of this system is 34keV~40KeV, 100A. The modulator emits a 11KV-380A pulse of $4.5\mu\textrm{s}$ duration that is transformed to about 34KV-40KV pulse by a pulse transformer.

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The Design of the Feedback Control System of Electromagnetic Suspension Using Kalman Filter

  • Jo, Jeong-Min;Han, Young-Jae;Lee, Chang-Young
    • International Journal of Railway
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.93-96
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    • 2011
  • The basic element of the EMS suspension is the electromagnet system, which suspends the vehicle without contact by attracting forces to the rails at the guideway. The suspension of a vehicle by attractive magnetic forces is inherently unstable and consequently it is continuously adjusted by the strength of the suspending electromagnet from rail irregularity and bending of the guideway. In order to improve reliable tracking, it needs to get feedback signals without measurement delay time. In this paper the concept of feedback control system with Kalman Filter in EMS is proposed. The input signals in the feedback control system are an air-gap and an acceleration signal. The air-gap signal with noise from the gap sensor is transformed to the filtered air-gap signal y without measurement delay time by using Kalman Filter. The filtered air-gap signal is transformed to a relative velocity and a relative acceleration signal. Then it multiplies these values by gain matrix in order to get the actuator's reference voltage value. The simulation results show that the dynamic responses of the suspension system can be improved by reducing the influence of measurement delay time of air-gap signals.

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Transformation and Gene Expression in Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis의 형질전환과 유전자 발현)

  • 백경희
    • Proceedings of the Botanical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1987.07a
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    • pp.169-174
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    • 1987
  • Arabidopsis thaliana has been used as a good model system for the molercular biological studies on plants for following reasons. It has small gonome size and short generation time, with easiness to obtain mutants and to be transformed. Prospect of its use in applied field is discussed briefly.

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Activity of Early Gene Promoters from a Korean Chlorella Virus Isolate in Transformed Chlorella Algae

  • Jung Heoy-Kyung;Kim Gun-Do;Choi Tae-Jin
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.952-960
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    • 2006
  • As a unicellular green alga that possesses many of the metabolic pathways present in higher plants, Chlorelia offers many advantages for expression of heterologous proteins. Since strong and constitutive promoters are necessary for efficient expression in heterologous expression systems, the development of such promoters for use in the Chlorella system was the aim of this study. Proteins encoded by the early genes of algal viruses are expressed before viral replication, probably by the host transcriptional machinery, and the promoters of these genes might be useful for heterologous expression in Chlorella. In this study, putative promoter regions of DNA polymerase, ATP-dependent DNA ligase, and chitinase genes were amplified from eight Korean Chlorella virus isolates by using primer sets designed based on the sequence of the genome of PBCV-1, the prototype of the Phycodnaviridae. These putative promoter regions were found to contain several cis-acting elements for transcription factors, including the TATA, CAAT, NTBBF1, GATA, and CCAAT boxes. The amplified promoter regions were placed into Chlorella transformation vectors containing a green fluorescence protein (GFP) reporter gene and the Sh ble gene for phleomycin resistance. C. vulgaris protoplasts were transformed and then selected with phleomycin. The GFP fluorescence intensities of cells transformed with chitinase, DNA polymerase, and DNA ligase gene promoter-GFP fusion constructs were 101.5, 100.8, and 95.8%, respectively, of that of CaMV 35S-GFP-transformed Chlorella cells. These results demonstrate that these viral promoters are active in transformed Chlorella.

Measurement of human skin moisture in the near infrared region from 1100 nm to 2200 nm by using a portable system

  • Suh, Eun-Jung;Ahn, Jhii-Weon;Woo, Young-Ah;Kim, Hyo-Jin
    • Proceedings of the PSK Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.290.2-290.2
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    • 2003
  • Skin Moisture is an important factor in skin health. Measurement of moisture content can provide diagnostic information on the condition of skin. In this study, a photo diode array type near infrared spectroscopy was used to determine skin moisture. Diffuse reflectance spectra were collected and transformed to absorbance using 1-nm stepsize over the wavelength range of 1100 nm to 2200 nm. (omitted)

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  • 최창근;김이두
    • Computational Structural Engineering
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 1988
  • I-BUILDS is the building design expert system conceptually modeled for synthesizing the conventional CAD programs (BUILDS; an integrated BUILding Desing System) and the knowledge base into an unified system. As a part of the efforts to build this system, this paper presents the conceptual model by which the data items generated by inference are transformed into a formatted input file to be used for several BUILDS subsystems, each of which is assigned to have various computational capabilities and to perform specialized task.

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Application of bilinear Transformation Method to Servo Sysstem Design and Position Control for a Cart System (서보계설계에 대한 쌍선형 변환법의 응용 및 카트의 위치제어)

  • 김상봉;오세준;정용길;김환성
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.290-298
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    • 1991
  • In the paper, the bilinear transformation method is applied to the design of servo system adopting the use of the internal model principle and the pole assignment method in a specified region. The pole assignment problem for the augmented system has been solved by using Tustin's function. The properties of Tustin's function have been shown in relation to the s-plane and z-planes, and the feedback law relationship between the original system and the transformed system has been cleared. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is proved via application for the cart system and the designed cart system is implemented by digital control with microcomputer and A-D/D-A converter.

Mutimedia Mail Authoring System Providing Message Integration (메시지 통합성을 제공하는 멀티미디어 메일 저작 시스템)

  • Lee, Taek-Kyeun;Kim, Tai-Yun
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.12
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    • pp.3139-3149
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    • 1997
  • E-mail system has been widely used for information transmission. As multimedia technologies are developed, many Internet services support multimedia. E-mail system only transmits 7bit ASCII data using simple mail transfer protocol(SMTP) specified in RFC 821. E-mail system can't support the authoring and the transmission of multimedia data. In this study multimedia mail authoring system has been designed and implemented in order to provide message integration. Multimedia messages can be authored and transformed into text types with this system. Transformed messages are transmitted from sender's mail transfer agent (MTA) to receiver's MTA by means of SMTP. Messages can be authored in hypertext markup language (HTML) including text, image, audio and video. This system provides integrated messages which consist or various media. BASE64 Encoding method is used in order to transform multimedia messages into text types. Received mails are managed by multimedia user agent (MUA) which is proposed in this study. Convenience for user is improved in this system.

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A study on the characteristics of color by change in architectural thinking system (건축 사유체계 변화에 의한 색채사용 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seon-Min
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.15 no.2 s.55
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    • pp.166-173
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    • 2006
  • Architectural color has been preserved the multiple characteristics reflected the change of social value criteria and technical development. Especially, the change of technical paradigm has led to variation from simple and fixed color system, as through the considerable change of architect's subject thinking, favored and symbolic system. Now, architectural color has also been revealed as the timely, moving, behavioral and existent color by anthropolatric thinking system. Therefore, it could be transformed expressive system reflected from abstract-pictorial characteristics, from the fixed to non-determining system, constructive to non-constructive system, context to expressive system, reasonal to emotional system, respectively. So, the range of architectural color has been extended as a element in reinforced the planned concept of the architect beyond the past decorated and symbolic color scope. As thereinafter, future's architectural color could be expected to concrete to the public-friendly relation system, developed widely to the system for reinforcing the concept not introduction of meaningless, fragmental and instinct color through the relational adaptation with design concept.