• Title/Summary/Keyword: rustling sound

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Development of Rustling Sound Generator Using Reciprocating Motion and Evaluation of Its Fabric Sound (왕복운동에 의한 직물마찰음발생장치의 개발 및 이를 이용한 직물소리 평가)

  • Kim Chun-Jeong;Cho Gil-Soo
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2006
  • In order to investigate the sensation of the fabric sound simulating the real wear-condition, the fabric sound simulator using reciprocating friction was developed. Fabric sounds from 5 specimen were generated by the fabric sound simulator and recorded using high performance microphone. Physical sound parameters of fabrics including level pressure of total sound (LPT), level range (${\Delta}L$), and frequency differences (${\Delta}f$) were calculated. For psychological evaluation, seven adjectives for sound (softness, loudness, sharpness, clearness, roughness, highness, and pleasantness) were used as the semantic differential scale. Fabric sounds by reciprocating friction of nylon taffeta and polyester leno had the highest value of LPT and evaluated as loud, sharp, rough, and unpleasant while polyester ultra suede and silk crepe de chine haying the lower LPT and ${\Delta}f$ were perceived as soft and quite. Comparing with fabric sound by one-way friction, fabric sound by reciprocation friction was perceived as more sharp, loud, and rough. LPT was also the most important factor affecting the sensation of the fabric sound by reciprocating friction.

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Relationship between Physical Properties and Sensibility of the rustling Sounds of Silk Fabrics (견직물의 마찰음에 대한 물리적 성질과 감성과의 관계)

  • 최계연;김춘정;조길수
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of sensation and sensibility from the rusting sound of silk fabrics. The mechanical properties and sound parameters were measured after recording the rusting sounds of 7 silk fabrics. Then, their relationships were analyzed through the evaluation of subjective sensation and sensibility and found a regression model for the sensibility from the mechanical properties. The adjectives of the sensibility were grouped into four: Elegant, Active, Tough, Modern. Soft and flexible fabrics were related with LPT negatively and induced elegant sensibility. And fabrics of the smoother and less changable to shear direction were related with LPT and Δf, and positively, and occurred active sensibility. On the other hands, rough, bulky, thick, and heavy fabrics were related with ARC and Δf, and induced with tough or modern sensibilities. About the sensibilities according to each fabric, STN8 was the most elegant, STN8-S was the most active, and TWL16 and STN16-N were the toughest.

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Effect of Fabric Sound of Vapor Permeable Water Repellent Fabrics for Sportswear on Psychoacoustic Properties (스포츠웨어용 투습발수직물 소리가 심리음향학적 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jee-Hyun;Lee, Kyu-Lin;Jin, Eun-Jung;Yang, Yoon-Jung;Cho, Gil-Soo
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 2012
  • The objectives of this study were to investigate the psychoacoustic properties of PTFE(Poly tetra Fluoroethylene) laminated vapor permeable water repellent fabrics which are frequently used for sportswear, to examine the relationship among fabrics' basic characteristics, mechanical properties and the psychoacoustic properties, and finally to propose the predicting model to minimize the psychoacoustic fabric sound. A total of 8 specimens' frictional sound were recorded and Zwicker's psychoacoustic parameters such as loudness(Z), sharpness(Z), roughness(Z), and fluctuation strength(Z) were calculated using the Sound Quality Program. Mechanical properties of specimens were measured by KES-FB system. Loudness(Z) of specimen D-1 was the highest, which means the rustling sound of the specimen D-1 was the most noisy. Statistically significant difference among film type was observed only in loudness(Z) for fabric sound. Based on ANOVA and post-hoc test, specimens were classified into less loud PTFE film group (groupI) and loud PTFE film group (groupII). Loudness(Z) was higher when staple yarn was used compared when filament yarn was used. According to the correlation between the mechanical properties of fabrics and loudness(Z) in groupI, the shear properties, compression properties and weight showed positive correlation with loudness(Z). According to the regression equation predicting loudness(Z) of groupI, the layer variable was chosen. In groupII, variables explaining the loudness(Z) were yarn types and shear hysteresis(2HG5).

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