• Title/Summary/Keyword: rotational velocity

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A Simulation to Find Rotation Efficiency according to the Draft Changes of Waterwheel in Open Rectangular Channel (사각형 개수로에서의 수차 흘수 변화에 따른 회전 효율 파악을 위한 시뮬레이션)

  • Lee, Kyong-Ho;Park, Hee-Wan
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, simulations were carried out to determine the efficiency of the rotation efficiency according to the draft of waterwheel in open rectangular channel. In the small hydroelectric generators to get the highest efficiency of waterwheel is very important. But the presence of various elements(free water surface flow, non-uniform velocity distribution because of the waterways wall friction etc) makes it difficult to create a mathematical formula. In this paper, we made a scale model and perform a physical simulation where the draft, gradient and flux is variable. Scale modelling with 10-step draft, 3-step gradients and 2-step flux, as well were constructed then computerized automatic experimental system were configured to acquire the rotational efficiency vs. draft of itself. Rotational efficiency is analyzed as for the draft of waterwheel using the acquired data by varying the gradient and flux of canal. Reviewing the analyzed data, it is confirmed that phenomena of efficiency shown at previous and present experiment is similar and revealed that computerized system shows more sophisticated numerical figures.

Experimentally validated FEA models of HF2V damage free steel connections for use in full structural analyses

  • Desombre, Jonathan;Rodgers, Geoffrey W.;MacRae, Gregory A.;Rabczuk, Timon;Dhakal, Rajesh P.;Chase, J. Geoffrey
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.385-399
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    • 2011
  • The aim of this research is to model the behaviour of recently developed high force to volume (HF2V) passive energy dissipation devices using a simple finite element (FE) model. Thus, the end result will be suitable for use in a standard FE code to enable computationally fast and efficient analysis and design. Two models are developed. First, a detailed axial model that models an experimental setup is created to validate the approach versus experimental results. Second, a computationally and geometrically simpler equivalent rotational hinge element model is presented. Both models are created in ABAQUS, a standard nonlinear FE code. The elastic, plastic and damping properties of the elements used to model the HF2V devices are based on results from a series of quasi-static force-displacement loops and velocity based tests of these HF2V devices. Comparison of the FE model results with the experimental results from a half scale steel beam-column sub-assembly are within 10% error. The rotational model matches the output of the more complex and computationally expensive axial element model. The simpler model will allow computationally efficient non-linear analysis of large structures with many degrees of freedom, while the more complex and physically accurate axial model will allow detailed analysis of joint connection architecture. Their high correlation to experimental results helps better guarantee the fidelity of the results of such investigations.

Study of Blood Characteristics in Stenosed Artery under Human Body Rotation by Using FSI Method (FSI 기법을 적용한 인체 회전 시 협착 혈관에서의 혈류 특성)

  • Cho, Seong Wook;Kim, Seungwook;Ro, Kyoung Chul;Ryou, Hong Sun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.449-457
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we performed a numerical analysis to investigate the effect of rotation on the blood flow and arterial wall behavior by using the FSI (fluid-structure interaction) technique. The geometry of the artery included 50% stenosis at the center. To simulate the rotational effect, 2-6 rps of axial velocity was applied to the arterial model. A spiral wave and asymmetric flow occurred due to the stenosis and axial rotation both in the rigid body model and in the FSI model. However, the arterial wall motion caused periodic and transient blood flow changes in the FSI model. The FRZ (fluid recirculation zone) decreased in the FSI model, which is a known predictor for the formation and vulnerability of plaque. Therefore, it is observed that arterial wall motion also influences the generation of the FRZ.

A Study of Spray Characteristic with Orifice Diameter for Single Column Rotating Fuel Nozzle (단열식 회전연료 노즐의 오리피스 직경에 따른 분무특성 연구)

  • Jang, Seong-Ho;Choi, Seong-Man
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.253-256
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    • 2009
  • In the micro turbojet engine less than 350kw power class, it is not easy to find out the good atomization fuel injector with good spray quality. However conceptually, rotating fuel injection system can give high atomization quality by only the centrifugal force of a high speed rotating shaft of the engine without high-pressure fuel pump. With this motivation, we manufactured very small rotating fuel injector of 40 mm diameter and performed under a variety of injection orifices. We measured droplet size, velocity and spray distribution by the PDPA(Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer) system. Also spray was visualized by using high speed camera. From the test results, we could understand that the length of liquid column from the injection orifice is mainly controlled by the rotational speeds. Furthermore, droplet size(SMD) is decreased with the rotational speeds and is influenced by the diameter of the injection orifice and liquid film thickness.

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The Role of Slits and Swirl Vanes on the Turbulent Flow Fields in Cone Type Gas Burner (콘형 가스버너의 난류유동장에 대한 슬릿과 스월베인의 역할)

  • Kim, Jang-Kweon;Jeong, Kyu-Jo
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.11b
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    • pp.341-346
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    • 2001
  • The gun-type gas burner adopted in this study is generally composed of some slits and swirl vanes. Therefore, this paper is studied to investigate the effect of slits and swirl vanes on the turbulent flow fields in the horizontal plane of gas swirl burner with a cone type baffle plate measured by using X-probe from hot-wire anemometer system. This experiment is carried out at flow rate $450\;{\ell}/min$, which is equivalent to the combustion air flow rate necessary for heat release 15,000 kcal/hr in gas furnace, in the test section of subsonic wind tunnel. When the burner has only swirl vanes, the axial mean velocity component shows the characteristic that spreads more remarkably toward radial direction than axial one, but when it has only slits, that is developed spreading more toward axial direction than radial one. Therefore, because the biggest speed is spurted in slits and it derive main flow toward axial direction encircling rotational flow that comes out from swirl vane that is situated on the inside of slits, both slits and swirl vanes composing of cone type gas burner act role that decreases the speed near slits and increases the flow speed in the central part of a burner. Moreover, because rotational flow by swirl vanes and fast jet flow by slits increase turbulent intensities effectively coexisting, the turbulent kinetic energy is distributed with a bigger size fairly near slits than burner models which have only slit or swirl vanes within X/R<0.6410.

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A Study of Spray Characteristics of the Rotating Fuel Nozzle with Orifice Diameters (회전연료노즐의 오리피스직경에 따른 분사특성연구)

  • Lee, Mae-Hoon;Jang, Seong-Ho;Lee, Dong-Hun;Choi, Seong-Man
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2010
  • An experimental study was performed to understand spray characteristics of the V type rotating fuel nozzle with orifice diameters by using high speed rotational system. The experimental apparatus consist of a high speed rotational system, fuel injection system and acrylic case. The droplet size and velocity were measured by PDPA(Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer) and spray was visualized by using Nd-Yag laser-based flash photography. From the test results, droplet size is reduced with increasing orifice diameter up to the critical value. When increasing orifice diameter over than this critical value, droplet size is not decreased with increasing the orifice diameter. This is due to the irregular distribution of the liquid sheet around the inner surface of injection orifice.

Two-Dimensional Moving Blade Row Interactions in a Stratospheric Airship Contra-Rotating Open Propeller Configuration

  • Tang, Zhihao;Liu, Peiqing;Guo, Hao;Yan, Jie;Li, Guangchao
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.500-509
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    • 2015
  • The numerical simulation of two-dimensional moving blade row interactions is conducted by CFD means to investigate the interactions between the front and rear propeller in a stratospheric airship contra-rotating open propeller configuration caused by different rotational speeds. The rotational speed is a main factor to affect the propeller Reynolds number which impact the aerodynamic performance of blade rows significantly. This effect works until the Reynolds number reaches a high enough value beyond which the coefficients become independent. Additionally, the interference on the blade row has been revealed by the investigation. The front blade row moves in the induced-velocity field generated by the rear blade row and the aerodynamic coefficients are influenced when the rear blade row has fast RPMs. The rear blade row moving behind the front one is affected directly by the wake and eddies generated by the front blade row. The aerodynamic coefficients reduce when the front blade row has slow RPMs while increase when the front blade row moves faster than itself. But overall, the interference on the front blade row due to the rear blade row is slight and the interference on the rear blade row due to the front blade row is much more significant.

Effects of Reagent Rotation on Stereodynamics Information of the Reaction O(1D)+H2 (v = 0, j = 0-5) → OH+H: A Theoretical Study

  • Kuang, Da;Chen, Tianyun;Zhang, Weiping;Zhao, Ningjiu;Wang, Dongjun
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.31 no.10
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    • pp.2841-2848
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    • 2010
  • Quasiclassical trajectory (QCT) method has been used to investigate stereodynamics information of the reaction $O(^1D)+H_2{\rightarrow}\;OH$+H on the DK (Dobbyn and Knowles) potential energy surface (PES) at a collision energy of 23.06 kcal/mol, with the initial quantum state of reactant $H_2$ being set for v = 0 (vibration quantum number) and j = 0-5 (rotation quantum number). The PDDCSs (polarization dependent differential cross sections) and the distributions of P($\theta_r$), P($\phi_r$), P($\theta_r$, $\phi_r$) have been presented in this work. The results demonstrate that the products are both forward and backward scattered. As j increases, the backward scattering becomes weaker while the forward scattering becomes slightly stronger. The distribution of P($\theta_r$) indicates that the product rotational angular momentum j' tends to align along the direction perpendicular to the reagent relative velocity vector k, but this kind of product alignment is found to be rather insensitive to j. Furthermore, the distribution of P($\phi_r$) indicates that the rotational angular momentum vector of the OH product is preferentially oriented along the positive direction of y-axis, and such product orientation becomes stronger with increasing j.

A Study of Spray Characteristics of the Rotating Fuel Nozzle with Orifice Diameters (회전연료노즐의 오리피스직경에 따른 분사특성연구)

  • Lee, Mae-Hoon;Jang, Seong-Ho;Lee, Dong-Hun;Choi, Seong-Man
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.258-263
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    • 2010
  • An experimental study was performed to understand spray characteristics of the V type rotating fuel nozzle with orifice diameters by using high speed rotational system. The experimental apparatus consist of a high speed rotational system, fuel injection system and acrylic case. The droplet size and velocity were measured by PDPA(Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer) and spray was visualized by using Nd-Yag laser-based flash photography. From the test results, droplet diameters are reduced with increasing orifice diameter and the optimum injection orifice diameter is 2.6 mm. When increasing orifice diameter over than 2.6 mm, droplet diameter is not decreased with increasing orifice diameter. This is due to the irregular distribution of the liquid sheet around the inner surface of injection orifice.

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A Kinetics Analysis of Forward 11/2 Somersault on the Platform Diving (플랫폼 다이빙 앞으로 서서 앞으로 11/2회전 동작의 운동역학적 분석)

  • Jeon, Kyoung-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.209-218
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    • 2013
  • This study was to perform the kinetic analysis of forward $1\frac{1}{2}$ somersault on the platform diving. Six men's diving players of the Korea national reserve athletes participated in this study. The variables were analyzed response time, velocity, center of mass (COM), angle, center of pressure (COP) and ground reaction force (GRF) of motion. For measure and analysis of this study, used to synchronized to 4 camcorder and 1 force plate, used to the Kwon3D XP (Ver. 4.0, Visol, Korea) and Kwon GRF (Ver. 2.0, Visol, Korea) for analyzed of variables. The results were as follows; Time factor were observed in maximum knee flexion depending on the extent of use at phase 1 of take-off to execute the somersault. This enabled the subject to secure the highest possible body position in space at the moment of jumping to execute the somersault and prepare for the entry into the water with more ease. Regarding the displacement of COM, all subjects showed rightward movement in the lateral displacement during technical execution. Changes in forward and downward movements were observed in the horizontal and vertical displacements, respectively. In terms of angular shift, the shoulder joint angle tended to decrease on average, and the elbow joints showed gradually increasing angles. This finding can be explained by the shift of the coordinate points of body segments around the rotational axis in order to execute the half-bending movement that can be implemented by pulling the lower limb segments toward the trunk using the upper limb segments. The hip joint angles gradually decreased; this accelerated the rotational movement by narrowing the distance to the trunk. Movement-specific shifts in the COP occurred in the front of and vertical directions. Regarding the changes in GRF, which is influenced by the strong compressive load exerted by the supporting feet, efficient aerial movements were executed through a vertical jump, with no energy lost to the lateral GRF.