• Title/Summary/Keyword: root and leaf

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Development of computer program for the Growth Function in plant Growth Analysis: Effect of Seed Weight and Resources on Growth of Wild Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) (植物의 成長과 成長解析에 對한 Computer Program 開發에 關한 硏究 - 種子의 무게, 資源이 植物의 成長에 미치는 影響)

  • Choe, Hyun Sup
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.225-236
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    • 1990
  • We studied that seeds of wild radish with different size of weight can be obtained for the purpose of differentiation and growth of these seeds by total growth periods. This study is practised a view of plant eco-physiological side and dry-matter production. Through whole growth periods, we knowthat seed weight of L plots was higher than that of M and S plots. In the 33th day after day after germination, growth values of L, M and S plots were 13.93, 7.77, and 4.61 g/plant, respectively. Growth of shoot (cotyledon and leaf) area and shoot weight were shown the similar trends with individual plant dry-amtter weight. In the 33th day after germination, shoot area of L, M and S plots were 21.55, 11.81 and 8.75 $cm^3$/plant and shoot dry weight of L, M and S plots were 10.83, 6.03, 3.50 g/plant, respectively. In the early stage of growth (the 10-14th day after germination), the values of RGR of seed weight of L, M, S plots were 0.2887, 0.2807 and 0.2365 g/g/day, in the late stage of growth, those values of RGR of L, M, S plote were 0.2721, 0.1716, 0.1727 g/g/day, respectively. In the early stage of growth (the 14th day after germination), the values of NAR or L, M and S plots were 0.1513, 0.1373, and 0.1094 g/$cm^2$/day, respectively. It is thought that seed weights were influenced seriously effect in the early stage of growth. The NAR value, in the late stage of growth (the-28-33th day after germination), of L, M and S plots were not large different as 0.1086, 0.1097 and 0.112 g/$cm^2$/day, respectively. The LAR values of M and S (2.0396, 2.1520 $m^2$/g) plots, in the early stage of growth, were higher than L (1.9037 $m^2$/g) plots. In the late stage of growth, the value of LAR of L plots were nearly same as M plots, but the value of S plots were higher than that of L and M plots (0.0458 $m^2$/g). And, in the early stage of growth, the values of SLA of L, M and S plots were 2.2123, 2.2107 and 2.8448 $m^2$/g, respectively. We measured the photosynthetic rates and the respiratory rates as the physiological characteristics of wild radish. In the early stage of growth, the photosynthetic rates of L, M and S plots were 12.4, 14.4, 9.8 $\mu$mol /$m^2$/sec and 9.4, 11.4, 9.8 $\mu$mol/$m^2$ /sec in the late stage of growth, respectively. In this result, it could be informed that photosynthetic rates in the late stage of growth were lower than the early stage. In the middle stage of growth, the respiratory rates were 0.793, $\mu$mol/$m^2$/min in shoot, and 3.28 $\mu$mol/$m^2$/min in root without relation to seed weight. The growth analysis of plants was used by Hunt & Parson s computer program (1974, 1981) and its results used this program were good. Therefore, in this sense, it could be expected that the computer program used and developed largely in researches of plant growth.

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Genotypical Variation in Nitrate Accumulation of Lettuce and Spinach (상추와 시금치의 품종별 질산태 질소 축적 차이)

  • Chung, Jong-Bae;Lee, Yong-Woo;Choi, Hee-Youl;Park, Yong;Cho, Moon-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.38-44
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    • 2005
  • In addition to the variation in nitrate accumulation of vegetables due to environmental conditions, there is also a distinct genetic variation. The variation of nitrate accumulation in some cultivars of lettuce and spinach commonly cultivated in Korea was investigated. Ten cultivars for both lettuce and spinach were grown in plastic containers filled with a 1:1 mixture of perlite and vermiculite with application of Hoagland No. 2 nutrient solution of high nitrate content (17.3 mM N) in a greenhouse condition. Plants were harvested four weeks after transplanting four-leaf stage seedlings. Plant growth was measured by fresh and dry matter of shoot, and contents of nitrate and other inorganic ions and organic solutes including sugar, amino acids and organic acids were measured. Large and significant genotypical variations in the nitrate content of the plants were found for both lettuce and spinach, and high negative correlations between nitrate content and fresh or dry weight were found in lettuce and spinach. Variation in nitrate accumulation of lettuce and spinach cultivars was not directly related to the differences in contents of organic and inorganic solutes, and this result indicates that photosynthesis and osmotic regulation are not directly related with the nitrate accumulation. Considering the correlations between nitrate content and plant growth of this study, it can be simply suggested that different cultivars of lettuce and spinach have their own inherited growth and physiological characteristics and also optimum nitrogen level required for the growth. Therefore when available nitrogen in root media is higher than the optimum level required for the inherited growth potential, some of the excess nitrate supplied can be accumulated in plants.

Effects of Long Term Fertilizations on Growth, Yield and Grain Development of Rice (비료의 장기연용이 벼의 생육ㆍ수량 및 미립발달에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Hee-Suk;Lee, Moon-Hee;Shim, Jai-Sung
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 1991
  • This study was conducted to determine the effect of 20 years long term fertilizations on the physical and chemical properties of paddy soil and the growth, yield, yield components and grain development of rice. Non-fertilized, PK, NK, NP, NPK, NPK + compost, NPK+straw and NPK+lime have been applied since 1968 after surface paddy soil was removed. NPK+compost and NPK+straw applications increased the content of organic matter, available P and CEC, and lime increased soil acidity and SiO$_2$ content. While chemical contents in non-fertilized treatment were low as compared with other treatments. Soil porosity was higher in NPK+straw (51.4%) and NPK+lime(53.1%) than in NPK application (49.8%). Soil hardness was highest in the NPK application and was lowest in the NPK + lime. Continuous application of straw with NPK markedly increased the content of aggregate with over 1mm(19.6%) as compared with NPK application (7.1%). Plant height, tiller number, root number, leaf area index and total dry weight were higher in the applications of compost, straw and lime with NPK than in any other treatments. Brown rice yield in non-fertilized, PK and NP applications was decreased 45, 55, 15 and 5% of that in NPK application, respectively, while application of compost, straw and lime with NPK increased the yield by 11, 14 and 4%, respectively, during 20 years. The number of differentiated rachis branchs in the application of compost, straw and lime was 17 to 21 and that in the other application was 13 to 15, whereas the degenerated rachis branchs was low in the application of compost, straw and lime with NPK. The applications having higher level of perfect rice grain such as non-fertilized, NPK+compost, NPK+straw and NPK+lime had high grain weight and had low level of white core rice, white belly rice. The white core and belly rice was highest in the NP application and notched belly rice kernel was markedly increased in NK and NP applications. The period of grain filling was 30 DAH at NP and NPK applications, 35 DAH at NK and NPK+lime, 40DAH at NPK+compost and NPK+ straw, and 45DAH at non-fertilized, respectively.

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A Comparative Study on the Growth Characteristics and Nutritional Components of Corn Hybrids for Silage at Paddy Field Cultivation (논토양에 사일리지용 옥수수 재배시 품종별 생육특성 및 영양성분 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Wan-Su;Hwang, Joo-Hwan;Lee, Jae-Hun;Kim, Eun-Joong;Jeon, Byong-Tae;Moon, Sang-Ho;Lee, Sang-Moo
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.15-28
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to know adaptability and growth characteristics, yield, chemical compositions and nutrition yield of corn hybrids for silage at paddy field. The field experiments were conducted at Sangju province for one year (2009). The experimental design was arranged in a randomized block design with three replication. The treatments consisted of eleven corn hybrids. The planting date was on 1 May and harvested at 24 August. Stem diameter, stem hardness and number of ear were higher in P32P75 than other varieties. Ear height, dead leaf and green degree were highest in $NC^+$7117, but number of root system and Brix ($B^{\circ}$) were higher in P3394 than other varieties. Crude protein and crude fat (EE) were highest in P32K61 and P31P41, respectively (P<0.01). NDF and ADF were highest in KPO and KIO, respectively, but no significant differences were found among the varieties. Total mineral contents were the highest in Kwangpyongok (9,775 mg/kg), and P3394 (6,651 mg/kg) was the lowest as compared to other varieties (P<0.01). Crude protein yield, crude fat yield and mineral yield were highest in P3156, P31P41 and KPO, respectively (P<0.01). Total composition amino acid and total fatty acid were the highest in P32K61 and KIO, respectively (P<0.01). Yields of crude protein, fatty acid, composition amino acid and TDN were the highest in P3156 (P<0.01). But yields of crude protein and mineral were the highest in P31P41 and KPO, respectively (P<0.01). Total digestible nutrient (TDN) was higher in order of P3156 > $NC^+$7117 > P31N27 > KPO > P32K61 > P32T83 > P32P75 > P31P41 > P3394 > P32W86 > KIO. Based on the above results, corn hybrid varieties could be recommended in P3156, NC+7117 and P31N27 for growth characteristics, quantitative production and nutrition yield.

Growth Performances and Physiological Responses of Quercus spp. and Fraxinus rhynchophylla Subjected to Different Soil Moisture Regimes and Nutrition Levels (수분(水分) 및 양료(養料) 처리(處理)에 따른 참나무류와 물푸레나무의 생장 및 생리 반응)

  • Kwon, Ki Won;Lee, Jeoung Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.83 no.2
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    • pp.164-174
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    • 1994
  • Temporal changes in growth performances, chlorophyll contents, and tissue water relations for determining their physiological responses of five economic tree species subjected to chronic water and nutrition stresses were investigated with containerized seedlings grown in different soil moisture regimes and nutrition levels. Seedlings of Quercus acutissima, Q. variabilis, Q. mongolica, Q. serrata, and Fraxinus rhynchophylla were propagated in plastic pots(I.D. $16cm{\times}Depth$ 16cm) for the experiments. The seedlings were subjected to two soil moisture regimes of dry and wet soils and two nutrition levels of fertilization with N+P+K and no fertilization through the growing season from May to September in a green house. For the purpose of analyzing their responses to the environmental stresses, seedling heights and root collar diameters, chlorophyll contents, and P-V curve parameters of the seedlings were measured in May, July, and September. The environmental stresses coming from moisture and nutrient deficits affected the growth performances of seedlings variously among species and among different growing periods, as well as between height and basal diameter growth of seedlings. The growth performances of Q. acutissima were influenced sensitively on the stresses, but those of Q. mongolica less influenced in comparison with other species. Chlorophyll contents were generally higher in Quercus spp. than F. rhynchophylla through the growing season. The chlorophyll contents changed by species and by treatment through the season within ranges of 0.14~1.96 mg/g dry wt. of chlorophyll a and within 0.16~1.79mg/g dry wt. of chlorophyll b, respectively. But the contents seemed to be decreased gradually through the chronic environmental stresses and leaf senescence. The osmotic potential at full turgor(${\Psi}{{\pi}o}$) and turgor loss point(${\Psi}{\pi}p$) had temporarily declined up to 3 to 5bars from -7.0~-12.4bars in May to -10.2~-17.5bars in September and up to 5 to 6bars from -7.6~-14.2bars in May to -12.9~-20.4bars in September, respectively, with some exceptions. The values of ${\Psi}{\pi}p$ were generally high in F. rhynchophylla in May and July, but high in Q. serrata in September. Relative water contents at turgor loss point(RWCp) were generally high in F. rhynchophylla, but the temporal changes of RWCp were quite and frequently different among species and among treatment.

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Effects of Drought Stress and Nitrogen Fertilization on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Pinus densiflora Seedlings Under Elevated Temperature and CO2 Concentration (대기 중 온도 및 CO2 농도 조절에 따른 건조 스트레스와 질소 시비가 소나무의 생장 및 생리적 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, Wookyung;Lee, Bora;Cho, Nanghyun;Jung, Sungcheol;Kim, Eun-Sook;Lim, Jong-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2020
  • Pinus densiflora is the most widely distributed tree species in South Korea. Its ecological and socio-cultural attributes makes it one of the most important tree species in S. Korea. In recent times however, the distribution of P. densiflora has been affected by dieback. This phenomenon has largely been attributed to climate change. This study was conducted to investigate the responses of growth and physiology of P. densiflora to drought and nitrogen fertiliz ation according to the RCP 8.5 scenario. A Temperature Gradient Chamber (TGC) and CO2. Temperature Gradient Chamber (CTGC) were used to simulate climate change conditions. The treatments were established with temperature (control versus +3 and +5℃; aCeT) and CO2 (control: aCaT versus x1.6 and x2.2; eCeT), watering(control versus drought), fertilization(control versus fertilized). Net photosynthesis (Pn), stomatal conductance (gs), biomass and relative soil volumetric water content (VWC) were measured to examine physiological responses and growth. Relative soil VWC in aCeT significantly decreased after the onset of drought. Pn and gs in both aCeT and eCeT with fertiliz ation were high before drought but decreased rapidly after 7 days under drought because nitrogen fertilization effect did not last long. The fastest mortality was 46 days in aCeT and the longest survival was 56 days in eCeT after the onset of drought. Total and partial biomass (leaf, stem and root) in both aCeT and eCeT with fertiliz ation were significantly high, but significantly low in aCeT. The results of the study are helpful in addressing P. densiflora vulnerability to climate change by highlighting physiological responses related to carbon allocation under differing simulated environmental stressors.

Effect of Irrigation Methods for Reducing Drainage on Growth and Yield of Paprika (Capsicum annuum 'Coletti') in Rockwool and Cocopeat Culture (배액절감형 양액공급 방법이 파프리카(Capsicum annuum 'Coletti') 생육과 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • An, Chul Geon;Hwang, Yeon Hyeon;An, Jae Uk;Yoon, Hae Suk;Chang, Young Ho;Shon, Gil Man;Hwang, Seung Jae;Kim, Kang Soo;Rhee, Han Cheol
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.228-235
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effect of irrigation methods for reducing a drainage on the growth and yield in rockwool (Grodan co.) and cocopeat (chip : dust = 50 : 50 included fiber) culture. The nutrient solution was irrigated by $100J{\cdot}cm^{-2}$-100 mL, $50J{\cdot}cm^{-2}$-45 mL, $50J{\cdot}cm^{-2}$-40 mL, $50J{\cdot}cm^{-2}$-35 mL ($100{\sim}50J{\cdot}cm^{-2}$-100~35 mL, Nutrient solution 100~35 mL was irrigated per plant when the accumulated radiation was $100{\sim}50J{\cdot}cm^{-2}$). The drain rates per plant of 100-100, 50-45, 50-40, 50-35 were 26.3%, 8.8%, 6% 4.4% and 23.1%, 7.5%, 5% 3.4% in rockwool and cocopeat slabs. The water contents and EC of 100-100 and 50-45 were managed by the 55~70%, $3.0{\sim}5.0dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$ which were good condition for paprika culture in rockwool and cocopeat slabs, while those of 50-40 and 50-35 were managed by beyond 50%, $4.5{\sim}9.5dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$. The plant height, number of branches and leaf size of 100-100 and 50-45 were similarly increased while those of 50-40 and 50-35 were decreased. The fruit size and weight of 50-40 and 50-35 were small and light, while those of 100-100 and 50-45 were similarly big and heavy. The marketable fruits of 100-100 and 50-45 treatments were similarly more by 9.7~9.8 in rockwool and 8.8~8.9 in cocopeat, while the unmarketable fruits, the small and blossom end rot fruits were increased in 50-40 and 50-35 treatments. The yield of 100-100 and 50-45 treatments were similarly high.

Characteristics and management of citrus orchard soils in Jeju (제주도(濟州道) 감귤원토양(柑橘園土壤)의 특성(特性)과 관리(管理))

  • Park, Hoon;Yoo, Sun-Ho;Hong, Soon Beum
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.135-152
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    • 1975
  • The following informations are known from physical and chemical characteristics of orchard soils and nutritional diagnosis of orange leaves in Jeju. 1. Most orange orchards are located on terrace and cindercone thus soil moisture and microclimate of an orchard will greatly be affected by its topography. 2. Excessive well drainage, shallow soil depth, high content of gravels, low solid phase ratio and strong wind will give severe problem of soil moisture and wind errosion, thus the exte- nsion of soil depth is necessary for maintain nutrients, water and sufficient root volume. 3. Available soil water was significantly and positively correlated with organic matter content and clay content also contributes to available soil water. Vinyl mulching was greatly helpful for soil water conservation, wind errosion prevention, soil temperature increases during winter. 4. Abundant amphoteric amorphous allophane take a key role to fix phosphorus and also rations and thus it is the major factor to determine fertilizer efficiency. Lime and phosphorus must be applied in deeper soil layer. Release of filed phosphorus must be reevluated for availability. 5. Organic matter such as see weeds will greatly increase fertilizer efficiency and low fertilizer efficiency during spring may be related to available soil water. 6. Nitrogen was in superoptimum and Mg was enough but P and Ca were somewhat deficient according to leaf analysies while K was deficient according to fruit analysis. Phosphorus application increased sugar/acid ratio and potassium decreases rind percentage. 7. Manganese deficiency and toxicity appeared in a few places. Iron and boron were enough. Most places showed tendency of copper excess but some places showed copper deficiency. 8. Soiling after elimination of rock base, application of slow release fertilizer and abundant organic matter, vinyl mulching and drip irrigation will increase fertilizer efficiency greatly and fruit yield drastically.

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Effects of Culture Media and Growth Regulators on Callus Culture in Quercus Species (참나무류(類)의 Callus배양(培養)에 있어서 배지(培地) 및 식물생장조절물질(植物生長調節物質)의 영향(影響))

  • Lee, Jae Soon;Kim, Chi Moon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.213-231
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    • 1987
  • For callus culture of leaves and internodal tissue of Quercus acutissirna Carr. and Quercus variabitisBL, MS and GD media were supplemented with combinations of different levels of growth substances such as NAA and BAP, NAA and kinetin, 2,4-D and BAP, and 2,4-D and kinetin. The results were obtained as follows; 1. The rates of formation and growth of callus were good on the GD medium supplemented with NAA and BAP, but the values were quite variable on the MS medium. Root formation occurred at the ratio of 1 : 10-100 in the concentrations of BAP and NAA. 2. The GD medium supplemented with the combination of NAA and kinetin showed 100% callus formation. The callus grew well on the other medium except for that with low concentration of NAA and kinetin. Most of roots were developed from leaf tissue cultured on GD media. 3. The GD medium supplemented with the combination of 2,4-D and BAP also showed 100% callus formation, and growth of callus was good on both of MS and GD media. In particular, the callus derived from internodal tissue showed. the most vigorous growth and reached above 22mm diameter, when they were cultured on MS media supplemented wi th the combinations of $10{\mu}M$ 2,4-D and $1.0{\mu}M$ BAP, and $10{\mu}M$ 2,4-D and $0.1{\mu}M$ BAP. 4. The GD medium supplemented with the combination of 2,4-D and kinetin showed high rate of callus formation, as compared with MS medium Callus grew well on both of MS and GD media.

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Effects of Environmental Factors on Growth and Nitrogen Fixation Activity of Autumn Olive (Elaeognus umbellata) Seedlings (보리수나무 유식물의 생장과 질소고정 활성에 대한 환경요인의 영향)

  • 송승달
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.387-394
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    • 1994
  • Effects of environmental factors of light, temperature, nitrogen sources and water stress were analyzed quantitatively on the nodule formation and nitrogen fixation activity of autumn olive plant (Elaeagnu$ umbellala Thunb.) during the seedling growth. Seedlings showed the maximum nitrogenase activity of $72.5\;\mu\textrm{M}\;C_2H_4{\cdot}g\;fr\;wt\;nodule^{-1}{\cdot}h^{-1}$ in the early nodulation stage. The relative growth rate and T/R ratio changed from $1.60%{\cdot}d^{-1}$ and 1.12 in the earlier stage to $3.75%{\cdot}d^{-1}$ and 2.31 in the later stage, respectively. light conditions of 20-25, 1015 and 4-6% resulted in decreases of 41, 54 and 71% of the nitrogenase activity, respectively. Nodules incubated in 15, 20, 25 and $30^{\circ}C$ showed the activities of 5.4, 24.7, 51.6 and $58.5\;\mu\textrm{M}\;C_2H_4{\cdot}g\;fr\;wt\;nodule^{-1}{\cdot}h^{-1}$ respectively. Pretreatment with low temperature ($15^{\circ}C$) followed incubation at $30^{\circ}C$ attained higher nitrogenase activity ($66.5\;\mu\textrm{M}\;C_2H_4{\cdot}g\;fr\;wt\;nodule^{-1}{\cdot}h^{-1}$) than that with higher temperature ($35^{\circ}C$). The oxygen pressure above 16 kPa is necessary for saturation of the nodule activity, but the activity was inhibited severely by physical impact such as the exision or isolation of nodules from the root. The relative activities of early nodules grown in pH 5.5, 6.5 and 8.0 were 89, 100 and 40% and those grown in 1 and 3 mM of $NO_3\;and\;NH_4$ were 6, 1 and 68, 50%, respectively. Watering levels of 20, 50 and 100 mL during the seedling growth resulted in 35, 120 and 8 mg of nodule formation and 33.6, 58.4 and $8.4\;\mu\textrm{M}\;C_2H_4{\cdot}g\;fr\;wt\;nodule^{-1}{\cdot}h^{-1}$ of the nitrogenase activity, respectively. Water stress with 86% decrease of soil water content caused temporary wilting point of leaf and a complete disappearance of nitrogenase activity of nodules, though the water content and transpiration rate in plant were reduced to 90 and 53%, respectively.tively.

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