• Title/Summary/Keyword: road marking

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  • Wu, Y.J.;Lian, F.L.;Huang, C.P.;Chang, T.H.
    • International Journal of Automotive Technology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.513-520
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we propose an approach to identify the driving environment for intelligent highway vehicles by means of image processing and computer vision techniques. The proposed approach mainly consists of two consecutive computational steps. The first step is the lane marking detection, which is used to identify the location of the host vehicle and road geometry. In this step, related standard image processing techniques are adapted for lane-related information. In the second step, by using the output from the first step, a four-stage algorithm for vehicle detection is proposed to provide information on the relative position and speed between the host vehicle and each preceding vehicle. The proposed approach has been validated in several real-world scenarios. Herein, experimental results indicate low false alarm and low false dismissal and have demonstrated the robustness of the proposed detection approach.

Position of Stop Line according to the Left Turn Trajectory at Intersection (교차로 좌회전 궤적에 따른 정지선 위치에 관한 연구)

  • 김기용;김동녕
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 2000
  • Position of stop line according to left turn trajectory at intersections was studied. The Purpose of this study is to suggest a design guideline of left turn trajectory at intersections which is related to the Position of cross road stop line. Distance from the curb line to the stop line at each lane was calculated and discussed for various combination of road widths. Three design vehicle type and three control radii were considered. Setbacks of stop line from the curb line are Proportional to the control radius which depends on type of design vehicle. 8m, lim and 19m setback for control radius of 12m, 15m and 23m were calculated respectively as their maximum value. This result will be helpful to Paint the road marking on the Pavement which is usually difficult to fit to the designated radius. Field study of the effect of left turn trajectory on flow rate and safety was conducted. It was approved that improperly designed left turn trajectory decreases left turn capacity and increases conflicts among left turn flows of the adjacent lane.

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Effectiveness of Pavement Marking for Speed Reduction by Using Driving Simulator (시뮬레이터를 이용한 감속유도 노면표시의 효과 연구)

  • Noh, Kwan-Sub;Lee, Jong-Hak;Kim, Jong-Min;Jang, Hye-Ran
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to establish how drivers react on different pavement markings in a driving simulator for speed reduction. For this, forty one people between the ages of twenty and seventy took part in this experiment. A study analyzed which patterns are effective to reduce a speeding. As a results, 'Peripheral Transverse Lines II' were the most effective treatment for reducing driving speeds in the driving simulator. This study carries an important meaning when presenting the effectiveness of speed reduction for perceptual countermeasure based on the human factors. Further research will be required to determine the long term effectiveness of these countermeasures due to concerns over drivers becoming too accustomed to implemented markings. Also, the color contrasts (for example, dark asphalt with white markings) can be considered.

Modeling Traffic Accident Occurrence Involving Child Pedestrians at School Zone (공간적 특성을 고려한 어린이 교통사고 모형 개발)

  • BEAK, Tea Hun;Son, Seulki;PARK, Byung Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.489-498
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    • 2016
  • The objective of this study is to develop road traffic accident model involving child pedestrian especially at school zones and its surrounding area. The analysis is based upon traffic accident data collected near sixty elementary schools in City of Cheongju during 2012 and 2014. This study results in two statistical models ; one is to predict the number of road traffic accidents involving children, and the other is to predict EPDO(Equivalent Prperty Damage Only). These models are represented as Poisson models. which are statistically significant with the likelihood ratios of 0.533 and 0.273. The common explanatory variables of these models are the ratio of road section with more than 4 lanes, the number of entrance and exit, the number of signalized crosswalk in school zone, the number of school zone signage including road surface marking, and the number of speed limit signs. The specific variables are the length of road stretch in school zone, the number of reflector mirrors, and the number of signalized crosswalk outside school zone. It is concluded that these types of road safety facilities can reduce the number of traffic accidents involving children at school zones and its surrounding area.

Application Case of Test Construction of Hydro-Seeding Measures with Seed-Fertilizer-Soil Materials on the Slopes Along the National Road Between Munduk and Wubokgu (문덕우복구간 국도비탈면 종비토뿜어붙이기 시험시공 적용사례)

  • Jeon, Gi-Seong;Woo, Kyung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.130-138
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    • 2007
  • To protect the surface of ground-cutting slopes occurring at the national road substitute detour [roundabout road]construction jobsite between Munduk and Wubokgu within the jurisdiction of Pohang-si and environment-friendly road construction, a test execution of re-vegetation measures on the major slopes was done and the results are as follows : As a result of finding out the number of sprouting individuals on the test construction site, the average number of sprouting individuals on the three test spots by the method of revegetation measures D, revegetation measures A, and revegetation measures B was 1,292 number of per square meter, 1,190 number of per square meter, and 1,095 number of per square meter respectively, which statistics were higher than those of test spot by the revegetation measures C. As a result of finding out living plant's breeding index [weight in dried state], the average dried weight of living plant at the test spot by the method of revegetation measures B, in case of foreign herbal species, was the highest marking 8.96 grams per square meter, and the next was 6.86grams per square meter by the method of revegetation measures D, and the next after was 6.80 grams per square meter by the method of revegetation measures A, and the last 5.93 grams per square meter by the method of revegetation measures C. As a result of finding out the covering degree on the slopes, the same average covering degree of 80% and 77.5% in revegetation measures A and revegetation measures D individually, which showed a somewhat higher covering degree than those of revegetation measures B and revegetation measures C. As a result of finding out appearing plants on the test construction site, seeding plant life was found to be sprouting on all test spot while native and foreign herbal species and herbaceous plant as well as shrubs were growing in good harmony with each other. However, in case of revegetation measures B and revegetation measures C method, foreign plant species are dominantly growing. As a result of inspecting rifts on the slopes and the excavated state by water, there existed cracks in some of base materials only in revegetation measures C method applied spot.

The Food Habits and Habitat Use of Yellow-Throated Martens(Martes flavigula) by Snow Tracking in Korean Temperate Forest During the Winter (눈 위 발자국 추적을 통한 담비의 겨울철 생태특성 파악)

  • Woo, Donggul;Choi, Taeyoung;Kwon, Hyuksoo;Lee, Sanggyu;Lee, Jongchun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.532-548
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    • 2015
  • The winter ecology of individual yellow-throated martens(Martes flavigula) intemperate region of Korea were studied through snow-tracking. The study was performed across 3 winter seasons, from January 2011 to February 2013. Total distance of 49.8km was snow tracked (comprising 13 snow-tracking routes) to determine winter foraging habits, general behavior and movement paths of solitary and small groups (1-6 individuals; $mean=2.9{\pm}1.6$) of yellow-throated martens. The martens in the current study were omnivorous, with their winter diet including 9 animal and 5 plant species. Yellow-throated martens searched for food near and under the fallen logs and branches, root plates of fallen trees, around the roots of growing trees, and in small holes in the ground. They also climbed trees to search inside the tree holes and vacant bird nests. Foraging activity was estimated to occur at a frequency of 1.20 times/km, while territory marking occurred 1.42 times/km on average. Of the 60 documented foraging activities we observed, 17 were successful (28.3%). Moving activity and territory marking mainly occurred along ridges, whereas foraging activity was recorded in valleys, slopes, and forest edges. To protect the habitat of this species, the entire forest should be preserved, including the valleys, slopes, and even forest edges as well as main ridges.

Natural Environment Protection and Restoration of Historic Landscaping Works For Preserving The Ancient City of Gyeongju

  • Hong, Kwang-Pyo;Lim, Hyo-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.5_2
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    • pp.206-213
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    • 2010
  • This paper looks into how to preserve Gyeongju's natural environment and to restore its historic landscaping works, one of the greate factor that compose ancient city as a way of wisely preserving Gyeongju, one of the oldest cities of Korea. Gyeongju, a city based in its natural environment, is formated inside of a basin of mountains and streams. Mountains and streams are the major two factors when on thinks of preserving the ancient city of Gyeongju. Four mountains surrounding the city play a direct role in marking coordinates of major city landmarks, while streams influence the structure and formation of the city in a great deal. More precisely, mountains should be able to be seen from the center of the city and streams should be restored in a way that they can serve as scenic identities of their time. Efforts should also be put into restoring such elements as ancient gardens, royal forests and water ways. The research team believes that such efforts themselves will be a great methods in reclaiming historic values and significance of places of Gyeongju. Restoring an ancient city is not limited merely restoring a city in an artificial concept, it reaches to preserving natural environment as a backdrop of the city and traces of landscaping works. When it comes to restoring an ancient city, one must understand that preserving natural environment and historic landscaping works are as valuable as restoring city structure or constructional elements. We believe that defining subjects of ancient city restoration must be more precise, clear and detail down the road.

The Characteristics and Significance of Wood Block Printed Daedongyeojijeondo (목판본 "대동여지전도(大東輿地全圖)"의 특징과 가치)

  • Oh, Sang-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.184-200
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    • 2010
  • The production period of Daedongyeojijeondo is estimated from 1861 to 1866 in consideration of place names. Daedongyeojijeondo is elaborated enough that there are the latest data in, especially is better than Haejwajeondo that is a representative map in the 19th century in marking distance. Daedongyeojido is an official map for national defense and administration, on the other hand Daedongyeojijeondo is a popular map in which social and economical contents are included. The recognition of mountains and rivers based on organic view of the land is also represented in Daedongyeojijeondo, and the principle of the whole of mountains and rivers is well reflected. It is far better than modem maps in the expression of road system and distances, tidal area in rivers.

A theoretical Review on the Relationship between Stimulus-Patterns of Marking on the Road-Surface and Driving-Behavior (Aiming at developing a suitable Model related) (노면표지 자극양상과 운전행동 간의 관련성에 대한 이론적 고찰 (관련된 적정 모델 개발을 목표로))

  • 윤홍섭
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2000
  • 본 논문의 목적은 우리들의 현실적 노면표지 형태가 그 강도, 종류 및 출현빈도 측면에서 드러내는 지속적 증대 내지 강화 경향성을 문제점으로 제기하면서, 이런 노면표지 형태와 운전행동 간의 관련성에 대한 심리학적 제반 이론들을 고찰해보고 아울러 여기서 상호 연관적 특성을 밝혀주는 하나의 적절한 모델을 개발해보고자 하는 데에 두었다 이 모델에서는 운전자의 사고예방이나 안전운행이 곡 필요한 수준의 노면표지 자극화(stimulation)를 통해 조성된 쾌적한 교통환경에서 보다 용이하게 가능하다는 점이 전제되고 있다. 우리가 인간행동을 총체적으로나 효과적으로 분석하는 데 있어서는 일반심리적이거나 행동주의적 제반 이론 관점이 다소 미흡하다는 점이 지적되었다. 반면에 보다 거시적이고 종합적인 통찰에 중점을 두고있는 형태주의 심리학이나 장 이론적 시각은 행동분석 시에 비교적 결실적인 것으로 밝혀졌다 노면표지 자극의 양상여하가 운전자에게 스트레스, 정보과부담, 과도한 심리적 각성상태 등으로 인해 부정적인 영향을 미친다는 점에서는 이런 문제점이 환경심리학적 고찰측면에서도 관심의 대상이 되고 있다. \"노면표지 조성화 양 관점 모델\"에서 시사되고 는 터이지만. 이 모델에서의 노면표지 형태가 이론적인 면에서 \"정서-인지적\" 인간관에 근거를 두고있어 궁극적으로 이것이 옳다면, 그것은 곡 필요한 최소한의 수준에 머물러야 한다는 것이다. 올바른 운전행동, 다시 말해 교통법규 준수 행동은 노면표지 양상 측면의 각종 자극적 강화대책보다도 오히려 실효성 있는 교통교육, 확실한 적발 단속과 엄중한 처벌대책에 상대적으로 훨씬 더 큰 비중을 두고있는, 바로 그런 운전자의 의식개혁을 통해 비로소 제대로 정착될 수 있기 때문이다. 이 모델의 타당성 여부는 후속적 실증연구를 통해 해명되어질 수 있을 것이다.

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21st Century ROK's Art History Research on Central Eurasia (21세기 한국의 중앙유라시아 미술사 연구)

  • Lim, Young-ae
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.186-203
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    • 2015
  • This article attempts to examine both the outcome and future task of the art history research on Central Eurasia, better known under the name of "Silk Road". The term Central Eurasia encompasses Xinjiang Uygur, Tibet, Mongolia, former Soviet Republics, the northwest region of India, Iran and Turkey. The article analyzes the 30-year history of the region's art history research and further presents a desirable direction that the study should move towards. Though short in its research period, the ROK's art history study on Central Eurasia has shown eye-catching achievement in several areas such as the northwest region of India and the Xinjiang Uygur, Dunhwang of China. Two factors allowed for this accomplishment. First was the actual improvement of the work environment, where the scholars were finally able to travel to Central Eurasia and explore the historic sites for themselves since 1990. More important was the 'arena of study' for the next-generation scholars made possible by institutions like The Korean Association for Central Asian Studies and the Center for Central Eurasian Studies. Slowly but consistently, the two academic societies induced scholars' attention towards the field and fostered new experts. Circumstances changed, marking 2012 as the starting point. International academic forums held by the government branches surged in number. The intention behind it was to link the ROK with the Silk Road and ultimately to obtain the "Eurasia initiative". As of now, the public has shown heightened interest in the issue. The academia is subsequently riding on this second "wave of interest" following the first wave in the 1980s. However, increased popularity comes with some negative consequences, and this art history research on Central Eurasia is no exception. There are criticisms regarding the objectivity of recent academic forums. Some argue that the aim of the forums are sternly set most of the times, prohibiting the presenters to voice their own perspectives. Still, this heated attention will definitely play its role as a stepping stone for further development. The academia should commit to fostering rising researchers who will systemically and professionally study the field. This is imperative in order for the Korean culture to successfully communicate with the world and take itself to a new level. Without completing this task, the ROK's art history research on Central Eurasia is likely to remain idle.