• Title/Summary/Keyword: road map

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A Study on the Establishment of a Track for Entrepreneurship Convergence -Focusing on the Case of K University- (창업융합전공 트랙개설에 관한 연구 -K대학 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Im, Jin-Hyuk;Kwon, Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.177-186
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    • 2020
  • Entrepreneurship education has been emphasized worldwide and the number of universities that open related subjects have been increasing. K University, located in Gyeonggi-do, was selected as one of the leading universities in entrepreneurship in 2014, and has continued to grow quantitatively by providing support and education related to entrepreneurship on and off campus. In addition, major issues in entrepreneurship education were derived by conducting written or face-to-face interviews and advisory meetings with instructors, field experts, and education demanders for environmental analysis. Based on this, three major tracks(venture start-up, entrepreneurship convergence, and social venture activation) were derived, and major competency and learning goals for each track were presented. On the other hand, in order for this study to be more effectively accepted, it is necessary to present the objectives of each track, the capabilities pursued, and the courses that help students' progress. Therefore, in the future research, it is necessary to design and present the goals for each track, the curriculum road map, and the detailed curriculum of the convergence major, and at the same time, research to match the appropriate teaching method for each newly opened subject will be required to increase educational effectiveness.

Application of delphi method to the technology level assessment of food safety (델파이기법을 활용한 식품안전 기술수준 진단)

  • Gwon, So Young;Lee, Ye Seul
    • Food Science and Industry
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.209-217
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    • 2018
  • Delphi technique is widely used to develop consensus on group opinion. It is important to identify the strategic technologies and evaluate technology level for the establishment of national R&D policy to upgrade technology level. The aim of this article was to reflect on Food Safety technology level by using Delphi methodology. And, competitiveness of patents and journal articles is evaluated for Korea, USA, Japan, China and EU. As a result, USA is the most competitive country for all technology categories. The average technology level of Korea was 79.5% of world-top coungry and average technological gap was 6.1 years. Korea is grouped in middle-lower class for overall food safety technology level. However, there are some variances among the level of technologies. As a result of this study, food safety research management needs to expand R&D investment and training of food safety specialist. The results of this research can be utilized to establish a road map for transportation R&D and plans.

Myanmar in 2016: Starting of New Era, But Uncertain Future (미얀마 2016: 새로운 시대의 시작, 불안한 미래)

  • JANG, Jun Young
    • The Southeast Asian review
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.185-212
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    • 2017
  • The National League for Democracy (NLD) has restored a civilian government since the military had taken political power in 1962 as a result of general elections on 7, November 2015. But Daw Aung San Suu Kyi could not take part in the presidential election due to some restraints in constitution, so new government created the state counsellor position and the ministry of sate counsellor's office against military's resistance. It never publicized whether the military has to back to barracks including abolish of military's occupying the parliament seats. The ruling party is still taking laissez-faire to the military's political and economic role. The National level Ceasefire Agreement called the 21st Panglong conference launched in the end of August for a week, but stakeholders only insisted their demands. Rohingya issue is not involved in the 21st Panglong conference which aims to achieve national unity. The U.S. fully lifted a comprehensive sanction toward Myanmar since 1993, Japan promised huge grant assistance succeeding the former quasi civilian government. China strived to restore alienated relations of two countries. Although Korea kept Official Development Assistance, the summit which was planed two times in 2016 did not hold. The civilian government announced twelve points of developmental agenda in July 2016, instead of destroying the national development policy of the Thein Sein government. This agenda only showed the direction of policy not road map which was the same trend of the former government. The main direction of economic development stressed agriculture but manufacture like light industry was ignored.

Suggestion of Korea's Deep Space Exploration Roadmap through Participation to the Artemis International Manned Lunar Exploration Program (한국의 Artemis 국제공동 유인달탐사 참여를 중심으로 우리나라 심우주탐사 로드맵 제안)

  • Choi, Gi-Hyuk;Kim, Dae-Yeong
    • Journal of Space Technology and Applications
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.52-65
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    • 2022
  • Korea is near close the success on the indigenous launch vehicle KSLV-2 after the second test launch during the second half of 2022, and the satellite development has been already in the level of advanced country. After the such mature of satellite and launch vehicle technologies, Korea's space development main theme should be 'Space Exploration and Space Application', and paradigm should be changed from 'Hardware' to 'Scientific/Technological Mission', from 'Unmanned' to 'Manned'. Korea's prime space strategy should be the direction of expansion of space industry, creation of employment and secure the key technologies, improvement of convenience and safety of people. For the purpose it is necessary to start 'Manned Space Development' such that participation to 'Artemis and Gateway Program' in 20s' and manned Mars exploration in 30s' which would be carried out by means of global international cooperation, and which could be a good opportunity to explore the new area of space development and upgrade national technology capability. Taking advantage of this opportunity, it is required for Korea to join the international programs through developing indigenous challenging, sustainable Korean mission and hardware. Also selection of the 2nd Korean Astronaut could draw national attention, especially could give dreams to young generation. Participation to the Artemis program could be the opportunity of entering the major space fairing nation and boosting up national pride. In this study we survey and analyze the Artemis Program in detail, and in conclusion we suggest the strategy of Korea's participation to the Artemis Program.

A Fundamental Study on Mode of Operation for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship(MASS) - Based on review of IMCA M 220

  • Jeong-Min Kim;HyeRi Park
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.163-170
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    • 2023
  • As the development of the 4th industrial revolution in the maritime industry has accelerated, the technical development and progress of maritime autonomous surface ship(MASS), and the development of international regulations have been accelerated. In particular, the IMO Maritime Safety Committee(MSC) has established a road-map for the development of the non-mandatory goal-based MASS instrument(MASS Code) and started developing a non-mandatory MASS Code at MSC 105th meeting. Many countries are actively participating in the Correspondence Group on the development of MASS Code, and the development of detailed requirements for MASS functions in the MASS Code is underway. Especially, the concept of "Mode of Operation" for MASS functions was mentioned in the Correspondence Group for the first time, and it is expected that discussions on these modes will be conducted from the IMO MASS JWG meeting to held in April 2023. The concept of "Mode of Operation" will be useful in explaining MASS and MASS functions and will be discussed continually for the development of MASS Code. This paper reviews the contents of the IMCA M 220 document, which provides guidelines on operating modes, to conduct research on the benchmark for setting the operating modes of MASS.

Exploration of the Dance Career Intervention by AHP Method: Focusing on Vocational Guidance, Career Education and Career Counseling (AHP분석을 활용한 무용진로개입의 체계적 접근 방안 : 직업지도, 진로교육 및 상담을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Ji Young;Lim, Su Jin;Kim, Hyoung Nam
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.661-676
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to draw a systematic access method of career intervention for dance majors. This study conducted Delphi survey and Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP). As a result of study, 16 elements of career intervention were produced in total 4 areas. Results show that vocational guidance puts emphasis on the understanding of the various vocations, career education on the career planning and goal, career counseling on the macro-narrative to the life and career intervention network on the dance job fair and workshop. In the complex weight of all factors, ratings of weight show that dance vocation guidance and career education are demanded significantly. Results show that expansion of career alternatives, application of diversified dance career development road map to the curriculum, development of test tool and outcome standard, dance educators' systematic career intervention education and systematization of network for career support were suggested as measures for dance career intervention. This study discussed about dynamic reality and systematic access method for dance majors based on theories of Holland(1997), Super(1990), and Savickas(2005).

GIS Optimization for Bigdata Analysis and AI Applying (Bigdata 분석과 인공지능 적용한 GIS 최적화 연구)

  • Kwak, Eun-young;Park, Dea-woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.171-173
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    • 2022
  • The 4th industrial revolution technology is developing people's lives more efficiently. GIS provided on the Internet services such as traffic information and time information makes people getting more quickly to destination. National geographic information service(NGIS) and each local government are making basic data to investigate SOC accessibility for analyzing optimal point. To construct the shortest distance, the accessibility from the starting point to the arrival point is analyzed. Applying road network map, the starting point and the ending point, the shortest distance, the optimal accessibility is calculated by using Dijkstra algorithm. The analysis information from multiple starting points to multiple destinations was required more than 3 steps of manual analysis to decide the position for the optimal point, within about 0.1% error. It took more time to process the many-to-many (M×N) calculation, requiring at least 32G memory specification of the computer. If an optimal proximity analysis service is provided at a desired location more versatile, it is possible to efficiently analyze locations that are vulnerable to business start-up and living facilities access, and facility selection for the public.

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A Study on the Proposal for Deposit Linkage Plan Based on the Survey of Online Material Identification System (온라인 자료 수집 전략 및 중장기 로드맵 수립 연구)

  • Younghee Noh;Inho Chang;Youngmi Jung;Aekyoung Son;Kyungsun Lee;Hyunju Cha
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.5-23
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    • 2024
  • The seventh year of implementing online material deposit demands a systematic collection, legal and regulatory improvements, and the establishment of a long-term strategic plan for online material collection. In this study, we aimed to propose an online material collection strategy and a long-term roadmap for preserving online resources as national intellectual and cultural heritage for future generations. To achieve this, we analyzed the status of domestic and foreign libraries, related laws and regulations, and the types and collection status of online materials. Based on this analysis, we proposed practical collection standards and methods. Ultimately, a long-term roadmap and implementation plan were suggested. The long-term development plan for online material collection established a phased, concrete implementation strategy. This includes the foundation-building phase of online material collection, followed by the expansion phase, and finally reaching the maturity phase.

Study on Soil Survey Results of Rapid Change in Landuse (토지이용 변화지역의 토양재조사 결과 분석)

  • Hyun, Byung-Keun;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Park, Chan-Won;Song, Kwan-Cheol;Chun, Hyen-Chung;Hong, Suk-Young;Moon, Yong-Hee;Noh, Dae-Cheol;Jung, So-Young
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.475-483
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    • 2012
  • Recently, agricultural lands decrease sharply, which was caused by urbanization, land consolidation, road construction, and innovation city construction, etc. In particular, Goyang, Chenan and Wonju city were had severe land use change. Therefore, we analyzed changes of land use, soil properties, and soil information in order to provide the basic soil information and soil management practice in these cities. The results are summarized as follows. The area of crop cultivated land in Korea (2011) was reduced to 17.3ha compared to ones from the previous year (2009). The paddy field decreased by 24.2 ha but, upland field increased by 7.0 ha. The reasons for the reduction of the paddy field were converting paddy field to upland (20.7 ha) > public facilities (3.2) ${\geq}$ building (3.2) > idle land (1.3) > and others (0.9). Other reasons for reduction in the upland field were switching upland to paddy field, (20.7 ha) > land developed (4.5) > and restoration (0.3) respectively. The main reason of converting paddy field to upland was changing from rice to more profitable upland or greenhouse crops. The cropland area (paddy fields, upland, orchard) of Goyang, Cheonan, and Wonju city were reduced to 1,466 ha, 9,708 ha and 6,980 ha respectively. The ratio of cropland area in each city was reduced by 45~25% dramatically compared to upland soil survey project in Korea (1995~1999). These data were compared with MiFAFF statistics data to use for land use cover map of Ministry of environment. But they were differences significantly. Therefore, intensive investigation should be advised throughout the utilization plan. The paddy fields located in small valley in Wonju city were changed into upland or orchard. The drainage classes of soil have been deteriorated because the flows of water were intercepted by road construction and other disturbance to water flows. In particular, paddy fields have been changed to not only upland, orchard, greenhouse cultivation but also to fallow and soil dressing on paddy in Wonju city. The soil suitability classes of paddy field in Wonju innovation city were the 3rd grade for 70.8% of the area and the 4th grade for 29.2%. The soil suitability classes of upland was the 4th grade for 88.7% of the area. Fortunately, good soil suitability classes were not belong to innovation city in Wonju. So, the good farm land should be conserved and revise the related law.

Soil Environmental Characteristics Assessment of the Namsan Park in Seoul (서울남산의 토양환경특성 평가)

  • Kim, Ik-Soo;Lee, Jai-Young;Kim, Gyeo-Bung;Eom, Seok-Won
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 2008
  • To understand environmental characteristics and contamination assessment of the Namsan Park soil in Seoul, we divided the Namsan map into 33 sectors and sampled mixed soil in depth 0${\sim}$15 cm, in 5${\sim}$10 points at the sites. We analyzed soil samples collected at 21 sectors twice on May and September. The results were as follows. The hue color ranges of the Namsan soil were 2.5YR${\sim}$10YR, the value ranges were 1${\sim}$4, the water rates were 3.1${\sim}$22.3 and the Ignition losses were 3.4${\sim}$10.4%. The average concentration of Cu and Pb were determined 3.374 and 15.000 mg/kg, Cd and As showed very low level. The mean concentrations of Zn and Ni were showed 103.290 and 11.649 mg/kg and this amount is not different from the nationalwide mean in 2005. The mean pH showed 5.41. The Zn, Ni and Cd in the soil of the circular road of Namsan showed 1.33, 1.48, 1.46 times higher than the other sector of the Namsan soil. The corelation coefficient between water rate and ignition loss were 0.720 and the correlation coefficient between Cu and Pb, Cu and Zn showed 0.827, 0.694 respectively. There was weak corelationship between pH and Zn. The Uniformity coefficient (Uc) of all the survey sites was determined below 5 in the range of 1.5${\sim}$4.4.