• Title/Summary/Keyword: response prediction

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Risk Assessment for a Bridge System Based upon Response Surface Method Compared with System Reliability (체계신뢰성 평가와 비교한 응답면기법에 의한 교량시스템의 위험성평가)

  • Cho, Tae-Jun;Moon, Jae-Woo;Kim, Jong-Tae
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.295-300
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    • 2007
  • Probabilistic Risk Assessment considering statistically random variables is performed for the preliminary design of a Arch Bridge. Component reliabilities of girders have been evaluated using the response surfaces of the design variables at the selected critical sections based on the maximum shear and negative moment locations. Response Surface Method (RSM) is successfully applied for reliability analyses for this relatively small probability of failure of the complex structure, which is hard to be obtained by Monte-Carlo Simulations or by First Order Second Moment Method that can not easily calculate the derivative terms of implicit limit state functions. For the analysis of system reliability, parallel resistance system composed of girders is changed into parallel series connection system. The upper and lower probabilities of failure for the structural system have been evaluated and compared with the suggested prediction method for the combination of failure modes. The suggested prediction method for the combination of failure modes reveals the unexpected combinations of element failures in significant]y reduced time and efforts compared with the previous permutation method or system reliability analysis method.

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Utilization of deep learning-based metamodel for probabilistic seismic damage analysis of railway bridges considering the geometric variation

  • Xi Song;Chunhee Cho;Joonam Park
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.469-479
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    • 2023
  • A probabilistic seismic damage analysis is an essential procedure to identify seismically vulnerable structures, prioritize the seismic retrofit, and ultimately minimize the overall seismic risk. To assess the seismic risk of multiple structures within a region, a large number of nonlinear time-history structural analyses must be conducted and studied. As a result, each assessment requires high computing resources. To overcome this limitation, we explore a deep learning-based metamodel to enable the prediction of the mean and the standard deviation of the seismic damage distribution of track-on steel-plate girder railway bridges in Korea considering the geometric variation. For machine learning training, nonlinear dynamic time-history analyses are performed to generate 800 high-fidelity datasets on the seismic response. Through intensive trial and error, the study is concentrated on developing an optimal machine learning architecture with the pre-identified variables of the physical configuration of the bridge. Additionally, the prediction performance of the proposed method is compared with a previous, well-defined, response surface model. Finally, the statistical testing results indicate that the overall performance of the deep-learning model is improved compared to the response surface model, as its errors are reduced by as much as 61%. In conclusion, the model proposed in this study can be effectively deployed for the seismic fragility and risk assessment of a region with a large number of structures.

Empirical ground motion model for Vrancea intermediate-depth seismic source

  • Vacareanu, Radu;Demetriu, Sorin;Lungu, Dan;Pavel, Florin;Arion, Cristian;Iancovici, Mihail;Aldea, Alexandru;Neagu, Cristian
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.141-161
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    • 2014
  • This article presents a new generation of empirical ground motion models for the prediction of response spectral accelerations in soil conditions, specifically developed for the Vrancea intermediate-depth seismic source. The strong ground motion database from which the ground motion prediction model is derived consists of over 800 horizontal components of acceleration recorded from nine Vrancea intermediate-depth seismic events as well as from other seventeen intermediate-depth earthquakes produced in other seismically active regions in the world. Among the main features of the new ground motion model are the prediction of spectral ordinates values (besides the prediction of the peak ground acceleration), the extension of the magnitudes range applicability, the use of consistent metrics (epicentral distance) for this type of seismic source, the extension of the distance range applicability to 300 km, the partition of total standard deviation in intra- and inter-event standard deviations and the use of a national strong ground motion database more than two times larger than in the previous studies. The results suggest that this model is an improvement of the previous generation of ground motion prediction models and can be properly employed in the analysis of the seismic hazard of Romania.

A Real-Time Integrated Hierarchical Temporal Memory Network for the Real-Time Continuous Multi-Interval Prediction of Data Streams

  • Kang, Hyun-Syug
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.39-56
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    • 2015
  • Continuous multi-interval prediction (CMIP) is used to continuously predict the trend of a data stream based on various intervals simultaneously. The continuous integrated hierarchical temporal memory (CIHTM) network performs well in CMIP. However, it is not suitable for CMIP in real-time mode, especially when the number of prediction intervals is increased. In this paper, we propose a real-time integrated hierarchical temporal memory (RIHTM) network by introducing a new type of node, which is called a Zeta1FirstSpecializedQueueNode (ZFSQNode), for the real-time continuous multi-interval prediction (RCMIP) of data streams. The ZFSQNode is constructed by using a specialized circular queue (sQUEUE) together with the modules of original hierarchical temporal memory (HTM) nodes. By using a simple structure and the easy operation characteristics of the sQUEUE, entire prediction operations are integrated in the ZFSQNode. In particular, we employed only one ZFSQNode in each level of the RIHTM network during the prediction stage to generate different intervals of prediction results. The RIHTM network efficiently reduces the response time. Our performance evaluation showed that the RIHTM was satisfied to continuously predict the trend of data streams with multi-intervals in the real-time mode.

RBF Network Structure for Prediction of Non-linear, Non-stationary Time Series (비선형, 비정상 시계열 예측을 위한 RBF(Radial Basis Function) 회로망 구조)

  • Kim, Sang-Hwan;Lee, Jong-Ho
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.168-175
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, a modified RBF(Radial Basis Function) network structure is suggested for the prediction of a time-series with non-linear, non-stationary characteristics. Coventional RBF network predicting time series by using past outputs sense the trajectory of the time series and react when there exists strong relation between input and hidden activation function's RBF center. But this response is highly sensitive to level and trend of time serieses. In order to overcome such dependencies, hidden activation functions are modified to react to the increments of input variable and multiplied by increment(or dectement) for prediction. When the suggested structure is applied to prediction of Macyey-Glass chaotic time series, Lorenz equation, and Rossler equation, improved performances are obtained.

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Hybridal Method for the Prediction of Wave Instabilities Inherent in High Energy-Density Combustors (2): Cumulative Effects of Pressure Coupled Responses on Cavity Acoustics

  • Lee, Gil-Yong;Yoon, Woong-Sup
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2006
  • Theoretical-numerical approach of combustion instability in a specific rocket engine is conducted with parametric response functions. Fluctuating instantaneous burning rate is assumed to be functionally coupled with acoustic pressures and have a finite or time-varying amplitudes and phase lags. Only when the amplitudes and phases of combustion response function are sufficiently large and small respectively, the triggered unstable waves are amplified.

An optimal design of wind turbine and ship structure based on neuro-response surface method

  • Lee, Jae-Chul;Shin, Sung-Chul;Kim, Soo-Young
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.750-769
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    • 2015
  • The geometry of engineering systems affects their performances. For this reason, the shape of engineering systems needs to be optimized in the initial design stage. However, engineering system design problems consist of multi-objective optimization and the performance analysis using commercial code or numerical analysis is generally time-consuming. To solve these problems, many engineers perform the optimization using the approximation model (response surface). The Response Surface Method (RSM) is generally used to predict the system performance in engineering research field, but RSM presents some prediction errors for highly nonlinear systems. The major objective of this research is to establish an optimal design method for multi-objective problems and confirm its applicability. The proposed process is composed of three parts: definition of geometry, generation of response surface, and optimization process. To reduce the time for performance analysis and minimize the prediction errors, the approximation model is generated using the Backpropagation Artificial Neural Network (BPANN) which is considered as Neuro-Response Surface Method (NRSM). The optimization is done for the generated response surface by non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-II). Through case studies of marine system and ship structure (substructure of floating offshore wind turbine considering hydrodynamics performances and bulk carrier bottom stiffened panels considering structure performance), we have confirmed the applicability of the proposed method for multi-objective side constraint optimization problems.

Prediction of Radiated Sound on Structure-acoustic Coupled Plate by the Efficient Configuration of Structural Sensors (구조센서의 효율적인 구성을 통한 구조 음향연성 평판의 방사음 예측)

  • Lee, Ok-Dong;Oh, Jae-Eung
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.24 no.9
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    • pp.695-705
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, two types of techniques for the prediction of radiated sound pressure due to vibration of a structure are investigated. The prediction performance using wave-number sensing technique is compared to that of conventional prediction method, such as Rayleigh's integral method, for the prediction of far-field radiated sound pressure. For a coupled plate, wave-number components are predicted by the vibration response of plate and the prediction performance of far-field sound is verified. In addition, the applicability of distributed sensors that are not allowable to Rayleigh's integral method is considered and these can replace point sensors. Experimental implementation verified the prediction accuracy of far-field sound radiation by the wave-number sensing technique. Prediction results from the technique are as good as those of Rayleigh's integral method and with distributed sensors, more reduced computation time is expected. To predict the radiated sound by the efficient configuration of structural sensors, composed(synthesized) mode considering sound power contribution is determined and from this size and location of sensors are chosen. Four types of sensor configuration are suggested, simulated and compared.

Computational estimation of the earthquake response for fibre reinforced concrete rectangular columns

  • Liu, Chanjuan;Wu, Xinling;Wakil, Karzan;Jermsittiparsert, Kittisak;Ho, Lanh Si;Alabduljabbar, Hisham;Alaskar, Abdulaziz;Alrshoudi, Fahed;Alyousef, Rayed;Mohamed, Abdeliazim Mustafa
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.743-767
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    • 2020
  • Due to the impressive flexural performance, enhanced compressive strength and more constrained crack propagation, Fibre-reinforced concrete (FRC) have been widely employed in the construction application. Majority of experimental studies have focused on the seismic behavior of FRC columns. Based on the valid experimental data obtained from the previous studies, the current study has evaluated the seismic response and compressive strength of FRC rectangular columns while following hybrid metaheuristic techniques. Due to the non-linearity of seismic data, Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) has been incorporated with metaheuristic algorithms. 317 different datasets from FRC column tests has been applied as one database in order to determine the most influential factor on the ultimate strengths of FRC rectangular columns subjected to the simulated seismic loading. ANFIS has been used with the incorporation of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Genetic algorithm (GA). For the analysis of the attained results, Extreme learning machine (ELM) as an authentic prediction method has been concurrently used. The variable selection procedure is to choose the most dominant parameters affecting the ultimate strengths of FRC rectangular columns subjected to simulated seismic loading. Accordingly, the results have shown that ANFIS-PSO has successfully predicted the seismic lateral load with R2 = 0.857 and 0.902 for the test and train phase, respectively, nominated as the lateral load prediction estimator. On the other hand, in case of compressive strength prediction, ELM is to predict the compressive strength with R2 = 0.657 and 0.862 for test and train phase, respectively. The results have shown that the seismic lateral force trend is more predictable than the compressive strength of FRC rectangular columns, in which the best results belong to the lateral force prediction. Compressive strength prediction has illustrated a significant deviation above 40 Mpa which could be related to the considerable non-linearity and possible empirical shortcomings. Finally, employing ANFIS-GA and ANFIS-PSO techniques to evaluate the seismic response of FRC are a promising reliable approach to be replaced for high cost and time-consuming experimental tests.