• Title/Summary/Keyword: residual surface stresses

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Study on Thermal Residual Stresses and Transmission Characteristics in N-pole Type Frequency Selective Surface Embedded Composite Structures (N-pole 종류의 FSS가 결합된 복합재료 구조의 잔류응력과 전파투과특성)

  • Park, Kyoung Mi;Hwang, In Han;Chun, Heoung Jae;Hong, Ic Pyo;Park, Yong Bae;Kim, Yoon Jae
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, the delamination and failures in frequency selected surface(FSS) caused by residual stresses in the FSS embedded hybrid composites due to the difference between the coefficients of thermal expansion of components and the transmission characteristic changes due to deformation of FSS patterns by residual stresses were studied. FSS may have different electromagnetic characteristics depending on the type of element, design variables, and arrangement. Design variables of dipole FSS were determined using PSO(Particle Swarm Optimization) to obtain the transmission characteristic for the target resonant frequency. Subsequently, the design variables of other types of N-pole(tripole, cross dipole, and Jerusalem cross) were determined based on the dimensions of the dipole for the comparisons of residual stresses of FSS embedded composite structures and transmission characteristics. In addition, effects of FSS pattern, and stacking sequence of composite laminates were considered.

A Round-Robin Analysis of Temperature and Residual Stresses in Dissimilar Metal Weld (이종금속용접부 온도 및 잔류응력의 라운드로빈 해석)

  • Song, Min-Sup;Kang, Sun-Ye;Park, June-Soo;Sohn, Gap-Heon
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.85-87
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    • 2008
  • DMWs are common feature of the PWR in the welded connections between carbon steel and stainless steel piping. The nickel-based weld metal, Alloy 82/182, is used for welding the dissimilar metals and is known to be susceptible to PWSCC. A round-robin program has been implemented to benchmark the numerical simulation of the transient temperature and weld residual stresses in the DMWs. To solve the round-robin problem related to Pressurizer Safety & Relief nozzle, the thermal elasto-plastic analysis is performed in the DMW by using the FEM. The welding includes both the DMW of the nozzle to safe-end and the SMW of the safe-end and piping. Major results of the analyses are discussed: The axial and circumferential residual stresses are found to be -88MPa(225MPa) and -38MPa(293MPa) on the inner surface of the DMW; where the values in parenthesis are the residual stresses after the DMW. Thermo-mechanical interaction by the SMW has a significant effect on the residual stress fields in the DMW.

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Investigation on the Effects of Preventive Maintenance Schemes for Dissimilar Metal Welds on the Residual Stress Distribution (이종금속용접부 예방정비 방법에 따른 잔류응력 분포 고찰)

  • Song, Tae-Kwang;Choi, Young Hwan;Park, Jeong Soon;Chung, Hae-Dong;Oh, Chang-Young
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Pressure Vessels and Piping
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2011
  • This paper presents the effects of preventive maintenance schemes on the residual stress distributions in dissimilar metal welds. Dissimilar metal weld is known susceptible to PWSCC and thus, effective maintenance schemes to prevent PWSCC are needed. Three preventive maintenances schemes, i.e. weld overlay, MSIP and inlay weld which are widely used in nuclear power plants, are selected and their effects on welding residual stresses are investigated via finite element analyses. As results, weld overlay and MSIP were proved effective method to mitigate residual stresses and inlay weld, on the other hand, produces strong tensile residual stresses in the inner surface. Although Alloy 690 known to be resistant to PWSCC are used in inlay weld, continuous careful observation are needed since tensile welding residual stresses are key parameter for PWSCC.

Effects of Laser Source Geometry on Laser Shock Peening Residual Stress (레이저 광원 형상이 레이저 충격 피닝 잔류응력에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ju-Hee;Kim, Yun-Jae;Kim, Joung-Soo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.609-615
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    • 2012
  • In LSP (laser shock peening) treatment, the laser source geometries when the laser beam strikes the metal target area are diverse. The laser spot geometry affects the residual stress field beneath the treated surface of the metallic materials, which determines the characteristics of the pressure pulse. In this paper, detailed finite-element (FE) simulations on laser shock peening have been conducted in order to predict the magnitude and of the residual stresses and the depth affected in Inconel alloy 600 steel. The residual stress results are compared for circular, rectangular, and elliptical laser spot geometries. It is found that a circular spot can produce the maximum compressive residual stresses near the surface but generates tensile residual stresses at the center of the laser spot. In the depth direction, an elliptical laser spot produces the maximum compressive residual stresses. Circular and elliptical spots plastically affect the alloy to higher depths than a rectangular spot.

Residual stresses and viscoelastic deformation of an injection molded automotive part

  • Kim, Sung-Ho;Kim, Chae-Hwan;Oh, Hwa-Jin;Choi, Chi-Hoon;Kim, Byoung-Yoon;Youn, Jae-Ryoun
    • Korea-Australia Rheology Journal
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.183-190
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    • 2007
  • Injection molding is one of the most common operations in polymer processing. Good quality products are usually obtained and major post-processing treatment is not required. However, residual stresses which exist in plastic parts affect the final shape and mechanical properties after ejection. Residual stresses are caused by polymer melt flow, pressure distribution, non-uniform temperature field, and density distribution. Residual stresses are predicted in this study by numerical methods using commercially available softwares, $Hypermesh^{TM},\;Moldflow^{TM}\;and\;ABAQUS^{TM}$. Cavity filling, packing, and cooling stages are simulated to predict residual stress field right after ejection by assuming an isotropic elastic solid. Thermo-viscoelastic stress analysis is carried out to predict deformation and residual stress distribution after annealing of the part. Residual stresses are measured by the hole drilling method because the automotive part selected in this study has a complex shape. Residual stress distribution predicted by the thermal stress analysis is compared with the measurement results obtained by the hole drilling method. The molded specimen has residual stress distribution in tension, compression, and tension from the surface to the center of the part. Viscoelastic deformation of the part is predicted during annealing and the deformed geometry is compared with that measured by a three dimensional scanner. The viscoelastic stress analysis with a thermal cycle will enable us to predict long term behavior of the injection molded polymeric parts.

Mechanics Evaluations of Stress Corrosion Cracking for Dissimilar Welds in Nuclear Piping System (원자력 배관 이종금속 용접부 웅력부식균열의 역학적 평가)

  • Park, Jun-Su;Na, Bok-Gyun;Kim, In-Yong
    • Proceedings of the KWS Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.38-40
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    • 2005
  • Fracture mechanics evaluation of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in the dissimilar metal weld (DMW) for the nuclear piping system is performed; simulating the transition joint of the ferritic nozzle to austenitic safe-end fabricated with the Inconel Alloy A82/182 buttering and welds. Residual stresses in the DMW are computed by the finite element (FE) analyses Then, to investigate the SCC in the weld root under the combined residual and system operation stresses, the fracture mechanics parameters for a semi-elliptical surface crack are evaluated using the finite element alternating method (FEAM). As a result, it is found that the effect of weld residual stresses on the crack-driving forces is dominant, as high as three times or more than the operation stresses.

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Numerical Analysis of ]Residual Stresses and Birefringence in Injection/Compression Molded Center-gated Disks (I) - Modeling and Basic Results - (사출/압축 성형 Center-Gated 디스크에서의 잔류 응력과 복굴절의 수치 해석 (I) - 모델링 및 기본 결과 -)

  • Lee, Young-Bok;Kwon, Tai-Hun;Yoon, Kyung-Hwan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.26 no.11
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    • pp.2342-2354
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    • 2002
  • The present study has numerically predicted both the flow -induced and thermally-induced residual stresses and birefringence in injection o. injection/compression molded center -gated disks. Analysis system for entire molding process was developed based on an ap propriate physical modeling including a nonlinear viscoelastic fluid model, stress-optical law, a linear viscoelastic solid model, free volume theory for density relaxation phenomena and a photoviscoelasticity and so on. Part I presents physical modeling a nd typical numerical analysis results of residual stresses and birefringence in the injection molded center-gated disk. Thermal residual stress was found to be extensional near the center, compressive near the surface and tend to become toward tensional at the surface. A double-hump profile was obtained across the thickness in birefringence distribution: nonzero birefringence is found to be thermally induced, the outer peak is due to the shear flow and subsequent stress relaxation during the filling stage a nd the inner peak is due to the additional shear flow and stress relaxation during the packing stage. Predicted birefringence including both the flow -induced and thermally-induced one becomes quite similar to the experimental one.

Residual stress distribution analysis in a J-groove dissimilar metal welded component of a reactor vessel bottom head using simulation and experiment

  • Dong-Hyun Ahn;Jong Yeon Lee;Min-Jae Choi;Jong Min Kim;Sung-Woo Kim;Wanchuck Woo
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.506-519
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    • 2024
  • To simulate the verification process using materials from a decommissioned reactor, a mock-up of the bottom-mounted instrument nozzle in the Kori 1 reactor, where the nozzle was attached to a plate by J-groove dissimilar metal welding, was fabricated. The mock-up distortion was quantified by measuring the plate surface displacement after welding. The residual stresses formed on the support plate surface and the inner surface of the nozzle were then analyzed using the hole-drilling method, contour method, and neutron diffraction. Welding simulations were performed using a 3D finite element method to validate the measured results. The measured and computed stress distributions on the support plate exhibited reasonable agreement. Conversely, the stresses on the inside of the nozzle were found to have an indisputable difference in the contour method and neutron diffraction measurements, which demonstrated strong tensile and compressive hoop stresses, respectively. The possible origins of such differences were investigated and we have provided some suggestions for a precise evaluation in the simulation. This study is expected to be useful in future research on decommissioned reactors.

Finite Element Analysis for Prediction of Residual Stresses Induced by Shot Peening (쇼트피닝 잔류응력 예측을 위한 유한요소해석)

  • Kim, Cheol;Yang, Won-Ho;Sung, Ki-Deug;Ko, Myung-Hoon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.198-204
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    • 2001
  • The shot peening is largely used for a surface treatment of metallic components where small spherical pellets called shots are blasted onto the surface with velocities up to 100 m/s. This treatment leads to improvement of fatigue behavior due to the developed compressive residual stresses, and so it has gained widespread acceptance I the automobile and aerospace industries. The residual stress profile on surface layer depends on the parameters of shot peening, which are, shot velocity, shot diameter, coverage, impact angle, material properties etc. and the method to confirm this profile is the measurement by X-ray diffractometer only. Despite the importance to automobile ad aerospace industries, little attention has been devoted to the accurate modelling of the process. In this paper, the simulation technique is applied to predict the magnitude ad distribution of the residual stress and plastic deformation caused by shot peening with the help of the finite element analysis.

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The Finite Element Analysis for Prediction of Residual Stresses Induced by Shot Peening (쇼트피닝 잔류응력 예측을 위한 유한요소해석)

  • Kim, Cheol;Yang, Won-Ho;Sung, Ki-Deug;Cho, Myoung-Rae;Ko, Myung-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.218-223
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    • 2000
  • The shot peening is largely used for a surface treatment in which small spherical parts called shots are blasted on a surface of a metallic components with velocities up to 100m/s. This treatment leads to an improvement of fatigue behavior due to the developed compressive residual stresses, and so it has gained widespread acceptance in the automobile and aerospace industries. The residual stress profile on surface layer depends on the parameters of shot peening, which are, shot velocity, shot diameter, coverage, impact angle, material properties etc. and the method to confirm this profile is only measurement by X-ray diffractometer. Despite its importance to automobile and aerospace industries, little attention has been devoted to the accurate modelling of the process. In this paper, the simulation technique is applied to predict the magnitude and distribution of the residual stress and plastic deformation caused by shot peening with the help of the finite element analysis.

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