• Title/Summary/Keyword: residual surface stresses

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Metal/$Al_2O_3-SiO_2$ System Interface Investigations

  • Korobova, N.;Soh, Deawha
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.70-73
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    • 2004
  • The packaging of the integrated circuits requires knowledge of ceramics and metals to accommodate the fabrication of modules that are used to construct subsystems and entire systems from extremely small components. Composite ceramics (Al$_2$O$_3$-SiO$_2$) were tested for substrates. A stress analysis was conducted for a linear work-hardening metal cylinder embedded in an infinite ceramic matrix. The bond between the metal and ceramic was established at high temperature and stresses developed during cooling to room temperature. The calculations showed that the stresses depend on the mismatch in thermal expansion, the elastic properties, and the yield strength and work hardening rate of the metal. Experimental measurements of the surface stresses have also been made on a Cu/Al$_2$O$_3$-SiO$_2$ceramic system, using an indentation technique. A comparison revealed that the calculated stresses were appreciably larger than the measured surface stresses, indicating an important difference between the bulk and surface residual stresses. However, it was also shown that porosity in the metal could plastically expand and permit substantial dilatational relaxation of the residual stresses. Conversely it was noted that pore clusters were capable of initiating ductile rupture, by means of a plastic instability, in the presence of appreciable tri-axiality. The role of ceramics for packaging of microelectronics will continue to be extremely challenging.

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Analysis of Residual Stresses for the Multipass Welds of 316L Stainless Steel Pipe by Neutron Diffraction Method (중성자 회절법에 의한 316L 스테인리스강 배관 다층용접부의 잔류응력 해석)

  • 김석훈;이재한
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.64-70
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    • 2003
  • Multipass welds of the 316L stainless steel have been widely employed in the pipes of Liquid Metal Reactor. Owing to localized heating and subsequent rapid cooling by the welding process, the residual stress arises in the weld of the pipe. In this study, the residual stresses in the 316L stainless steel pipe welds were calculated by the finite element method using ANSYS code. Also, the residual stresses both on the surface and in the interior of the thickness were measured by HRPD(High Resolution Powder Diffractometer) instrumented in HANARO Reactor. The experimental data and the calculated results were compared and the characteristics of the distribution of the residual stress discussed.

The Effects of Die Design and Die Series on the Surface Residual Stress of Cold Drawn Eutectoid Steel Wire (고탄소강 와이어의 냉간 인발시 다이 디자인과 다이 시리즈가 표면 잔류 응력에 미치는 영향)

  • Bae S. G.;Yang Y. S.;Ban D. Y.;Park C. G.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.418-422
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    • 2005
  • In this study, the die design and die series on the surface residual stress of cold drawn eutectoid steel wire has been investigated. Test pieces were fabricated using die series with different mean and final reduction ratio. Surface residual stresses in the axial direction were measured by X-ray diffraction, Broker's 2-dimensional GADDS system. Results were compared with stress profiles which were calculated by 3D and 2D finite element simulation, Hibbitt's ABAQUS 6.4 program in Finite Element Analysis. By means of FEA method, optimal die shape considering delta-parameter were induced and applied in order to determine die sequence designs. Balance of the drawing stresses was also introduced to optimize die sequence.

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The Effects of Die Design and Die Series on the Surface Residual Stress of Cold Drawn Eutectoid Steel Wire (고탄소강 와이어의 냉간 인발 시 다이 디자인과 다이 시리즈가 표면 잔류 응력에 미치는 영향)

  • Bae, J.G.;Yang, Y.S.;Ban, D.Y.;Park, C.G.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.15 no.2 s.83
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    • pp.153-157
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    • 2006
  • In this study, the die design and die series on the surface residual stress of cold drawn eutectoid steel wire have been investigated. Test pieces were fabricated using die series with different mean and final reduction ratios. Surface residual stresses in the axial direction were measured by X-ray diffraction, Bruker's 2-dimensional GADDS system. The results were compared with stress profiles that were calculated by 3D and 2D finite element simulations, ABAQUS 6.4 program in finite element analysis(FEA). By means of the FEA method, optimal die shape considering delta-parameter were induced and applied in order to determine die sequence designs. Balance of the drawing stresses was also introduced to optimize die sequence.

Thermal Residual Stresses in the Frequency Selective Surface Embedded Composite Structures and Design of Frequency Selective Surface (주파수 선택적 투과막이 결합된 복합재료의 잔류응력평가 및 선택적 투과막 설계)

  • Kim, Ka-Yeon;Chun, Heoung-Jae;Kang, Kyung-Tak;Lee, Kyung-Won;Hong, Ic-Pyo;Lee, Myoung-Keon
    • Composites Research
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) is applied to the design of the Frequency Selective Surface(FSS) and residual stresses of hybrid radome is predicted. An equivalent circuit model with Square Loops arrays was derived and then PSO was applied for acquiring the optimized geometrical parameters with proper resonant frequency. Residual stresses occur in the FSS embedded composite structures after cocuring and have a great influence on the strength of the FSS embedded composite structures. They also effect transmission quality because of delamination. Therefore, the thermal residual stresses of FSS embedded composite structures were analyzed using finite element analysis with considering the effects of FSS pattern, and composite stacking sequence.

Characteristics of Carburized Surface Layers in 0.18C-3.5Ni-1.5Cr-0.2Mo Steels for Main Shaft Bearings of Wind Turbines (풍력발전시스템의 주 베어링용 0.18C-3.5Ni-1.5Cr-0.2Mo강의 침탄 표면특성)

  • Choi, Byung-Young;Gub, Yoon-Sik
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.226-231
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    • 2012
  • Characteristics of carburized surface layers in 0.18C-3.5Ni-1.5Cr-0.2Mo steels for main shaft bearings of wind turbines have been analyzed and evaluated before and after rolling contact fatigue tests. Mixed microstructure consisting of retained austenite and tempered martensite has been formed with compressive residual stresses in the surface hardened layers of the specimens showing uniform hardness distribution with value about Hv700 after vacuum carburizing and tempering. It has been found on the raceway of the layers of the specimens after rolling contact fatigue tests that the amount of retained austenite decreased and compressive residual stresses increased, resulting from cyclic contact stresses applied during the tests. It has been also revealed that higher durability of the bearings can be obtained through controlling the amount of the retained austenite in the surface of the bearing steels to be lower in this study.

A Study on the Influence of Process Parameters on Residual Stress and Reducing Residual Stress for Drawn Wire Using FE-Analysis (유한요소 해석에 의한 공정변수가 인발 선재의 잔류응력에 미치는 영향평가 및 완화에 관한 연구)

  • Lee S.G.;Hwang W.H.;Kim B.M.;Bae C.M.;Lee C.Y.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.834-837
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    • 2005
  • This study presents a study on the influence of process parameters(semi-die angle, die reduction, friction condition, and bearing length) in drawn wire on residual stresses were investigated using FE-analysis. In this study, semi-die angle and die reduction have a significant effect on the residual stresses at the surface of drawn wire. In the previous study, in order to reduce the residual stresses, several methods were suggested: addition of axial tension, application of skin pass, straightening in multi-roll straightener etc. In this study, it can be known that the concurrent application of skin pass with low die reduction and low semi-die angle at the final stage of drawing operation reduces dramatically the both axial and hoop residual stresses after drawing.

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Application of nonlocal elasticity theory on the wave propagation of flexoelectric functionally graded (FG) timoshenko nano-beams considering surface effects and residual surface stress

  • Arani, Ali Ghorbanpour;Pourjamshidian, Mahmoud;Arefi, Mohammad;Arani, M.R. Ghorbanpour
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.141-153
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    • 2019
  • This research deals with wave propagation of the functionally graded (FG) nano-beams based on the nonlocal elasticity theory considering surface and flexoelectric effects. The FG nano-beam is resting in Winkler-Pasternak foundation. It is assumed that the material properties of the nano-beam changes continuously along the thickness direction according to simple power-law form. In order to include coupling of strain gradients and electrical polarizations in governing equations of motion, the nonlocal non-classical nano-beam model containg flexoelectric effect is used. Also, the effects of surface elasticity, dielectricity and piezoelectricity as well as bulk flexoelectricity are all taken into consideration. The governing equations of motion are derived using Hamilton principle based on first shear deformation beam theory (FSDBT) and also considering residual surface stresses. The analytical method is used to calculate phase velocity of wave propagation in FG nano-beam as well as cut-off frequency. After verification with validated reference, comprehensive numerical results are presented to investigate the influence of important parameters such as flexoelectric coefficients of the surface, bulk and residual surface stresses, Winkler and shear coefficients of foundation, power gradient index of FG material, and geometric dimensions on the wave propagation characteristics of FG nano-beam. The numerical results indicate that considering surface effects/flexoelectric property caused phase velocity increases/decreases in low wave number range, respectively. The influences of aforementioned parameters on the occurrence cut-off frequency point are very small.

Residual Stress Measurement on Welded Specimen by Neutron Diffraction (중성자 회절을 이용한 용접부위의 잔류응력 측정)

  • 박만진;장동영;최희동
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.50-58
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    • 2002
  • Residual stress is generated in the structures as a result of irregular elastic-plastic deformation during fabrication processes such as welding, heat treatment, and mechanical processing. There are several factors attributed to the origin of residual stresses, tensile or compressive. The stresses can be determined by destructive ways or nondestructive ways using X-ray or neutron diffraction. Although X-ray diffraction is a well established technique, it is practically limited to near-surface stresses. Neutrons penetrate easily into most materials and neutron diffraction permits non-destructive evaluation of lattice strain within the bulk of large specimens because the radiation is more deeply penetrating for metallic engineering components. This paper presented application of neutron diffraction technique to the residual stress measurement using 20 mm thick welded stainless steel plate($100{\times}100 \textrm{mm}^2$)

Evaluation of Residual Stresses of Hardened Surface by Magnetoelastic Method (Magnetoelastic Method를 이용한 표면 경화층의 잔류응력 평가)

  • Nam, O.B.;Lee, I.W.;Kim, S.W.;Kim, M.I.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Heat Treatment
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 1992
  • Barkhausen noise (BN) is created by the abrupt changes in the magnetization of materials under applied AC magnetizing field. These changes are known to be sensitive to residual and applied stresses. In this study, BN theory was reviewed and it was examined how BN intensity was affected by simultaneous stress, hardness and microstructural changes. Also, magnetoelastic effect was used to evaluate residual stresses through carrying out the cantilever beam test. An increase in BN intensity was observed when applied and residual stress changes from compression into tension. Microstructural softening by tempering also increased the amount of BN. Therefore, the quantitative evaluation of residual stress and microstructural changes will be possible, provided BN method is more studied about various materials through comparing with different stress measuring techniques.

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