• Title/Summary/Keyword: replacement cycle

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Analysis of Defective Causes in Real Time and Prediction of Facility Replacement Cycle based on Big Data (빅데이터 기반 실시간 불량품 발생 원인 분석 및 설비 교체주기 예측)

  • Hwang, Seung-Yeon;Kwak, Kyung-Min;Shin, Dong-Jin;Kwak, Kwang-Jin;Rho, Young-J;Park, Kyung-won;Park, Jeong-Min;Kim, Jeong-Joon
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.203-212
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    • 2019
  • Along with the recent fourth industrial revolution, the world's manufacturing powerhouses are pushing for national strategies to revive the sluggish manufacturing industry. Moon Jae-in, the government is in accordance with the trend, called 'advancement of science and technology is leading the fourth round of the Industrial Revolution' strategy. Intelligent information technology such as IoT, Cloud, Big Data, Mobile, and AI, which are key technologies that lead the fourth industrial revolution, is promoting the emergence of new industries such as robots and 3D printing and the smarting of existing major manufacturing industries. Advances in technologies such as smart factories have enabled IoT-based sensing technology to measure various data that could not be collected before, and data generated by each process has also exploded. Thus, this paper uses data generators to generate virtual data that can occur in smart factories, and uses them to analyze the cause of the defect in real time and to predict the replacement cycle of the facility.

Light Conditions for Suitable Growth of Urban Interior Plants - In Case of Green House within Kyobo Building, Seoul - (도심 실내조경 식물의 적절한 생육에 필요한 광조건 - 서울시 광화문 교보생명빌딩 그린하우스를 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Kyong-Jae;Choi, Jin-Woo;Pae, Ho-Bong;Kang, Hyun-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2009
  • This study has attempted to calculate the intensity of illumination for the optimal growth environment of indoor plants after analyzing both damage to plant species and growth conditions as impacted by light conditions for the Kyobo Life Insurance greenhouse. The optical intensity of illumination has been estimated after investigating the problems of growth conditions based on an analysis of illumination by light condition, dead tree replacement cycle(weeks) and rate of damage of plant species. According to the investigation of illumination, the lowest difference was observed between the shaded spot in the south(531lux) and the sunny spot(602lux) while the largest difference(nearly 500lux) was detected between the shaded spot in the central area(210lux) and the sunny spot(782lux). According to an analysis of dead trees from 1990 to 2004, in terms of dead tree replacement cycle, Viburnum awabuki was the highest(161weeks), followed by Phyllostachys spp.(84weeks), Camellia japonica and Ternstroemia japonica(40weeks). Regardless of plant species, damage rate of plant were lower in the shaded spot and higher in the sunny spot. According to correlation and regression analyses with the intensity of illumination as an independent variable and the damage rate of plant species as a dependent variable, the damage rate of plant species increased as the intensity of illumination decreased. A dramatic decline in the rate of damage was observed at $500{\sim}600lux$. At 700lux, it reached the lowest level.

Application of Eddy Current Sensor for Measurement of TBM Disc Cutter Wear (TBM 디스크커터의 마모량 측정을 위한 와전류센서의 적용 연구)

  • Min-Sung Park;Min-Seok Ju;Jung-Joo Kim;Hoyoung Jeong
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.534-546
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    • 2023
  • If the disc cutter is excessively worn or damaged, it becomes incapable of rotating and efficiently cutting rockmass. Therefore, it is important to appropriately manage the replacement cycle of the disc cutter based on its degree of wear. In general, the replacement cycle is determined based on the results of manual inspection. However, the manual measurements has issues related to worker safety and may lead to inaccurate measurement results. For these reasons, some foreign countries are developing the real-time measurement system of disc cutter wear by using different sensors. The ultrasonic sensors, eddy current sensors, magnetic sensors, and others are utilized for measuring the wear amount of disc cutters. In this study, the applicability of eddy current sensors for real-time measurement of wear amount in TBM disc cutters was evaluated. The distance measurement accuracy of the eddy current sensor was assessed through laboratory tests. In particular, the accuracy of eddy-current sensor was evaluated in various environmental conditions within the cutterhead chamber. In addition, the measurement accuracy of the eddy current sensor was validated using a 17-inch disc cutter.

Analysis of Nonpoint source Reduction at Andong Area Considering Changes in CN (CN의 변화에 따른 안동시 물순환 선도도시 조성계획의 비점오염부하 저감효과 분석)

  • Kwon, Heongak;Jung, Kangyoung;Kim, Shin;Shin, Sukho;Ahn, Jungmin;Kim, Gyeonghoon
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.342-349
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    • 2016
  • Andong belongs to the Nakdong River Basin, Nakdong River is flowing through the city, including Andong dam and Imha dam. The runoff due to provincial transfer and impervious area has been increasing by urbanization increases and nonpoint source loads. In this study, we evaluate the runoff and nonpoint pollution loads in accordance with the development targeted at selected urban water cycle leading to Andong city. Andong city leading to the water cycle plan to evaluate the directly runoff and BOD, T-N and T-P nonpoint pollutant loads using the CN into account the temporal and spatial changes. Evaluation, direct runoff per year is 10.41 % if the green roof and a water permeable pavement replacement, water cycle parks and streets compositions, City impermeable layer improvements to be business including four kinds of scenario is applied to both the development and the BOD non-point pollutant loads 20.56%, T-N 9.55% and T-P pollution and nonpoint loads was investigated to be reduced 14.29%. Four kinds of low lapse rate of the development scenario of the highest thing urban impervious surface was investigated by improving business development prior year annual direct runoff is 6.25 %, BOD nonpoint pollution loads are 11.84%, T-N nonpoint pollution loads are 4.46 % and T-P was investigated by reducing pollutant loads to be 10.20%.

Indirect Cost Effects on Life-Cycle-Cost Effective Optimum Design of Steel Box Girder Bridge (강상자형교의 LCC 최적설계에 미치는 간접비용의 영향)

  • Lee, Kwang Min;Cho, Hyo Nam;Cha, Chul Jun;Eom, In Su
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.17 no.2 s.75
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    • pp.115-130
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents the effects of indirect costs on Life-Cycle-Cost(LCC) effective optimum design of steel-box girder bridges. The LCC formulations considered in the LCC optimization of the bridges consist of initial cost and expected rehabilitation costs including repair/replacement costs, loss of contents or fatality and injury losses, and indirect costs such as road user costs and indirect socio-economic losses. To demonstrate the LCC-effectiveness for optimum design of the bridges, an actual steel box girder bridge having two continuous spans(2@50m=100m) is considered as a numerical example. And also, in this paper, various sensitivity analyses are performed to investigate the effects of indirect costs caused by traffic conditions such as number of detour route, number of lane on detour route, length of detour route, and traffic volumes on the LCC-effective optimum design. From the numerical investigations, it may be concluded that indirect costs caused by traffic network may sensitively influence on the LCC-effective optimum design of steel-box girder bridges. Therefore, it may be stated that the traffic conditions should be considered as one of the important items in the LCC-effective optimum design of the bridges.

Strength and CO2 Reduction of Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Composites with Recycled Materials (자원순환형 재료를 사용한 섬유보강 시멘트 복합체(FRCCs)의 강도 및 CO2 저감에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Won;Kim, Sun-Woo;Park, Wan-Shin;Jang, Young-Il;Yun, Hyun-Do
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.379-387
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    • 2017
  • The objective of this study is to develop sustainable PVA fiber-reinforced cementitious composites (FRCCs) that could exhibit comparable strength level to normal PVA FRCCs with no recycled materials. To evaluate mechanical properties of the FRCCs, compressive, flexural and direct tensile tests were conducted. In addition to the test, to calculate amount of carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) emission at the stage of manufacturing the FRCCs, life cycle inventory data base (LCI DB) were referenced from domestic and Japan. From the test results, the mechanical properties such as compressive, flexural and direct tensile strengths were decreased as the replacement ratio of recycled materials increased. And it was determined that the amount of $CO_2$ emission was reduced for the specimens with higher water-binder ratio (W/B) and replacement ratios. It was also found that binder intensity ($B_i$) value was higher as replacement ratio of fly ash (FA) increased. This result means that larger amount of FA is need to deliver one unit of a given performance indicator (1 MPa of strength) of FRCCs compared to that of ordinary portland cement (OPC). As a result, it could be concluded that FRCCs with W/B 45% replaced by FA 25% and recycled sand (RS) 25% is desirable for both target performance and $CO_2$ emission.

An Estimation Model for the Replacement Parts based on the Operational Availability of Hi-Pass System (하이패스 운용가용도를 이용한 부품의 교체 추정 모델)

  • Hwang, Eui-duk;Heo, Seo Jeong;Kim, Chang Suk;Cheul, Son Dong
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.285-291
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    • 2015
  • FTMS, TCS, ITS equipment such as high-pass highway are just a situation that does not lack traceability and passive surveillance is related to fault DB has so far consisted of an integrated operations management to maximize utilization of the facility. In addition, there is no replacement parts are replaced when a failure occurs, increasing the number of parts and repair time I have trouble growing, and becoming a service interruption whenever you replace each time. In this study, proactively manage the failure history of a highway facility ITS tries to preventive maintenance. Therefore, the error history is based on the reliability of the high-pass facilities theory to calculate the reliability of the system through a systematic statistical analysis Operational Availability. The fault number and the time the replacement period through the estimate decreases and can reduce the budget expenses by securing the spare parts quantity, establish a management plan in part by improving the quality of the system through constant preventive maintenance, quality of service at all times It may direct the non-stop operation state of the available state.

The cloning and characterization of the small GTP-binding Protein RacB in rice.

  • Jung, Young-Ho;Jaw, Nam-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Plant Pathology Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.81.2-82
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    • 2003
  • Plants have evolved along with pathogens, and they have developed sophisticated defense systems against specific microorganisms to survive. G-protons are considered one of the upstream signaling components working as a key for the defense signal transduction pathway. For activation and inactivation of G-protein, GTP-biding proteins are involved. GTP -binding proteins are found in all organisms. Small GTP-binding proteins, having masses of 21 to 30kD, belong to a superfamily, often named the Ras supefamily because the founding members are encoded by human Ras genes initially discovered as cellular homologs of the viral ras oncogene. Members of this supefamily share several common structural features, including several guanine nucleotide binding domains and an effector binding domain. However, exhibiting a remarkable diversity in both structure and function. They are important molecular switches that cycle between the GDP-bound inactive form into the GTP-bound active form through GDP/GTP replacement. In addition, most GTP-binding proteins cycle between membrane-bound and cytosolic forms. such as the RAC family are cytosolic signal transduction proteins that often are involved in processing of extracellular stimuli. Plant RAC proteins are implicated in regulation of plant cell architecture secondary wall formation, meristem signaling, and defense against pathogens. But their molecular mechanisms and functions are not well known. We isolated a RacB homolog from rice to study its role of defense against pathogens. We introduced the constitutively active and the dominant negative forms of the GTP-hinging protein OsRacB into the wild type rice. The dominant negative foms are using two forms (full-sequence and specific RNA interference with RacB). Employing southern, and protein analysis, we examine to different things between the wild type and the transformed plant. And analyzing biolistic bombardment of onion epidermal cell with GFP-RacB fusion protein revealed association with the nucle.

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Study of Optimal Maintenance Float(M/F) Calculation Method (최적의 정비대체장비(M/F) 산출방안 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Hak-Jae;Jung, Kwang-Kyun;Kim, Jae-Hwang;Lee, Jong-Sin;Lee, Myoung-Jin
    • Journal of Applied Reliability
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.192-201
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: In this paper, we propose the output model of the optimal inventory requirements of the Maintenance Float (M/F). Weapon systems were modernized and increased costs. Thus, the complexity increases with. Alternatives to achieve the goal of availability of weapon systems and to reduce life-cycle cost are required. Especially, securing spare parts is more effective than adding the amount of equipment or maintenance facilities to achieve the goal of availability and reduce life cycle costs. However, securing spare parts and repair costs are directly related, so exact requirements are needed. Methods: Three kinds of methods (Calculation method of applying the Poisson distribution, Calculation method of considering the number of CSP, and Calculation method of applying M&S program) that this paper proposed compare the influence of the availability and the amount of spare parts. Result: We calculate the cost of M/F when the operational availability is over than 80% and compare that result. The biggest cost was calculated from the Poisson distribution method. We found that requirements and unit price is the key factor that gives a significant effect. Conclusion: These three kinds of methods can be used as a basis for Maintenance Float calculation. Among them, the calculation method based on CSP is optimal replacement equipment requirements calculation method.

A Case of Anaphylaxis after the Treatment with Etoposide in a Patient with Small Cell Lung Cancer (소세포폐암에서 Etoposide 투여 후 발생한 아나필락시스 1예)

  • Kim, Young-Il;Kim, Kyu-Sik;Han, Eui-Ryoung;Kwan, Yong-Soo;Oh, In-Jae;Lim, Sung-Chul;Kim, Young-Chul
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.67 no.2
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    • pp.145-147
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    • 2009
  • Etoposide is a semi-synthetic derivative of podophyllotoxin that is effective against many cancers including small cell lung cancer. We report a case of etoposide-induced anaphylaxis in a 51-year-old woman who tolerated etoposide during her first cycle chemotherapy regimen. During the second cycle, she complained of generalized urticaria and dyspnea 5 minutes after being infused with etoposide. She recovered completely with antihistamine, corticosteroid and fluid replacement. The intradermal skin test with etoposide showed a clear positive immediate reaction. This case suggests that etoposide can induce IgE-mediated anaphylaxis.