• 제목/요약/키워드: renaming

검색결과 33건 처리시간 0.021초

East Asia on the Move in 1919 -The Revolutionary Movements of March 1st and May 4th (역동하는 동아시아의 1919 - 혁명의 기점으로서의 3·1운동과 5·4운동 -)

  • 백영서
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    • 제23호
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    • pp.5-37
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    • 2019
  • The March 1st Movement in Korea and the May 4th Movement in China, which both occurred in 1919, have often been thought to reflect each other like two mirrors. This paper is an attempt to reexamine the relationship between these two events in terms of simultaneity, and thus to articulate their world-historical significance. Their distinctive historical character is also understood through the perspective of an interlocking East Asia, by which is meant that although imperial Japan, semi-colonial China, and colonial Korea were all connected to the modern world-system, these three states each occupied different positions within the hierarchy of interstate relations. The differences between the anti-Japanese national movements of colonial Korea and those of semi-colonial China deserve particular attention, since they help to reveal the complexities of (semi-)colonial modernity, and may provide some clues for overcoming modernity. In this context the theory of the Double Project of Modernity is useful, which describes the process of simultaneously adapting to and overcoming modernity. The (re)remembrance of the March 1st Movement and the May 4th Movement is more than a historical issue: it is also an existential issue. The historical significance of these two events should be beyond doubt, and to make this clear it is proposed to rename them respectively as the March 1st Revolution and the May 4th Revolution. This renaming is surely justified by the way that people gathered at these events.

Trends and Issues of Garden City Municipal Projects in Korea (국내 정원도시 프로젝트 추진 동향과 쟁점)

  • Lee, Myeong-Jun;Oh, Ji-Young;Choy, Yeon-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • 제52권5호
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    • pp.96-112
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    • 2024
  • Recently, local governments in Korea have increasingly adopted the 'Garden City' slogan and implemented green space policies. This trend combines the expansion of urban green spaces with strategies for community engagement and urban branding, such as hosting garden expos. This study critically examines the theoretical and practical issues in the promotion of these garden city municipal projects. It first reviews existing literature to provide a historical account and redefines the concept of a garden city, identifying key theoretical perspectives: 'formation of a civic community,' 'establishment of eco-friendly urban systems,' and 'construction of urban identity.' The subsequent section briefly reviews legal framework and policies related to garden cities, analyzing the reorganization of major local government units into three types: 'establishment of dedicated units,' 'renaming of existing units,' and 'consolidation of existing units.' It then identifies significant issues in the promotion of garden city projects through the lens of theoretical perspectives, including 'ensuring project distinctiveness reflecting local identity,' 'expanding the garden concept,' 'integrating green and urban infrastructures through garden urbanism,' 'promoting resident participation and community revitalization,' and 'establishing sustainable management through inter-local governments and administrative units cooperation.' Finally, it suggests that the professional identity of landscape architects should evolve into urbanists who manage various types of green spaces.

Case Study on Revising Curriculum of a Industrial High School through Analysis of Manufacturing Workforce demand focused on Chungnam Province in Korea (지역 기반 산업의 인력 수요 분석을 통한 공업 계열 특성화 고등학교의 교육과정 개편 사례 연구)

  • Yi, Sangbong;Choi, Jiyeon
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.221-238
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to revise and reorganize the direction of the department of ${\bigcirc}{\bigcirc}$Industrial High School though analysis of manufacturing status and workforce demand in Chungnam province focused on the Geumsan Area. In the study, ${\bigcirc}{\bigcirc}$Industrial High School of the status and actual conditions were identified through interview, literature review and data analysis. Surveys of the school teachers, parents and students was conducted in order to investigate the awareness of renaming and reorganization of school departments, curriculum revision of the school. Statistical data was collected and analyzed in order to figure out manufacturing industry and its workforce demand of Chungnam Province in Korea. Findings of the study were as follows: Small and medium enterprises of manufacturing industry have been developed a lot in Geumsan Area in Chungnam province. Four major industries including (1) automobile parts, (2) electronic and information equipment, (3) Cutting edge culture, and (4) Agricultural-livestock and bio are intensively fostered as regional strategic industries in the Chungnam province. The manufacturing industry has a 33.6-percent, and then service-mining and manufacturing industry has a 80.0-percent of total number of employee in Geumsan Area. It is expected that industrial workforce demand of Geumsan Area come out of manufacturing and service-mining industrial sector. The following is recommended for the school curriculum revision: (1) focussing on mechanical control for the revision of computer applying mechanical department, (2) focussing on automation electric equipment for the revision of electric control department, (3) focussing on food process control for revising of bio-food industrial department. It's helpful to make a progress of the school that establish identification of industrial specialized high school as an institution of vocational education at the secondary level through supplying qualified workforce to Manufacturing industry in Chungnam Province.