• Title/Summary/Keyword: relationship-forming ability

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An Exploratory Study on the Meaning of 'the Patient Trusts the Doctor' (의사-환자 관계에서 '환자가 의사를 신뢰한다'의 의미 고찰)

  • Kim, Min-Jeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.415-423
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    • 2017
  • Patient's trust in their physician is crucial for relationship between patients and their doctors, treatment outcomes such as satisfaction and adherence or revisits. The purpose of this study is to investigate the meaning of trusting the doctor in the doctor - patient relationship and to examine it through the multidimensional measurement tools. Using the convenience sampling method, 328 respondents in their 20s or older who had visited the hospital within 6 months were used as the analysis data. As a result of the research, it is difficult to define the meaning of the patient's trust in the doctor, but it can be summarized as having at least four meanings. First, the doctor should listen carefully to the patient's story and show communication behaviors expressing interest and forming an atmosphere of dialogue. Second, the patient's health should be considered first to understand the patient and empathize with the patient. Third, it should be honest in the examination and procedures related to the treatment as well as the technical ability. Finally, we should try to cooperate with patients.

Research about the Influence of Color Communication on Brand Images - based on Industrial Logos (컬러커뮤니케이션이 브랜드 이미지에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 - 기업 로고를 중심으로)

  • Rhie, Jinny
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.154-162
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    • 2012
  • We can expect an effective color marketing to build up a positive industrial image as it is easy for consumer to approach due to the ability of colors to affect human consciousness and sub-consciousness more than any other factor. The purpose of this research is to draw attention to the importance of color communication and to find strategies to elevate the brand image by surveying the degree of influence color communication has when forming a brand image. In order to conduct effective research, we executed theoretical and collaborative analysis through research materials and documents. If you take a look at the outcome of this research, brands that brings credibility and likability to its customers are not brands that uses color communication, but brands that utilize marketing strategies that build up credibility for quite some time. Also, preference over colors are distinctive. It turned out to be that the color of a brand logo that one likes has very little to do with one's favorite color. When people choose a brand, they are choosing the brand not because of the color of the brand logo, but its credibility and likability that the brand offers. It proves that the color of the brand logo has nothing to do with the colors that people prefer. The relationship between the color that consumers prefer and the image and emotional color that forms brand image is negligible. However, since research shows that there was a relationship between the color you prefer and the emotional color that forms brand images, it seems to be important to figure out what color customers prefer rather than the color that shows customers' self image. Unlike existing color communication research, through this research, we would like to know how to utilize the color communication strategically in the forming of brand images and take a look at the relationship between customers' preferences and the image of each brand logo's emotional color.

High Temperature Plastic Deformation Behaviors of the Bulk Metallic Glass Zr-Ti-Cu-Ni-Be Alloy (벌크 비정질 Zr-Ti-Cu-Ni-Be 합금의 고온 소성 변형 특성)

  • Lee K. S.;Ha T. K.;Ahn S. H.;Chang Y. W.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.272-276
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    • 2001
  • Multicomponent $Zr_{41.2}Ti_{13.8}Cu_{12.5}Ni_{10}Be_{22.5}$ bulk matallic glass alloy shows good bulk glass forming ability due to its high resistance to crystallization in the undercooled liquid state.1) In this study, DSC and X-ray diffractometry have been performed to confirm the amorphous structure of the master $Zr_{41.2}Ti_{13.8}Cu_{12.5}Ni_{10}Be_{22.5}$ alloy. To investigate the mechanical properties and deformation behaviors of the bulk metallic $Zr_{41.2}Ti_{13.8}Cu_{12.5}Ni_{10}Be_{22.5}$ alloy, a series of compression tests has been carried out at the temperatures ranging from $351^{\circ}C$ to $461^{\circ}C$ and at the various initial strain rates from $2{\times}10^{-4}s^{-1}\;to\;2{\times}10^{-2}s^{-1}$. There are two types of nominal stress-strain curves. The one shows linear stress-strain relationship meaning fracture at maximum stress, the other shows plastic deformation including steady-state flow. Also DSC analysis for the compressed specimens has been performed to investigate the change of thermal stability and crystallization behavior for the various test conditions.

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High Temperature Compressive Deformation Behavior of the Bulk Metallic Glass Zr-Ti-Cu-Ni-Be Alloy (벌크 비정질 Zr-Ti-Cu-Ni-Be 합금의 고온 압축 변형 특성)

  • 이광석;하태권;안상호;장영원
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.565-572
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    • 2001
  • It is well known that a multicomponent $Zr_{4l.2}Ti_{13.8}Cu_{12.5}Ni_{10}Be_{22.5}$ bulk metallic glass alloy shows good bulk glass forming ability due to its high resistance to crystallization in the undercooled liquid state. DSC and XRD have been performed to confirm the amorphous structure of the master alloy. To investigate the mechanical properties and deformation behavior of the bulk metallic $Zr_{4l.2}Ti_{13.8}Cu_{12.5}Ni_{10}Be_{22.5}$ alloy, a series of compression tests has been carried out at the temperatures ranging from $351^{\circ}C$ to $461^{\circ}C$at the various initial strain rates from $2{\times}10^4s^1$ to $2{\times}10^2s^1$. Three types of nominal stress-strain curves have been identified such as linear stress-strain relationship meaning fracture at maximum stress, plastic deformation including stress overshoot and steady-state flow, plastic deformation without stress overshoot depending on the strain rate and test temperature. Also DSC analysis for the compressed specimens was carried out to investigate the change of structure, thermal stability and crystallization behavior for the various test conditions.

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Determination of Initial Billet Size using The Artificial Neural Networks and The Finite Element Method for a Forged Product (신경망과 유한요소법을 이용한 단조품의 초기 소재 형상 결정)

  • 김동진;고대철;김병민;최재찬
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.214-221
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    • 1995
  • In the paper, we have proposed a new method to determine the initial billet for the forged products using a function approximation in the neural network. The architecture of neural network is a three-layer neural network and the back propagation algorithm is employed to train the network. By utilizing the ability of function approximation of a neural network, an optimal billet is determined by applying the nonlinear mathematical relationship between the aspect ratios in the initial billet and the final products. The amount of incomplete filling in the die is measured by the rigid-plastic finite element method. The neural network is trained with the initial billet aspect ratios and those of the unfilled volumes. After learning, the system is able to predict the filling regions which are exactly the same or slightly different to the results of finite element simulation. This new method is applied to find the optimal billet size for the plane strain rib-web product in cold forging. This would reduce the number of finite element simulation for determining the optimal billet size of forging product, further it is usefully adapted to physical modeling for the forging design.

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A Cellulolytic and Xylanolytic Enzyme Complex from an Alkalothermoanaerobacterium, Tepidimicrobium xylanilyticum BT14

  • Phitsuwan, Paripok;Tachaapaikoon, Chakrit;Kosugi, Akihiko;Mori, Yutaka;Kyu, Khin Lay;Ratanakhanokchai, Khanok
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.893-903
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    • 2010
  • A cellulolytic and xylanolytic enzyme complex-producing alkalothermoanaerobacterium strain, Tepidimicrobium xylanilyticum BT14, is described. The cell was Grampositive, rod-shaped, and endospore-forming. Based on 16S rRNA gene analysis and various lines of biochemical and physiological properties, the strain BT14 is a new member of the genus Tepidimicrobium. The strain BT14 cells had the ability to bind to Avicel, xylan, and corn hull. The pH and temperature optima for growth were 9.0 and $60^{\circ}C$, respectively. The strain BT14 was able to use a variety of carbon sources. When the bacterium was grown on corn hulls under an anaerobic condition, a cellulolytic and xylanolytic enzyme complex was produced. Crude enzyme containing cellulase and xylanase of the strain BT14 was active in broad ranges of pH and temperature. The optimum conditions for cellulase and xylanase activities were pH 8.0 and 9.0 at $60^{\circ}C$, respectively. The crude enzyme had the ability to bind to Avicel and xylan. The analysis of native-PAGE and native-zymograms indicated the cellulosebinding protein showing both cellulase and xylanase activities, whereas SDS-PAGE zymograms showed 4 bands of cellulases and 5 bands of xylanases. Evidence of a cohesinlike amino acid sequence seemed to indicate that the protein complex shared a direct relationship with the cellulosome of Clostridium thermocellum. The crude enzyme from the strain BT14 showed effective degradation of plant biomass. When grown on corn hulls at pH 9.0 and $60^{\circ}C$ under anaerobic conditions, the strain BT14 produced ethanol and acetate as the main fermentation products.

A Study on Comparison between Korean.Chinese Consumers In the Relationship between Domestic Open Market Brand personality, Customer Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty (국내 오픈마켓 브랜드개성과 고객만족, 애호도와의 관계에서 한.중 소비자간 비교에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yu-Kyung
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.27-56
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    • 2011
  • At this point in time when the percentage of foreign consumers as well as domestic consumers are being increased in domestic open market users due to the recent interest and promotion on the open market, the purposes of this study are as follows. First, the relationship between open market brand personality, satisfaction and brand loyalty will be clarified targeting all Korean consumers and Chinese consumers using domestic open market. Second, whether there is difference in the effect of domestic open market brand personality on customer satisfaction and brand loyalty between Korean consumers and Chinese consumers will be compared. The results are as follows. First, as a result of testing the study hypothesis targeting the open market users, in other words targeting all Korean consumers and Chinese consumers, only the ability among brand personality dimensions did not have positive effect on the satisfaction toward open market. Other than that, it could be confirmed that the reliability, sincerity and familiarity, etc are important influence factors in forming satisfaction toward open market. Next, as a result of testing whether there is difference in the effect of domestic open market brand personality on customer satisfaction and brand loyalty between Korean consumers and Chinese consumers, it was shown as having difference. In other words, the Korean consumers were shown as not having positive significant effect in the relationship between the ability among brand personality and satisfaction toward open market while all other brand personality dimensions were shown as having positive effect on the satisfaction toward open market. It could be found that if the satisfaction toward open market is high, the brand loyalty toward open market also gets high.

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A Study on the integrative ways of moral education for the building of children's social awareness and relationship skills (초등학생의 사회인식 및 대인관계 능력 함양을 위한 도덕교육의 통합적인 방안 연구)

  • Lee, In Jae;Chi, Chun-ho
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.29
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    • pp.375-396
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    • 2010
  • The aim of this paper is to suggest some ways of moral education for the building of children's social awareness and relationship skills as social and emotional competencies. Based on the social and emotional learning(SEL), this paper is tried to provide the effective ways to develop children's social awareness and relationship skill. According to SEL, social and emotional competence is the ability to understand, manage, and express the social and emotional aspects of one's life in ways that enable the successful management of life tasks such as learning, forming relationships, solving everyday problems, and adapting to the complex demands of growth and development. And it is also the process of acquiring and effectively applying the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to recognize and manage emotions. Five key competencies such as self-awareness, social awareness, responsible decision making, self-management, relationship skills are taught, practiced, and reinforced through SEL programming. Moral education and social and emotional learning have emerged as two prominent formal approaches used schools to provide guidance for students' behavior. social awareness and relationship skills are necessary for succeeding in school, in the family, in the community, in life in general. Equipped with such skills, attitudes and beliefs, young children are more likely to make healty, caring, ethical, and responsible decisions and to avoid engaging in behaviors with negative consequences such as interpersonal violence and bullying.

A Study on Layer's Method Applied Long & Middle Hair Design (레이어 법칙을 활용한 긴 머리형과 중간 머리형의 디자인 연구)

  • Park, Sang-Kook;Seo, Yun-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.793-798
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    • 2009
  • Hair cut is one of the best useful technical tool for hair styling. In this study using the rule of the layers of hair design, balanced for visual art, perceptual ability and form created by the principles of analysis and offer hair cuts and hair design of the representation of regions and even hair design as the basis of a student of Hair Beauty and all the people working in the field can create a variety of hair design puts the purpose to establish a basis. The result of this study can be outline as follows: First, the step line and the movement of the relationship between the law of the layers above and below the length of the same layer techniques, the same consists of a vertical cross-section of the overall round shape of the cut same layer is created and the appropriate volume and movement, the movement of low-layer round a little bit more feeling and expression is used when you want. High-layer used to want to move a lot of light and could see that. Second, the layer of the Law and over direction, lifting, section, the line control. weight control and analyzed by principle and the principle of the process of forming the written form was unknown. Third, hair design, the expansion of the expressive power of the law of the layers, and the section of the over direction depends on the presence of line control to express the length of the outline I had to, lifting the weight to adjust form controls, and the expression of Hair Design will be expanding the width. A hair designer, a layer style to create a zone he thought the law of the first layer formative area To further the reach will be a lot of research, leading up formative aspects of this research thesis do not have missing parts, or as a result of the Beauty of Hair Design and the width of a hair design education in the field can perform to help feed the reference materials that will be.

City Networks of Korea: An Internet Hyperlinks Interpretation (인터넷 하이퍼링크로 본 도시 네트워크)

  • 허우긍
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.518-534
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    • 2003
  • A number of previous studies have maintained that information technologies, due to their ability to overcome distance, can nurturing an innovative class of polycentric urban configurations, i.e., network cities. The present study intends to clarify whether any network relationship has recently been emerged among Korean cities by the advancement of information technology. The analyses focused on the geography of Korean national domains (.kr domains), and the hyperlink associations among three major types of domains, namely commercial, academic, and organizational domains. The study findings altogether indicate that the advancement of global economy and information era appears to be enhancing, rather than reducing the status of primate city. Seoul dominates the entire nation, forming an enclave in the production and consumption of information. Only the domains of educational institutes show network-like relations among local centers to a certain extent. The paper concludes with a discussion on the implications of the findings for future research and ‘spatial’ policy measures.