• Title/Summary/Keyword: regional image

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Method to Extract Coastline Changes Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (무인항공기를 이용한 해안선 변화 추출에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kangsan;Choi, Jinmu;Joh, Chang-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.473-483
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    • 2015
  • In a coastal area, a plenty of research has adopted remotely sensed data. This is because longterm interaction between land and ocean makes continuous geographical changes in a broad extent and unaccessible areas. However, conventional remote sensing platforms such as satellite or airplane has several disadvantages including limited temporal resolution and high operational costs. Hence, this study uses a UAV system to detect a coastline and its movement. Result of coastline detection shows how the coastline moves in a day. Time-series coastlines were derived from UAV aerial images through digital image processing. There is a drawback in the stability of UAV compared to the conventional remote sensing platform, but the advantage appears on the economical efficiency. Since the latest studies shows an improvement of UAV for a variety of purposes in many fields, a UAV can also be utilized for regional study and spatial data acquisition platform. geography can also utilize a UAV as a spatial data acquisition platform for regional study.

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Measurement of Cerebral Blood Volume and Relative Perfusion Rate Mapping Using MR Imaging in Cats

  • Park Byung-Rae;Shin Yong-Wong
    • Biomedical Science Letters
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.515-521
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    • 2004
  • To measure regional cerebral blood volume (rCBV) with perfusion MR imaging of cerebral fat embolism by neutral fat and free fatty acids in cats. Triolein (group 1, n=15), oleic acid (group 2, n=9) and linoleic acid (group 3, n=11) were infused into unilateral internal carotid artery using microcatheter through the transfemoral approach. PVA particle was used as a non-fat embolic material in a control group (group 4, n=9). Perfusion-weighted MR image was obtained at 30 minutes and 2 hours postembolization, based on T2-and diffusion-weighted images. The data of lesion and contralateral normal area were transferred to personal computer, time-to-signal intensity curve was drawn and trans for used to △R2/sup */ curve in regular order. The process in the personal computer was done by using the author's developmental image processing program and interactive data language (IDL) softwares. Statistical significance was approved by paired t-test and ANOVA. rCBV of the lesion was decreased comparing to the normal area in all groups. The ratios of rCBV were as follows (group No, at 30 minutes, at 2 hours); group 1,32%, 51%; group 2, 30%, 44%; group 3, 39%, 61%; group 4, 21%, 36%. rCBVs of 2 hours was significantly increased compared to those of 30 minutes in all groups (P<0.005). rCBV was decreased at 30 minutes in cerebral fat embolism and recovered a little, but significantly at 2 hours. Perfusion-weighted images was useful method in offering hemodynamic information in cerebral fat embolism.

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Implementation of Regional Cerebral Blood Volume Map Using Perfusion Magnetic Resonance Image Process Algorithm (관류자기공명 영상처리 알고리즘을 이용한 대뇌 혈류량 맵의 구현)

  • Park Byung-Rae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.296-304
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    • 2005
  • Quantitative analysis compare to dynamic characteristic change of the regional cerebral blood volume(rCBV) after development of cerebral fat embolism in cats using perfusion magnetic resonance(MR) Imaging. Twenty cats were used. Linoleic acid (n=11) were injected into the internal carotid artery using microcatheter through the transfemoral approach. Polyvinyl alcohol (Ivalon) (n=9) was injected as a control group. Perfusion MR images were obtained at 30 minutes and 2 hours after embolization, based on T2 and diffusion-weighted images. The data was time-to-signal intensity curve and ${\Delta}R_2^*$ curve were obtained continuously with the aid of home-maid image process algorithm and IDL(interactive data Banguage, USA) softwares. The ratios of rCBV increased significantly at 2 hours compared with those of 30 minutes (P<0.005). In conclusion, cerebral blood flow decreased in cerebral fat embolism immediately after embolization and recovered remarkably in time course. It is thought that clinically informations to dynamic characteristic change of the cerebral hemodynamics to the early finding in cerebral infarction by diffusion weighted imaging(DWI) and perfusion weighted imaging(PWI).

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Vegetation Mapping of Hawaiian Coastal Lowland Using Remotely Sensed Data (원격탐사 자료를 이용한 하와이 해안지역 식생 분류)

  • Park, Sun-Yurp
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.496-507
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    • 2006
  • A hybrid approach integrating both high-resolution and hyperspectral data sets was used to map vegetation cover of a coastal lowland area in the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Three common grass species (broomsedge, natal redtop, and pili) and other non-grass species, primarily shrubs, were focused in the study. A 3-step, hybrid approach, combining an unsupervised and a supervised classification schemes, was applied to the vegetation mapping. First, the IKONOS 1-m high-resolution data were classified to create a binary image (vegetated vs. non--vegetated) and converted to 20-meter resolution percent cover vegetation data to match AVIRIS data pixels. Second, the minimum noise fraction (MNF) transformation was used to extract a coherent dimensionality from the original AVIRIS data. Since the grasses and shubs were sparsely distributed and most image pixels were intermingled with lava surfaces, the reflectance component of lava was filtered out with a binary fractional cover analysis assuming that tile total reflectance of a pixel was a linear combination of the reflectance spectra of vegetation and the lava surface. Finally, a supervised approach was used to classify the plant species based on tile maximum likelihood algorithm.

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Determinants and Processes of Regional Policy on the International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea 2013 (2013순천만국제정원박람회 정책화 과정과 동인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong-Rock
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.849-864
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this paper is to investigate both the processes of regional policy and their determinants of the International Garden Exposition Suncheon Bay Korea 2013(IGEXPO 2013). IGEXPO 2013 was held in Suncheon from April to October 2013, and almost 440 million tourists visited to IGEXPO 2013. The processes of regional policy of the IGEXPO initiative were divided into four stages; the first stage from 1992 to 2002 was a beginning of conservation movement for Suncheon Bay; the second stage from 2003 to 2007 was a constructing of natural ecological park of Suncheon Bay; the third stage from 2008 to 2010 was a beginning of IGEXPO initiative and a confirming of the IGEXPO 2013; the four stage from 2011 to 2013 was a preparing and holding of IGEXPO 2013. The major determinants related to regional policy development process of IGEXPO initiative are the population n movement for Suncheon Bay, the rergional development strategy for central city in Gwangyang Bay area, the leadership for continuity of regional policy oriented to environmental and ecological city, and the cooperation and competition relationalship with neighboring city, in particular Yeosu city and 2012Yeosu EXPO planning. IGEXPO 2013 has been evaluated as having some performances such as the enhancement of city image, establishment of city park as a public goods, and formation of community leadership promoting continuous urban policy for environmental & ecological city.

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The Line Feature Extraction for Automatic Cartography Using High Frequency Filters in Remote Sensing : A Case Study of Chinju City (위성영상의 형태추출을 통한 지도화 : 고빈도 공간필터 사용을 중심으로)

  • Jung, In-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.183-196
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this paper is to explore the possibility of automatic extraction of line feature from Satellite image. The first part reviews the relationship between spatial filtering and cartographic interpretation. The second part describes the principal operations of high frequency filters and their properties, the third part presents the result of filtering application to the SPOT Panchromatic image of the Chinju city. Some experimental results are given here indicating the high feasibility of the filtering technique. The results of the paper is summarized as follows: Firstly the good all-purposes filter dose not exist. Certain laplacian filter and Frei-chen filter were very sensitive to the noise and could not detect line features in our case. Secondly, summary filters and some other filters do an excellent job of identifying edges around urban objects. With the filtered image added to the original image, the interpretation is more easy. Thirdly, Compass gradient masks may be used to perform two-dimensional, discrete differentiation directional edge enhancement, however, in our case, the line featuring was not satisfactory. In general, the wide masks detect the broad edges and narrow masks are used to detect the sharper discontinuities. But, in our case, the difference between the $3{\times}3$ and $7{\times}7$ kernel filters are not remarkable. It may be due to the good spatial resolution of Spot scene. The filtering effect depends on local circumstance. Band or kernel size selection must be also considered. For the skillful geographical interpretation, we need to take account the more subtle qualitative information.

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A Study on the Development of Storytelling of Co-Brand for Regional Agricultural Products : Focusing on the case of 'Geudae Ginger' in Andong (지역농산물 공동브랜드의 스토리텔링 개발 : 안동 '그대생강'의 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kang, Mihye;Kim, Gongsook
    • 지역과문화
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.153-182
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    • 2020
  • Andong is the place where the most ginger is produced in Korea. The article is based on a study on the development of storytelling of a co-brand of local agricultural products, focusing on the case of 'The Geudae Ginger,' a co-brand of ginger in Andong. This study aims to develop a brand storytelling of Andong Ginger's co-branded 'Geudae Ginger' to build an image as a local specialty and help revitalize the Andong ginger's industry. The process of developing storytelling to activate 'Geudae Ginger' brand is as follows. In the first step, I collected storytelling materials through data research. Ginger, which has long been used as a medicine for mankind, has more historical and cultural stories than anything else. In the second step, story resources were extracted based on data research. By analyzing the story properties of Andong ginger, we made its list. As a result, the image of the nobility, rigidity and chastity of ginger, which is used to benefit all over, could be associated with the image of Andong, the capital of Korean spiritual culture. Storytelling was developed in the third step. The main theme was 'Andong ginger with anther level ' and the main story was 'The Story of Andong's Ginger Teacher'. The scenario developed is as follows: 1. Introducing Andong's Ginger Teacher, 2. The birth of Dosan Thirteen Tea, 3. 'Geudae Ginger' that bridges love. In the last fourth step, I proposed ways to utilize storytelling. I presented the spread methods of consumer-participated storytelling using images of 'Geudae Ginger' and a new-tro event with teachers highlighting the image of 'Ginger Teacher' and others as a local business program for storytelling expansion.

A New Stereo Matching Method based on Reliability Space (신뢰도 공간에 기반한 스테레오 정합 기법)

  • Lee, Seung-Tae;Han, Young-Joon;Hahn, Hern-Soo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.82-90
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, A new stereo matching method based on reliability space is proposed to acquire 3D information from 2D image. In conventional stereo matching methods, speed is sacrificed to achieve high accuracy. To increase the matching speed while maintaining a high accuracy, this paper proposes this stereo matching method. It first makes the disparity space image for comparing all of the pixels on the stereo images. Then it produce reliability space through analyzing this value. and, By comparing the reliability space according to disparity, it makes disparity map. Moreover, the parts that make regional boundary errors are corrected by classifying the boundary of each region with the reference to color edge. The performance of the proposed stereo matching method is verified by various experiments. As a result, calculation cost is reduced by 30.6%, while the image quality of proposed method has similar performance with the existing method.

Spatially Adaptive Denoising Using Statistical Activity of Wavelet Coefficients (웨이블릿 계수의 통계적 활동성을 이용한 공간 적응 잡음 제거)

  • 엄일규;김유신
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.28 no.8C
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    • pp.795-802
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    • 2003
  • It is very important to construct statistical model in order to exactly estimate the signal variance from a noisy image. In order to estimate variance, information of neighboring region is used generally. The size of neighbor region is varied according to the regional characteristics of image. More accurate estimation of edge variance is due to smaller region of neighbor, on the other hands, larger region of neighbor is used to estimate the variance of flat region. By using estimated variance of original image, in general, Wiener filter is constructed, and it is applied to the noisy image. In this paper, we propose a new method for determining the range of neighbors to estimate the variance in wavelet domain. Firstly, a significance map is constructed using the parent-child relationship of wavelet domain. Based on the number of the significant wavelet coefficients, the range of neighbors is determined and then the variance of the original signal is estimated using ML(maximum likelihood method. Experimental results show that the proposed method yields better results than conventional methods for image denoising.

Comparison of Changes Over Time between In and Outside the Regional Resident's Cognition for Image of Daegu City - Focused on Representative Image and Environmental Image - (대구광역시 도시이미지에 대한 지역 내외 주민 의식의 경시적 변화 비교 - 대표 이미지와 환경 이미지를 중심으로 -)

  • Eom, Boong-Hoon;Kim, Geum-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.12-21
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    • 2013
  • This paper deals with a comparative analysis of changes in cognition of city image of Daegu City, focusing on image of representative and environmental conditions. Two-questionnaire surveys were conducted to compare the change of image cognition between the last decades. Major results are: Firstly, the most frequent representative images of Daegu City were hot weather, Palgong Mountain, textile industry, etc. and representative places were Palgong Mountain, Dongsung-ro Street, E world(Woobang Land), etc. Compared to the results of year 2000, the frequency of apple, and textile industry were remarkably decreased. Secondly, mean scores of image rating for environmental conditions were comparatively high in human environment such as women, and kindness. By individual variables, accessibility to Daegu City, women, living environment such as shopping, showed higher mean scores. Generally, mean scores of 2011 survey were higher than that of 2000. Thirdly, major factors affecting city image were human environment, living environment, natural environment, and transportation environment, respectively. These results can be used as a basic data for strategies to improve higher brand image of Daegu City.