• Title/Summary/Keyword: reconnaissance mapping

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Update of Topographic Map using QuickBird Orthoimage (Quick Bird 정사영상을 이용한 지형도 갱신)

  • 이창경;우현권;정인준
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.295-301
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    • 2004
  • Satellite captures images periodically and economically over the area wider than aerial photographs, and reconnaissance to unapproachable area. For these advantages, mapping using high resolution satellite image has high potentials of marketability and development. Therefore, utilization of satellite image in mapping and GIS is expected to be growing and research on describable feature, positional accuracy and, possible mapping scale is urgently needed. This research presented that Quick Bird orthoimage could be used to update digital map on a scale of 1:5,000. Quick Bird image was corrected geometrically based on ground control points. DEM was generated using height data of digital topographic map. The orthoimge was produced by digital differential rectification based on DEM which was generated using height data of digital topographic map(scale 1;5,000 and 1;1,000). When the digital topographic map was overlaid with the orthoimage, it was very easy to find changed region or new features builded after the map compiled.

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Simple Interpretation of VLF Data (VLF 전자탐사 자료의 해석)

  • Kim Hee Joon;Nam Myung Jin;Song Yoonho;Suh Jung Hee
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.184-190
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    • 2005
  • We have attempted to give some physical into the factors that control the response of subsurface target to plane wave excitation at VLF (very low frequency) frequencies. Although the VLF technique has some serious disadvantages, such as a lack of penetration depth and limited frequencies, its advantages are also extremely important to have made it by far the most popular electromagnetic technique in current use. In the magnetic-field measurement mode these lightweight, relatively low-priced tools allow us to survey large areas rapidly and inexpensively, to locate and roughly define subsurface electrical conductors. When used in the electric-field mode the technique is, in simple environments, capable of quantitative interpretation and once again the speed and relative cheapness of these devices makes them a natural 'first electromagnetic tool ' to use in reconnaissance mapping.

The Investigation of Mineral Distribution at Spirit Rover Landing Site: Gusev Crater by CRISM Hyperspectral data and Target Detection Algorithm (CRISM 초분광 영상과 표적 탐지 알고리즘을 이용한 Spirit 로버 탐사 지역: Gusev Crater의 광물 분포 조사)

  • Baik, Hyun-Seob;Kim, Kwang-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.403-412
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    • 2016
  • Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars(CRISM) is 489-band hyperspectral camera of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter(MRO) that provided data used on many mineral researches over Martian surface. For the detection of minerals in planet, mineral index using a few spectral bands have been used. In this study, we applied Matched Filter and Adaptive Cosine Estimator(ACE) target detection algorithm on CRISM data over Gusev Crater: landing site of Spirit(Mars Exploration Rover A) to investigate its mineral distribution. As a result, olivine, pyroxene, magnetite, etc. is detected at Gusev Crater's Columbia Hills. These results are corresponding to the Spirit rover's field survey result. It is expected that hyperspectral target detection algorithms can be used as effective and easy to use method for the detection and mapping of surface minerals in planet.

Landscape Ecology Concept, Principles and Its Rlation to Monothematic (e.g. Vegetation) Survey (경관생태학의 개념, 원리 및 식생조사와의 관계)

  • Isaak, S. Zonneveld
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.357-372
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    • 1998
  • Land (scape) ecology is a trans-disciplinary science studying the related systems at the earth surface, in their visual, structural and functional aspects. it serves as an umbrella under which abiotic and biotic sciences, in an integrated way, study the for each relevant land attributes and their interrelations. The spatial aspects of these relations have a special interest. Landscape ecology my have a pure scientific purpose, but usually is executed in an applied context, related to land evaluation for land use and conservation. Depending on the aim and application of the study, one of the land attributes may get special attention. Vegetation mapping may contribute to landscape ecological study but also benefit from it especially in case of reconnaissance surveys. This is because in less detailed surveys of any land attribute, like land form, soil, vegetation, one must necessarily apply landscape ecological principles in the survey methodology, including remote sensing.

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A Case Study of Landslides due to Heavy Rainfall (집중호우시 산사태 원인분석에 관한 사례연구)

  • Yoo, Nam-Jae;Park, Byung-Soo
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.21 no.A
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    • pp.303-315
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    • 2001
  • This study is a research result of investigating causes of landslides occurred at Uijongbu in Kyonggi Province, Korea. For works of this research, informations and data about landslides occurred at the site, geological and topographical informations were collected to analyze causes of landslides, and mapping landslides was performed by using results of field investigation. Data about rainfall during occurrence of landslides around Uijongbu was also used to find the effect of intense rainfall on occurrence of landslides. Based on informations obtained from field investigation and collected data, the scale and the pattern of landslides were analyzed and influencing factors on landslide such as intensity and duration of rainfall, topography, geologic condition, geotechnical engineering properties of ground, forestry were investigated statistically to find causes of landslides. On the other hands, for geotechnical engineering respects, slope stability analysis was performed for the typical sites chosen from the sites where the landslides occurred, using informations obtained from detailed topographical survey with total stations, field reconnaissance and results from laboratory tests.

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Rough Terrain Negotiable Mobile Platform with Passively Adaptive Double-Tracks and Its Application to Rescue Missions and EOD Missions

  • Lee, Woo-Sub;Kang, Sung-Chul;Kim, Mun-Sang;Shin, Kyung-Chul
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.1048-1053
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents design and integration of the ROBHAZ-DT3, which is a newly developed mobile robot system with chained double-track mechanisms. A passive adaptation mechanism equipped between the front and rear body enables the ROBHAZ-DT3 to have good adaptability to uneven terrains including stairs. The passive adaptation mechanism reduces energy consumption when moving on uneven terrain as well as its simplicity in design and remote control, since no actuator is necessary for adaptation. Based on this novel mobile platform, a rescue version of the ROBHAZ-DT3 with appropriate sensors and a semi-autonomous mapping and localization algorithm is developed to participate in the RoboCup2004 US-Open: Urban Search and Rescue Competition. From the various experiments in the realistic rescue arena, we can verify that the ROBHAZ-DT3 is reliable in traveling rugged terrain and the proposed mapping and localization algorithm are effective in the unstructured environment with uneven ground. The another application is an military robot for an EOD(Explosive Ordnance Disposal) and reconnaissance mission. The military version of the ROBHAZ-DT3 with a water disrupter, a thermal scope and a long distance wireless communication device is developed and sent to the area of military tactics in Iraq. Consequently, the feasibility of the military version of ROBHAZ-DT3 is verified.

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Cluster-Based Spin Images for Characterizing Diffuse Objects in 3D Range Data

  • Lee, Heezin;Oh, Sangyoon
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.377-382
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    • 2014
  • Detecting and segmenting diffuse targets in laser ranging data is a critical problem for tactical reconnaissance. In this study, we propose a new method that facilitates the characterization of diffuse irregularly shaped objects using "spin images," i.e., local 2D histograms of laser returns oriented in 3D space, and a clustering process. The proposed "cluster-based spin imaging" method resolves the problem of using standard spin images for diffuse targets and it eliminates much of the computational complexity that characterizes the production of conventional spin images. The direct processing of pre-segmented laser points, including internal points that penetrate through a diffuse object's topmost surfaces, avoids some of the requirements of the approach used at present for spin image generation, while it also greatly reduces the high computational time overheads incurred by searches to find correlated images. We employed 3D airborne range data over forested terrain to demonstrate the effectiveness of this method in discriminating the different geometric structures of individual tree clusters. Our experiments showed that cluster-based spin images have the potential to separate classes in terms of different ages and portions of tree crowns.

Stratigraphic and Structural Review of Yeoncheon Group and Iimjingang Fold Belt, and Its Edge of Distribution (연천층군과 임진강습곡대의 층서.구조적 재고 및 분포 경계)

  • Chwae, Uee-Chan;Choi, Sung-Ja
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.627-634
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    • 2009
  • Redefining the difference among the Yamaguchi's 'so-called Yeoncheon system,' north Korean's 'Rimjin System' and Yeoncheon Group of national geological map, authors tried to avoid a possible misunderstanding of concept between Yeoncheon Group and Imjingang fold Belt. As a tool of preliminary geological mapping and or N-S reconnaissance of the whole Yeoncheon Group, an interpretation technique of satellite image from various angles has been applied to understand the geometrical attitude of strike and dip of random spot, and a further concept like as cross section.

Polymorphic Path Transferring for Secure Flow Delivery

  • Zhang, Rongbo;Li, Xin;Zhan, Yan
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.2805-2826
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    • 2021
  • In most cases, the routing policy of networks shows a preference for a static one-to-one mapping of communication pairs to routing paths, which offers adversaries a great advantage to conduct thorough reconnaissance and organize an effective attack in a stress-free manner. With the evolution of network intelligence, some flexible and adaptive routing policies have already proposed to intensify the network defender to turn the situation. Routing mutation is an effective strategy that can invalidate the unvarying nature of routing information that attackers have collected from exploiting the static configuration of the network. However, three constraints execute press on routing mutation deployment in practical: insufficient route mutation space, expensive control costs, and incompatibility. To enhance the availability of route mutation, we propose an OpenFlow-based route mutation technique called Polymorphic Path Transferring (PPT), which adopts a physical and virtual path segment mixed construction technique to enlarge the routing path space for elevating the security of communication. Based on the Markov Decision Process, with considering flows distribution in the network, the PPT adopts an evolution routing path scheduling algorithm with a segment path update strategy, which relieves the press on the overhead of control and incompatibility. Our analysis demonstrates that PPT can secure data delivery in the worst network environment while countering sophisticated attacks in an evasion-free manner (e.g., advanced persistent threat). Case study and experiment results show its effectiveness in proactively defending against targeted attacks and its advantage compared with previous route mutation methods.

Human-likeness of an Agent's Movement-Data Loci based on Realistically Limited Perception Data (제한적 인지 데이터에 기초한 에이전트 움직임-데이터 궤적의 인간다움)

  • Han, Chang-Hee;Kim, Won-Il
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2010
  • This present paper's goal is to show a virtual human agent's movement-data loci based on realistically limited perception data is human-like. To determine human-likeness of the movement-data loci, we consider interactions between two parameters: Realistically Limited Perception (RLP) data and Incremental Movement-Path data Generation (IMPG). That is to consider how the former (i.e., RLP), one of the simulated parameters of human thought or its elements dictates the latter (i.e., IMPG), one of the simulated parameters of human movement behavior. Mapping DB is a prerequisite for navigation in an agent system because it functions as an interface between perception and movement behavior. Although Hill et al. studied mapping DB methodology based on RLP, their research dealt only with a rendering camera's view point data. The agent system in this present paper was integrated with the Hill's mapping DB module and then the two parameters' interaction was considered on a military reconnaissance mission with unexpected enemy emergence. Movement loci that were generated by the agent and subjects were compared with each other. The agent system in this present research verifies that it can be a functional test bed for producing human-like movement-data loci although the human-likeness of agent is the result of a pilot test, determined by two parameters (RLP and IMPG) and only 30 subjects.