• Title/Summary/Keyword: reading disorders

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  • Cho, Soo-Churl;Lee, Jung-Bun;Chungh, Dong-Seon;Shin, Sung-Woong
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.81-94
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    • 2003
  • Objectives:Developmental reading disorder is a condition which manifests significant developmenttal delay in reading ability or persistent errors. About 3-7% of school-age children have this condition. The purpose of the present study was to validate the diagnostic values of Word/Nonword Reading Test and Letter-Symbol Discrimination Task for the purpose of overcoming the caveats of Basic Learning Skills Test. Methods:Sixty-three reading-disordered patients(mean age 10.48 years old) and sex, age-matched 77 normal children(mean age 10.33 years old) were selected by clinical evaluation and DSM-IV criteria. Reading I and II of Basic Learning Skills Test, Word/Nonword Reading Test, and Letter-Symbol Discrimination Task were carried out to them. Word/Nonword Reading Test:One hundred usual highfrequency words and one hundred meaningless nonwords were presented to the subjects within 1.2 and 2.4 seconds, respectively. Through these results, automatized phonological processing ability and conscious letter-sound matching ability were estimated. Letter-Symbol Discrimination Task:mirror image letters which reading-disordered patients are apt to confuse were used. Reliability, concurrent validity, construct validity, and discriminant validity tests were conducted. Results:Word/Nonword Reading Test:the reliability(alpha) was 0.96, and concurrent validity with Basic Learning Skills test was 0.94. The patients with developmental reading disorders differed significantly from normal children in Word/Nonword Reading Test performances. Through discriminant analysis, 83.0% of original cases were correctly classified by this test. Letter-Symbol Discrimination Task:the reliability(alpha) was 0.86, and concurrent validity with Basic Learning Skills test was 0.86. There were significant differences in scores between the patients and normal children. Factor analysis revealed that this test were composed of saccadic mirror image processing, global accuracy, mirror image processing deficit, static image processing, global vigilance deficit, and inattention-impulsivity factors. By discriminant analysis, 87.3% of the patients and normal children were correctly classified. Conclusion:The patients with developmental reading disorders had deficits in automatized visuallexical route, morpheme-phoneme conversion mechanism, and visual information processing. These deficits were reliably and validly evaluated by Word/Nonword Reading Test and Letter-Symbol Discrimination Task.

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Applications of Machine Learning for Online Learning Systems towards Children with Speech Disorders

  • Jadi, Amr;Alzahrani, Ali
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 2022
  • Specific Language Impairment is one of the serious disorders that interferes with spontaneous communication skills in children. Children suffering from this disorder may have reading, speaking, or listening impairments, and such type of disorders are also termed Autism Speech Disorder (ASD) in medical terminology. The aim of the article is to define specific language impairment in children and the problems it can cause. The different methods adopted by speech pathologists to diagnose language impairment. Finally implementing machine learning models to automate the process and help speech pathologists and pediatricians/ in diagnosing the specific language impairment.

Severity Prediction of Sleep Respiratory Disease Based on Statistical Analysis Using Machine Learning (머신러닝을 활용한 통계 분석 기반의 수면 호흡 장애 중증도 예측)

  • Jun-Su Kim;Byung-Jae Choi
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2023
  • Currently, polysomnography is essential to diagnose sleep-related breathing disorders. However, there are several disadvantages to polysomnography, such as the requirement for multiple sensors and a long reading time. In this paper, we propose a system for predicting the severity of sleep-related breathing disorders at home utilizing measurable elements in a wearable device. To predict severity, the variables were refined through a three-step variable selection process, and the refined variables were used as inputs into three machine-learning models. As a result of the study, random forest models showed excellent prediction performance throughout. The best performance of the model in terms of F1 scores for the three threshold criteria of 5, 15, and 30 classified as the AHI index was about 87.3%, 90.7%, and 90.8%, respectively, and the maximum performance of the model for the three threshold criteria classified as the RDI index was approx 79.8%, 90.2%, and 90.1%, respectively.

Effects of EAI and VAS on perceptual judgement and confidence rating by listeners for voice disorders (청지각적 평가 방식에 따른 음성장애 심한 정도 판단과 자가 신뢰도에 대한 차이)

  • Lee, Ok-Bun;Kim, Sun-Hee;Jeong, Hanjin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.3046-3050
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of 7-point interval scale(EAI) and visual analogue scale(VAS) on perceptual judgement and the reliability of severity on voice problems by dysphonic speakers. 30 undergraduate students studying communication disorder were enrolled in the perceptual evaluation. Those listeners judged overall voice severity within the anchored(condition 1) and non-anchored scales(condition 2) for vowel prolongation and reading tasks by 25 speakers with voice disorder. The results of this study showed that the scores by VAS was significantly higher than EAI in both condition 1 and condition 2 for vowel prolongation and reading task. However, the scores by EAI method was higher than by VAS method on voice severity of vowel prolongation (condition 1) and reading task(condition 2). These results suggest auditory-perceptual scaling procedures must be more studied in the aspects of clinical application of voice disorder.

Speech and language disorders in children (소아에서 말 언어장애)

  • Chung, Hee Jung
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.9
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    • pp.922-934
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    • 2008
  • Developmental language disorder is the most common developmental disability in childhood, occurring in 5-8% of preschool children. Children learn language in early childhood, and later they use language to learn. Children with language disorders are at increased risk for difficulties with reading and written language when they enter school. These problems often persist through adolescence or adulthood. Early intervention may prevent the more serious consequences of later academic problems, including learning disabilities. A child's performance in specific speech and language areas, such as phonological ability, vocabulary comprehension, and grammatical usage, is measured objectively using the most recently standardized, norm-referenced tests for a particular age group. Observation and qualitative analysis of a child's performance supplement objective test results are essential for making a diagnosis and devising a treatment plan. Emphasis on the team approach system in the evaluation of children with speech and language impairments has been increasing. Evidence-based therapeutic interventions with short-term, long-term, and functional outcome goals should be applied, because there are many examples of controversial practices that have not been validated in large, controlled trials. Following treatment intervention, periodic follow-up monitoring by a doctor is also important. In addition, a systematized national health policy for children with speech and language disorders should be provided.

Visual Presentation of Connected Speech Test (CST)

  • Jeong, Ok-Ran;Lee, Sang-Heun;Cho, Tae-Hwan
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.3
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    • pp.26-37
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    • 1998
  • The Connected Speech Test (CST) was developed to test hearing aid performance using realistic stimuli (Connected speech) presented in a background of noise with a visible speaker. The CST has not been investigated as a measure of speech reading ability using the visual portion of the CST only. Thirty subjects were administered the 48 test lists of the CST using visual presentation mode only. Statistically significant differences were found between the 48 test lists and between the 12 passages of the CST (48 passages divided into 12 groups of 4 lists which were averaged.). No significant differences were found between male and female subjects; however, in all but one case, females scored better than males. No significant differences were found between students in communication disorders and students in other departments. Intra- and inter-subject variability across test lists and passages was high. Suggestions for further research include changing the scoring of the CST to be more contextually based and changing the speaker for the CST.

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A Case Report of Communication disorder associated with Post-stroke (중풍 후 나타난 언어장애 환자 증례보고)

  • Kim, Dong-Min;Kim, Hyee-Kwon;Ha, Seon-Yun;Kim, Yong-Suk;Nam, Sang-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2007
  • A Case Report of Communication disorder associated with Post-stroke Objectives : The Objective Is the Report of Improvement in Communication Disorder Associated with Post-Stroke. Methods : Acupuncture And Medicinal Treatments Were Performed from 17th March 2006 until 8th April 2006. The Medicines Bangpungtongsung-san and Chungpesagan-tang Were Used to Improve Patient Bowel Movement. The Sa-Am Acupuncture Method Was Used to Improve Patient Communication Disorders. Every 5 Days Articulation Accuracy, Vowel Accuracy, Alternation and Speed of Reading Sentences Were Evaluated. Results : After 23 Days of Treatment There was Improvement of Articulation Accuracy, Alternation and Speed of Reading Sentences.

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The Comparisons of GRBAS Perceptual Judgments according to Levels of Utterances

  • Pyo, Hwa-Young;Sim, Hyun-Sub
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2001
  • The present study was performed to investigate adequate levels of utterances which can give essential as well as useful information about the patients' voice, by examining the degrees of correlation between the levels of utterances (vowels, words, and phrase paragraph reading) and the entire utterance including all of the levels. For this purpose, a total of 10 individual utterance samples (5 vowels, 3 words, 1 phrase, 1 paragraph reading) were collected from each of the 30 subjects with voice disorder patients, and four experienced voice therapists evaluated them using GRBAS. The results showed that four therapists highly agreed upon on 'G' parameter. The coefficient of the correlation between each level of utterance and entire utterance tended to be above 0.70. Judgements of the vowel /$\varepsilon$/ as well as /o/ highly correlated with the judgement of the entire utterance. Regardless of severity, the judgement of the entire utterance highly correlated with the judgements of the vowel /u/ and the paragraph reading. These results suggest that experienced voice therapists can precisely evaluate patients' voice quality with only one sustained vowel in the clinic field, as is done with the entire utterance evaluation.

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Acoustic Characteristics on the Adolescent Period Aged from 16 to 18 Years (16~18세 청소년기 음성의 음향음성학적 특성)

  • Ko, Hye-Ju;Kang, Min-Jae;Kwon, Hyuk-Jae;Choi, Yaelin;Lee, Mi-Geum;Choi, Hong-Shik
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2013
  • During adolescence the mutational period is characterized by the changes in the laryngeal structure, the length of the vocal cords, and a tone of voice. Usually, adolescents at 15 or 16 reach the voice of adults but the mutational period is sometimes delayed. Therefore, studies on the voice of adolescents between 16 ~ 18 right after the mutational period are required. Accordingly, this paper attempted to provide basic data about the normal standard for patients with voice disorders during this period by evaluating the vocal characteristics of males and females between 16 ~ 18 with an objective device bycomparing and analyzing them by sex and age. The study was conducted on a total of 60 subjects composed of each 10 subjects of each age. The vocal analysis was conducted by MPT (Maximum Phonation Time) measurement, sustained vowels and sentence reading. As for /a/ sustained vowels, fundamental frequency, hereinafter referred to as $F_0$, jitter, shimmer, noise-to-harmonic ratio, hereinafter referred to as NHR were measured by using the Multi-dimensional voice program (MDVP) among the Multi-Speech program of Computerized Speech Lab (Kay Elemetrics). The sentence reading, mean $F_0$, maximum $F_0$ and minimum $F_0$ were measured using the Real-Time Pitch (RTP) Model 5121 among the Multi-Speech program of Computerized Speech Lab (Kay Elemetrics). As a result, according to sex, there were statistically significant differences in $F_0$, jitter, shimmer, mean $F_0$, maximum $F_0$, and minimum $F_0$; and according to age, there were statistically significant differences in MPT. In conclusion, the voice of the adolescents between 16 ~ 18 reached the maturity levels of adults but the voice quality which can be considered on the scale of voice disorders showed transition to the voice of an adult during the mutational period.

A comparison study of the characteristics of pauses and breath groups during paragraph reading for normal female adults with and without voice disorders (정상성인 여성 화자와 음성장애 성인 여성 화자의 문단 낭독 시 휴지 및 호흡단락 특성의 비교)

  • Pyo, Hwa Young
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to identify the characteristics of pauses and breath groups made by normal adults and patients with voice disorders while reading a paragraph. Forty normal female adults and forty female patients with a functional voice disorder (18-45 yrs.) read the "Gaeul" paragraph with the "Running Speech" protocol of the Phonatory Aerodynamic System (PAS), by which the pauses with or without inspiration and between or within syntactic words and breath groups were analyzed. The number of pauses with inspiration was found to be higher in the patient group, but the number of pauses without inspiration was higher in the normal group. The rate of syntactic word boundaries with pauses with inspiration was higher in the patient group, while the number of syllables per breath group was higher in the normal group. As these results can be explained by patients' poor breath support due to glottal insufficiency, the question of whether voice disorder patients use their pauses and breath groups properly should be considered carefully in evaluation and intervention.