• Title/Summary/Keyword: reaction order

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Synthesis Characteristics of ZnO Powder from Precursors Composed of Nitrate-Citrate Compounds (Nitrate-Citrate 혼합 전구체로부터 ZnO 입자의 합성반응 특성)

  • Yang, Si Woo;Lee, Seung Ho;Lim, Dae Ho;Yoo, Dong Jun;Kang, Yong
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.299-304
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    • 2016
  • Characteristics of self-propagating reaction for the preparation of ZnO powder from precursors composed of nitrate and citrate compounds were examined. The ratio of C/N was maintained in range of 0.7~0.8 to initiate the self-propagating reaction between the reducing citrate and oxidizing nitrate groups. The samples were decomposed thermally by using TGA. The sudden decomposition occurred in the range of X > 0.5 in a very short time with a very sharp decrease of mass, indicating that the self-propagating reaction would occur. Friedman, Ozawa-Flynn-Wall and Vyazovkin methods were employed to predict the activation energy, reaction order and frequency factor of the reaction rate in the rate determining step of X < 0.5 range. The activation energy increased with increasing fractional conversion in the range of 46~130 (kJ/min). The reaction order decreased in the range of 2.9~0.9, while the frequency factor increased in the range of 85~278 ($min^{-1}$), respectively, with increasing the rate of temperature increase.

A Study on the High School Student's Reaction on Girl Student's Clothing Behaviour (여고생의 복식행동에 대한 남녀고등학생의 반응에 관한 연구)

  • 정해자
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 1989
  • Teen-agers are much concerned for their appearances. Their clothes reflect their living conditions and serve as a means to represents themselves as well. They also show great concern for the clothes of students of an age. So to guide their clothing behaviours in school plays a very important role in the living guidance of students. From this point, this study was aimed at examing closely the differences of recations as to the girl students' clothing behaviours between boy students and girl students of high school, and the correlation between environment condition and reaction upon the clothing behaviours of girl students. To check the physical environment condition of the family, the family circumstances test, made and standardized by Jung Won Sik, was used. To check the clothing behaviours of girl students, four items-modesty, fashion and esthetics were made and each item had five questions, wihich comprised fifteen questons all told. The subjects of this study included students in eight high schools located in Incheon, totaling 930 boys and girls. The results of this study were summarized as follows: 1. There are great differences in students' reaction upon girl students' clothing behaviours according to their physical circumstances level, sex, grade years and the degree of concern for other sex. (A) The correlation between students' physical circumstances level and their reaction upon the girl students' clothing behaviours is high in all the three items. The higher the students' circumstancses level is, the lower their reaction upon modesty is, and the higher their reaction upon fashion. In case of esthetics, only girl students show great concern for it. (B) As to the reaction upon the girls students' clothing behaviours by sex, girls show higher concern for modesty, fashion and esthetics than boys. (C) As to the reaction upon the girl students' clothing behaviours by the grade years, the first year students as a whole show higher concern for modesty than second grade year students. (D) As to the reaction upon the girl students' clothing behaviours by the degree of concern for other six, the more concern both the boy and the girl students have for other sex, the higher their reactions are upon fashion and esthetics, but the lower upon modesty. 2. From the point of reactions upon the girl students' clothing behaviours, (A) as to fashion, free variables can explain by 7.8 percent the degree of concern for other sex, physicial circumstances level, and sex in that order. (B) as to fashion, free variables can explain by 5.4 persent the concern for other sex, physicial circumstances level, and sex in that order. (C) as to esthetics, free variables can explain by 4.8 percent the concern for other sex, physicial circumstances level, and sex in that order. From the above analysis, the following are included: The concern for other sex has the greatest influence on the girl students clothing behaviours, the physicial circumstances level the nest, sex the third and the grade year the last.

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A Study on Removal of Color in Dyeing Wastewater by Ozone Oxidation (오존산화에 의한 염색체수의 색도 제거에 관한 연구)

  • 정순형;최준호
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to remove the color in dyeing wastewater by ozone oxidation process, and the results were summarized as follows ; The 18.3% of BOD and 56.3% TOC were removed as decreasing with pH 1 in dyeing wastewater, containing the polyester reducing process. It showed that terephthalic acid was precipitated at low pH. The color of dyeing wastewater was removed by the first order reaction, and the reaction rate constants at pH 3, 7, 12 were investigated $0.234{\;}min^{-1},{\;}0.215{\;}min^{-1}{\;}and{\;}0.201{\;}min^{-1}$ respectively. It showed that color was more effectively removed with direct reaction of ozone than radical reaction(non-direct reaction). As increasing of the water temperature, the reaction rate constants were increased slightly. It indicated that activity of ozone was improved at high water temperature.

Enzymes Reaction and Quality Changes in Fresh Vegetables (효소적 작용과 신선 채소의 품질 변화)

  • Zheng, Hu-Zhe;Lee, Sang-Han;Chung, Shin-Kkyo
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.25
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2007
  • The several enzymes reaction which involve the quality change of fresh vegetables, such as chlorophylase, polyphenol oxidase, lypoxygenase, C-S-lyase, myrosinase and enzymes related lignification were reviewed. Numerous enzyme reaction continuously proceeds to the deterioration of vegetables after harvest due to the respiration and biochemical metabolism reaction, especially in case of physical injuring. It is extremely important to inhibit and to control these enzyme reaction in order to maintain the organoleptic and nutritional quality of fresh vegetables.

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Kinetics and Optimization of Dimethyl Carbonate Synthesis by Transesterification using Design of Experiment

  • Lee, Kilwoo;Yoo, Kye Sang
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.416-420
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    • 2018
  • A comprehensive kinetic study has been conducted on dimethyl carbonate synthesis by transesterification reaction of ethylene carbonate with methanol. An alkali base metal (KOH) was used as catalyst in the synthesis of DMC, and its catalytic ability was investigated in terms of kinetics. The experiment was performed in a batch reactor at atmospheric pressure. The reaction orders, the activation energy and the rate constants were determined for both forward and backward reactions. The reaction order for forward and backward reactions was 0.87 and 2.15, and the activation energy was 12.73 and 29.28 kJ/mol, respectively. Using the general factor analysis in the design of experiments, we analyzed the main effects and interactions according to the MeOH/EC, reaction temperature and KOH concentration. DMC yield with various reaction conditions was presented for all ranges using surface and contour plot. Furthermore, the optimal conditions for DMC yield were determined using response surface method.

Reaction of the System of Coal Fly Ash-Sulfuric Acid-Calcium Hydroxide (플라이 애쉬-황산-수한화칼슘계의 반응)

  • 송종택;안민선;정문영
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.33 no.12
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    • pp.1331-1338
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    • 1996
  • In order to investigate the reaction in the system of fly ash-sulfuric acid-calcium hydroxide the hydrates were produced by the addition of Ca(OH)2 to fly ash activated with sulfuric acid at various temperatures. And then they were characterized by XRD. SEM and TG-DTA. It was found that in the reaction of fly ash with sulfuric acid fly ash was not decomposed but Al2O3 and SiO2 component in it were activated. The addition of calcium hydroxide into this system resulted in the formation of ettringite and calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) As the concentration of sulfuric acid and reaction temperature increased the amount of calcium hydroxide decreased fast. At this time gypsum produced by the reaction calcium hydroxide with sulfuric acid was consumed to form ettringite. Accordingly the formation of ettringite increased with calcium hydroxide and reaction time. And it showed faster than the formation of C-S-H.

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Hydrocarbon Synthesis of Waste Lignocellulosics by Liquefaction Reaction of Thermochemical Deoxyhydrogenolysis Method(I) (목질폐재(木質廢材)의 열(熱)-화학적(化學的) 탈(脫)산소-수소첨가반응(환원반응)에 의한 액화(液化)탄화수소의 합성(I))

  • Lee, Byung-Guen
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 1990
  • Many kinds of acetosolv lignin including ricestraw and spruce lignin were pyrolyzed. and liquefied in the autoclave reactor using 50% tetralin and m-cresol solution respectively as soluble solvent and Co-Mo as catalyst. In order to promote deoxyhydrogenolysis reaction $H_2$ gas was supplied into the reactor. The ratio between lignin and the soluble solvent are lg and 10cc. The reaction conditions are $200^{\circ}-700^{\circ}C$ of reaction temperature, 10-50 atms of reaction pressure and 100-500rpm of the reactor stirrer. By the deoxyhydrogenolysis liquefaction reaction, the main chemical structures of lignin which are aryl-alkyl-${\beta}$-0-4 ether, phenylcoumaran and biphenyl etc. are easily destroyed into liqufied aromatic compounds and aliphatic compunds linked with aromatic compounds. The percent yield of monomeric phenols on the weight bvase of lignin reacted reached to 12-14% by the chemical analytic GC-MS etc.

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A Study of Sweating Reaction by the Somato Types (체형별 발한 반응에 관한 연구)

  • Sim, Bu-Ja
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.65-82
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    • 1998
  • To investigate the difference of sweating reaction by the somato types, we measured total sweat rate, local sweat rate, skin temperature, physiological reaction and psychological reaction at $25{\pm}1^{\circ}C$ and $29{\pm}1^{\circ}C$ under laboratory conditons. Nine healthy adult females were divided into three somato types : slender (3), normal (3) and obese (3). The results were as follows ; Total sweat rate was highest in the obese type, followed by the normal and slender types in order. Local sweat rate was highest in the infrascapular area, and then came breast, the back of the hand, upper ann, anterior leg, and anterior thigh in all somato types. Mean skin temperature was highest in the slender type, and followed the normal and obese types. Rectal temperature, blood pressure and pulse rate were highest in the obese type. Psychological reaction appeared 'hot', 'humid', 'sweaty' as ambient temperature went up. Somato types made little difference in psychological reaction.

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    • Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
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    • v.64 no.3
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    • pp.931-934
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    • 2019
  • Al-CuO is a thermite material exhibiting the exothermic reaction only when aluminum melts. For wide spread of its application, the reaction temperature needs to be reduced in addition to the enhancement of total reaction energy. In the present study, a thermite nanocomposite with a large contact area between Al and CuO was fabricated in order to lower the exothermic reaction temperature and to improve the reactivity. A cryomilling process was performed to achieve the nanostructure, and the effect of composition on the microstructure and its reactivity was studied in detail. The microstructure was characterized using SEM and XRD, and the thermal property was analyzed using DSC. The results show that as the molar ratio between Al and CuO varies, the fraction of uniform nanocomposite structure was changed affecting the exothermic reaction characteristics.

Synthesis of a Nitrogen-rich Insensitive Energetic Material, DNAM(Dinitroammeline) (고질소 둔감에너지 물질인 DNAM(Dinitroammeline) 합성공정 개발)

  • Sul, Minjung;Kim, Minjun;Kim, Jinseuk;Kim, Seunghee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.50-57
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    • 2016
  • We studied the Lab-scale process for the development of DNAM in aspect of safety and overall efficiency. Melamine is used for starting material of process, DNAM was synthesized by oxidation and nitration reaction. In order to optimize the process parameters with the product in higher yield and purity, a systematic study with variation of different parameters like molar ratio of nitrating mixture, conditioning time and order of reactant was carried out. The optimized reaction conditions for the synthesis of DNAM were : conditioning time of $3{\pm}3.5$ hour and nitrating mixture in 1:1.4 molar ratio. In order to proceed a stable reaction, melamine was added with enough time to relieve reaction heat. From these reaction condition, DNAM could be obtained in a yield of more than 60%.