• Title/Summary/Keyword: rate of strain

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Physical and Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Oxide Matrix depending on Addition Ratio of Magnesium Chloride (염화마그네슘 첨가율에 따른 산화마그네슘 경화체의 물리 및 역학적 특성)

  • Kim, Heon-Tae;Jung, Byeong-Yeol;Lee, Sang-Soo;Song, Ha-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.308-313
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    • 2014
  • Recently, for longevity of resident building, the main trend is that the change of the inside space organization of resident building from wall construction to rhamen construction, which resulted in increase in use of lightweight composite panel. Thus, in this study, authors analyzed the engineering property of oxide of magnesium depending on the magnesium chloride addition ratio. The results of this research is expected to contribute on providing a fundamental material for the surface materials of lightweight composite panel. As the result of the experiment, as fluidity increased, air content decreased and initial set and final set as the magnesium chloride addition ratio increase. In the aspect of flexural strength and compressive strength, the test specimen showed the highest strength at 40% of the magnesium chloride addition ratio. At 20% of the magnesium chloride addition ratio, the test specimen showed the lowest water absorption rate. As the magnesium chloride addition ratio increases, the expansibility tends to increase as well in the aspect of shrinkage strain. After observing microstructure, we can see hydration products in the form of needle. It appeared high flexural strength because the hydration products have mineral fibrous tissue shape, which also contribute to the cause of the expansibility.

Cyclic behavior of RT-cement treated marine clay subjected to low and high loading frequencies

  • Al-Bared, Mohammed A.M.;Harahap, Indra S.H.;Marto, Aminaton;Mohamad, Hisham;Abad, Seyed Vahid Alavi Nezhad Khalil;Mustaffa, Zahiraniza
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.433-445
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    • 2020
  • The weakening and softening behavior of soft clay subjected to cyclic loading due to the build-up of excess pore water pressure is well-known. During the design stage of the foundation of highways and coastal high-rise buildings, it is important to study the mechanical behavior of marine soils under cyclic loading as they undergo greater settlement during cyclic loading than under static loading. Therefore, this research evaluates the cyclic stress-strain and shear strength of untreated and treated marine clay under the effects of wind, earthquake, and traffic loadings. A series of laboratory stress-controlled cyclic triaxial tests have been conducted on both untreated and treated marine clay using different effective confining pressures and a frequency of 0.5 and 1.0 Hz. In addition, treated samples were cured for 28 and 90 days and tested under a frequency of 2.0 Hz. The results revealed significant differences in the performance of treated marine clay samples than that of untreated samples under cyclic loading. The treated marine clay samples were able to stand up to 2000 loading cycles before failure, while untreated marine clay samples could not stand few loading cycles. The untreated marine clay displayed a higher permanent axial strain rate under cyclic loading than the treated clay due to the existence of new cementing compounds after the treatment with recycled tiles and low amount (2%) of cement. The effect of the effective confining pressure was found to be significant on untreated marine clay while its effect was not crucial for the treated samples cured for 90 days. Treated samples cured for 90 days performed better under cyclic loading than the ones cured for 28 days and this is due to the higher amount of cementitious compounds formed with time. The highest deformation was found at 0.5 Hz, which cannot be considered as a critical frequency since smaller frequencies were not used. Therefore, it is recommended to consider testing the treated marine clay using smaller frequencies than 0.5 Hz.

Breeding of WhangBoJama Sex-Limited Yellow Silk Silkworm Variety Suitable for Spring Rearing Season (춘잠기 강건 다수성 한성황견 누에품종 "황보잠" 육성)

  • Kim, Kee-Young;Sung, Gyoo-Byung;Kim, Mi-Ja;Ji, Sang-Duk;Kweon, HaeYong;Park, Kwang-Young;Shon, Bong-Hee;Kang, Pil-Don
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.63-67
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    • 2013
  • A new silkworm variety "WhangBoJam" for spring rearing season is F1 hybrid between Jam317, a japanese strain bred from introduction breeding and Jam318, a chinese strain from introduction breeding. In the local adaptability test performed at 8 local areas in spring of 2012, the hatchability rate of WhangBoJam was recorded 95% similar to Kum HwangJam. The larval period was 8hours more long than KumHwangJam. The pupation percentage was recorded 6.6% higher than KumHwangJam. Single cocoon weight was recorded 2.29 g similar to KumHwangJam and cocoon yield(21.3 kg) was higher than KumHwangJam. The concentration of DNJ was measured to 0.22% in WhangBoJam, lower than DaePoongJam(0.26%). In the Paecilomyces tenuipes production ability test, the pupal weight of Whang BoJam was 1.33 g/individual, higher than KumHwangJam (1.19 g/individual).

Characterization of the Strong Proteolytic Bacteria Isolated from Low Salt Fermented Anchovy and of Protease Produced by that Strain (저식염멸치젓에서 분리한 단백질분해력이 강한 세균 및 생산된 단백분해효소의 특성)

  • CHA Yong-Jun;LEE Eung-Ho;LEE Kang-Hee;CHANG Dong-Suck
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 1988
  • For the purpose of producing low salt fermented anchovy by accelerated method with a strong proteolytic bacteria, in this study, a strong proteolytic bacterium was isolated from low salt fermented anchovy and its bacteriological characteristics and properties of protease were experimented. The results obtained were as fellows : three proteolytic bacteria, Aeromonas anaerogenes Barillus subtilis and Staphylococcus saprophyticus were isolated from low salt fermented anchovy($4\%\;of\;salt,\;4\%\;of\;KCl,\;0.5\%\;of\;lactic\;acid,\;6\%$of sorbitol and $4\%$ of alcohol extract of red pepper) after 40 days fermentation. Among these strains, which grow best at $30^{\circ}C$, pH 7.0, B. subtilis was found the best proteolytic strain and benefit for industrial use as shown $0.95\;hr^{-1}$ of specific growth rate, $89{\mu}g-Tyr/hr.ml$ of maximum activity after 12 hrs culture in TPY broth. The protease produced by by B. subtilis showed maximum activity at $35^{\circ}C$, pH 7.0, and molecular weight was estimated to be 23,000 by Sephadex G-100 filtration, and it was supposed to be a kind of metal chelator sensitive neutral protease from the results of strong sensitivity against EDTA, o-phenanthroline and metal ions such as $Cu^{2+},\;Ni^{2+},\;Fe^{2+}.Km$ value of that by method of Lineweaver-Burk was determinded to be $0.73\%$ for casein as a substrate.

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Arthrospira platensis Mutants Containing High Lipid Content by Electron Beam Irradiation and Analysis of Its Fatty Acid Composition (전자빔 조사에 의해 지질 함량이 증대된 Arthrospira platensis 변이주 분리 및 지방산 분석)

  • Choi, Soo-Jeong;Kim, Young-Hwa;Kim, Andre;Lee, Jae-Hwa
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.628-632
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    • 2013
  • Arthrospira platensis (A. platensis) is an economically important microalgae because it has carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and a number of phytochemicals. It is also a valuable source used in the production of biodiesel and functional foods. In this study, A. platensis was exposed to electron beam irradation (240 kGy) and induced random mutagenesis for strain improvement. Several mutants were obtained, and the resulting mutant was designated as EB29. The growth rate and chlorophyll content of EB29 was similar to those of wild type. However, the lipid content of EB29 was increased seven-fold compared to that of wild type when comparing the nile red fluorescent intensity. Semi-quantitative analysis of EB29 using the calibration plot of standard lipid, triolein, represented $78.6{\mu}g/mL$, which increased 2 times compared to wild type ($41.4{\mu}g/mL$). When analyzing the fatty acid profile of EB29, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), such as gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) in EB29 increased about six-fold. Moreover, fatty acids affecting the quality of biodiesel increased compared to that of wild type. Thus, electron beam could be used for the strain improvement of microalgae in order to accumulate PUFAs and alteration of fatty acid profile for biodiesel.

Screening of Biodegradable Function of Indigenous Ligno-degrading Mushroom Using Dyes

  • Jang, Kab-Yeul;Cho, Soo-Muk;Seok, Soon-Ja;Kong, Won-Sik;Kim, Gyu-Hyun;Sung, Jae-Mo
    • Mycobiology
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2009
  • The process of biodegradation in lingo-cellulosic materials is critically relevant to biospheric carbon. The study of this natural process has largely involved laboratory investigations, focused primarily on the biodegradation and recycling of agricultural by-products, generally using basidiomycetes species. In order to collect super white rot fungi and evaluate its ability to degrade lingo-cellulosic material, 35 fungal strains, collected from forests, humus soil, livestock manure, and dead trees, were screened for enzyme activities and their potential to decolorize the commercially used Poly-R 478 dye. In the laccase enzymatic analysis chemical test, 33 white rot fungi and 2 brown rot fungi were identified. The degradation ability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) according to the utilized environmental conditions was higher in the mushrooms grown in dead trees and fallen leaves than in the mushrooms grown in humus soil and livestock manure. Using Poly-R 478 dye to assess the PAH-degradation activity of the identified strains, four strains, including Agrocybe pediades, were selected. The activities of laccase, MnP, and Lip of the four strains with PAH-degrading ability were highest in Pleurotus incarnates. 87 fungal strains, collected from forests, humus soil, livestock manure, and dead trees, were screened for enzyme activities and their potential to decolorize the commercially used Poly-R 478 dye on solid media. Using Poly-R 478 dye to assess the PAHdegrading activity of the identified strains, it was determined that MKACC 51632 and 52492 strains evidenced superior activity in static and shaken liquid cultures. Subsequent screening on plates containing the polymeric dye poly R-478, the decolorization of which is correlated with lignin degradation, resulted in the selection of a strain of Coriolus versicolor, MKACC52492, for further study, primarily due to its rapid growth rate and profound ability to decolorize poly R-478 on solid media. Considering our findings using Poly-R 478 dye to evaluate the PAH-degrading activity of the identified strains, Coriolus versicolor, MKACC 52492 was selected as a favorable strain. Coriolus versicolor, which was collected from Mt. Yeogi in Suwon, was studied for the production of the lignin-modifying enzymes laccase, manganese-dependent peroxidase (MnP), and lignin peroxidase (LiP).

A Study on the High Temp. Tensile Properties of B1914 Ni-base Superalloy According to Crystal Structures of Poly-, Directionally Solidified- and Single Crystal Casts (Ni기 초합금 B1914의 다결정, 방향성 및 단결정 주조구조에 따른 고온 인장 특성 연구)

  • An, Seong-Uk;Jang,Yong-Seok;Yun, Dong-Han;Im, Ok-Dong;Larionov, V.;Grafas, I.;Jin, Yeong-Hun;Lee, Jae-Hun;Seo, Dong-Lee;O, Je-Myeong;Lee, Sang-Jun;Lim, Dae-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.8 no.9
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    • pp.831-836
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    • 1998
  • The B1914 Ni-base superalloy was manufactured according to crystal structures of poly-, directionally solidified- and single crystals. We observe deformation as type of different crystal structure from room to high temperature. Specimens are controled by cooling rate and thermal gradient and then heat treatment in vacuum and then cooling with Ar gas. Different crystal structure has different stress-strain characteristic. At $600^{\circ}C$, yield strength and ultimate strength is increased single-, directionally solidified- and poly crystals in order.

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Studies on Bacterial Characteristics and Cd Accumulation of Vibrio sp. S-1-2, Isolated from Eutrophic Coastal Area (부영양화 해역에서 분리된 Vibrio sp. S-1-2균의 특성과 Cd축적에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Jae;Yoon, Duk-Hyun;Kim, Mu-Chan;Park, Young-Tae
    • Journal of fish pathology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 1991
  • Vibrio sp. S-1-2 was isolated from seawater in the Masan bay and its bacterial characteristics and bioaccumulation of $CdCl_2$ in the cell were investigated. As the result of microscopic and biochemical test, the S-1-2 strain was identified to Vibrio sp. and this strain can be tolerated even in 200 ppm $CdCl_2$ media, however its growth was inhibited. In 25 ppm $ZnCl_2$ media, the growth of Cd resistant Vibrio sp. S-1-2 was promoted at later stage of growth. The growth of Vibrio sp. S-1-2 was inhibited on 25 ppm $CuCl_2$ and $PbCl_2$ media and was not able to grow in 25 ppm $HgCl_2$ media at all. The uptake of cadium in the cells was increased exponentially with increasing concentration of $CdCl_2$ in media. But the uptake rate of cadmium was suddenly inhibited at 50 ppm $CdCl_2$ media. Optimal pH and NaCl concentration for bioaccumulation of $CdCl_2$ were 8-9 and 1-2%, respectively. In the case of pH, maximum dpm value was found at pH 7 after 96 hours culture and in the case of NaCl concentration, it was detected in 2% NaCl media after 36 hours culture.

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Failure Analysis of Corroded Coating Materials by Acoustic Emission (음향방출법에 의한 용사코팅 피막부식재의 파손 해석)

    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.19 no.5 s.66
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2005
  • This paper is to investigate the effect of corrosion by acoustic emission method in tensile loading and the adhesiveness between substrate and coating layer. The powders used are Zn and Amdry625, respectively. They are coated on brass alloy substrate. AE signals of Zn and Amdry625 coating layer increase drastically in strain $2\%$. However, those of Zn specimen have more than those of Amdry625 specimen. When the specimens executed the corrosion test under $3.5\%$ NaCl solution for 500, 1000 hours, the salt solution penetrated into the surface of the substrate through the pores of the coating layer. As a result, corrosion production formed on the surface of the substrate. The adhesiveness between coating layers is weakened by the polarization and corrosion itself. The AE event, count, and energy of corroded coating specimens decrease, compared to specimens without corrosion. The results are summarized as follows : 1. In the tensile tests, the time that it took to start and develop the cracks and exfoliations between the surface of the substrates and the plasma spray coatings were different according to the type of plasma sprayed material, which are Zn and Amdry625. These phenomena were obvious at the strain rate 1 to $5\%$, and few available data were found after that stage. 2. The specimens with Zn coating showed the characteristics of crack, according to the changes of the tensile strength applied on the substrates while those with Amdry625 showed exfoliation as a result of low adaptation to the tensile strength. 3. The anti-corrosion specimens showed that the adhesive properties between the substrate and the plasma spray coating were strong in the order of Zn, Amdry. It showed that Corroded specimens cracked or exfoliated easily, even with the small energy, because those had a comparatively weakened adhesive property, due to corrosion. 4. Zn specimen showed no corrosion phenomena on the surface of the substrates, because they had the function of sacrifice anode however, Amdry625 specimen showed the corrosion, because it did not have that function.

An experimental study on the ground movement around a square pipe by its penetration for trenchless construction in sandy ground (사각형 강관을 이용한 비개착 시공에 따른 지반거동의 분석: 모래지반에 대한 모형 토조실험)

  • Choi, Soon-Wook;Park, Young-Taek;Chang, Soo-Ho;Bae, Gyu-Jin;Lee, Ki Taek;Baek, Yong Ki
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.485-501
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to experimentally investigate ground settlement and ground movement around the square pipe by its penetration in sandy ground. A series of laboratory model tests were carried out with a small-scale auger equipment for penetration of a square pipe as well as a newly designed test box with a sand raining equipment. From the experiments, it is shown that a square pipe induces ground movement evenly around it in a low overburden condition. However, as the overburden becomes higher, ground movement by a square pipe is concentrated mainly above it. Especially, horizontal strain above the square pipe was mainly dominated by its penetration. In addition, sand surface movement is the smallest in case of the dimensionless penetration rate equal to 0.2. When its penetration rate of the square pipe is fixed, the rotation speed of auger controls surface movement whether it is settlement or heaving. Therefore, the selection of an optimal dimensionless rate for the square pipe is a key design factor to minimize ground settlement in a trenchless construction.