• Title/Summary/Keyword: rank-based

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  • Kim, Dong-Hee;Kim, Young-Cheol
    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.235-244
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    • 1996
  • Ranked-set sampling is useful when measurements are destructive or costly to obtain but ranking of the observations is rel-atively easy. The Wilcoxon signed rank test statistic based on the ranked-set sample is considered. We compared the asymptotic relative efficiencies of the RSS Wilcoxon signed rank test statistics with respect to the SRS Wilcoxon signed rank test statistic and the RSS sign test statistic. Throughout the ARE's the proposed test statistic is superior to the SRS Wilcoxxon signed rank test statistic and the RSS sign test statistic.

An Implementation of the Ranking Algorithm for Web Documents based on Link Analysis (링크 분석에 기반한 웹 문서 중요도 평가 알고리즘의 구현)

  • Lim, Sung-Chae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2010.07a
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    • pp.75-78
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    • 2010
  • 웹 검색에는 기존의 정보검색(Information Retrieval) 시스템에서와 다르게 문서 간 하이퍼링크 정보를 바탕으로 각 웹 문서의 고유 중요도를 추정하는 방식이 자주 이용된다. 링크 분석에 기반한 알고리즘 중 PageRank 알고리즘은 구글의 웹 검색 서비스에 적용된 것으로 알려져 있다. 이런 PageRank 알고리즘에 따라 중요도를 계산하는 경우 색인된 웹 문서수가 증가함에 따라 계산에 필요한 CPU 자원의 사용도 함께 증가하며, 문서 수가 수 억 페이지에 달하면 하나의 서버에서는 계산을 수행할 수 없다는 문제가 있다. 본 논문에서는 이런 문제점을 해소하기 위해 여러 대의 서버를 PageRank 계산 용 클러스터로 사용할 수 있는 방법을 제시한다. 제시된 방법은 고속의 LAN을 이용하여 여러 대의 서버를 연결하고 반복적인 행렬 계산을 병렬로 수행할 수 있어 계산 시간을 단축시킬 수 있다. 이런 서버 클러스터 구현을 위해 멀티 쓰레딩 프로그램이 작성되었으며, PageRank 계산에 사용되는 행렬 데이터를 적은 양의 메모리만으로 표현 가능하도록 하였다.

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Google Play Malware Detection based on Search Rank Fraud Approach

  • Fareena, N;Yogesh, C;Selvakumar, K;Sai Ramesh, L
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.3723-3737
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    • 2022
  • Google Play is one of the largest Android phone app markets and it contains both free and paid apps. It provides a variety of categories for every target user who has different needs and purposes. The customer's rate every product based on their experience of apps and based on the average rating the position of an app in these arch varies. Fraudulent behaviors emerge in those apps which incorporate search rank maltreatment and malware proliferation. To distinguish the fraudulent behavior, a novel framework is structured that finds and uses follows left behind by fraudsters, to identify both malware and applications exposed to the search rank fraud method. This strategy correlates survey exercises and remarkably joins identified review relations with semantic and behavioral signals produced from Google Play application information, to distinguish dubious applications. The proposed model accomplishes 90% precision in grouping gathered informational indexes of malware, fakes, and authentic apps. It finds many fraudulent applications that right now avoid Google Bouncers recognition technology. It also helped the discovery of fake reviews using the reviewer relationship amount of reviews which are forced as positive reviews for each reviewed Google play the android app.

Nonparametric Methods for Analyzing Incomplete Ranking Data

  • Lim, Dong-Hoon
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.695-706
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    • 1998
  • In this paper we consider the setting where a group of n judges are to independently rank a series of κ objects, but the intended complete rankings are not realized and we are faced with analyzing randomly incomplete rank vectors. We discuss some tests based on Friedman statistics on the designs completed through rank imputation schemes suggested by Lordo and Wolfe (1994) and evaluate them on the basis of simulated power studies, constructing their appropriate null distributions.

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An Adaptive Rank-Based Reindexing Scheme for Lossless Indexed Image Compression (인덱스 이미지에서의 무손실 압축을 위한 적응적 순위 기반 재인덱싱 기법)

  • You Kang-Soo;Lee Bong-Ju;Jang Euee S.;Kwak Hoon-Sung
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.30 no.7C
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    • pp.658-665
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    • 2005
  • Re-assignment scheme of index in index image is called reindexing. It has been well known that index image can be reindexed without losslessness. In this paper, we introduces an adaptive rank based reindexing scheme using co-occurrence frequency between neighboring pixels. Original index image can be converted into rank image by the proposed scheme. Using the proposed scheme, a better compression efficiency can be expected because most of the reindexed values(rank) get distributed with a smaller variance than the original index image. Experinental results show that the proposed scheme achieves a much better compression performance over GIF, arithmetic coding, Zeng's algorithm and RIAC scheme.

A Study of the Job Satisfaction of Clinical Nurses Related to Nurse Staffing (간호등급별 병원 간호사 직무만족 조사)

  • Kim, Jong-Gyeong;Park, Seong-Ae
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.529-539
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : The objective of this research is to explore the job satisfaction of clinical nurses by the rank of nurse staffing in order to provide effective management for nurses. Method : The research has been conducted on three hundred twenty nurses working at tertiary eight hospitals which were from 2nd rank of nurse staffing to 5th. rank of nurse staffing in Seoul, from August 1 to September 30 of 2003, through survey. For the experimental tools, used Park-Yoon's job satisfaction for nurses(1992) which was modified Stamp's job satisfaction test(1978). The acquired data were analyzed through SPSS program using descriptive method, $x^2$-test, ANCOVA, and LSD. Results : Overall job satisfaction of nurses showed fairly high level of 3.17; in the order of high score, 3.84 for interaction, 3.00 for autonomy, 2.63 for administration. Analysis based of the rank of nurse staffing showed that hospitals of 2nd rank and 3rd. rank of nurse staffing which were higher ratio of patient vs nurse were more satisfied with nurses' job satisfaction than other nurses who were 4th. rank and 5th. rank of nurse staffing. Conclusion : The result of this study revealed that hospital which was higher the rank of nurse staffing was more influenced of nurses' job satisfaction and especially interaction, administration and autonomy which were sub-category of job satisfaction were different among the ranks of nurse staffing.

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Implementation Techniques to Apply the PageRank Algorithm (페이지랭크 알고리즘 적용을 위한 구현 기술)

  • Kim, Sung-Jin;Lee, Sang-Ho;Bang, Ji-Hwan
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.9D no.5
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    • pp.745-754
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    • 2002
  • The Google search site (http://www.google.com), which was introduced in 1998, implemented the PageRank algorithm for the first time. PageRank is a ranking method based on the link structure of the Web pages. Even though PageRank has been implemented and being used in various commercial search engines, implementation details did not get documented well, primarily due to business reasons. Implementation techniques introduced in [4,8] are not sufficient to produce PageRank values of Web pages. This paper explains the techniques[4,8], and suggests major data structure and four implementation techniques in order to apply the PageRank algorithm. The paper helps understand the methods of applying PageRank algorithm by means of showing a real system that produces PageRank values of Web pages.

Automatic Meeting Summary System using Enhanced TextRank Algorithm (향상된 TextRank 알고리즘을 이용한 자동 회의록 생성 시스템)

  • Bae, Young-Jun;Jang, Ho-Taek;Hong, Tae-Won;Lee, Hae-Yeoun
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.467-474
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    • 2018
  • To organize and document the contents of meetings and discussions is very important in various tasks. However, in the past, people had to manually organize the contents themselves. In this paper, we describe the development of a system that generates the meeting minutes automatically using the TextRank algorithm. The proposed system records all the utterances of the speaker in real time and calculates the similarity based on the appearance frequency of the sentences. Then, to create the meeting minutes, it extracts important words or phrases through a non-supervised learning algorithm for finding the relation between the sentences in the document data. Especially, we improved the performance by introducing the keyword weighting technique for the TextRank algorithm which reconfigured the PageRank algorithm to fit words and sentences.

Horse race rank prediction using learning-to-rank approaches (Learning-to-rank 기법을 활용한 서울 경마경기 순위 예측)

  • Junhyoung Chung;Donguk Shin;Seyong Hwang;Gunwoong Park
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.239-253
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    • 2024
  • This research applies both point-wise and pair-wise learning strategies within the learning-to-rank (LTR) framework to predict horse race rankings in Seoul. Specifically, for point-wise learning, we employ a linear model and random forest. In contrast, for pair-wise learning, we utilize tools such as RankNet, and LambdaMART (XGBoost Ranker, LightGBM Ranker, and CatBoost Ranker). Furthermore, to enhance predictions, race records are standardized based on race distance, and we integrate various datasets, including race information, jockey information, horse training records, and trainer information. Our results empirically demonstrate that pair-wise learning approaches that can reflect the order information between items generally outperform point-wise learning approaches. Notably, CatBoost Ranker is the top performer. Through Shapley value analysis, we identified that the important variables for CatBoost Ranker include the performance of a horse, its previous race records, the count of its starting trainings, the total number of starting trainings, and the instances of disease diagnoses for the horse.

On Ethnic Characteristics of Official Uniforms of Qing Dynasty by Analyzing the Rank System (등급체계 분석을 통한 청조(淸朝) 관복제도의 민족적 특성 연구)

  • Park Hyun-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.4 s.152
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    • pp.554-566
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this paper is to understand the ethnic characteristics of official uniforms of Qing(淸)) by comparing the rank systems of official uniforms of Ming(명(明)) and Qing(淸)) dynasties. As research documents, Dai-Ming-Huidian(大明會典)) and Qing-Huidian-Tu(淸明會圖)) have been used. This research shows that there are many traditional characteristics of Manchurians (滿族)) in the official uniforms of Qing(淸)) dynasty. The characteristics are as follows: First, Qing dynasty made their own official uniform based on the traditional Manchurians(滿族)) costume, and added rank system on it. Second, Qing dynasty used the animal's leather as the material of official uniforms and distinguished the level of the uniforms according to the rerity value of rareness, color, and warmth of the leather. Third, Qing dynasty used pearls produced in Manchuria as the highest level, as opposed to jades and rhinoceros horns of Ming. Fourth, Qing dynasty eliminated the animal's rank system of twelve patterns which had been used for whole history of China, but the Emperor is the only man who is able to use twelve patterns. Qing dynasty made her own pattern system of standstill/moving dragons and standstill/moving pythons. Fifth, Qing dynasty used the rank system by colors in the order of yellow, red, and blue consistently over various official uniforms, while Ming used different color orders for different uniforms.