• Title/Summary/Keyword: rank-based

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A Comparative Study on Communication of Agricultural Innovation (농업 기술 전파 커뮤니케이션에 관한 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.121-136
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    • 2000
  • This study reports on a comparison between the Korean diffusion of agricultural innovation or extension service and the cooperative extension service in the United States of America. It focuses on relevant differences between the two systems and provides recommendation for improvement of the Korean system to insure success in important areas related to the diffusion of agricultural innovations. After a comparative study on diffusion of innovations it is clear that: in order to have a productive agriculture that makes effective and efficient use of natural resources and helps achieve sustainability goals, a mechanism that delivers knowledge to agricultural communities must be established and maintained. This mechanism is clearly an agricultural extension service that is cooperatively funded by federal, state and local governments and that insures participation of constituents in the process of establishing priorities and evaluating achievements. The success of US agriculture, the most productive in the world, is to a large degree to the Cooperative Extension Service. Based on the results of this study and the differences of the United States and Korea, the following recommendations should be emphasized for more effective communication for agricultural innovation and rural development in Korea: 1) In order to insure that extension educators are high caliber professional individuals, it is important to establish a system that nationally recognizes these individuals as such, and that provides a professional development path. 2) The results of the decision of transfer of extension educators to local governments has not yielded positive outcomes, especially in terms of professional status. It is clearly demonstrable that valuable professionals are leaving the service, that local governments do not have the will and resources to implement a successful extension program. 3) Because of the critical importance of diffusing innovations to agricultural producers in order to insure and quality and steady food supply, it is of critical importance that these issues be addressed before the extension service is further deteriorated. Given the cement situation, it is clear that the extension service should become nationally supported again in cooperation with local and state governments and that extension professionals be given appropriate rank at the national level, commesurate with their peers in research and teaching. 4) The common current committee practice of lengthy reporting and short discussion needs to be changed to one that results in char, brief and substantive action oriented goals. Joint participation by researchers, extension educators and farmers should be encouraged in planning, implementation and evaluation of communication for agricultural innovations. Roles and functions of committees for institutional cooperation, and or agricultural extension committees should be enlarged. 5) Extension educators should be encouraged to adopt new communication technologies to improve their diffusion of innovations methods. Agricultural institutions and organizations should be encouraged to adopt farmer-first and or client-oriented approach in agricultural extension and diffusion of agricultural technologies. The number, complexity and rapid change of information in agricultural extension require the development of a computer based information and report system to support agricultural extension. 6) To facilitate and expand the further development of communication for agricultural innovation and rural development, agricultural communication programs in universities especially in colleges of agriculture and life sciences. 7) To strengthening the sense of national and social responsibility communication for agricultural innovation and rural development among students in agricultural colleges and universities through participation in learning activities by proactive recruitment. 8) To establish and reinforce a policy that insures participation in communication for agricultural innovation and regal development activities. 9) To improve further development of communication for agricultural innovation and rural development in Korea, more research activities should be encouraged.

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Comparative Study on the Nurses' Job Satisfaction between the Oriental Medicine Ward and the General Ward (한방병동과 일반병동 간호사의 직무만족도의 비교연구)

  • Byun, Chang-Ja;Choi, Sang-Soon;Paik, Seung-Nam;Lee, Mi-Aie
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.97-111
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    • 1995
  • In our society today, a variety of medical caring system, along with a scientific development in the area of oriental medical science plus national demand, has increased the augmentation and the opening of oriental wards and hospitals (Han Bang), which has come to create an additional requirement of nursing activity at oriental medicine wards should be different from that of the general wards or the same as the other. In view of this, various studies need to be made in this connection. The purpose of this study is to comprehend the number of nurses who want to work at oriental medicine wards and measure job satisfaction in nursing as compared with those working at general wards so as to provide basic materials for future assignment and supplementary training for the nurses. An attempt was made to contribute toward nursing administration on the one hand improving nursing training course on the other hand. A total of 72 nurses currently working at two oriental medicine hospitals available in Seoul and 82 general nurses were selected for this study using the questionaire from December 1993 to January 1994. An instrument for the study was based on the measurement of work satisfaction developed by Paula L. Stamps including 37 questions complemented by Kim for revision (1993) and 14 questions regarding general characteristics and oriental medicine wards. The instrument to test dependability showed Cronbach's=0.7711. The collected data have been processed by computer package SPSS. General characteristics of the two groups and the matters involved in oriental medicine wards were calculated into real figure and percentage an similarities between the two groups were analyzed by t-test and F-test according to the characteristics of variables. The comparative test on work satisfaction among the two groups including general characteristics and work factors were conducted by t-test and F-test. The major findings as a result of the study are as follows : 1. As general characteristics, age group of $26{\sim}30$ years are more than any segment of age. As to marital status, the number of those in single status is slightly higher than the married. Approximately 80% of them are graduates of nursing schools and nursing colleges. They are mostly in service for one to three years. There is no significant difference between the two groups. 2. The number of those who want to work at oriental medicine wards represents 40.3% against 58.4%, being in favor of general wards. 3. The reason for service at oriental medicine wards is that "there is room for potential research" which happened to rank first, followed by "easy job," "good working atmosphere" and "growing interest in oriental medicine." 4. Work satisfactions among nurses who work at oriental medicine wards prove greater than that of nurses who work at general wards. 5. Work satisfaction between the two groups by work factors is reflected with significant difference statistically on task requirement, interaction and doctor-nurse relationships. 6. The general charcateristics and the work satisfaction by work factors prove that there are significant difference in age, marital status, education and the period of work. They tend to be more satisfied with the work as they grow in age. Significant differneces are found in the work factors such as autonomy, adiministration and professional job in the relationship with doctor-nurse. As to marital status, the married are more satisfied than the unmarried. There are significant differneces in the factors respecting administration and doctor-nurse college graduates are highly satisfied with task requirement. However, satisfaction with the professional level has proven the highest degree for those having master degree. The period of work and satisfaction : There are significant differneces in task requirement, administration, interactions, professional level and doctor-nurse relationships. As a general rule, the degree of satisfactions is in proportion to the lengrh of service. The following conclusions are drawn based on the fndings mentioned above. Even though the work satisfaction of the nurse who work at oriental medicine ward is relatively high, it is desired that personal consultation be given as to disposition of nurses when they are assigned to oriental medicine wards. It is also recommended that lectures on oriental medicine be conducted through supplementary training and/or basic nursing course in order that they may be motivated for ingenious activities with an increasing sense of self-esteem which will eventually enhance positive changes for the patients who are in need of oriental medicine nursing and for the medical teams. In addition, joint reseaches involvingclinical care and education should be in constant process for unique and scientific development for those who are subject to oriental medicine nursing care.

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Analysis of Characteristics of the Abandoned Tumulus Site Located at the East Side of the Silla Era Hwang Bok Sa (皇福寺) Site (신라 황복사지(皇福寺址) 동편 폐고분지(廢古墳址)의 성격)

  • Jang, Hojin;Kang, Ryangji
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.88-105
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    • 2020
  • This study examined existing theories of the characteristics of the abandoned tumulus site located at the east side of the Silla era Hwang Bok Sa (皇福寺) site and attempted an archaeological approach based on the derived facts, combining both the results of this study and those of a recently conducted excavation survey. The results of this investigation exhibited the following outcomes. First, the excavation survey revealed that the huge rounded stones discovered on the surface of a rice paddy field located at the east side of the Silla era Hwang Bok Sa were all protecting stones, processed on the front side in the form of a bow, designating a royal tomb. Most of these protecting stones had deviated from their original positions due to subsequent farming practices and some had been re-cycled for construction purposes as fences or foundations for structures built in the Silla era. Considering the prevailing belief in the concept of reincarnation, the bone rank system, and royal authority in the Silla era at that time, it would seem likely that the royal tombs were not intentionally destroyed. Therefore, it is speculated that the stones in this royal tomb were abandoned during construction of the tomb of the King at that time and then naturally re-cycled as building components used in construction sites in later years. Second, this study comparatively analyzed the scale and quality of the supporting stones at the royal tomb site in Guhwang-dong. The analysis results verified that those supporting stones were the same stones from the royal tomb used as supporting stones for statues symbolizing the twelve earthly branch spirits that were restored at the site of the tower at the royal tomb. This confirmed that the statues of the twelve earthly branches spirits sitting at the Hwang Bok Sa site were the protecting stones from a different royal tomb. Accordingly, the conclusion that has been generally accepted to date-that the protecting stones of the statues of twelve earthly branches spirits sitting at Hwang Bok Sa site were probably moved from the royal tomb site in Guhwang-dong-must inevitably be modified. Third, based on the structure of the protecting stones and type of the royal tomb, it is speculated that the individual buried in the royal tomb at Guhwang-dong is one of the kings who followed King Heungdeok and similar times of the buried person of the tomb that was considered as King Gyeongdeok, and who was before the buried person of the tomb that was considered as Kim Yu-sin. In addition, when considering the historical art patterns on the supporting stones of the statues that symbolize the twelve earthly branches spirits, which were moved to the site of the tower at the royal tomb, it is reasonable to believe that the person buried at the royal tomb at Guhwang-dong is likely one of the Kings of the late Silla era of the 9th century.

Identification of soil Remedial Goal due to Arsenic in Soil near Abandoned Mine- Approach to Regarding Future Land Use - (폐광산 지역의 비소오염에 대한 복원목표 설정 - 미래 토지용도를 고려한 접근방법 -)

  • 이효민;윤은경;최시내;박송자;황경엽;조성용;김선태
    • Journal of Korea Soil Environment Society
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.13-29
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    • 1998
  • Recently, It is increasing popularity to research on the soil remediation in aspect of management by reason of the hazardous impact on the contaminated soil in Korea. It was investigated high levels of arsenic salts in soil near abandoned five mines(Darak, Daduk, Jingok, Dalsung, Ilkwang) located in Youngnam area. Arsenic, classified as group A(Human Carcinogens) from IRIS, have shown statistically significant increment in skin cancer with oral exposure. This paper was conducted to predict excess cancer risk value (to the skin cancer) based on multiple pathway such as soil ingestion, dermal uptake and food(plant) ingestion contaminated by arsenic, and also, to identify the remedial goal regarded in future land use. The mine having the highest arsenic level was Daduk(mean : 1950mg/kg) and the next rank was Jingok(1690mg/kg), Ilkwang(352.37mg/kg), Dalsung(86.08mg/kg), Darak(0.83mg/kg). The chronic daily intake to the multiple exposure were calculated using Monte-Carlo simulation regarded in future land use and used q: value was $1.5(mg/kg/day)^{-1}$ to the oral proposed by IRIS(1997). The computated excess cancer risk 95th value to all the mine regarding future land use as residential and rural area were more than $10^{-4}$. If the level of acceptable risk is aimed for 1$\times$$10^{-6}$, it could be used Darak as commercial and industrial area without soil remediation due to the lowest risk value(6$\times$$10^{-8}$ and 3$\times$$10^{-8}$). Computated remedial goal based on 1$\times$$10^{-6}$ of acceptable risk to the future land use as the residential, rural, commercial and industrial area were 0.02mg/kg, 0.003mg/kg, 97.31mg/kg and 194.62mg/kg, respectively.

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Effects of Raising Farm on Genetic Evaluation for Carcass Traits in Hanwoo Cows (사육농가의 효과가 한우 암소의 도체형질 유전 평가에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Chang-Woo;Lee, Cheong-Mook;Lee, Sung-Jin;Song, Young-Han;Lee, Jeong-Koo;Kim, Jong-Bok
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.325-332
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    • 2011
  • This research was conducted to analyze the effects of raising farm on the heritability and breeding values of Hanwoo cows for their carcass traits, including cold carcass weight (CWT), back-fat thickness (BFT), eye-muscle area (EMA) and marbling score (MAR). The carcass data and pedigree data were collected from steers raised on Hanwoo farms in Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do, South Korea. Three analytical models were applied for the estimation of heritabilities and breeding values. The first model (model 1) included slaughter house-year-month combination as fixed effects and age at slaughter was fitted as linear and quadratic covariates. The second model (model 2) was similar to model 1, but raising farm was additionally included as random effect. The third model (model 3) was similar to model 1 but farm effects were additionally included as fixed effect. The comparisons between the model 1 and the models including farm effect (model 2 and model 3) revealed that heritability estimates from model 2 or model 3 were smaller to those from model 1 for all carcass traits. Especially, obvious decrease of heritability was observed in CWT where heritability was 0.23 from model 1, 0.15 from model 2 and 0.18 from model 3. The maximum log likelihood of the model 2 and 3 were higher than those of model 1 for all traits. In model 2 that raising farm was included as a random effect, the ratio of farm variance to the total phenotypic variance were ranged from 4% (EMA) to 18% (CWT). Top 10% and bottom 10% of female cows were selected based on the breeding values from model 1, and the Spearman's rank correlation coefficients among models were estimated for each trait within selected group. The correlation coefficients were ranged from 0.57 to 0.95 in top 10% group and from 0.68 to 0.95 in bottom 10% group. These results show that the discrepancies in the rankings of breeding values can be based on the models applied. In conclusion, the results obtained in this study suggest that the herd effect or farm effect should be included in the analytical model when breeding values are estimated with the purpose of improvement of carcass traits of Hanwoo breeding cows.

Design and Implementation of Quality Broker Architecture to Web Service Selection based on Autonomic Feedback (자율적 피드백 기반 웹 서비스 선정을 위한 품질 브로커 아키텍처의 설계 및 구현)

  • Seo, Young-Jun;Song, Young-Jae
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.15D no.2
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    • pp.223-234
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    • 2008
  • Recently the web service area provides the efficient integrated environment of the internal and external of corporation and enterprise that wants the introduction of it is increasing. Also the web service develops and the new business model appears, the domestic enterprise environment and e-business environment are changing caused by web service. The web service which provides the similar function increases, most the method which searches the suitable service in demand of the user is more considered seriously. When it needs to choose one among the similar web services, service consumer generally needs quality information of web service. The problem, however, is that the advertised QoS information of a web service is not always trustworthy. A service provider may publish inaccurate QoS information to attract more customers, or the published QoS information may be out of date. Allowing current customers to rate the QoS they receive from a web service, and making these ratings public, can provide new customers with valuable information on how to rank services. This paper suggests the agent-based quality broker architecture which helps to find a service providing the optimum quality that the consumer needs in a position of service consumer. It is able to solve problem which modify quality requirements of the consumer from providing the architecture it selects a web service to consumer dynamically. Namely, the consumer is able to search the service which provides the optimal quality criteria through UDDI browser which is connected in quality broker server. To quality criteria value decision of each service the user intervention is excluded the maximum. In the existing selection architecture, the objective evaluation was difficult in subjective class of service selecting of the consumer. But the proposal architecture is able to secure an objectivity with the quality criteria value decision where the agent monitors binding information in consumer location. Namely, it solves QoS information of service which provider does not provide with QoS information sharing which is caused by with feedback of consumer side agents.

Family Selection on Height Growth in Open-Pollinated Progeny Trials of Pinus densiflora Using Relative Height Growth Rate (상대수고생장속도를 이용한 소나무 우수가계 선발)

  • Oh, Chang-Young;Han, Sang-Urk;Lee, Kyung-Joon;Kim, Chang-Soo;Oh, Chan-Jin;Ji, Dong-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.220-227
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to select superior families based on the open-pollinated (OP) progeny tests of P. densiflora. A total of 232 OP families were analyzed for relative height growth. The OP progeny test trials were established at 1 to 4 sites from 1975 to 1987. To minimize temporal and spatial variation, we applied the standardization method for family selection. In each progeny test, superior and inferior families were selected at ages of 10, 20 and 30. Relative height growth rate (RHGR), growth speed at a given time unit, was comparatively high at age of 10 with range from 0.1 to 0.6 and showed a large variation among families. However, after age 15, the RHGR was low (average 0.04) and also the variation was not significantly different among families. To reduce selection errors due to age differences (from age 23 to 35) of tests, we made the family selection after age 15 when the values of RHGR were stable. Height growth at each age was transformed to be height growth at age 35 based on the RHGR. As the results, family CB2, CB3, KW99 and KW2 were selected as superior families and KW158, KW22, KB40 and GG1 were considered as inferior ones, respectively. Rank correlations (r) between test ages and selection age 35 were high and statistically significant; r = 0.881 between age 30 and 35, 0.653 between age 20 and 35, and -0.222 between age 10 and 35.

Development and Feasibility Study of the Nature of Science Instrument for Elementary School Students (초등학생용 과학의 본성 검사 도구 개발 및 타당성 검토)

  • Park, Jaehyeon;Park, Jaeyong
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.701-724
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the Nature of Science (NOS) instrument for elementary school students in the form of open questionnaires was developed specifically to reveal elementary school students' perceptions of the NOS, and its validity and effectiveness were investigated. To develop a NOS instrument for elementary school students, problems that may occur when applying the existing NOS instruments to elementary school students were analyzed and based on this, the development direction of the NOS instrument was established. In addition, after selecting seven NOS types suitable for the level of elementary school students, the preliminary instrument was produced by modifying and supplementing the items in the existing instruments for each type or by developing new items. Finally, the NOS instrument consisting of eight questions was developed by adding one question asking for a comprehensive understanding of science to seven questions related to each type of NOS after a content validity test of the science education expert group. To verify the practical effect of the developed instrument, pre- and post-tests were conducted on 50 students in two classes of sixth grade at two elementary schools in Seoul: 'existing instrument → development instrument' in one class, and 'development instrument → existing instrument' in the other class. The collected data were then compared and evaluated through summary content analysis and analyzed by executing the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. As a result of comparing and analyzing students' responses to the existing NOS instrument and the developed NOS instrument, students' perspectives on the NOS were more diverse when using the developed instrument, and the level of error in the response caused by misinterpreting the intention of the question was reduced. In addition, when using the developed instrument, the responses of the majority of students at a statistically significant level changed more specifically. In this study, the implications for the development of NOS instruments suitable for elementary school students were discussed based on these results.

Effects of Polar Literacy Education Program for Elementary and Middle School Students (초·중학생 대상 극지 소양 교육 프로그램의 효과)

  • Sueim Chung;Donghee Shin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.209-223
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a polar literacy education program for elementary and middle school students, and to derive implications for new education to respond to climate change. We developed modular education programs based on the seven principles of polar literacy established by the Polar-ICE team. We divided them into two courses, one emphasizing science concepts and another emphasizing humanities and sociological issues. We then selected and structured detailed programs suitable for the two courses. These two courses were applied to 26 elementary and middle school students for approximately 69 hours in a Saturday science class hosted by the Department of Science Education at a university in Seoul. The 26 students were divided into three groups. Two groups completed the science education program for polar literacy and a humanities and social studies education program for polar literacy, respectively. The third group, the control group, received general science education unrelated to polar literacy. Before and after running the programs, all three groups responded to a polar literacy test and questionnaires that used vocabulary and presented scenes associated with polar regions. The test results were expressed using Wilcoxon signed ranks, which is a non-parametric test method, and improvements made upon completion of the program were analyzed. From a cognitive aspect, all three groups showed improvement after completing the program in the knowledge area; however, the experimental groups showed a greater degree of improvement than the control group, and there was a clear difference in the contents or materials explicitly covered. From an affective aspect, the difference between before and after the program was minor, but the group that focused on humanities and social issues showed a statistically significant improvement. Regarding changes in polar imagery, the two experimental groups tended to diverge from monotonous images to more diverse images compared to the control group. Based on the above results, we suggested methods to increase the effectiveness of polar literacy education programs, the importance of polar literacy as appropriate material for scientific thinking and earth system education, measures to improve attitudes related to the polar region, and the need to link to school curriculums.

Derivation of Digital Music's Ranking Change Through Time Series Clustering (시계열 군집분석을 통한 디지털 음원의 순위 변화 패턴 분류)

  • Yoo, In-Jin;Park, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.171-191
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    • 2020
  • This study focused on digital music, which is the most valuable cultural asset in the modern society and occupies a particularly important position in the flow of the Korean Wave. Digital music was collected based on the "Gaon Chart," a well-established music chart in Korea. Through this, the changes in the ranking of the music that entered the chart for 73 weeks were collected. Afterwards, patterns with similar characteristics were derived through time series cluster analysis. Then, a descriptive analysis was performed on the notable features of each pattern. The research process suggested by this study is as follows. First, in the data collection process, time series data was collected to check the ranking change of digital music. Subsequently, in the data processing stage, the collected data was matched with the rankings over time, and the music title and artist name were processed. Each analysis is then sequentially performed in two stages consisting of exploratory analysis and explanatory analysis. First, the data collection period was limited to the period before 'the music bulk buying phenomenon', a reliability issue related to music ranking in Korea. Specifically, it is 73 weeks starting from December 31, 2017 to January 06, 2018 as the first week, and from May 19, 2019 to May 25, 2019. And the analysis targets were limited to digital music released in Korea. In particular, digital music was collected based on the "Gaon Chart", a well-known music chart in Korea. Unlike private music charts that are being serviced in Korea, Gaon Charts are charts approved by government agencies and have basic reliability. Therefore, it can be considered that it has more public confidence than the ranking information provided by other services. The contents of the collected data are as follows. Data on the period and ranking, the name of the music, the name of the artist, the name of the album, the Gaon index, the production company, and the distribution company were collected for the music that entered the top 100 on the music chart within the collection period. Through data collection, 7,300 music, which were included in the top 100 on the music chart, were identified for a total of 73 weeks. On the other hand, in the case of digital music, since the cases included in the music chart for more than two weeks are frequent, the duplication of music is removed through the pre-processing process. For duplicate music, the number and location of the duplicated music were checked through the duplicate check function, and then deleted to form data for analysis. Through this, a list of 742 unique music for analysis among the 7,300-music data in advance was secured. A total of 742 songs were secured through previous data collection and pre-processing. In addition, a total of 16 patterns were derived through time series cluster analysis on the ranking change. Based on the patterns derived after that, two representative patterns were identified: 'Steady Seller' and 'One-Hit Wonder'. Furthermore, the two patterns were subdivided into five patterns in consideration of the survival period of the music and the music ranking. The important characteristics of each pattern are as follows. First, the artist's superstar effect and bandwagon effect were strong in the one-hit wonder-type pattern. Therefore, when consumers choose a digital music, they are strongly influenced by the superstar effect and the bandwagon effect. Second, through the Steady Seller pattern, we confirmed the music that have been chosen by consumers for a very long time. In addition, we checked the patterns of the most selected music through consumer needs. Contrary to popular belief, the steady seller: mid-term pattern, not the one-hit wonder pattern, received the most choices from consumers. Particularly noteworthy is that the 'Climbing the Chart' phenomenon, which is contrary to the existing pattern, was confirmed through the steady-seller pattern. This study focuses on the change in the ranking of music over time, a field that has been relatively alienated centering on digital music. In addition, a new approach to music research was attempted by subdividing the pattern of ranking change rather than predicting the success and ranking of music.