• 제목/요약/키워드: pyrosequencing technologies

검색결과 3건 처리시간 0.018초

제주도 용암동굴 대섭이굴 미생물 막의 독특한 원핵미생물 군집 (A Unique Prokaryotic Assemblage of Wall Biofilm of a Volcanic Cave (Daesubee) in Jeju)

  • 문종근;정만영;김종걸;박수제;김대신;김종식;이성근
    • 미생물학회지
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    • 제49권2호
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    • pp.184-190
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    • 2013
  • 동굴환경은 표면 토양환경과는 다른 독특한 생태계를 이루는 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 연구를 통하여 제주도 용암동굴(대섭이굴)의 생물막(biofilm)으로부터 얻은 시료를 pyrosequencing 기술을 통해 16S rRNA 유전자를 증폭하여 세균과 고세균의 군집을 조사하였다. 생물막에 우점하는 세균은 Actinobacteria문(phylum)의 Pseudonocardia mongoliensis (전체 세균 reads수의 82.5%)와 깊은 근연관계가 있었으며, 동굴유래의 다양한 세균들과 같이 무리(cluster)를 형성하였다. 동굴 벽면에 빛을 조사하였을 때 반사되어 빛나는 것은 아마도 방선균의 균사(hypha)들로 이루어진 생물막이 수분을 흡수하지 못하기 때문으로 추정된다. 우점하는 고세균은 Thaumarchaeota문의 I.1a-Associated group (전체 archaeal reads수의 약 66%)에 속한다. 이 고세균 염기서열은 산성 환경(약 pH 5.0)에서 암모니아를 산화하는 고세균으로 알려진 Candidatus Nitrosotalea devanaterra와 높은 근연관계에 있어 동굴환경에서의 질산화에 중요한 기능을 하고 있을 것으로 추정된다. 표층수가 용암토양을 투과하는 과정에서 침출(Leaching)되는 영양분이 대섭이굴 벽면에 다양성이 낮은 독특한 미생물 군집을 형성하는데 기여하고 있는 것으로 추정된다.

차세대 유전체 기술과 환경생물학 - 환경유전체학 시대를 맞이하여 (Next-generation Sequencing for Environmental Biology - Full-fledged Environmental Genomics around the Corner)

  • 송주연;김병권;권순경;곽민정;김지현
    • 환경생물
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.77-89
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    • 2012
  • With the advent of the genomics era powered by DNA sequencing technologies, life science is being transformed significantly and biological research and development have been accelerated. Environmental biology concerns the relationships among living organisms and their natural environment, which constitute the global biogeochemical cycle. As sustainability of the ecosystems depends on biodiversity, examining the structure and dynamics of the biotic constituents and fully grasping their genetic and metabolic capabilities are pivotal. The high-speed high-throughput next-generation sequencing can be applied to barcoding organisms either thriving or endangered and to decoding the whole genome information. Furthermore, diversity and the full gene complement of a microbial community can be elucidated and monitored through metagenomic approaches. With regard to human welfare, microbiomes of various human habitats such as gut, skin, mouth, stomach, and vagina, have been and are being scrutinized. To keep pace with the rapid increase of the sequencing capacity, various bioinformatic algorithms and software tools that even utilize supercomputers and cloud computing are being developed for processing and storage of massive data sets. Environmental genomics will be the major force in understanding the structure and function of ecosystems in nature as well as preserving, remediating, and bioprospecting them.

Transcriptome analysis, microsatellite marker information, and orthologous analysis of Capsicum annuum varieties

  • Ahn, Yul-Kyun;Karna, Sandeep;Kim, Jeong-Ho;Lee, Hye-Eun;Kim, Jin-Hee;Kim, Do-Sun
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • 제43권3호
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    • pp.311-316
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    • 2016
  • The efficacy of plant breeding has been enhanced by application of molecular markers in population screening and selection. Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is a major staple crop that is economically important with worldwide distribution. It is valued for its spicy taste and medicinal effect. The aim of this study was to discover single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), microsatellite markers information, and percentage sharing through orthologous analysis of pepper-specific pungency-related genes. Here, we report the results of transcriptome analysis and microsatellite markers for four pepper varieties that possess a pungency-related gene. Orthologous analyses was performed to identify species-specific pungency-related genes in pepper, Arabidopsis thaliana L., potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Advancements in next-generation sequencing technologies enabled us to quickly and cost-effectively assemble and characterize genes to select molecular markers in various organisms, including pepper. We identified a total of 9762, 7302, 8596, and 6886 SNPs for the four pepper cultivars Blackcluster, Mandarine, Saengryeg 211, and Saengryeg 213, respectively. We used 454 GS-FLX pyrosequencing to identify microsatellite markers and tri-nucleotide repeats (54.4%), the most common repeats, followed by di-, hexa-, tetra-, and penta-nucleotide repeats. A total of 5156 (15.9%) pepper-specific pungency-related genes were discovered as a result of orthologous analysis.