• 제목/요약/키워드: purchasing risk related factor

검색결과 9건 처리시간 0.033초

케이블TV 홈쇼핑을 통한 의복구매시 소비자 반응과 추구이점 및 위험지각 (Consumers' Reaction, Perceives Benefits and Risk When Purchasing Apparel through Cable TV Home-Shopping)

  • 김주영;구양숙
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제21권6호
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    • pp.1082-1093
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to identify characteristics and consumer attitude on purchasing apparel through Cable TV home-shopping. The questionnaire was administered to 4y5 May through September in 1996 and the data were analyzed by using frequency, factor analysis, crosstab, 1-test, ANOVA, MANOVA, scheffe with utilizing SPSS/PC+ The results of this study were as follows: 1. The most favorite media in purchasing apparel through home-shopping was Cable TV in all over ages except 50's. Women showed Cable TV the most interested, whereas men showed printed media and computer on-line shopping as home shopping media. 2. Home-shopping favor in region' was higher than that of Seoul. In the degree of favor, college students showed the highest, followed by part time employees, housewives and full time employees. Those who lived individual houses in other than Seoul area showed higher purchasing intention. 3. Sweater item was shown as the highest purchasing interested item and coat/business suit items were shown as lower among 10 different apparel items. 4. Five dimensions of Perceived benefits of apparel purchasing through Cable TV were derived by factor analysis such as variety of merchandise information, purchase convenience, efficiency, saving time, and convenience of physical inactivity. The convenience of physical inactivity showed the most important benefit through Cable TV home-shopping. Perceived risk of apparel purchasing through Cable TV was factor analyzed as merchandise related risk, size and appearance related risk, delivery related risk, TV watching related risk, and unplanned purchasing related risk. The sixte and appearance related risk was shown as the highest risk.

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계층분석과정을 이용한 소비자의 구매행태에 따른 구매요인별 중요도에 관한 실증적 연구 (An Empirical Study on the Weight of Purchasing Factors according the Purchasing Style Using the AHP)

  • 김신중
    • 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지
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    • 제10권5호
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    • pp.259-270
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    • 2005
  • 본 연구에서는 소비자들의 구매행태를 현장방문쇼핑과 재택쇼핑으로 대별하여 소비자들의 구매행태에 따른 구매요인별 중요도를 AHP기법을 이용하여 평가해 보고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 소비자들의 구매요인을 1단계에서는 제품관련 요인, 구매편리성에 관한 요인, 구매에 따른 소비자 위험에 관한 요인, 구매 활동시 즐거움에 관한 요인으로 분류하고, 각 요인별로 세부요인을 설정하여 총 22개의 세부요인에 대한 중요도 산출을 위하여 설문조사를 실시하였다. 본 연구에서는 응답자를 구매행태에 따라 재택쇼핑 경험이 있는 집단과 없는 집단, 재택쇼핑 경험이 많은 집단과 적은 집단, 재택쇼핑 방식으로 TV재택쇼핑 방식을 이용하는 집단과 인터넷 재택쇼핑 방식을 이용하는 집단으로 분류하여 각 집단별 구매요인의 중요도를 산출하여 실물시장과 재택쇼핑시장의 경쟁전략 수립에 지침을 제공하고자 하였다. 분석 결과 집단별로 구매요인별 중요도에 차이가 존재하는 것으로 평가되었으며, 이러한 결과는 기업의 다양한 고객요구 충족을 위한 경쟁전략 수립의 기초로서 활용되어질 수 있을 것이다.

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온라인 채널에서의 패션 소비에 관한 구매위험의 구조적 개념 연구 (A study on the conceptual structure of purchase risks in fashion consumption through online channels)

  • 안상희
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제27권5호
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    • pp.496-511
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to create a theoretical structure for the concept of purchasing risks by identifying the structure of purchasing risks that lead to obstacles in the purchasing decisions of consumers in fashion consumption via online channels. This was a secondary research using books, articles, prior researches, and academic journals on the five topics of "characteristics of fashion consumption," "the concept of purchasing risks," "purchasing risks by product types," "purchasing risks by channel types," and "purchasing risks of fashion consumption on online shopping channels." According to the arguments of prior researches, the study divided the purchasing risks of fashion consumption through online shopping into four categories : (1) fundamental purchasing risks including financial risk and time loss risk pertaining to any product or channel, (2) online channel purchase risks, which include risks in payment, Information leaks, and delivery and return/exchange risk, (3) fashion product risk related to product quality or experience of other people, which includes social risks and risks associated with quality, and (4) the online channel${\times}$fashion product risks, which include the aesthetic and psychological hazards especially amplified in online channels. The four risk factors were then described with a concept map to systemize the multi-dimensional and stereoscopic psychological structure of purchasing risks. Of the four risk factors, consumers placed the most emphasis on the online channel${\times}$fashion product risks, hence, reducing this risk factor is of utmost priority for marketing of online shopping channels.

소셜 커머스에서 가격할인, 상품후기, 지각된 위험의 영향과 상호작용에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Effects of Price Discount, Product Review, and Perceived Risk and their Interaction Effects in Social Commerce)

  • 방정혜;진천;김민선;이은형
    • 지식경영연구
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 2013
  • Along with the recent development of Social Network Service (SNS), such as Facebook and Twitter, social commerce market is expanding rapidly. As much, understanding consumers' purchase intention in social commerce becomes important. This study attempted to investigate the factors of consumers' purchase intention, and the effects of these determinants(price discount, perceived risk and product review) on consumer's purchasing intension in social commerce networks. Also, the interaction effects between these factors on consumer's purchasing intension were studied. The results showed that the effect of perceived risk on consumer's purchase intention found to be significantly negative. The interaction effect between price discount and perceived risk, and the interaction effect between price discount and review were meaningful on consumers' purchase intention. It indicates that the important factor for consumers to purchase products in social commerce is not just price discount but perceived risk, and that review which consumers think is manipulated has negative effect on purchase intention.

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가계의 경제적 스트레스와 경제적 대처행동이 주부의 재무관리행동에 미치는 영향 (The Influences of Economic Stress and Coping Behavior on the Financial Management Behavior of Housewives)

  • 장윤옥;정서린
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.129-143
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate influences on wives' financial management behavior economic instability and coping behavior of urban household. Economic instability was constructed with an objective economic status and perceived economic instability. And, Financial management behaviors were constructed with four dimensions : investment, income/expenditure, risk, and debt management behavior. The subjects of this study were 225 housewives. Factor analysis, Cronbach ${\alpha}$, and multiple regression were performed for data analysis. The results show that, coping behaviors of searching and using information and perceived economic hardship related to debt influenced housewives' investment management behaviors. The coping behaviors of searching and using information, expending in the range of planned budget, using debt, perceived economic hardship related to debt, income insufficiency, and selective expenditure influenced the consumption-expenditure management behaviors. Perceived economic hardship related to essential expenditures and coping behaviors of searching and using information influenced the risk management behaviors. Coping behaviors of searching and using information, using debts and purchasing and using economically, and perceived economic hardship related to essentials influenced debt management behaviors.

수산물 관여도에 따른 상황요인에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Situation Factor related to Consumer Involvement of Seafood)

  • 장영수;김민지
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.607-621
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    • 2009
  • In order to deal with consumer's demand changes in market condition, it is necessary to have a study on the consumer behavior to promote seafood consumption. The objective of this study is to examine the factors that have influences on consumer involvement of seafood. It is also aim to examine how the situation of seafood factors influences the consumer's behavior in purchasing and consuming the seafood. In this study, I have conducted a survey by using Busan housewives as random sampling. To examine this variable, situation factors that I used if the factor analysis. I also performed a multiple regression analysis to understand how the situation factors influenced the consumer's emotion and their satisfaction within the level of involvement. The result showed that consumer involvement seafood is created by not only interests and preferences, but also knowledge, perceived risk and profits. The seafood situation factors are divided into purchase situation, consumption situation and communication situation: purchase situation includes store factor, while consumption situation includes health factor and cooking-motive factor and communication situation includes information factor. Results of examining whether there are differences in the involvement explains that the involvement is different according to the level and it is divided into 2 groups. The first groups is the high-involvement group that shows preferences and interests, perceived risk and profits. Another group is the low-involvement group that shows preferences and interests, knowledge and profits. The result on examining whether situation sectors have influences on the involvement shows that high-involvement group is only affected by store factor in purchase situation and low-involvement group is only affected by information factor in communication situation.

보호동기이론을 적용한 나트륨 과다섭취에 따른 위험성 및 나트륨 섭취 감소 방안의 효과성에 대한 부산·경남 지역 남녀 대학생들의 인식 비교 연구 (A Comparative Study on the Awareness of Health Risks and the Risk Reduction Measures Related to Sodium Intake between Female and Male University Students in Busan and Gyeongnam: An Application of Protection Motivation Theory)

  • 장수현;윤은주
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.136-146
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there was a gender difference in motivating university students to decrease their sodium intake and to identify effective motivating factors. Within the protection motivation theory (PMT) framework, a survey questionnaire was developed to measure participants' perceptions on the severity of and the vulnerability to risk of serious diseases due to the high sodium intake, as well as the effectiveness (response efficacy) and the ability to perform preventive measures (self-efficacy). Behavioral intentions on five specific practices (checking nutrition label, consuming more fruits and vegetables, consuming less soups, avoiding spicy and pungent food, purchasing less instant or restaurant foods) related to decreasing sodium intake were also included. A total of 294 usable response data were collected from university students (92 male, 202 female) in Busan and Gyeongnam in June 2015 and analyzed using IBM SPSS 22. Severity was the highest (4.04) PMT factor followed by response efficacy (3.72), self-efficacy (3.42), and vulnerability (3.26). Compared to male students, female students thought that the threat was more severe (t=6.035, p<0.001) and reducing sodium intake would be effective to prevent serious illnesses (t=4.724, p<0.001), but their vulnerability and self-efficacy perceptions were not different from male students. Among the five items measuring behavioral intention, female students were more likely to increase fruits and vegetables consumption (t=3.811, p<0.001), while male students were more likely to avoid spicy and pungent foods (t=2.336, p=0.020). Based on findings of this study, the recommended strategy to effectively motivate university students to lower their sodium consumption level is the development of campaign focused on increased vulnerability perception, response efficacy, and ease of practicing preventive measures instead of emphasizing the severity of the consequences.

다층모형을 이용한 국내 양돈농가의 돼지생식기호흡기증후군 위험요인 분석 (The Use of Multilevel Model to Evaluate the Risk Factors for Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome in Swine Herds)

  • 김으뜸;이경기;김성희;박선일
    • 한국임상수의학회지
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.140-145
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    • 2017
  • The goal of this study was to investigate risk factors associated with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) in pig farms in the Republic of Korea using logistic regression and a multilevel model. A cross-sectional study was applied to 305 pig farms with a questionnaire-based interview by veterinarians between March 2014 and February 2015. The questionnaire comprised eight categories: proximity to neighbors, disinfection, visitors, vehicles, insecticides, wild animals, gilts, and feeding. In total, 61 questions in eight categories related to pig farm biosecurity were investigated. Farms were classified as PRRS stable or unstable based on the results of an antibody test and PCR. For univariate analysis, keeping production records with computers (OR = 0.283, 95% CI = 0.056 - 1.425), accredited farm with no use of antibiotics (OR = 0.412, 95% CI = 0.134 - 1.269), reviewing health record of semen prior to purchasing (OR = 0.492, 95% CI = 0.152 - 1.589), complete isolation of runt pigs (OR = 0.264, 95% CI = 0.084 - 0.829), compulsory registering for visitors (OR = 0.424, 95% CI = 0.111 - 1.612), keeping records of insecticide history (OR = 0.406, 95% CI = 0.089 - 1.846), routine on-farm monitoring by veterinarians (OR = 0.314, 95% CI = 0.069 - 1.423), and use of on-farm checklist for biosecurity monitoring (OR = 0.313, 95% CI = 0.063 - 1.553) were found to decrease the probability of PRRS infection. Multivariate and multilevel analysis revealed only two factors, complete isolation of runt pigs (OR = 0.165, 95% CI = 0.045 - 0.602 and OR = 0.208, 95% CI = 0.055 - 0.782) and compulsory registering for visitors (OR = 0.106, 95% CI = 0.017 - 0.655 and OR = 0.119, 95% CI = 0.017 - 0.809) were found to decrease the probability of PRRS infection. The intracluster correlation coefficient of a province for multilevel model was 0.05. The results of this study might facilitate biosecurity measures for individual farms to reduce the probability of PRRS infection.

품패개격촉소신식대소비자질량인지적영향(品牌价格促销信息对消费者质量认知的影响) (The Effect of Price Promotional Information about Brand on Consumer's Quality Perception: Conditioning on Pretrial Brand)

  • Lee, Min-Hoon;Lim, Hang-Seop
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 2009
  • 典型的价格促销是指降低一定数量产品的价格或以相同的价 格获得更多数量的产品, 从而增加价值和创造经济的激励购买. 价格促销经常用来鼓励没有消费过产品或服务的用户试用产品或服务. 因此, 理解价格促销对那些从来没有使用过促销品牌的消费者的此品牌质量认知的影响是很重要的. 然而, 如果消费者通过价格促销获得的产品的质量不好, 促销可能达不到用经济的刺激方法来增加销售的效果. 相反则有可能发生. 具体来说, 通过价格促销消费者产生低的质量的认知会削弱经济的和心理上的激励, 减少购买的可能性. 因此, 对市场营销人员来说理解品牌的价格促销信息如何影响消费者对此品牌的质量的不良认知是非常重要的. 先前的有关价格促销对质量认知的影响的研究有不一致的解释. 一些是关注价格促销对消费者认知的不利影响. 但是其他的研究显示价格促销并没有提高消费者对品牌的不良认知. 之前的研究发现这些不一致的结果和价格促销曝光的时机以及相关的试验得出的质量评估有关. 而且, 消费者是否经历过产品促销都可能会调节这些影响. 一些研究把产品类别的不同作为基本的因素. 本研究的目的是探讨在不同的情况下, 价格促销信息对消费者的不良的质量认知产生的影响. 作者控制了促销曝光的时机, 过去的各种促销形式以及信息发布的方式. 与以往的研究不同, 作者通过控制以前个人使用此产品的经验的潜在调节作用来测试事先设定限制的价格促销的影响. 这样的操作可以解决相关的有可能产生的争议. 这种方法对实际工作方面也是有意义的. 价格促销不仅适用于已存在的目标消费者, 而且可以鼓励没有使用过产品和服务的消费者尝试此产品或服务. 因此, 对市场营销人员来说理解品牌的价格促销信息如何影响消费者对此品牌的质量的不良认知是非常重要的. 如果没有使用过这个品牌的消费者通过价格促销获得的产品的质量不好, 促销可能达不到用经济的刺激方法来增加销售的效果. 相反则有可能发生. 另外, 如果价格促销结束, 购买了这个产品的消费者可能会出现明显的减少再购买行为. 通过文献回顾, 假设1用来探讨消费者通过过去的价格促销获得的质量认知的调节作用. 消费者对没有使用过的品牌的价格促销而产生的质量认知的影响会被此品牌过去的价格促销活动所调节. 换句话说, 消费者会对没有进行过价格促销的没有使用过的品牌产生不良的质量认知. 假设2-1:未使用过的品牌进行首次价格促销的时候, 价格促销的信息发布的方式将影响价格促销的成败. 假设2-2:消费者越不在意价格促销的原因, 越容易对产品的质量产生不良的认知. 通过测试1, 简要地解释了产品和品牌在提供四种价格促销形式之前并解释说明了每种价格促销形式. WAVEX这个虚拟品牌的质量的认知被评估为7. 网球拍被选中的原因是由于选定的产品组必须过去几乎没有价格促销活动来消除促销的平均次数对价格促销信息的影响, 正如Raghubir和Corfman(1999)所提出的. 测试2也用网球拍作为产品组, 主持测试2的管理者与测试1相同. 随着测试1, 选择了对产品组熟悉而对产品不熟悉的受访者. 每个受访者被分配到代表WAVEX价格促销的两种不同信息发布方式的两组中的一组. 在评估WAVEX的质量认知为7以前, 受访者看了每个促销信息. 不熟悉的实验品牌的价格促销对消费者的质量认知的影响被证明为会被以前有过或没有价格促销活动所调节. 与过去的促销行为一致是使品牌评估变得更糟的不良影响的重要变量. 如果此品牌从未进行过价格促销, 价格促销活动会对消费者的质量认知产生不良的影响. 第二, 不熟悉的品牌进行首次价格促销时, 促销信息的发布方式会影响公司促销的成败. 当消费者进行性格归因和情境归因的比较时, 质量认知的不良影响会更大. 与先前主要关注具有或不具有情境/性格归因中良好或不良的动机的研究不同, 本研究的焦点是检验如果公司提出了具有说服性的理由, 即使消费者在价格促销行为中有性格归因, 情境归因也可以被推断出的事实. 这种方法, 在学术方面取得了很大的成果, 意义在于它运用非数学的问题来解释固定和调整过程而不像以前的研究大部分是把它用于数学问题来解释. 换句话说, 根据基本属性错误, 有很大的倾向去性格地归因其他的行为. 当这种情况出现在价格促销时, 我们可以推断出消费者很有可能性格地归因公司的价格促销行为. 反而, 即使在这种情况下, 公司可以调整消费者的锚定性来降低性格归因的可能性. 另外, 不像多数对价格促销的长/短期影响的以往的研究, 只考虑价格促销对消费者的购买行为影响, 本 研究测试对质量认知的影响, 一个影响消费者购买行为的因素. 这些结果在实际工作方面有重要启示. 本研究的结果可以作为新产品有效的提供促销信息的指南. 如果品牌要避免错误的暗示, 比如在施行价格促销战略时被认为是产品的质量不好, 一定要为促销提供清晰合理的理由. 尤其是对那些以前没有进行过价格促销活动的公司来说, 提供明确的理由尤其重要. 不一致的行为可以导致消费者的不信任和焦虑. 这也是无止境的价格战的风险的重要因素之一. 没有事先通知的价格促销会使消费者怀疑, 但不会影响市场份额.

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