• Title/Summary/Keyword: puffed rice cake

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Yukwa Quality on Mixing of Non-waxy Rice to Waxy Rice (멥쌀 혼합비율에 따른 유과의 품질특성)

  • Shin, Dong-Hwa;Choi, Ung;Lee, Hyun-Yu
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.619-621
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    • 1991
  • A partial replacement($0{\sim}30%$) of non-waxy rice(Samgangbyeo, Tongil type) was attempted in Yukwa(Korean traditional puffed rice cake) preparation. The yukwa prepared with the replacement of non-waxy rice up to 20% level was comparable in quality to the traditional yukwa in view of expansion rate, crispness and hardness followed by sonsory evaluation. Continuous whipping machine for making yukwa bandaekee(rice cake) could be successfully introduced for mass production.

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Shelf-life Extension of Yukwa (oil puffed rice cake) by $O_2$ Preventive Packing (유과 저장성 향상을 위한 산소 차단 포장시험)

  • Shin, Dong-Hwa;Choi, Ung
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.243-246
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    • 1993
  • For extending the shelf-life of Yukwa (oil puffed rice cake) which is one of the most favorable Korean traditional rice snack, the Yukwa was packed in $O_2$ preventive container and substituted the air with $N_2$ gas or packed with $O_2$ absorbent (ageless sachet). The quality of Yukwa stored at $35^{\circ}C$ was evaluated by POV, AV and TBA including sensory evaluation. The POV of oil in Yukwa of $N_2$ substitute pack and absorbent sachet included were 5.3 and 11.9 meq/kg, respectively, while no packing (control) was 195.5 meq/kg after 90 days storage at $35^{\circ}C$. AV and TBA were also same trend but the gap with the control was not so big. The Yukwa, $N_2$ gas substituted, was better in quality than absorbent treatment in sensory evaluation and no difference was detected in quality of 90 days storage Yukwa at $35^{\circ}C$ with 15 days. The main reason for lower sensory score of absorbent treatment was that the $O_2$ absorbent also absorbed the flavor component of Yukwa.

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Survey on traditional Yukwa(oil puffed rice cake) making method in Korea (전통 유과의 제조방법 조사 연구)

  • Shin, Dong-Hwa;Choi, Ung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.243-248
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    • 1993
  • Yukwa, one of the favorite Korean traditional snacks, is a oil puffed rice cooky used for sacrifies, ceremony or celebration of an event. It had been prepared by most of house-wives for a long time fellowing old reference and still be made by some skilled persons in country side these days. The preparation methods of the Yukwa differ a little each other region by region. This survey was conducted to excarvate any hidden traditional methods and collect different cases as many as possible through pre-made questionaire. 151 questionaires were collected at 7 provinces and evaluted by similar items.

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