• Title/Summary/Keyword: projection bodies

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Study on the Realities in Seoul Subway Crimes: Criminal Psychology (서울지하철 범죄 실태에 대한 범죄심리학적 연구)

  • Rim, Sang-Gon
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.7
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    • pp.233-285
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    • 2004
  • ‘Defined legally as a violation of law' (Sutherland, E. H. Principles of Criminology, Lippincott, Chicago, 1939) Crime within the group is essentially and primarily antisocial in that the criminal who is welfare of his group acts instead against it and breaks the principles of social solidarity not merely by not doing what these principles prescribe, but by doing something exactly opposites. Any program set up to attack crime and delinquent behavior at their sources. A program of his nature needs the constant and comprehensive collaboration of psychiatrists, social works, educations, lawmakers, and public officials, since crime is a social problem and it should be treated as such. Some crime preventives which should be mentioned are as follows, (1) The insurance that every child will be decently born and that his home life be socially and economically adequate; without socially mature parents the chid is handicapped at the start; thus parental education, integrated with the public school system, should be developed now. (2) A more meaningful educational program which would emphasize ideals of citizenship, moral integrity, and respect for the law and the police. (3) A periodic check made for potential delinquents throughout the public schools and treatment provided if possible; and if not, proper segregation in institutions. (4) Careful attention paid to press, movies, and radio so that crime may no longer appear to be glamorous. This can be done by women's clubs, civic bodies, and other educational groups exerting pressure on the movie syndicates and broadcasting companies to free their productions of the tawdry and lurid characteristics of crime and criminals. Aggression associated with the phallic stage of development, The child ordinarily comprehends sexual intercourse as an aggressive and sadistic act on the part of the male, and specifically on the part of the penis. Evidence that the penis is phantasied as a weapon of violence and destruction come from unconscious productions of normal adults. Limerick, for instance, often refer to the penis as square, or too large, etc., so that intercourse is dangerous and painful for the partner, This may wall be a projection of the male's own fear of coitus. A certain portion of the death-instinct always remains within the person; it is called 'primal sadism' and according to Freud is identical with masochism. 'After the chief part of it(the death instinct) has been directed outwards towards objects, there remains as a residuum within the organism the true erotogenic masochism, which on the one hand becomes a component of the libido and on the other still has the subject itself for a object.' Criminalism, compulsive-neurotic frequent repetition of criminal acts in a compulsive manner. Like most symptoms of the compulsive-neurotic, such antisocial act are closely rated to feelings of hostility and aggression, often against the father. Because these acts are symptomatic, they afford only temporary relief and are therefore repeated. One patient with compulsive-neurotic criminalism was apprehended after breaking into hardware store and stealing money. He later confessed to many similar incidents over the preceding two years. At the same time it was apparent that he stole only for the sake of stealing. He did not need the money he thus obtained and had no special plans for using it.

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Immunocytochemical Localization of Parvalbumin and Calbindin-D 28K in Monkey Dorsal Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (원숭이 외측슬상체배측핵에서 칼슘결합단백 Parvalbumin과 Calbindin-D 28K의 분포)

  • Ko, Seung-Hee;Bae, Choon-Sang;Park, Sung-Sik
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.61-77
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    • 1994
  • The calcium-binding proteins (CaBP), parvalbumin (PV) and calbindin-D 28K (calbindin) are particularly abundant and specific in their distribution, and present in different subsets of neurons in many brain regions. Although their physiological roles in the neurons have not been elucidated, they are valuable markers of neuronal subpopulations for anatomical and developmental studies. This study is designed to characterize dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) neurons and axon terminals in terms of differential expression of immunoreactivity (IR) for two well-known CaBPs, PV and calbindin. The experiments were carried out on 6 adult monkeys. Monkeys were perfused under deep Nembutal anesthesia with 2% paraformaldehyde and 0.2% glutaraldehyde in 0.1M phosphate buffer. After removal, the brains were postfixed for 6-8 hr in 2% paraformaldehyde at $4^{\circ}C$ and infiltrated with 30% sucrose at $4^{\circ}C$. Thereafter, they were frozen in dry ice. Serial sections of the thalamus, at $20{\mu}m$, were made in the frontal plane with a sliding microtome. The sections were stained for PV and calbindin with indirect immunocytochemical methods. For electron microscopy, after infiltration with 30% sucrose the blocks of thalamus were serially sectioned at $50{\mu}m$ with a Vibratome in the coronal plane and stained immediately by indirect ABC methods without Triton X-100 in incubation medium. Stained sections were postfixed in 0.2% osmium tetroxide, dehydrated and flat-embedded in Spurr resin. The block was then trimmed to contain only a selected lamina or interlaminar space. The dLGN proper showed strong PV IR in fibers in all laminae and interlaminar zones. Particularly dense staining was noted in layers 1 and 2 that contain many stained fibers from optic tract. Neuronal cell body stained with PV was concentrated only in the laminae. In these laminae staining was moderate in cell bodies of all large and medium-sized neurons, and was strong in cell bodies of some small neurons together with their processes. Calbindin IR was marked in the neuronal cell body and neuropil in the S layers and interlaminar zones whereas moderate in the neuropil throughout the nucleus. Regional difference in distribution of PV and calbindin IR cell is distinct; the former is only in the laminae and the latter in both the S layer and interlaminar space. The CaBP-IR elements were confined to about $10{\mu}m$ in depth of Vibratome section. The IR product for CaBP was mainly associated with synaptic vesicle, pre- and post-synaptic membrane, and outer mitochondrial membrane and along microtubule. PV-IR was noted in various neuronal elements such as neuronal soma, dendrite, RLP, F, PSD and some myelinated or unmyelinated axons, and was not seen in the RSD and glial cells. Only a few neuronal components in dLGN was IR for calbindin and its reaction product was less dense than that of PV, and scattered throughout cytoplasm of soma of some relay neurons, and was also persent in some dendrite, myelinated axons and RLP. The RSD, F, PSD and glial elements were always non-IR for calbindin. Calbindin labelled RLP were presynaptic to unlabeled dendrite or dendritic spine and PSD. Calbindin-labeled dendrite of various sizes were always postsynaptic to unlabeled RSD, RLP or F. From this study it is suggested that dLGN cells of different functional systems and their differential projection to the visual cortex can be distinguished by differential expression of PV and calbindin.

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On the wing venation and scales of Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler (I) (솔나방의 시맥(翅脈)과 인편(鱗片)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (I))

  • Yun, Jeong Koo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 1962
  • The objects of this experiment are to find out the local variation of the Dendrolimus Spectabilis Butler, of which sample was first collecteted 15 bodies of male and 35 bodies of female adult at Suwon area. the wing veins and the scale shape have been observed through the microscope (100) and the scale size (from the bottom of the scale to the top of the lobe) has also been measured by the micrometer. The results of this experiment are as follows: 1. There is nodifference between the venation of the male body and that of the female body. Also we can not find any differences between the right and the left wing, and between each body. The fore wings consit of 13 longitudinal veins and the only one "V" shape cross vein which is between the 5th and 6th vein. The hind wings consist of 9 longitudinal veins and the only one "V" shape cross vein which is mentioned above. 2. The scale types are divided into 4 Groups in its shape. (A) The scales of I Group are short and the lower parts of them almost look like a circle, having a small projection at their bottom. The upper parts of them have 2 or 10 lobes. We can find the lobes with fine hairs or the lobes without them at the top of the scales. (B) The scales of II Group are longer than that of I Group. The shape of the lower parts of the scales is similar to that of I Group. The upper parts of the scales have 2 or 10 lobes. (C) The scales of III Group are long and almost alike in a long wedgeshape. The upper parts of the scales have 2 Or IO lobes and we can find long fine hairs at the top of each lobe. (D) The scales of IV Group are long and the shape of the lower parts of the scales is similar to that of III Group. The lobes are short and not sharp. We can find 2 or 9 lobes. 3. The scales of I Group and II Group are distributed on the whole surface except on the outer margin. The most scales of III Group are distributed on the wing base. The scales of IV Group are distributed on the outer margin only. The scales with 4 or 5 lobes are most widely distributed not considering their Group or distributing parts. 4. In I Group the variation of the scale length become gradually greater as the number of the lobes are increasing. In II, III, IV Group, however, the variation of the scale length is in direct opposition to the above mentioned. The variation of the scale width becomes pretty small in any Groups and the scale width become wider as the number of the lobes are increasing. 5. The source of the wing colouration is pigmnetal colour, and the wing colouration is expressed by the amount of brown and white scales.

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