• 제목/요약/키워드: proficiency analytical testing

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정도관리용 포름알데히드 시료개발 및 분석능력평가 (Sample Development for Quality Control of Formaldehyde and Proficiency Analytical Testing)

  • 박해동;장미연;박승현
    • 한국산업보건학회지
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.58-66
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: The objective of this study was to develop formaldehyde samples for quality control (QC) and to test the applicability of proficiency analytical testing in Korea. Methods: We made formaldehyde samples with certified standard solutions (formaldehyde in water or acetonitrile) and 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (2,4-DNPH)-coated silicagel tubes. Four levels of formaldehyde concentration were tested for storage stability at room temperature and at 4℃ over three months. Analytical proficiency testing was performed with four or 36 institutes. Results: Formaldehyde sample tubes were easily made through the injection of standard solutions and the average efficiencies of recovery were 95-101%. The coefficients of variation (CV) of the formaldehyde samples were 1.39-2.55%. The recovery efficiencies fell between 90% and 110% at the concentration range of 1-10 ㎍/sample over three months storage at refrigerated and room temperature. The CVs were less than 5% in the proficiency analytical testing. By adjusted proficient ranges, 64% of the results of the second proficiency analytical testing were acceptable. Conclusions: The formaldehyde samples made by injection on 2,4-DNPH-coated silicagel tubes were stable and applicable for quality control.

국내 생태독성 분석기관에 대한 숙련도시험 결과 평가 (Interlaboratory Study for Proficiency Testing on the Water Toxicity Determinations by Acute Toxicity Test with Daphnia magna)

  • 김종민;신기식;유순주;김명옥;최성헌
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제30권6호
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    • pp.632-637
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    • 2014
  • Proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons is used to determine the performance of individual laboratories. In order to verify the quality of acute toxicity testing with Daphnia magna, National Institute of Environmental Research in South Korea is regularly organizing interlaboratory comparisons to estimate the analytical accuracy of different laboratories. Total 58 laboratories located in South Korea took part in interlaboratory proficiency testing scheme with three proficiency testing samples. TU(Toxic Unit) values of each laboratory were determined and robust z-score was calculated in order to evaluate the proficiency levels. Based on the robust z-score classification, 74% of the participant laboratories showed a satisfactory performance (43 laboratories). The main reason of 'unsatisfactory' performance seemed to be considered that the unsuitable management of test organism incubation system and the lack of experience on the identification of the test organism condition by effect of toxicity.

농약 이화학시험 분석기관의 숙련도시험을 통한 정도관리체계 확립 연구 (Establishment of National Quality Control System for Analytical Laboratory of Pesticide Products by Proficiency Testing)

  • 장희라;박효경;임영주;김광호;김찬섭;김균
    • 농약과학회지
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.350-356
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    • 2012
  • 숙련도시험 수행 및 분석법확립은 분석기관의 지속적인 시험결과에 대한 신뢰성 확보 및 시험기관의 분석능력 관리를 위한 정도관리 체계에 포함되는 항목이다. Emamectin benzoate 및 lufenuron 유제 시료에 대한 분석법 검증, 안정성 및 균질성을 확인한 후, 농약 이화학시험 분석기관(33개 기관)을 대상으로 두 약제에 대한 시료를 배포하여 숙련도시험을 수행하였으며, 분석기관의 수행능력을 z값으로 평가하였다. Emamectin benzoate는 참여기관 총 33개 중 이상값은 2개 기관(6.0%), z값이 |Z| > 3.0 및 |Z| < -3.0 범위을 나타내는 부적합은 2개 기관(6.0%) 및 z값이 -2.0 < |Z| -3.0 및 2.0 < |Z| < 3.0 범위인 검토대상은 3기관(9.0%)이었고, lufenuron에 대한 z값의 범위가 검토대상인 기관은 3개(9.0%)였다. 본 연구는 국내 농약 이화학시험 분석기관에 적합한 정도관리 체계 마련을 위하여 숙련도 시험의 적용가능성을 확인하였으며, 추가적으로 다양한 농약제품에 대한 숙련도시험을 수행하여 보완이 필요하다.

석면분석 정도관리용 표준시료 개발연구 I - 석면분석 정도관리용 표준시료 제조장치 개발 및 시료제조 방법 확립 - (Development of Asbestos Quality Control Sample for Proficiency Analytical Testing 1 - Development of Manufacturing Apparatus and Sample Preparing Procedure for Asbestos Quality Control Sample -)

  • 이광용;이종한;정시정;박두용
    • 한국산업보건학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2009
  • Final purpose of this study was designed to develop the quality control(QC) sample for proficiency analytical testing of asbestos. This study consisted of two parts; first, development of manufacturing apparatus and sample preparing procedure for asbestos quality control(QC) sample: second, validation of the QC samples made by our developed method as asbestos proficiency analytical testing sample. The main results of the first part research are as followed We developed the apparatus for manufacturing the asbestos QC sample, consisted of filter hold, filter holder manifolder, vacuum system, and vacuum pump. The most proper filter of making the QC samples was a cellulose ester membrane filter with 25 mm diameter, pore size 0.8 um. And we presented the optimal procedure for preparing the asbestos QC sample by using the developed apparatus. We will verify the manufactured asbestos QC samples by this method, and present the validation results to confirm the reliability as a asbestos QC sample in next paper.

수용액중 음이온 및 금속에 대한 숙련도 시험 (Proficiency Test for Anions and Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution)

  • 이종해
    • 한국대기환경학회지
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2000
  • This paper summerizes the results of the first proficiency testing program for achieving the analytical quality assurance of anions and metal ions in air borne particles in Korea. This program covered the chemical testing of anions(Cl-, NO3-, SO42-) and metals(Fe, Pb, Zn) in qeueous solution. The exercies was conducted by the Measurement & Analysis Committee of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment(KOSAE). Pilot lab. was Division of Chemical Metrology and Materais Evaluation in Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science(KRISS). A total of 11 laboratories participated in the program. Two samples of 100mL in low density polyehylene bottles were supplied to participating laboratories. The proficiency testing results were interpreted by two graphical methods, Youden polt and x-Charts(control chart).

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중금속분석용 하천수 매질표준물질을 이용한 숙련도 결과 평가 (Evaluation of the proficiency testing results using river water-based reference materials for heavy metal analysis)

  • 송기봉;김영희;신선경;이수영;김현정;강학구;김일규;안희주
    • 분석과학
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.284-294
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    • 2010
  • 하천수 시료를 이용한 중금속분석용 수질표준물질, NIER-I08RW 및 NIER-I09를 제조하여 납, 카드뮴, 크롬, 구리 등 중금속 4 종에 대한 인증분석 및 불확도 등을 평가하였다. 균질성 평가 결과, 병간균질도가 숙련도시험의 목표표준편차의 0.3 배 이하로서 숙련도시험용 시료로서 사용하기에 충분히 균질한 시료인 것으로 확인되었다. 제조된 표준물질을 이용하여 국내 환경측정분석기관을 대상으로 숙련도시험을 실시하고, 설정값의 설정방법에 따른 로버스트 Z 값의 변동을 비교하였다. 다른 항목에 비해 농도가 낮은 NIER-I08RW의 카드뮴 항목을 제외하고는, 특성값과 참가기관의 합의값의 차이인 상대편차, $B_{relative}$는 모두 ${\pm}$1 이하로서 크지 않았으며, 설정값을 달리 설정함으로 Z 값이 달라진 경우는 46 개로서 전체의 2.9%에 불과하였다.

농약 이화학시험 분석기관 정도관리체계 (Quality Control System for Analytical Chemistry Laboratory of Pesticide Products)

  • 장희라;이준엽;이영주;강혜림;김찬섭;김균
    • 농약과학회지
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.529-544
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    • 2011
  • 분석표준화 관련 국제기관인 ISO, CIPAC 등은 농약제품 시험기관에 대한 정도관리(QC), 숙련도 시험 및 분석법 검증을 수행하기 위한 요구조건을 지침서로 제시하고 있다. 일반적으로, 숙련도 시험은 시험기관의 분석능력 평가를 위하여 시험기관간 비교시험을 바탕으로 시험기관의 수행능력과 기술능력 정도를 판단할 수 있다. 분석법 검증 절차는 정도관리(QC)에서 중요한 단계 중 하나로 특이성, 선택성, 직선성 등의 항목들이 포함되며, 대부분의 국제기관이 농약제품 중 주요성분에 대한 정량분석법에서 재현성, 정확성 및 정밀성 등을 요구하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 농약 이화학시험 분석기관의 시험연구과정 및 결과에 대한 신뢰성을 높이기 위해 국내 외 정도관리에 관한 지침서를 비교 검토하여 국제적으로 표준화된 지침서에 적합한 구체적이고, 효율적인 농약 이화학시험 분석기관의 농약분석법 검증절차 및 시험기관 정도관리 체계(안)를 제안하고자 한다.

감마 분광분석법에 따른 방사능 국제 숙련도 시험 결과 평가 (International Proficiency Test for Radioactivity by Gamma Spectroscopy Evaluation of Results)

  • 이지은;강영록;장희진;계용욱;조월순;백정화;이창근;이동연;김효진
    • 대한방사선기술학회지:방사선기술과학
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    • 제47권5호
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    • pp.345-353
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    • 2024
  • The method for verifying analytical technology in the field of radioactivity measurement involves participation in a proficiency test(PT). Proficiency tests are mandatory requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 for maintaining calibration and testing laboratories. These tests are intended to evaluate the analytical capabilities of laboratories, identify problems, support corrective actions, and verify uncertainties. We conducted a proficiency test on the Environmental Resources Association of America(ERA). In the field of radiochemistry, we participated in RAD 136 and compared our results with those of 24 laboratories world wide. The analytical capability of gamma nuclide was evaluated as satisfactory, warning, or unsatisfactory, according to the Z-score of ISO 13528. The radioactivity of 133Ba, 134Cs, 137Cs, 60Co and 65Zn contained in gamma emitters sample was measured and analyzed, and all the result values |z| < 2 were satisfactory according to the Z-score evaluation criteria. Hence, we received the result Laboratory of Excellence.