• Title/Summary/Keyword: product strategy

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- Web-based Collaborative Design Environment for Reliable Product Design Systems - (신뢰성 있는 제품설계시스템을 위한 웹기반 협업설계환경 구축)

  • Seo Kwang Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2004
  • An issue of globalized and competitive business environment is a transformation of manufacturing strategy for rapidly product development. To copy with these trends, building up a market from various product is becoming conspicuous the core strategy of manufacture. Therefore, it is increasing of necessity for the environment of collaborative product development. As a part of corresponding for these demands, we propose the method that allows easy and rapid integration of legacy resources within the company and between departments. The proposed framework can easily construct a distributed environment for collaborative design between departments in the companies. It was implemented using CO/sup TM/ based on DOME (Distributed Object-based Modeling Environment) that is knowledge based engineering solution.

The Effect of Marketing Characteristic on Business Performance (창업마케팅특성이 기업성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeon, In-oh;An, Un-Seok
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.97-109
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    • 2016
  • In Korea, the survival rate of start-up of 5-year after foundation is as low as 29.6% of the country. This low survival rate is from because of insufficient resources in start-ups compared to those of mid-sized companies. Therefore, the marketing characteristics of entrepreneurship has emerged as a major cause. Therefore, In this study, because learning orientation, marketing experience, competition orientation and etc are differently owned in start-ups, marketing impact to marketing strategy in start-up companies are differently investigated. Therefore, the relationship of learning orientation, marketing experience, competition Orientation with marketing strategies was examined. Based on this, Business performance was examined to suggest contents related to eco-system of start-up companies to representative of start-up companies. For this study, Survey was conducted for 250 start-up entrepreneurs within 3 and half year since foundation from Nov. 20 to Dec. 20, 2015. In result of data-cleaning, 207 meaningful samples were gathered. Based on these, conclusion was obtained. Using SPSS 20.0 statistical program, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis were conducted. the following conclusions were drawn. First, in the impact of marketing environment of Phase 1 start-up companies on marketing strategy, product strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy were positively affected by learning orientation, marketing experience and competition orientation. Second, in the effect of 2nd phase marketing strategy to business performance, the financial performance and the non-financial performance. Were positively affected by product strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategies. Third, The effect of learning orientation, marketing experience and competition orientation to financial performance was positively mediated by product strategy and distribution strategy among 3rd phase meditation strategies. the effect of learning orientation, marketing experience and competition orientation to non-financial performance was positively mediated by products strategy. In comprehensive summary, in order to increase business performance in start-up companies, marketing strategy should be applied in. Especially, the role of learning orientation and marketing experience is vital. In increasement of business performance to characteristics of star up marketing, financial performance can be increased by product strategy and distribution strategy. And, both of financial and non-financial performance can be increased by product strategy. Therefore, in conducting of marketing characteristics of start-up, to increase business performance, the apply of marketing strategy to marketing characteristics of start-up should be required.

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제품-공정 메트릭수 상에서 경쟁전략과 자동화수준에 대한 실증적 연구

  • 이준석
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.703-711
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    • 1998
  • Due to the highly ocmpetitive and volatile manufacturing environment, the field of operation management has received increasing attention in recent years as having strategic importances. This study is about the korean manufacturing strategy and the factory automain levels on the product-process matrixes. In this paper, after reviewing the researches about manufacturing strategy and product-process matrixes, we proposed a conceptual model for satisfied factory automation levels.

A Study on the Fast Fashion(Part I) - Focusing on Marketing Strategy - (패스트 패션(Fast Fashion)에 대한 고찰(제1보) - 마케팅 전략을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Sun-Hee
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.875-887
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the fashion industry in Korea with materials that could enhance its international competitiveness by suggesting marketing strategies for fast fashion brands after taking product, price, place, and promotion into consideration. The product strategy should focus on developing products that accurately reflect the general market trend and consumer demand, selecting optimal materials, and pursuing internal production. This, coupled with strategic cooperation with designers, will ensure reliable quality and enhance the brand image. The pricing strategy should place greater emphasis on reducing production costs. Diverse task outsourcing and design competition, for instance, can lower the cost of design development. The place strategy should be set according to the operation of a systematic and efficient distribution system based on SPA, an automatic delivery system, sales or return system, speed control system, and a value chain that consists of horizontal business alliances. The promotion strategy should be run under the central control of the headquarters using various unique VMDs. Furthermore, online marketing campaigns, spectacular fashion shows, design competitions, catalogue marketing campaigns, and other new sales promotion schemes could all be introduced.

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The Empirical Study on Quality Strategies (품질전략에 관한 실증적 연구)

  • Lee Wang-Tak
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.6
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    • pp.187-204
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    • 2001
  • As a competition between a country and a company becomes fierce and the quality information, reliability and quality guarantee of a product are more emphasized, quality has become an important strategic task of a company. A company today has a strategic quality management system for quality improvement in order to perform such a strategic task. The content of this are as follows. Classify the types of quality strategy of our manufacturing companies when the necessity of a strategic quality management increases in order to adapt to a rapidly changing management environment and study the characteristics of a quality management activity factor of quality strategy. The content and meaning of this analysis are summarized as follows. Confirmed qualify management activity in which quality strategy could be used by analyzing the effects by tendency of a quality management activity factor by quality strategy. It was a product/service factor that a quality management activity factor contrasted most clearly by tendency of quality strategy. Also, it can be said that this study set the foundation of quality strategy of our manufacturing company in a methodological way because this can be used in developing the theory and model of quality management and in verifying them by confirming and embodying the main area for successful quality management through comparing and analyzing factors related with main areas of quality management.

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A Study on the Optimal Industry Construction of Korean Medicine Industry (한방산업(韓方産業)의 최적산업구조(最適産業構造) 연구(硏究))

  • Yoo, Byoung-Wan;Lee, Seok-Jae;Jeon, Byoung-Uk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Oriental Medical Informatics
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2007
  • Korean medicine industry general means all industry activities related to Korean medicine. It covers material resources such as herbs and products made herbs, medical instruments, Korean medical servics and related information service based on Korean medicine theories. Also according to industrial strategy, Korean medicine industry was to define and branch. The industrial strategy of Korean medicine industry was based on kowledge, high-end, intensive techology, and global denand. By the industrial strategy of Korean Medicine industry, a study on the optimal industry construction of Korean medicine industry was standardizaition in the basic research and promoted bouds, efficiency in the group industrial, detention of global fund and global technology, and intenational division of product process. It is the optimal industry construction of Korean medicine industry by the industrial strategy of Korean medicine industry. At once adjustment to the optimal industry construction of Korean medicine industry by the industrial strategy of Korean medicine industry was internationalization in the positive adjustment.

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Advertisement Design Strategy of According to The Brand Life Cycle (브랜드 수명주기에 따른 광고디자인 전략에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Young;Lee, Jin-Ryeol
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.3 s.61
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2005
  • Generally, the brand has its life cycle as the product has. This life cycle is classified into the stages; introduction, growth, maturity and decline. Since the brand is little different from that of the product's, we can find some differences when it applies to the brand. The most effective method to perceive the brand to the consumers is advertisement, therefore in the advertisement design, it is important to figure out the current stage in the brand life cycle and use the most ideal design strategy in that stage. This study suggests the concept of the brand life cycle and the most effective strategy in each stages of the advertisement design. In the stage of the brand introduction, we apply the 'What is it? Strategy' which introduces the brand itself. In the stage of the growth, 'How does it Differ from? Strategy' is suggested as the advertisement strategy emphasizing the positioning which shows its differential competitive advantages among brands because in this stage there are many competitive brands in the market. In the stage of the maturity, we focus on the 'What does it Convey of? Strategy' stressing on the delivery of brand's value to consumers as consumers they purchase the brand. Finally in the stage of the decline, 'What does it Stand for? Strategy' is suggested in order to emphasize the generation of brand's symbolical meaning rather than to emphasize it's attributes or benefits. Therefore the advertisement design needs the contingent ideal design strategy according to the stages of brand life cycle and the effective brand management through it.

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Product Family Design based on Analytic Network Process (Analytic Network Process에 기초한 제품가족 디자인)

  • Kim, Tai-Oun
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2011
  • In order to maintain customer satisfaction and to remain productive and efficient in today's global competition, mass customization is adopted in many leading companies. Mass customization through product family and product platform enables companies to develop new products with flexibility, efficiency and quick responsiveness. Thus, product family strategy based on product platform is well suited to realize the mass customization. Product family is defined as a group of related products that share common features, components, and subsystems; and satisfy a variety of market niches. The objective is to propose a product family design strategy that provides priority weights among product components by satisfying customer requirements. The decision making process for a new product development requires a multiple criteria decision making technique with feedback. An analytical network process is adopted for the decision making modeling and procedure. For the implementation, a netbook product known as a small PC which is appropriate for the product family model is adopted. According to the proposed architecture, the priority weight of each component for each product family is derived. The relationship between the customer requirement and product component is analyzed and evaluated using QFD model.

A Research on Private apparel Brand's Product Strategy in Discounted Stores. (할인점의 의류PB 상품전략에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Sung-Sik;Kim, Pan-Jin;Lee, Sang-Youn
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2011
  • After the financial crisis, what has been the rapidly growth of large supermarkets, stores, and restaurants linked to concerns that have already reached saturation point, but the new opening large supermarkets is expected to continue into the future. The major supermarkets are continue to grow outward but growth slowed. And that is expected to continue differentiation of the product, acceptance the customer needs, acquiring high margin of sales products. Then the ongoing development of PB brand is to be positioned effective marketing strategy for overcoming the period of slow growth. In addition, big three local supermarkets continue to launch a clothing PB brand, expansion and operation strategy for the situation and based on this study and the success of the domestic large-Mart's PB and PB identifying problem and the need for differentiation and profit for the successful strategy is to discuss in this study. This research looks at the concept of major market's private brand, the strategy, the success example and the prospects, and views the globally rapid-growing private brands, not only having the limited role of distributing the products as retailers, but also having a control of the distribution channel as a manufacturing company. World's major advanced distribution companies, to differentiate their companies' products and increase the profitability, are putting a lot of efforts into private brand products, and there are many good examples that are globalizing, externally expanding, and creating high financial results. In this research, we presented three major domestic discount stores as examples to show that there is a need for a differentiated private brand management strategy in the saturated discount store industry in Korea. Also, we aim to provide a new product strategy for the future that has been saturated with discount stores to the limit, by providing suggestions that private brand products can be used as weapons with the strongest competiveness in the retail industry through pursuing store differentiations from thorough market analysis and product researches, meeting the customers' needs, and obtaining high margins. PB products, particularly clothing design, a thorough market analysis and product development trends and customer needs to reflect the acquisition of High margin differentiated powerful products and sustainable growth through the stores, large supermarkets, congested, a new breakthrough that can give a good opportunity to provide implications discount stores, new product strategy based on ways to limit proposed. This study discount the major three companies studied, the less strain is a generalization. In the future, domestic and local discount store brand PB, SPA brand that the multinational comparative analysis of the value of the PB expansion strategy centered on clothing, additional studies will be needed.

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A Case Analysis Study of Korean Small and Medium Firms' Software Exports through Sales Channels Building and Product Localization (판매채널 구축과 현지화 과정으로 본 중소기업 소프트웨어 해외 수출 사례 분석 연구)

  • Ahn, Yeon S.;Kim, Hee Wan
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.81-95
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    • 2016
  • Software export is very important for developing the domain software industry. Up to now, the study related in this issue is not enough even if exports are not activated. In our study, we treated and analyzed the three SME cases that have each successful record in recent years focusing to sales channels establishment and product localization. This study was done by interviewing the marketing directors mainly, and applied email exchanges, phones, and document analyses. Some implications can be addressed for the potential SME software exports. In the perspectives of sales channels building, the trust for product and firm itself is needed to have a good offshore partners. These are required to make the good relationship with partners, brand value's diffusion, and technical competency. As for product localization, the customization is important to meet the needs for local users effectively. So it is desirable to accept the advisory suggestions from the local consulting experts or representative customers. And the joint export strategy using the platform by linking some related products is effective for SME's software product's export.