• 제목/요약/키워드: pricing strategy

검색결과 187건 처리시간 0.021초

패스트푸드 레스토랑 이용객의 재방문 의도 영향 요인에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Influencing Factors of Intention of Revisit in Fast Food Restaurant Visitors)

  • 김석준;정광현;조용범
    • 한국조리학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.30-45
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    • 2008
  • The objective of this study is to examine how the factors influence each other by determining the appropriate measurement standard in fast food restaurants based on the evaluation of attributes, perceived pricing, value, satisfaction and intention of revisit, and present an effective marketing strategy for fast food restaurants based on the analytical results by patrons and market segmentations. The study surveyed 195 subjects and processed the result using SPSS for Win. V. 12.0. For statistical analysis, Frequency, Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis, and Regression Analysis were put into operation. As a result of the Factor Analysis of the evaluation of attributes, 3 factors have been extracted. The results showed that restaurant attribution evaluation had a positive effect on the perceived value($R^2adj=0.357$, p=0.000), satisfaction($R^2adj=0.346$, p=0.000) and intent of revisiting($R^2adj=0.389$, p=0.000); perceived pricing had a positive affect on the perceived value($R^2adj=0.464$, p=0.000), satisfaction($R^2adj=0.113$, p=0.000) and intention of revisit($R^2adj=0.276$, p=0.000); perceived value had a positive affect on satis-faction($R^2adj=0.327$, p=0.000) and intention of revisit($R^2adj=0.515$, p=0.000); and satisfaction had a positive affect on intention of revisit($R^2adj=0.442$, p=0.000).

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Generic Costing Scheme Using General Equilibrium Theory for Fair Cloud Service Charging

  • Hussin, Masnida;Jalal, Siti Fajar;Latip, Rohaya
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.58-73
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    • 2021
  • Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) enable their users to access Cloud computing and storage services from anywhere in quick and flexible manners through the Internet. With the basis of 'pay-as-you-go' model, it makes the interactions between CSPs and the users play a vital role in shaping the Cloud computing market. A pool of virtualized and dynamically scalable Cloud services that delivered on demand to the users is associated with guaranteed performance and cost-provisioning. It needed a costing scheme for determining suitable charges in order to secure lease pricing of the Cloud services. However, it is hard to meet the satisfied prices for both CSPs and users due to their conflicting needs. Furthermore, there is lack of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) that allowing the users to take part into price negotiating process. The users may lose their interest to use Cloud services while reducing CSPs profit. Therefore, this paper proposes a generic costing scheme for Cloud services using General Equilibrium Theory (GET). GET helps to formulate the price function for various services' factors to match with various demands from the users. It is initially determined by identifying the market circumstances that a general equilibrium will be hold and reached. Specifically, there are two procedures of agreement made in response to (i) established equilibrium supply and demand, and (ii) service price formed and constructed in a price range. The SLAs in our costing scheme is integrated to satisfy both CSPs and users' needs while minimizing their conflicts. The price ranging strategy is deliberated to provide prices' options to the users with respect their budget limit. Meanwhile, the CSPs can adaptively charge based on users' preferences without losing their profit. The costing scheme is testable and analyzed in multi-tenant computing environments. The results from our simulation experiments demonstrate that the proposed costing scheme provides better users' satisfaction while fostering fairness pricing in the Cloud market.

정보시스템 운영 아웃소싱 계약구조 개선 기반의 IT서비스 혁신 추진에 관한 사례 연구 (A Case Study on IT Service Innovation through Improvement of Outsourcing Contract Structures for Information System Operations)

  • 김희선;최광묵
    • 정보화정책
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.88-105
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    • 2024
  • 많은 기업에서 핵심 역량 집중과 효율적 운영을 위해 정보시스템(IS) 운영 아웃소싱을 도입하고 있다. 그러나, 대부분 인력 기반 산정 방식(Head Counting)을 적용하고 있고, 이는 사업 비용을 객관적인 기준이나 체계 없이 당사자 간의 합의에 따라 산정하는 방식으로 계약까지 소모적인 논쟁이 발생한다. 또한, 인력 기반의 아웃소싱 계약 환경에서는 고객사와 IT서비스 제공사 모두 생산성, 효율, 품질 향상에 대한 동기부여가 미흡하여 기업 경쟁력 확보에 어려움이 있다. 본 연구에서는 실제 그룹사 기반의 IT서비스 기업에서 오랫동안 고객사와 협의를 거쳐 개발하고 실제 계약에 적용하기로 합의한 IS 운영 아웃소싱 가격모델 개발과정과 이를 기반으로 IT서비스 경쟁력을 확보해가기 위해 추진해 온 활동들을 소개함으로써, 향후 아웃소싱 계약방식 전환을 시도하는 기업들에 현실적인 가이드를 제시하고자 한다.

한국 주식시장에서 총수익성 프리미엄에 관한 분석 및 펀드 유통산업에 주는 시사점 (Gross Profitability Premium in the Korean Stock Market and Its Implication for the Fund Distribution Industry)

  • 윤보현;유원석
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제13권9호
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - This paper's aim is to investigate whether or not gross profitability explains the cross-sectional variation of the stock returns in the Korean stock market. Gross profitability is an alternative profitability measure proposed by Novy-Marx in 2013 to predict cross-sectional variation of stock returns in the US. He shows that the gross profitability adds explanatory power to the Fama-French 3 factor model. Interestingly, gross profitability is negatively correlated with the book-to-market ratio. By confirming the gross profitability premium in the Korean stock market, we may provide some implications regarding the well-known value premium. In addition, our empirical results may provide opportunities for the fund distribution industry to promote brand new styles of funds. Research design, data, and methodology - For our empirical analysis, we collect monthly market prices of all the companies listed on the Korea Composite Stock Price Index (KOSPI) of the Korea Exchanges (KRX). Our sample period covers July1994 to December2014. The data from the company financial statementsare provided by the financial information company WISEfn. First, using Fama-Macbeth cross-sectional regression, we investigate the relation between gross profitability and stock return performance. For robustness in analyzing the performance of the gross profitability strategy, we consider value weighted portfolio returns as well as equally weighted portfolio returns. Next, using Fama-French 3 factor models, we examine whether or not the gross profitability strategy generates excess returns when firmsize and the book-to-market ratio are controlled. Finally, we analyze the effect of firm size and the book-to-market ratio on the gross profitability strategy. Results - First, through the Fama-MacBeth cross-sectional regression, we show that gross profitability has almost the same explanatory power as the book-to-market ratio in explaining the cross-sectional variation of the Korean stock market. Second, we find evidence that gross profitability is a statistically significant variable for explaining cross-sectional stock returns when the size and the value effect are controlled. Third, we show that gross profitability, which is positively correlated with stock returns and firm size, is negatively correlated with the book-to-market ratio. From the perspective of portfolio management, our results imply that since the gross profitability strategy is a distinctive growth strategy, value strategies can be improved by hedging with the gross profitability strategy. Conclusions - Our empirical results confirm the existence of a gross profitability premium in the Korean stock market. From the perspective of the fund distribution industry, the gross profitability portfolio is worthy of attention. Since the value strategy portfolio returns are negatively correlated with the gross profitability strategy portfolio returns, by mixing both portfolios, investors could be better off without additional risk. However, the profitable firms are dissimilar from the value firms (high book-to-market ratio firms); therefore, an alternative factor model including gross profitability may help us understand the economic implications of the well-known anomalies such as value premium, momentum, and low volatility. We reserve these topics for future research.

경험개치대소비자대전자내용적인지개치적중개영향(经验价值对消费者对电子内容的认知价值的中介影响): 중국살독연건시장(中国杀毒软件市场) (The Mediating Effect of Experiential Value on Customers' Perceived Value of Digital Content: China's Anti-virus Program Market)

  • Jia, Weiwei;Kim, Sae-Bum
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.219-230
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    • 2010
  • 数字内容在给公司带来机遇和挑战的同时也极大的改变了我们的生活. 创意企业整合视频, 图片, 文本和数据进行数字化过的音频, 开发新产品或服务, 创作数字经验推广自己的品牌. 大多数有关数字内容的文献是关于基本概念或者营销的发展. 其实, 比起普通产品或服务的传统价值链, 数字内容产业似乎有更多的潜在价值. 因为相当多的数字内容是免费的, 价格, 作为信息的质量或价值的指标, 不是必须被感知的(Rowley 2008). 很显然, 当前数字内容的主题是 "价值" 和关于消费者对数字内容的感知价值的研究. 本文讨论了体验价值在消费者评估数字内容时的优势. 本文在对数字内容 "价值" 的理解方面有两个不同但是相关的贡献. 第一, 基于数字内容与普通产品和服务的比较, 本文提出了两个关键特点使得体验战略适合数字内容: 无形和接近于零的再造成本. 最重要的是, 基于对公司的理想化的价值和客户的感知价值之间的差异的讨论, 本文强调了数字内容的价格和定价与普通产品和服务的不同. 无形的结果是, 价格可能并不反映顾客感知价值. 另外, 数字内容的成本处在发展阶段可能非常高但再造会大幅缩水. 而且, 由于前面提到的价值鸿沟, 这个价格政策改变因不同的数字内容而不同. 例如, 平价战略通常用于电影和音乐(Magiera 2001;Netherby 2002), 而有持续的需求的数字内容如在线游戏和杀毒软件的问题牵涉到一个更复杂的效用和极具竞争力的价格水平. 数字内容企业必须探索各种各样的策略来克服这个缺口. 对于广告, 形象, 口碑等常用的市场战略和他们对顾客感知价值的影响的研究变得至关重要. 中国数字内容产业正变得越来越国际化, 并引起了具有各自竞争优势的国家和地区的关注. 2008-2009中国数字内容产业年度发展报告(CCIDConsulting 2009)表明, 在国内需求和政府政策的大力支持下, 中国数字内容产业在2008年保持了大约30%的快速增长, 表明了这个产业在明显的初期扩张阶段. 在中国, 需要更新的杀毒软件和其他软件程序使用季度定价政策. 用户可以免费下载试用版, 用6个月或一年. 如果他们更久的使用, 连续的付款方式是必要的. 他们在试用阶段检测数字内容的优良度, 决定是否要付继续使用. 对于中国的音乐和电影工业的发展战略, 体验最初没有被广泛的应用, 虽然其他国家的公司注意到体验的重要性并探索了相关的战略(如客户在下载前有好几秒可以免费听听音乐). 由于上述原因, 杀毒软件在中国可以代表数字内容产业而且在中国杀毒市场探索了体验价值在顾客的数字内容感知价值中的优势. 为了提高调查数据的可靠性, 该研究集中在那些有使用杀毒软件经验的人群. 实证结果显示, 体验价值对顾客对数字内容的感知价值有积极的影响. 换句话说, 因为数字内容是无形的, 再造成本几乎为零, 客户的评估是根据他们的体验. 另外, 形象和口碑不产生积极的影响, 只对体验价值有影响. 这就是说, 数字内容价值链不同于普通产品或服务. 体验价值有显著的优势并调节形象和口碑对感知价值的作用. 这个研究结果有助于了解为什麽在发展中国家存在免费的数字内容下载. 客户只有通过体验它才可以感知数字内容的价值. 这也是为什么政府如此扶持发展数字内容. 其他发展中国家在起步阶段的数字内容企业可以借鉴这里的建议. 另外, 基于体验战略的优势, 公司应该更努力投资于客户的体验. 由于数字内容的特点和价值鸿沟的存在, 顾客只有经历了他们真正想要的才能感知更多的无形的数字内容的价值. 而且, 因为再造成本近乎为零, 公司可以使用体验战略, 以提高客户对数字内容的理解.

사전예약을 통한 구매결정이 소비자의 선택에 미치는 영향력의 작동원리에 관한 실증연구 (The Mechanism of the Influence of Advanced Selling on Consumer Choice)

  • 김경호;이형탁;서헌주
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제14권6호
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - In recent, a research finds that advanced selling can influence a consumer's choice(Kim et al., 2013). Advanced selling is defined as the new product launching strategy which company allows consumers to preorder new product before its release(Chu & Zhang, 2011). Prior researches have focused on the benefits of advanced selling(e.g., information gathering for demand prediction, an advantage for pricing strategy, and so on) for companies using this strategy(Chen, 2001; Chu & Zhang, 2011; Li & Zhang, 2013; Tang et al., 2004; Xie & Shugan, 2009). However, Kim et al.(2013) find it can also influence a consumer's choice. In detail, they suggest that when consumers use advanced selling, they are likely to prefer high-performance options rather than low-price options based on construal level theory(Trope & Liberman, 2003). In this paper, we tried to expand the prior researches for finding the mechanism of the influence of advanced selling on a consumer's choice. The purpose of this research is to test the mediating effect on the influence of advanced selling. Research design, data, and methodology - To find the mechanism of the influence of advanced selling, we designed an experiment for testing mediation effect. we recruited 93 students from a university. We assigned participants into one of two groups using randomization method. The participants with each group were given a scenario describing the sales strategy. Finally, they made a choice between high-performance option and low-price option. Sequentially, they also responded some questions for testing mediation effect. Results - First, we replicated prior research to test the influence of advanced selling. As a result, we could find that consumers prefer the high-performance option when they preorder it to purchase at the time of consumption. Thus, the replication result is the same as prior research. Second, we tested that advanced selling can influence the perception of temporal distance. The results confirmed that consumers perceived longer temporal distance in advanced selling condition(β = 1.575, SE = 0.272, p < 0.001). Third, we predicted that temporal distance can increase the importance of desirable attributes and decrease the importance of feasible attributes. The results suggested that temporal distance decreased significantly the importance of attributes related to feasibility(β = -0.19, SE = 0.07, p < 0.01), however, it had non-significant effect on increasing the importance of desirable attributes. Finally, we used Sobel-test for testing mediation effect, and it confirmed that the importance of feasible attributes had mediating role of the influence of advanced selling(Sobel test statistic = -2.110, SE = 0.111, p < 0.05). Conclusions - In this paper, we tried to find the mechanism of the influence on advanced selling from a consumer's choice. With an experiment, we confirmed that the importance of feasible attributes could mediate the effect on advanced selling. Therefore, we suggested some theoretical and practical contributions from this research. Finally, we discussed research limitations and suggested future research topics.

Software Bundling for Competitive Advantage: Vendor Strategies and Public Policy Implications

  • Kim, Tae-Ha;Shin, Hyung-Deok;Dutta, Amitava
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.39-62
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    • 2010
  • As an engineered product, a software package has multiple dimensions that must be designed judiciously to enhance its competitive viability. Functionality, reliability and price are three such common dimensions. However, many software products are sold as bundles of individual components and the competitive impact of bundling has received less attention in the research literature. In this paper, we examine the implications of software vendors using bundling as an element of competitive strategy. A game theoretic model of the actions of an incumbent and a new entrant is developed and the impact on vendor and consumer welfare is analyzed. Numerical experiments with the model show that (i) increasing bundle size is an effective strategy for the incumbent to increase its payoff at the cost of the entrant's payoff and consumer surplus, especially when the entrant's quality is low (ii) in the presence of bundling, the entrant can still increase its own payoff and consumer surplus at the cost of the incumbent's payoff, by increasing product quality up to the level that best segments market demand with the incumbent and (iii) an increase in bundle size by the incumbent, or an increase in quality by the entrant, can both result in an increase of total surplus. Similar results are observed in a related case where the entrant offers free software bundles. Our results provide insights into how software vendors may strategically use bundling and quality as additional product dimensions in order to stay competitive in the market. These results also inform the competing vendors of the impact of bundling related public policy actions on their respective payoffs.

국내 의류업체의 CRM 도입현황 (Current CRM Adoption in Korean Apparel Industry)

  • 고은주
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the current CRM situation in Korean apparel industry. Specifically, research purposes were 1) to examine the concepts and benefits of CRM, 2) to examine CRM strategies, 3) to analyze CRM system(i.e., customer relationship management service, customer segmentation criteria, DB management system), and 4) to analyze the potential problems and CRM adoption plan. The subjects for this research were thirty CRM managers in Korean apparel firms classified by the company type(woman's wear, man's wear, casual wear, children's wear, retailer) interviewed from December 2003 to March 1004. The results of this study were as follows: First, the concept of CRM represented the prime customer relationship, continuous consideration, and customer management system. The benefits of CRM reflected re-sales, improvement of profit share, and acquisition of customer's data base. Second, concerning the CRM strategies, most companies focused on persistent customer management through mileage program, membership cards and also implemented product strategies such as demand forecasting, customization based on customer data analysis. We also found that industry preferred to use pricing strategies, for example, segmentation of customer through discrepancies of price in which customers are provided by discount and gift voucher services. Regarding distribution strategy, channel diversification, localized service, and convenient delivery system were used. As promotion strategies, they chose celebrating customers' personal events and promoting cultural events and issuing coupons. Third, regarding CRM system, information service was the most frequently adopted, important and highly beneficial category. Also POS/web-POS, homepage were main sources of information. RFM is the mostly commonly used customer segmentation criteria. Fourth, potential problems in CRM adoption were lack of CRM knowledge and performance measurement of CRM. Future CRM adoption plan included CRM education and development of CRM performance measures.

관광지역 외식점포의 운영실태 및 관광객의 - 동해시를 중심으로 - (Analyzing the Current Operating Management and Customer Royalty of Restaurants at Tourism Provineces in Donghea city)

  • 채인숙
    • 한국식생활문화학회지
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.388-395
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the current operating management practices and tourist royalty of restaurants at the tourism provinces in Donghae city. Forty restaurants were surveyed for sales status, customer management, menu management, advertising, marketing strategy and seventy seven tourists replied to the attitudinal and behavioral aspects of customer royalty for regular visiting restaurant. Statistical data analyses were completed using the SPSS/WIN pact(age program for descriptive analysis, paired difference test, t-test, ANOVA, and pearson correlation. The results of quantitative analysis indicated that the average sales per day on a high-demand season were 1,571 thousand won and one on a slack season were 614 thousand won. The average check on a high-demand season(109 persons) and a slack season(38 persons) were significant difference(t=6.834, p<.001). A total of 93.5% of the restaurateurs answered that menu pricing was decided by the owner and 21.7% of the subjects used the only restaurant homepage in the advertising method. A total of 40.6% of the restaurants utilized the only kind service for regular customers and 35.1% of the subjects had no method for them. The results suggest that systematic management policies and marketing strafes for regular customer is very necessary. Also, the correlation between tourists' attitudinal and behavioral aspects of customer royalty for regular visiting restaurant was found out. High correlation was existed between the overall tourists' satisfaction on regular visiting restaurant, the intention to revisit(BCL 1, p<.001), the intention to recommend(BCL 2, p<.001), and indicators of customer royalty. Finally, restaurateurs at the tourism provinces should focus on marketing strategy to keep and improve current customer to rise the tourist royalty.

Analysis of Actual Consumption Patterns of China's Infant Food Market for 6th Industrial Management System Export Activation

  • Park, Sang youn;Song, Duk-young;Park, Hyoung ho;Lee, Namgyum;Hwang, Il yeong
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • 제5권4호
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    • pp.15-19
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    • 2017
  • With the increased economic profit in China, people tend to give more attention to the nurturing of children. The change in the food markets directly connected to the infants' health seem to have brought various consumption patterns different than before. Based on the actual condition survey operated by this research, the expansion in the scale of consumption and preference to the imported food for infants appeared in the Chinese food markets for infants. The rapidly increased amount of the online purchases of the food for Chinese infants was checked through the condition survey. Based on the analysis results, with the purpose of increasing the purchase opportunities of the Korean food for infants to the Chinese consumers, it should not only perform the promotion activities such as the promotion for the product's superiority and various promotional event, but also establish the pricing strategy for each entry step to the Chinese market. Because the purchase experience of the Korean food for infant plays the important role for the additional payments decision, it is estimated that there is a need to expand the opportunities for the Chinese consumers to approach the Korean food for infants both directly and indirectly.