• Title/Summary/Keyword: precision motion control

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Automated initial process planning system for three-axis NC machining of sculptured surfaces (자유 곡면의 3축 NC 가공을 위한 초기 공정 계획 기능의 자동화)

  • Kang, Jae-Kwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.114-121
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, the automated initial process planning for 3-axis NC machining of sculptured surfaces is persented. The solution algorithms determining three process planning functions, i.e. machining feasibility, setup orientation and feasible machine selection are developed. The machining feasibility is determined by means of BSM(Binary Spherical Map) which derives its solution quickly in algebraic form, and the setup orientation is determined so that the cutting force is minimized. Finally, the feasible machine is determined by computing the minimum motion ranges of each control axisl. The developed algorithms are tested by numerical simulations, convincing they can by readily implemented on the CAD/CAM system as a process planner.

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A Fine Manipulator with Compliance for Wafer Probing System (컴플라이언스를 갖는 웨이퍼 탐침 시스템용 미동 매니퓰레이터)

  • Choi, Kee-Bong;Kim, Soo-Hyun;Kwak, Yoon Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.68-79
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    • 1997
  • A six DOF fine manipulator based on magnetic levitation is developed. Since most of magnetic levitation system are inherently unstable, a proposed magnetically levitated fine manipulator is implemented by use of an antagonistic structure to increase stability. From mathematical modeling and experiment, the equations of motion are derived. In addition, a six DOF sensing system is implemented by use of three 2-axis PSD sensors. A model reference-$H_{\infty}$ controller is applied to the system for the position control, In application of the fine manipulator, a wafer probing system is proposed to identify nonfunctional circuts. The probing system requires compliance to avoid destruction of DUT(device under test). A feedfor- ward-PD controllers are presented by the terms of the position accuracy, the settling time and the force accuracy.y.

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Acceleration Optimization of a High-speed LCD Transfer Crane Using Finite Jerk (고속 LCD 이송 시스템의 진동감소를 위한 Finite Jerk 적용 가속도 최적화)

  • Chung W.J.;Song T.J.;Jung D.W.;Cho Y.D.;Bang D.J.;Yoon Y.M.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.1906-1909
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents the acceleration optimization of a high-speed LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) transfer system for the minimization of vibration. To reduce vibration is one of key requirements for the dynamic control of a high-speed LCD transfer system. In this paper, the concept of finite jerk (the first derivative of acceleration) has been introduced for realizing input acceleration. The profile of finite jerk has been optimized using a genetic algorithm so that vibration effect can be minimized. In order to incorporate a genetic algorithm, the dynamic model of a LCD transfer system which is realized by using the $ADAMS^{(R){$ software has been linked to the simulation system constructed by the $MATLAB^{(R)}$. The simulation results illustrated that the duration of finite jerk can be optimized so as to minimize the magnitude of vibration. It has been also shown that the acceleration optimization with finite jerk can make the high-speed motion of a LCD transfer system result in low vibration, compared with the conventional motion control with trapezoidal velocity profile.

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Trajectory Control of Excavator with Experimental Estimation of Cylinder Output Force (실린더 출력 힘의 실험적 추정을 통한 굴삭기 궤적제어)

  • Oh, Kyeong-Won;Kim, Dong-Nam;Kim, Nam-Hoon;Hong, Dae-Hie;Kim, Yun-Ki;Hong, Suk-Hie
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.48-55
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    • 2011
  • Hydraulic excavator is one of the most widely used heavy machines in construction sites including dismantling. In the dismantling sites, the excavators equipped with crusher or breaker carry out dangerous operations, so drivers are always exposed to unexpected danger. For safety operation, remote control of the hydraulic excavator has been studied using proportional control valve, which requires an appropriate motion control of its bucket tip. In this case, kinematics and dynamics analysis have to be preceded through modeling of excavator. However, it is difficult to acquire reasonable results from the analysis due to insufficient information of physical parameters such as mass of each links and locations of mass centers, etc. This study deals with the trajectory control of bucket tip, which is based on experimental estimation of cylinder output force. The estimated forces are fed into the control of each cylinder in order to compensate gravitational and frictional effects in the cylinders. The control was applied to horizontal trajectories that are for flattening work.

The Evaluation of Performance of 2-Axis Polishing Robot Attached to Machining Center (머시닝센터 장착형 2축 연마 로봇의 성능평가)

  • 박준혁
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.411-416
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    • 2000
  • Cutting process has been automated by progress of CNC and CAD/CAM, but polishing process has been depended on only experiential knowledge of expert. To automate the polishing process, a polishing robot with w degrees of freedom which is attached to a machining center with 3 degrees of freedom has been developed. This automatic polishing robot is able to keep the polishing tool normal on the curved surface of die to improve a performance of polishing. Polishing task for a curved surface die demands repetitive operation and high precision, but conventional control algorithm can not cope with the problem of disturbance such as a change of load. In this research, a new sliding mode control algorithm is applied to the robot. The signal compression method is used to identify polishing robot system. to obtain an effect of 5 degrees of freedom motion, a synchronization between the machining center and polishing robot is accomplished by using M code of machining center. And also a trajectory for polishing the curved surface die by 5 degrees of freedom motion, a synchronization between the machining center and polishing robot is accomplished by using M code of machining center. And also a trajectory for polishing the curved surface die by 5 axes machining center is divided into data of two types for 3 axes machining center and 2 axes polishing robot. To evaluate polishing performance of the robot. various experiments are carried out.

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High-Precision Control of Magnetic Levitation System

  • Jeon, Jeong-Woo;Caraiani, Mitica;Lee, Ki-Chang;Hwang, Don-Ha;Lee, Joo-Hoon;Kim, Yong-Joo;Nam, Taek-Kun;Kim, Sung-Shin
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.2575-2580
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we address two position control scheme; the lead-lag control and the sliding mode control for a stage system, which is levitated and driven by electric magnetic actuators. This consists of a levitating object (called platen) with 4 permanent magnetic linear synchronous motors in parallel. Each motor generates vertical force for suspension against gravity and propulsion force horizontally as well. This stage can generate six degrees of freedom motion by the vertical and horizontal forces. Dynamic equations of the stage system are derived simply. The sliding mode control algorithm is more effective than the lead-lag control algorithm to reduce effects from movements and disturbances of other axis.

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A gain scheduling method for the vibration suppression servo controller of articulated robots

  • Lee, Sang-Hun;Yim, Jong-Guk;Hur, Jong-Sung;Park, Jong-Hyeon
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.2725-2730
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    • 2003
  • In this study we present a vibration controller for articulated robots that has flexible joints modeled as a 2-mass system. Most of articulated robots have time varying load inertias for each axis according to its motion. Moreover, the inertias vary drastically; for the base axis of articulated robots it may vary about 10 times of its minimum value. But, for industrial robots and many mechatronic devices, it is desirable to maintain control performance in spite of load inertia variation. So we propose a control gain adjustment rule considering the time-varying nature of load inertia. In this gain-adjusting algorithm, the pole locations are in proportion to the anti-resonance frequency of the 2-mass system. The simulation and experimental results show uniform properties in overshoot in spite of the variation of load.

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Analysis of Discrete-Time Disturbance Observer for Second-Order Systems (2차 시스템에 대한 이산시간 외란 관측기의 분석)

  • 양광진;최영진;정완균
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.425-434
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    • 2003
  • The disturbance observer(DOB) has been widely used in high speed and high precision motion control applications and the characteristics of DOB have been investigated in depth. Though most of DOB's have been implemented as the discrete-time form in digital devices, we are still short of the researches on discrete-time DOB (DDOB) in spite of rich references on continuous-time DOB. In this paper, we discuss about the disturbance rejection property and measurement noise effect of discrete-time DOB. Especially, we will focus on revealing the role of sampling time in designing the discrete-time DOB and show the validity of analysis through simulations and experiments for optical disk drive systems.

Fast and Fine Tracking Control System Using Coarse/Fine Compound Actuation

  • Kwon, Sang-Joo;Chung, Wan-Kyun;Youngil Youm
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.463-463
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    • 2000
  • A dual-stage positioner for fast and fine robotic manipulations is presented. By adopting the merits of both coarse and fine actuator, a desirable system having the capacity of large workspace with high resolution of motion is enabled. We have constructed an ultra precision XY positioner with dual-stage mechanism where the PZT driven fine stage is mounted on the motor driven XY positioner and applied it to fine tracking controls and micro-tele operations as a slave manipulator. We describe essential merits of the compound actuation mechanism and some control strategies to successfully utilize it with proper servo system design. Through experimental results, the effectiveness of the coarse/fine manipulation by the dual-stage positioner will be shown.

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A Study for Automatic Train Speed Regulation Algorithm of ATO (ATO 장치의 자동 열차속도 조절 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • 김중환;강리택
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 1998.11a
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    • pp.210-218
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    • 1998
  • The ATO(Automatic Train Operation) System is used for train operation instead of drivers. It is interfaced with TCMS(Train Control and Monitoring System) and ATC/TWC system in the train and wayside facilities. In this paper describes configuration of ATO, specification of ATO hardware, construction of ATO software and the algorithm fur automatic train speed regulation in the carborn ATO system. ATO Application Software is consist of ART, SPR, REG, SRV and PSM tasks. ART task is main control part of the ATO that determine ATO control, ATO mode, state transition. SPR determine speed reference according to train motion status, track data, train data and restricted train speed. REG task regulated train speed form the starting of one station to the precision stop at the other station under the result of ART and SPR tasks. In this paper, a algorithm for the train speed regulation while running is described.

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