• Title/Summary/Keyword: power system monitoring

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Composition of effective monitoring system using an interpolation (보간법을 이용한 효율적인 모니터링 시스템 구성)

  • Lee, Sang-Hyeok;Kang, Feel-Soon;Jung, Da-Hun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.235-238
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents an efficient data storage and reconstruction method in data acquisition and processing of monitoring system. The proposed method extracts minimum data using an interpolation from raw data which are acquired from a target system. The algorithm for data acquisition and reconstruction is based on Cubic Hermite interpolation. To verify the validity of the proposed scheme, we presents simulation results and it is applied to a monitoring system for grid-connected photovoltaic power generation system to prove the high-performance of the proposed method.

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Automated IoT-based Monitoring and Control System for Radio Broadcasting Network in Tanzania: A Case of Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC)

  • Judith Leo;Hamisi Msimbe;Michael Kisangiri
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.24 no.11
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 2024
  • A conventional system of monitoring and controlling radio towers requires ceaseless and physical attendance of human operators who oversee the operating conditions. Strenuous and daily effort is needed to access the broadcasting towers located on remote and elevated land surfaces. In general, the process is manual-based causing high operating costs and time consumed is high in information management of the equipment. This paper presents an automated IoT-based monitoring and control system to reduce the operation and time costs in radio broadcasting network. The proposed system employs an ultrasonic sensor, MQ2 sensor, DHT22 sensor, and raspberry pi camera attached to raspberry pi 4 board for continuous use of ESP32 to monitor and control forwarding power, reflected power, electrical units, fuel level, temperature, humidity, and smoke and then, send updated information to a blinky mobile application installed in the smart device. Based on the validation process, participants have agreed that at an average rate of 86% the developed proved to work effectively in ten radio broadcasting towers of TBC and can enhance the high- speed retrieval of information and minimizes operating expenses. Therefore, the study recommends implementation of the developed system to all TBC's towers.

Design of Data Center Environmental Monitoring System Based On Lower Hardware Cost

  • Nkenyereye, Lionel;Jang, Jongwook
    • Journal of Multimedia Information System
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 2016
  • Environmental downtime produces a significant cost to organizations and makes them unable to do business because what happens in the data center affects everyone. In addition, the amount of electrical energy consumed by data centers increases with the amount of computing power installed. Installation of physical Information Technology and facilities related to environmental concerns, such as monitoring temperature, humidity, power, flood, smoke, air flow, and room entry, is the most proactive way to reduce the unnecessary costs of expensive hardware replacement or unplanned downtime and decrease energy consumed by servers. In this paper, we present remote system for monitoring datacenter implementing using open-source hardware platforms; Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and the Gobetwino. The sensed data displayed through Arduino are transferred using Gobetwino to the nearest host server such as temperature, humidity and distance every time an object hitting another object or a person coming in entrance. The raspberry Pi records the sensed data at the remote location. The objective of collecting temperature and humidity data allows monitoring of the server's health and getting alerts if things start to go wrong. When the temperature hits $50^{\circ}C$, the supervisor at remote headquarters would get a SMS, and then they would take appropriate actions to reduce electrical costs and preserve functionality of servers in data centers.

Autonomous hardware development for impedance-based structural health monitoring

  • Grisso, Benjamin L.;Inman, Daniel J.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.305-318
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    • 2008
  • The development of a digital signal processor based prototype is described in relation to continuing efforts for realizing a fully self-contained active sensor system utilizing impedance-based structural health monitoring. The impedance method utilizes a piezoelectric material bonded to the structure under observation to act as both an actuator and sensor. By monitoring the electrical impedance of the piezoelectric material, insights into the health of the structured can be inferred. The active sensing system detailed in this paper interrogates a structure utilizing a self-sensing actuator and a low cost impedance method. Here, all the data processing, storage, and analysis is performed at the sensor location. A wireless transmitter is used to communicate the current status of the structure. With this new low cost, field deployable impedance analyzer, reliance on traditional expensive, bulky, and power consuming impedance analyzers is no longer necessary. A complete power analysis of the prototype is performed to determine the validity of power harvesting being utilized for self-containment of the hardware. Experimental validation of the prototype on a representative structure is also performed and compared to traditional methods of damage detection.

Development of Maintenance Effectiveness Monitoring Program based on Design Characteristics for New Nuclear Power Plant (신규원전의 설계특성 기반 정비효과성감시 프로그램 개발)

  • Yeom, Dong-Un;Hyun, Jin-Woo;Song, Tae-Young
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Pressure Vessels and Piping
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2012
  • Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. (KHNP) has developed and implemented the maintenance effectiveness monitoring (MR) programs for the operating nuclear power plants. The MR program is developed by reflecting design characteristics of the operating nuclear power plants to monitor the plant performance for improving the safety and reliability. Recently, KHNP has built a new nuclear power plant, and developed the MR program to establish the advanced maintenance system by reflecting unique design characteristics based on the OPR1000 standard model. So, the MR program developed in this study has another characteristics in comparison with the OPR1000 standard model, and we will verify the suitability of the MR program through evaluating initial performance of the plant. The safety and reliability of the new plant will be improved by developing and implementing the MR program.

System identification of a building structure using wireless MEMS and PZT sensors

  • Kim, Hongjin;Kim, Whajung;Kim, Boung-Yong;Hwang, Jae-Seung
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.191-209
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    • 2008
  • A structural monitoring system based on cheap and wireless monitoring system is investigated in this paper. Due to low-cost and low power consumption, micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) is suitable for wireless monitoring and the use of MEMS and wireless communication can reduce system cost and simplify the installation for structural health monitoring. For system identification using wireless MEMS, a finite element (FE) model updating method through correlation with the initial analytical model of the structure to the measured one is used. The system identification using wireless MEMS is evaluated experimentally using a three storey frame model. Identification results are compared to ones using data measured from traditional accelerometers and results indicate that the system identification using wireless MEMS estimates system parameters with reasonable accuracy. Another smart sensor considered in this paper for structural health monitoring is Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) which is a type of piezoelectric material. PZT patches have been applied for the health monitoring of structures owing to their simultaneous sensing/actuating capability. In this paper, the system identification for building structures by using PZT patches functioning as sensor only is presented. The FE model updating method is applied with the experimental data obtained using PZT patches, and the results are compared to ones obtained using wireless MEMS system. Results indicate that sensing by PZT patches yields reliable system identification results even though limited information is available.

Real time Wireless Remote Monitoring System for Stray Current of Subway System (지하철 누설전류 모니터링용 실시간 무선 원격 감시 시스템)

  • Bae, Jeong-Hyo;Ha, Yoon-Cheol;Ha, Tae-Hyun;Lee, Hyun-Goo;Lee, Jae-Duck;Kim, Dae-Kyeong
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.07d
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    • pp.2729-2731
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    • 2005
  • In present, most of metallic structures(gas pipeline, oil pipeline, water pipeline, etc) are running parallel with subway and power line in seoul. Moreover subway system and power line make a stray current due to electrical corrosion on metallic structures. The owner of metallic structures has a burden of responsibility for the protection of corrosion and the prevention against big accident such as gas explosion or soil pollution and so on. So, they have to measure and analyze the data about P/S(Pipe to Soil) potential due to stray current of subway system. In this paper, results of development about Real-time Wireless Remote Monitoring System for Stray Current of Subway System are presented.

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Smart Monitoring System to Improve Solar Power System Efficiency (태양광 발전시스템 효율향상을 위한 스마트 모니터링 시스템)

  • Yoon, Yongho
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.219-224
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    • 2019
  • The number of solar power installation companies including domestic small scale (50kW or less) is increasing rapidly, but the efficient operation system and management are insufficient. Therefore, a new type of operating system is needed as a maintenance management aspect to maximize the generation amount in the current state rather than the additional function which causes the increase of the generation cost. In this paper, we utilize Big Data and sensor network to maximize the operating efficiency of solar power plant and analyze the expert system to develop power generation prediction technology, module unit fault detection technology, life prediction of inverter components and report technology, maintenance optimization And to develop a smart monitoring system that enables optimal operation of photovoltaic power plants such as development of algorithms and economic analysis.

Development of the Web based Power Quality Monitoring System (웹 기반의 전기품질 감시장치 개발)

  • Nam, Kee-Young;Kim, Ho-Yong
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2002.07a
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    • pp.28-30
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    • 2002
  • The increasing application of electronic equipment has heightened the interest in power quality in recent years because there are economic impacts on utilities, customers, and suppliers of load equipment. The power quality would impose result in severe damage on many industrial customers. As having been supplied many kinds of electronic devices such as computer and communication equipment, automation equipment and various kinds of control devices etc., it comes to be more and more difficult to maintain the clean power quality. According to the restructuring in electricity industry the power quality may be treated as goods as contract terms and regulation elements between power supplier and consumer in the near future. Under the above environment, the power quality should be monitored for all day long with appropriate devices which is possible to measure and record the associated power quality data to prove each responsibility for the impacts when disputes arise due to power quality problems power quality problems are occurred. In this paper the authors propose some functions to be considered and system configuration to monitor the associated power quality elements in developing the web based power quality monitoring system.

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A Presentation in the Nuclear Steam Supply System Integrity Monitoring System (NIMS) for Yonggwang Nuclear Power Plant, Units 3&4 (영광원자력발전소 3,4호기 핵증기 공급계통(NSSS)의 종합건전성 감시계통의 신기술 소개)

  • 장우현;최찬덕;김성호;한상준
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 1992.10a
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 1992
  • 원자력발전소 1차 계통 내의 건전성 감시를 위한 설비로는 음향누설 감시계 통(Acoustic Leak Monitoring System: ALMS), 금속파편 감시계통(Loose Parts Monitoring System: LPMS) 및 원자로내부구조물 진동감시계통 (Internals Vibration Monitoring System: IVMS)등이 있다. 현재, 국내의 여 러 원전에는 이들중 일부 계통들이 선택적으로 설치되어 운전중이며, 영광 3,4호기에서는 국내 최초로 이들 3개의 계통을 종합한 핵증기공급계통 건전 성감시계통(Nuclear Steam Supply System Integrity Monitoring System: NIMS)을 설계하였다. 특히, 영광 3,4호기 NIMS에서는 각 계통에 의해 감지 된 1차 계통 내의 이상상태를 하나의 분석컴퓨터(Analysis Computer)를 사 용하여 해석하는 종합결함 탐지해석 기법을 도입하였다.

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