• Title/Summary/Keyword: post-deposition annealing

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Effects of Oxygen Partial Pressure and Post-Annealing Temperature on Structure of ZnO Thin Film Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD를 이용한 ZnO 박막의 구조에 산소 분압 및 후열처리 온도가 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Dae-Hyung;Kim, Ji-Hong;Koo, Sang-Mo;Moon, Byung-Moo
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.88-89
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    • 2007
  • ZnO thin films were deposited on $Al_2O_3$ (alumina) substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) using Nd:YAG laser with a wavelength of 355nm, at room temperature and oxygen partial pressure of 1, 10, 30, 50, 100, and 200m Torr. Furthermore, deposited ZnO thin films were post-annealed at 400, 550, $600^{\circ}C$. The effects of oxygen partial pressure and post-annealing temperature on structural properties of the deposited films have been investigated by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), and atomic force microscope (AFM), respectively. It has been found that ZnO thin films exhibit c-axis orientation, exhibiting an increased foil width at half maximum (FWHM) value of (002) diffraction peak at 30m Torr oxygen partial pressure and higher post-annealing temperature ($700^{\circ}C$).

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Deposition Pressure Dependent Electric Properties of (Hf,Zr)O2 Thin Films Made by RF Sputtering Deposition Method

  • Moon, S.E.;Kim, J.H.;Im, J.P.;Lee, J.;Im, S.Y.;Hong, S.H.;Kang, S.Y.;Yoon, S.M.
    • Journal of the Korean Physical Society
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    • v.73 no.11
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    • pp.1712-1715
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    • 2018
  • To study the applications for ferroelectric non-volatile memory and ferroelectric memristor, etc., deposition pressure dependent electric the properties of $(Hf,\;Zr)O_2$ thin films by RF sputtering deposition method were investigated. The bottom electrode was TiN thin film to produce stress effect on the formation of orthorhombic phase and top electrode was Pt thin film by DC sputtering deposition. Deposition pressure was varied along with the same other deposition conditions, for example, sputtering power, target to substrate distance, post-annealing temperature, annealing gas, annealing time, etc. The structural and electric properties of the above thin films were investigated. As a result, it is confirmed that the electric properties of the $(Hf,\;Zr)O_2$ thin films depend on the deposition pressure which affects structural properties of the thin films, such as, structural phase, ratio of the constituents, etc.

Effect of post annealing on the structural and electrical properties of $Ba_{0.5}Sr_{0.5}TiO_3$ films deposited on 4H-SiC (4H-SiC에 증착된 BST 박막의 열처리 효과에 따른 구조적, 전기적 특성)

  • Lee, Jae-Sang;Jo, Yeong-Deuk;Bahng, Wook;Kim, Sang-Cheol;Kim, Nam-Kyun;Koo, Sang-Mo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.196-196
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    • 2008
  • We have investigated that the effect of post annealing on the structural and electrical properties of $Ba_{0.5}Sr_{0.5}TiO_3$ thin films. The BST thin films were deposited on n-type 4H-silicon carbide(SiC) using pulsed laser deposition (PLD). The deposition was carried out in oxygen ambient 100mTorr for 5 minutes, which results in about 300nm-thick BST films. For the BST/4H-SiC, 200nm thick silver was deposited on the BST films bye-beam evaporation. The X-ray diffraction patterns of the BST films revealed that the crystalline structure of BST thin films has been improved after post-annealing at $850^{\circ}C$ for 1 hour. The root mean square (RMS) surface roughness of the BST film measured by using a AFM was increased after post-annealing from 5.69nm to 11.49nm. The electrical properties of BST thin film were investigated by measuring the capacitance-voltage characteristics of a silver/BST/4H-SiC structure. After the post-annealing, dielectric constant of the film was increased from 159.67 to 355.33, which can be ascribed to the enhancement of the crystallinity of BST thin films.

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Deposition Technology of Copper Thin Films for Multi-level Metallizations (다층배선을 위한 구리박막 형성기술)

  • 조남인;정경화
    • Proceedings of the International Microelectronics And Packaging Society Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.180-182
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    • 2002
  • Copper thin films are prepared by a chemical vapor deposition technology for multi-level metallzations in ULSI fabrication. The copper films were deposited on TiN/Si substrates in helium atmosphere with the substrate temperature between $120^{\circ}C$ and $300^{\circ}C$. In order to get more reliable metallizations, effects on the post-annealing treatment to the electrical properties of the copper films have been investigated. The Cu films were annealed at the $5\times$10^{-6}$ Torr vacuum condition, and the electrical resistivity and the nano-structures were measured for the Cu films. The electrical resistivity of Cu films shown to be reduced by the post-annealing. The electrical resistivity of 2.2 $\mu$$\Omega$.cm was obtained for the sample deposited at the substrate temperature of $180^{\circ}C$ after vacuum annealed at $300^{\circ}C$. The resistivity variations of the films was not exactly matched with the size of the nato-structures of the copper grains, but more depended on the deposition temperature of the copper films.

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Effects of Post-deposition Annealing on the Copper Films Electrodeposited on the ECR Plasma Cleaned Copper Seed Layer (ECR plasma로 전처리된 Cu seed층 위에 전해도금 된 Cu 막에 대한 Annealing의 효과)

  • Lee, Han-seung;Kwon, Duk-ryel;Park, Hyun-ah;Lee, Chong-mu
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.174-179
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    • 2003
  • Thin copper films were grown by electrodeposition on copper seed layers which were grown by sputtering of an ultra-pure copper target on tantalum nitride-coated silicon wafers and subsequently, cleaned in ECR plasma. The copper films were then subjected to ⅰ) vacuum annealing, ⅱ) rapid thermal annealing (RTA) and ⅲ) rapid thermal nitriding (RTN) at various temperatures over different periods of time. XRD, SEM, AFM and resistivity measurements were done to ascertain the optimum heat treatment condition for obtaining film with minimum resistivity, predominantly (111)-oriented and smoother surface morphology. The as-deposited film has a resistivity of ∼6.3 $\mu$$\Omega$-cm and a relatively small intensity ratio of (111) and (200) peaks. With heat treatment, the resistivity decreases and the (111) peak becomes dominant, along with improved smoothness of the copper film. The optimum condition (with a resistivity of 1.98 $\mu$$\Omega$-cm) is suggested as the rapid thermal nitriding at 400oC for 120 sec.

Characteristics of Vanadium Oxide Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition for Hole Carrier Selective Contacts Si Solar Cells (실리콘 전하선택접합 태양전지 적용을 위한 원자층 증착법으로 증착된 VOx 박막의 특성)

  • Park, Jihye;Chang, Hyo Sik
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.30 no.12
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    • pp.660-665
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    • 2020
  • Silicon heterojunction solar cells can achieve high conversion efficiency with a simple structure. In this study, we investigate the passivation characteristics of VOx thin films as a hole-selective contact layer using ALD (atomic layer deposition). Passivation characteristics improve with iVoc (implied open-circuit voltage) of 662 mV and minority carrier lifetime of 73.9 µs after post-deposition annealing (PDA) at 100 ℃. The improved values are mainly attributed to a decrease in carbon during the VOx thin film process after PDA. However, once it is annealed at temperatures above 250 ℃ the properties are rapidly degraded. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is used to analyze the chemical states of the VOx thin film. As the annealing temperature increases, it shows more formation of SiOx at the interface increases. The ratio of V5+ to V4+, which is the oxidation states of vanadium oxide thin films, are 6:4 for both as-deposition and annealing at 100 ℃, and 5:5 for annealing at 300 ℃. The lower the carbon content of the ALD VOx film and the higher the V5+ ratio, the better the passivation characteristics.

Hydrogen Post-annealing Effect of (Pb0.72,La0.28)Ti0.93O3 Films Fabricated by Pulsed Laser Deposition (펄스레이저 증착법으로 제작된(Pb0.72,La0.28)Ti0.93O3박막의 수소후열처리에 관한 전기적 특성 연구)

  • 한경보;전창훈;전희석;이상렬
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.190-194
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    • 2003
  • Dielectric thin films of (P $b_{0.72}$,L $a_{0.28}$) $Ti_{0.93}$ $O_3$ (PLT(28)) have been deposited on Pt(111)/Ti/ $SiO_2$/Si(100) substrates in-situ by pulsed laser deposition using different annealing and deposition Processes. We have investigated the effect of hydrogen annealing on the ferroelectric properties of PLT thin films and found that the annealing process causes the diffusion of hydrogen into the ferroelectric film resulting in the destruction of polarization. We have tried to form the film by a two-step deposition process In order to improve electrical property. Two-step process to grow PLT films was adopted and verified to be useful to enlarge the grain size of the film and to reduce the leakage current characteristics. Structural properties and electrical properties including dielectric constant, ferroelectric characteristics, and leakage current of PLT thin films were shown to be strongly influenced by grain size. The film deposited by using two-step Process including pre-annealing treatment has a strongly(111) orientation. However, the films deposited by using single -step process with hydrogen annealing process show the smallest grain size. The film deposited by using two-step process including pre-annealing treatment shows the leakage current density of below 10$^{-7}$ A/c $m^2$ for the field of smaller than 100 kV/cm. However, the films deposited by using single-step process with hydrogen annealing process and pre-annealing process show worse leakage current density than the film deposited by using two-step process including pre-annealing treatment.tment.

Stabilizing Properties of SiOF Film with Low Dielectric Constant by $N_2O$ Plasma Annealing ($N_2O$ 플라즈마 열처리에 의한 저유전율 SiOF 박막의 물성 안정화)

  • Kim, Yoon-Hae;Lee, Seok-Kiu;Kim, Sun-Oo;Kim, Hyeong-Joon
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.317-322
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    • 1998
  • The stabilization of low dielectric constant SiOF films prepared by conventional PECVD using TEOS and $C_2F_6$ was evaluated by the $N_2O$-plasma post-deposition annealing. Properties of SiOF film became unstable when it was air-exposed or heat-treated. Water absorption of SiOF films was increased as F content was increased due to the for¬mation of F -Si- F bonds. Also F content of SiOF films decreased after heat treatment. $N_2O$-plasma post-deposition annealing was proved to be effective on stabilizing SiOF films. which was mainly due to the formation of thin SiON layer near the top surface of films. However. the value of dielectric constant was greatly increased again when $N_2O$-plasma post-deposition annealing was done for a long time. To stabilize the SiOF films without an increase of dielec¬tric constant by $N_2O$- plasma post-deposition annealing. the annealing time should be kept the minimum value. to which stabilizing effects against air environment and heat treatment were preserved.

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Thermal Annealing Effects on the Structural and Optical Properties of Sputtered TiO$_2$ Films (스퍼터링 TiO$_2$막의 구조 및 광학적 성질에 미치는 열처리 효과)

  • 박성진;이수일;오수기
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 1997
  • The effects of the post-deposition annealing on the structural optical properties of sputtered $TiO_2$ thin films were studied; annealing was carried out in air up to $1000^{\circ}C$ for different duration. The results of the X-ray diffraction and the raman spectroscopy showed the annealing-condition dependent structural transformation of $TiO_2$ films from the as-deposited amorphous phase to the anatase and rutil phases. The spectroscopic elliposometry was used to investigate the deposition-condition dependence of the as-deposted films optical constants and also the evolution of the optical constants correlated with the annealing-induced structural transformation.

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Fabrication and Post-Annealing Effects of Ferroelectric $Sr_xBi_yTa_2O_{9+\alpha}$(SBT) Thin Films by MOD Process (MOD법에 의한 강유전성 $Sr_xBi_yTa_2O_{9+\alpha}$(SBT) 박막의 제조 및 후열처리 효과에 관한 연구)

  • 정병직;신동석;윤희성;김병호
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.229-236
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    • 1998
  • Ferroelectric $Sr_xBi_yTa_2O_{9+\alpha}$/(0.7$\leqSr\leq1.0,\; 2.0\leqBi\leq2.6)$ solutions were prepared by MOD (Metalorganic Deposition) process. These solutions were made into thin films with thickness ranging from 1500~2000${\AA}$ by spin coating. The phase transformation of the SBT thin films by variation of annealing temperature and annealing time were observed using high temperature XRD and SEM. The crystallization and grain growth of SBT thin film were accomplished at $800^{\circ}C$ for 30 minutes after deposition of Pt top electrode by sputtering to prevent electrical breakdown. Ferroelectric properties of the SBT thin films were measured in the range of $\pm$3V\; and\; \pm5V$. The specimen with composition ratio of Sr/Bi/Ta (0.8/2.4/2.0) has the excellent ferroelectric properties ; $2P_r = 10.5,\; 13.2\muC/cm^2 \;at\; \pm3V\; and\; \pm5V$ respectively. Observing the post annealed Pt/SBT/Pt interface by SEM, it was found that Pt electrode sputtered on to the SBT thin film penetrated into the hollow on the SBT thin film, thus decreasing the effective insulation thickness. The effective insulation thickness recovered by post annealing, and this was confirmed by leakage current density measurement.

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